Co-Authored (2 fanfics)

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walking-paradox™ graphic shop [closed/completing requests]

By -hypnotized Updated
Tags  fxband   graphics   request   victoria   fxvictoria   shop   postershop   graphicshop   portfolio   songqian 
Characters Krystal Jung & walking-paradox™ staff
With 20 chapters, 44 votes, 110 subscribers, 7650 views, 194 comments, 2739 words

Pages of Love

By Stargawn Updated
Tags  comedy   romance   exo   exom   luhan   xiluhan 
Characters Im Yoonjin(OC), Xi Luhan, EXO-M, EXO
With 970 words
Status Friends Only

     Im Yoonjin has never believed in true love. She has always thought that all those fairy-tale and children's stories about a love ending "happily ever after" are complete crap. These beliefs got stronger especially after she found the one guy that she thought could make her feel like a princess, like all of those fairy-tale stories, only to end up like the maid that was always the