Personal Message

Hyosung }

Hyosung is the name you want to remember.

Call me Hyo.

Single; Ready to mingle~


I always have lots of things to say. 

Nice, Friendly with the crew. Also a girl who never stops eating.

Do you want to win my heart? Bring me food, and you are absolutely in mine.

You can talk to me anytime, anyday. I really love meeting new people.

Many people thinks I'm conceited, and daddy's girl.

Only basing in looks, well I am none. 

Just a little.

I really dislike when people judges based on how someone dresses or gestures.




Second Floor, Room 208
Pass by and say hi OuO 
When you see the open sign means i am there~ 

Core Classes: Government, Trigonometry, Korean and Biology

Electives: Agility, Cooking and Japanese

I do not use the powers agains't people who is indefensive. 

"Give your life instead of giving up."




~=~ May take the body of another, by stealing their motor functions and senses. Users may or may not have to leave their own body for this to take place. Many consider this as a devil thing to do. Well i just tell them is a good way to get what you want. 




He is so gahlgkjagkwl 

Memory Manipulation

~=~ One can control as well as modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view mental memories. The user can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision replaying the memory. The user may effect their own memories selectively forgetting as they see fit.


A Girl's World


Hyosung was born premature, her mother left her in the middle of a road near a few mansions of rich people. She was adopted by the house owners and was treated as their own. Even though every thing changed while she was growing up; the family was scared of all the supernatural events that were ocurring. That they told her to leave their home when she turned 18. She decided to move in the academy, in order to expand her knowledge and know people like her.



Hyosung has sometimes a bad mood, and argues for fun. Also she might look kinda innocent sometimes, but this girl when it comes to being dirty she is one of the pros.  This part of her comes out when she is flirting or when she knows people well to talk about the subject.

*will add more*


"Tell me anything I want to hear"

"You are my poison"



The Wall of Memories.

About Me

pandora academy roleplay || roleplaying as Hyosung