Personal Message






hello! i'm lauren from 5h, the head admin of dimensional rp, so just tell me or one of the admins if there is something wrong or what kind of problem you have and we'll help you! so i'm a bit, awkward ( especially on my biases, female or male, soloist or in a band, kpop or international. or a youtuber or a actress actor whatevs. ) kinda creepy also since i stalk everyone 24/7, i will love you dearly if you give my gerard way to me. i can get really awward or really creepy or in between, kinda bipolar and does lame drama ( yup ). but, i hope we'll be best of friends!!

{out of character} hello! i kinda at english so please, tell me me if i write this wrong and blahblahblah. english is not my first language so yeah.

i'm kinda awkward, really ( in real life ) so yeah-

i'm lame when in comes of jokes and so please don't let me tell you a joke.

so for now, dimensional rp is looking for 3 admins and please tell me if you want to be a admin!!

p.s pls give me my gerard way and i'll love you to bits ( even he has a wife and a daughter in real life sobs )