About Me

Despite my sometimes incoherent and blunt way of speaking, I'm really a cool person! I cannot, though, tolerate constant bombardment of text language and the like on my screen, so when talking directly to me, please try to limit that. See? What did I tell ya; blunt XD

I like anime and manga, manga especially because It loads faster and gives more detail... manhua is good too, for all you obsessively 'Korean' fans out there that may or may not stumble across my page.


I'm not big on K-pop, a horror, I know, blah blah blah. That being said, I can gladly RP from anime to books and even just typical sandbox-type. Please do note that I'm a busy person with a grumpy family and only one computer, so I'm not on daily. At best every-other day, but that's pushing it.