Let Out The Beast

Big Bad Wolf

Baekhyun knew, Yixing had told him what had transpired during the night, while he was blissfully asleep, dreaming of something far better than the reality he was now living. He wished he could really feel angry at Kris for being like this, and a part of himself was; a part of him was feeling deceived and played, why couldn’t he be, at some point in his life, someone’s priority? His mother had loved him unconditionally; no matter if she hadn’t been able to feed herself at the best of the nights, Baekhyun had always had food on his plate and endless amounts of love but then she died and left him alone. His father tried but Baekhyun felt that it was almost as an obligation rather than love; sending him to private boarding schools, paying nannies to watch over him during the vacations, sending him to college to a place even further than before. It was tiring and Baekhyun resented the man for a while for not giving him what he really wanted: acceptance. Then again, he never knew exactly how crazy Jia had been.

Kris had been a blessing in his life, protecting, caring, and abdicating a lot for him until he returned to the arms of his one true love. Baekhyun wasn’t stupid, far from it; he knew that there had been something more to Kris’ reasoning when the older begged him to accept Sehun’s propositions and he wondered if Sehun had seen the same with Luhan.

Now…now Kris had let go of him; had choose to grasp Luhan’s delicate hand and stand beside him; he had let go of Baekhyun’s hand and that had hurt, more than he could care to admit. If had least Kris hadn’t let gone his hand completely but he did. Part of him wanted to understand, to accept that Kris could have this choice since he had lost so much because of Baekhyun but he had already lost Sehun, he wasn’t ready to lose Kris too.

Sehun had been the biggest of Baekhyun’s regrets, and yet, not at all. He regretted meeting the man, allowing him to stole his heart and consume him to his core. He was irrevocably in love with Sehun, or at least he thought that it could be called love, since he had never experienced something like this before, and the time that they had spent apart only served to make him believe more and more that he could have a name to the feeling. However, no regret could compare to the humming of his body whenever Sehun was close, his heart sang and his blood ran faster, his brain would stop time momentarily and his vision would cloud and then burst into vivid colors. Sehun could never be a mistake, no matter what it cost him, not even if that meant losing his heart, his mind or his life. Sehun was his saving in the midst of all this chaos, just the mere thought of him was enough. What he truly regretted had been to open hand of him; to allow him to hate him, to deceive him and make him hate Baekhyun, if was perfectly honest, and the worst part, he couldn’t blame anyone for this fact, only himself; sure, he could have pin it all on Jongdae, who had made the stupid plan, but he was the one to execute him, so he was deservingly guilty and punished for that.

The only blessing was his beloved trio: Yixing, Chanyeol and Jongdae who, despite everything, had stick to him and held him up when all he wanted was to lay on the ground and wait for the end of it. Strong, they called him; pathetic, he had wanted to rebut.

He was sitting on the bed, carefully wrapped up in blankets, protected from the cold weather outside that made him shiver violently; Baekhyun was not a person for the cold weather. The bed had long lost the warmth that Chanyeol’s body had provided during the night. The bed had been enough to allow two people to sleep in it, Baekhyun and Chanyeol; the first because he was still kind of recovering and the second because he didn’t really fit the length of the “L” shaped couch that had been left for Yixing and Jongdae to share. However, even if the loss of that precious warmth had been embed on the sheets, he was still reluctant to leave. Leaving meant facing the reality, meaning that most likely he would have to face Sehun and let’s face it, he was scared beyond reason.

Baekhyun was not a person that had many regrets, partially because regrets wouldn’t change a thing, partially because he had been pretty content with his life so far, after all he wasn’t dead yet but his fallout with Sehun…his fallout with Sehun had been the worst mistake of his life so far and, by far, the biggest regret he had.

First of all, he couldn’t believe that he actually had agreed with doing something of the kinds but Jongdae had been the first person to manifest some kind of interest in him other than ual attraction and Baekhyun clung to him like a puppy to an owner; he craved the attention and friendship, Jongdae gave him that, plain and simple. They contacted each other through email often, even when Baekhyun had been away for college. Jongdae had mentioned the idea once or twice and they both entertained themselves developing it, little did they knew that Baekhyun would end up living under the same roof as Sehun. Jongdae had then convinced him to put their plan into motion, which he agreed to but, low and behold, Sehun had been far more different than he had imagines; sure the man had a proclivity to bash someone’s head before making questions, he had for certain a negative emotional quotient, since social relations were not his thing and he also at showing emotions in general but, in his own way, Sehun cared, he was fiercely protective about the people he cared about, he could be incredibly soft and gentle, his caress like a feather, and his penetrating eyes had no qualms in invading Baekhyun soul, pouring everything he kept inside, out.

People talked much on how Sehun was powerless against Baekhyun but, in good reality, who had the power out of the two? Sehun could deal with his presence, even if it meant beating the crap out of him, which he really tried, but he didn’t cower in Baekhyun’s presence, the shorter male however, did not, he repeated, he did not have the courage to face the auburn haired man, which had been the reason why he hadn’t hopped out of bed so far, not even when Chanyeol asked him to, with promise of breakfast and a walk in the gardens, but not even his hungry state made him get out. He didn’t want to face Sehun again.

If everyone told Baekhyun that he did, in fact, faced Sehun the previous night, he would laugh in their face, mainly because when he did so, his legs had trembled so much, he hadn’t dared to breathe and certainly had felt very dizzy.

His self-deprecating internal monologue, which was only a repeat on how he would never dare to face Sehun, fearing that the other would come at him, or worse look at him in distaste and hatred, and that he would not leave this bed, was cut in half when Jongin, out of all people, barged into his room, clothes rumpled and messy hair, blood-shot eyes, smelling like cologne and perfume, sweat and smoke and alcohol, a distillery really, and looked at him before closing the door.

“You’re here!” he slurred whispered, before yelling “Byun, ing, Baekhyun is here people, come gather and see him.”

“Jongin?” asked Baekhyun slowly, eyebrows lifting at the other’s tone of voice.

“Don’t talk to me, you ungrateful little bastard. Who in hell do you think you are to even dare to speak to me after all you’ve done!” continued to shout the man as he approached Baekhyun, who stared at him in shock at the violent display from the normally gentle man. “I loved you, you know that? I loved you and protected you and gave you all my support and you abandoned me with all these sharks, leaving with people that were my friends. How could you?”

“I didn’t take anyone from you Jongin, they chose to came; it was their decision.”

“Don’t talk to me!” growled Jongin leaping to grab Baekhyun, who, thank god for his good reflexes, moved back, tangling himself with the sheets.

Jongin, however, didn’t seem to be relenting, advancing again to the petit male, a promise of violence shinning in his eyes, scaring the crap of Baekhyun, who screamed when Jongin leapt into the bed. A fist caught him by surprise on the apple of his cheek making him yelp, and fall from the bed on his back.

Despite the difficulty he had running, that exactly what Baekhyun did, Jongin stumbling drunkenly behind him. He opened the door, stumbling behind when Jongin’s fingers enclosed themselves on his hair, gripping tightly enough to pluck some hairs but not enough to actually make him stop.

Baekhyun was terrified, surely it was nothing like what he had been through at Jia’s hands but coming from a supposedly friend, made the pain he was feeling increase tenfold. His mind was already blanking enough so that his body was on command instead of his brain. All saw was that white room again and the memories it brought; the pain.

He only stopped when he collided with something, or rather someone, feeling an arm circle his waist, giving him the much needed balance. Though, it had been a gentle gesture, Baekhyun could not see it that way, trying to free himself from the grasp, mumbling an incessant string of “let me go”, tone of voice increasing by the second.

“Grab Jongin!” barked a voice, sounding very far away “Goddammit Jongin, control yourself!”

“This has to stop, whenever we let him out: he drinks himself silly and then he starts fights with everyone; he is losing control and harming people for god’s sake!”

Baekhyun thought that voice might have been Tao’s; at least it sounded like the low, deep and smooth voice of the Chinese descendant male.

“Baekhyun? Are you okay?”

The pair of arms that were encasing him squeezed his body gently and a hand came down to lower his own hands from where they were, placed protectively in front of his face. His eyes snapped open, he hadn’t even realized he had them closed, and he found himself staring into Minseok’s warm gaze. Minseok was safe, so he allow his body to relax, sinking in the embrace of the slightly older man, who whispered soothing words into his hear, distracting him from the commotion around him.

“Baekhyun?” the older enquired “Are you with me?”

“I am” he replied, voice a little shaky, breath returning to a steady pace, body fully relaxing, minus the spasm every once in a while. He felt his head being tilted upwards and Minseok was inspecting his face.

“Your cheek is a little bit bruised, there are also some welts, do they hurt?”

“Now it doesn’t…” he replied voice shaking a bit and hoarse.

“It will later on, I am sure. We’ll ice it.”

“Don’t baby me Minseok.” he stated, with a slight humorless smile, while he let his head rest against Minseok’s shoulder; maybe this way he wouldn’t see the circus around him, nor Jongin for that matter; the sudden spurt on violence by the younger man had terrified him. “I had a minor panic attack but I am fine.”

“Not some minutes ago you weren’t!” commented Minseok lightly, patting Baekhyn’s uninjured cheek.

“Very true but I’m in control again.”

“Are you sure?” asked Minseok softly, concerned eyes touching Baekhyun; Minseok, despite not being a talker, was a sweetheart, always concerned with the other’s wellbeing, taking care of other, regardless the fact that he, himself, was sick.

“I am sure. I just…I just want to go to our room. I am feeling as ashamed as it is for losing control over something so small like this.”

“Something small? You mean Jongin turning homicidal? That is not small!”

“It is…there are worse situations. Just help me get to my room, I feel eyes all over me and I am not feeling comfortable.”

“Wait until Yixing know about this. Better, Jongdae or Chanyeol; they will flip up.” joked Minseok.

“Don’t even… just help me up and to the room.”

Minseok helped him up, supporting his weight with an arm around his waist and leading him away from that place, shielding, at the same time, the small nurse from the eyes of the people behind them.

Baekhyun mentally thanked to Minseok; despite everything that has transpired, his so called betrayal, the raven haired man was still the same that he always had been, specially towards Baekhyun; it was as if he had never left, never had made that mistake, or maybe it was just because Minseok was a very good and very forgiving person.

Nevertheless, he thanked whoever made that happen; there was small comfort in knowing that not everyone hated him.











Sehun watched Baekhyun be led away by Minseok, his small blonde nurse tucked neatly underneath Minseok’s muscular arms.

He had only watched part of what happened but it was more than enough to understand that, once again, Jongin had been hitting the bottle like a thirsty man and that was problematic considering that he had a tendency to turn a violent person when drunk. He had hurt Kyungsoo once, swung a punch at Tao and even thrown Choa to the floor; the poor maid had suffered from a fractured wrist after that even and almost had quit if not for Sehun’s persuasion skills.

This time the anger had been directed at Baekhyun, who had freaked out. Sehun was anything but stupid; he understood right away why Baekhyun had reacted that way even though he turned a blind eye at it, letting Minseok comfort Baekhyun. He had wanted to go to the younger man but that would be admitting defeat and he wouldn’t be the one turning the other cheek, not this time. Not before they even settle things between them which, at some point, it had to happen.

He turned to Tao, who held a struggling Jongin, who seemed more and more on the verge of passing out, from being so plastered.

“Take him to his room and make sure he gets into bed and sleep the alcohol off.”

“I am just going to go get him a water bottle.”

“No. No water; let him face the mother of all hangovers tomorrow. That shall be enough punishment for his stupidity.”

“I thought you said you were going to let him drink tonight.”

“I allow him to drink, not turn himself into a pickle with the amount of alcohol he ingested.”

“Fair enough…”conceded Tao with a smirk before dragging Jongin with him, not caring about being particularly careful or caring, letting Jongin bump into all the furniture along the way, none to gently, and cackling about it.

Sehun turned again to the way which Baekhyun had left moments ago, a contemplative expression showing on his face. He knew Baekhyun was avoiding him, that much was obvious; the only interaction between them had been the talk after they arrived, the one in which Sehun tried to strangulate Baekhyun, but they needed to talk, they needed to clear things up between them and work as a team against Jia who, at the moment, was the biggest of their enemy, not anyone else.

Without him being aware, he took a step into Baekhyun’s room direction but he did; then another one and one more. Soon, he was walking towards Baekhyun, his brain making an involuntary decision for him. Now was as good as any other time. He was going to talk with Baekhyun and they were going to put all the dots on the ‘I’.











“So…” began Minseok as soon as he helped Baekhyun slide inside the bedsheets again. He had been reluctant at first but the older man had sent him a lot that left no place for arguments. “How are you feeling about this situation?”

“What situation?” asked Baekhyun distractedly, allowing Minseok to fuss over him for a while, not understanding what Minseok was referring to, not that he was paying attention.

“Jongin…How are you feeling about Jongin’s actions?”

“I would like to say that I am okay, but truthfully, I am dead scared that he is going to burst inside this room and come after me again. I didn’t expect him to react the way I wanted him too, which would be with open arms, but let’s be realistic, that wouldn’t happen ever, but I certainly wasn’t expecting him to jump at me; better yet, I don’t know what to expect at this point, next thing I know, Junmyeon is going to murder me in my sleep, but again, that would solve a lot of things wouldn’t it?”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself about that and don’t take it up personally. You know that Jongin had a little crush on you and he was a little angry when you left, felt betrayed because you left while he was away and never contact him to explain or even apologize. Also, he is very young and he was hurt, which led him to drink and, consequently, to act aggressive. He’ll feel sorry when he wakes up, just wait for him when he sobers up to approach you and then clear things up okay? Jongin is not a bad kid, he is just feeling a little lost, a little confused about his feelings and making a huge drama out of it, also, it doesn’t help that he began hitting the bottle really hard, drinking like a madman; it really alters his behavior, this is not the first time something like this has happened.”

“I just don’t get you; why are you being so nice, why aren’t you angry with me?”

“Come on Baekhyun.” replied Minseok with an easy smile painted at the corners of his lips. “You should know me better than that. I know I don’t talk too much and that sometimes it is quite hard to guess what is on my mind but, I understand why you left. You made a mistake, that is quite clear, but you know that you did it and you assume it. And I understand the fact that you needed to run and just not see him for a while, to clear you head, ponder over your actions and try to find an answer to all this mess that has been created. And you came back when the situation demanded and, I’ve got to say, you have got the nerves of steel to be able to return like you did and face him. I would’ve done the same in your situation and probably not ever see him again so…Look Baekhyun, I am a bodyguard and I have done a lot of things that I am not proud of, I am the last person that should throw the first rock at you; I am in no position to judge you, so we will leave it at that. You’re a tiny little trooper and it’s quite good to see you back in here; where you’re around, this house seems to have a little extra spark.”

The corner of Baekhyun’s mouth lifted up in a half smile, showing his gratitude to Minseok for his kind and reassuring words. Minseok was someone he always associated with safety and this attitude of his only seemed to reassure Baekhyun about his thoughts on Minseok: a strong, compassionate and sweet person.

Minseok patted his back before grabbing a cold water bottle from the mini fridge in the room and pressing it gently against Baekhyun’s face.

“You just need to talk to them and just sort things out. Only then you’ll be able to simply let that burden you have been carrying on your shoulders drop to the ground and lighten yourself. You have been carrying too many burdens for far too long; let go of some or else you won’t be able to cope. You’re not Atlas, Baekhyun. You don’t have to be strong all the time and solve everyone’s problems, okay?” stated the older male, as a conclusion for their conversation.

The black haired male fluffed the pillow that Baekhyun was leaning against, using the opportunity to ruffle the other’s blond hair and pinch him on the chin on a jokingly matter, making Baekhyun eyes crinkle in amusement and allowing the man to let a tiny laugh out loud.

“There’s the smile and the laugh I wanted to see!” praised the bodyguard. “Chin up Byun, everything is going to be okay!”

The light atmosphere that Minseok had achieved with his positive thinking and actions was suddenly drained out the room when a serious looking Sehun appeared into the room, not bothering to knock on the door, choosing simply to let himself in and effectively interrupting the other two.

“May I have a word with you?” he asked looking directly into Baekhyun’s eyes, who shivered when that powerful gaze fell upon him.

“Sehun, maybe it’s best if you’ll talk with him tomorrow. Jongin was on his merry way to hurt him and it would be…”

“It wasn’t a request Minseok, it was an explicit demand phrased like a polite interrogation.” drawled Sehun, eyes shifting to look at Minseok who shook his head at the other’s attitude.

Minseok patted Baekhyun’s cheek affectionately, not bothering to acknowledge Baekhyun’s pleading expression and marched to the door but not before pausing next to Sehun to murmur:

“He knows he did wrong; don’t go into this with blazing guns, listen to him too!”

And just like that, he was out of the room, leaving a deceivingly calm Sehun standing in front of a very much panicking and anxious Baekhyun.

When the tall man said nothing, Baekhyun’s panic grew inside of him, bubbling through his stomach and exiting from his mouth on the form of an incoherent stutter.

“So…I mean…you…I…we should…well, you…should…talk, maybe?”

“We should.” replied Sehun, dragging his words languidly, before his lips, action that made Baekhyun’s eyes focus on that spot of his face, as Sehun noticed. “We should talk about why you decided to run away from us, throwing all plans that we’ve made into the ground and the fact that you, along with Jongdae, thought it would be fun to mess with my feelings just because Jongdae had a vendetta due to the fact that I threw his boyfriend on the streets.”

“I…” began Baekhyun, abruptly shutting up when Sehun looked at him, unable to proceed with his process of thinking when he could detect that spark of anger in Sehun’s eyes.

“You what? What can you possibly say that is going to remotely make you redeem yourself for toying with my feelings like I am some kind of game you can play with? Despite whatever you or Jongdae might think, I do have feelings! Also, Jongdae should thank me for riding him of that man; he was cheating on Jongdae!”

“I didn’t know that…”

“You didn’t bother to act. You make me seem like I am some kind of monster but you’re the one’s deceiving people.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Sorry?” asked Sehun with a dark chuckle “Is that what you have got to say for yourself?”

“Yes.” replied Baekhyun simply, head hanging low, effectively surprising Sehun “I wish I could say to you that I had a valid reason for doing what I did. However, I don’t, I really don’t. I just let myself be swayed by the ideas of someone else because I wanted to please him. And I’m truly sorry for not thinking about you or taking your feelings into consideration when I agreed with it. I had a notion of you that did not matched the reality and I discovered that too late and I regret that I made you distrust me, for lying to you and trick you like this, and more so after I realized that you’re a far better person that I envisioned and whom I like. I’m sorry!”

“The why did you left? Why did you run away with them, leaving me here without an apology or a better explanation than the words you have written on a piece of paper?”

“Because I have feelings too Sehun, and at the moment the panic and shame overpowered anything else and I had to run away. How could I ever look properly into your eyes knowing what I’ve done to you?”

“So you chose to be a coward?”

“Yes! It’s better to run away and be a coward than staying here and be reminded every day that someone you love hated you and you’re the only one to blame.” blurted Baekhyun, eyes widening a little bit after he measured the words he had just said.

“What did you just said?” asked Sehun, trying very hard not to show his shock at hearing those words.


Baekhyun didn’t have time enough to continue his phrase because the next thing he knew, Sehun was right by his side, facing him, with a serious expression, eyes searching for something that Baekhyun wasn’t too keen on showing. He never meant to reveal Sehun that he actually loved the man; not when Sehun was mad at him and ready to cast the wrath of the gods on him, much like he had done previously.

“Don’t lie! What did you say?” growled Sehun, facing menacingly close to the blonde’s one.

“You heard what I’ve said.” replied Baekhyun softly, afraid to speak any louder than he did, eyes darting down, staring at his own hands, which were fiddling with each other on top of the covers, avoiding Sehun’s gaze at all costs.

He also was not expecting the hands that grabbed his face and pulled his face in, nor the pair of lips that aggressively slid upon his own unsuspecting ones, with a hunger that scared him as much at it excited him.

It was pure bliss to feel those smooth and soft lips rest upon his, kissing him with a ferocity that left him breathless. It was hot; it was sensual, downright dirty and delicious.

When Sehun retreated, not panting like an idiot as Baekhyun was, he stared at Baekhyun’s lips, shiny, wet and red, after thoroughly kissed; he swept a thumb on the smaller male’s bottom lips, making the nurse gasp slightly.

“Don’t think for second” began Sehun in a low, yet firm voice “that this kiss signifies, by any mean, that you are forgiven. You are not. But you’re still my lover, so you better start showing me that you are worthy of the second chance that I am thinking of giving you. I don’t give a lot of second changes so either prove me that you love me and that I can trust you, or else, you’re out of my life for good.”

And that was all he said before on Baekhyun’s upper lip, near that goddamn beauty mark that was oh so attractive, and leaving the room, leaving a dazed, confused but more importantly, hopeful Baekhyun behind him.












When Jongin woke up, head spinning and hurting him like someone had driven a sledge hammer against it, he immediately saw Tao’s face, making him groan and clutch his stomach, especially when a wave of nausea came to him and he saw Tao smirking at him.

“Fun night?” asked Tao still smirking, idly playing with the ring that sat on his middle finger.

“Shut up…”

“Where have you been exactly? Down at the bars again, drinking your sorrows away?”

“What do you know of my situation? Baekhyun left me without saying anything! I never had the change to sweep him off his feet!”

“No!” conceded Tao “I don’t know anything of your situation but I don’t think trying to beat him down as soon as he comes back a good tactic either, no matter how angry you are at the situation.”

“What?” asked Jongin, eyes swinging wildly to look into Tao’s serene expression.

“Baekhyun returned yesterday afternoon and this morning, drunk as everything, you assaulted him and almost bash him out.”

“You’re lying.”

“Do I look like the kind of person who lies, Jongin?”

And no, if Jongin was to admit, one of Tao’s most admirable traits was his truthful and honest nature, incapable of lying even if the situation demanded as so; he would rather stay silent that lie.

When the words finally made some sense to the younger of the two, sluggish brain making it hard to understand what he had just implicitly been told, his expression turned into a horrified one, mouth opening up unattractively, much like a fish.

“I would suggest that you talk to him and apologize for you behavior but, at the moment, Minseok took him to rest and, to be honest, he looked positively terrified of you, so you might have a problem in approaching him enough to apologize.”

“Oh my god!” mumbled Jongin, hands covering his eyes, in shame “What have I done? What am I gonna do?”

“You were violent towards Baekhyun and hit him.”replied the taller of the two sarcastically “I would recommend you to sleep the drunkenness away for your system for a couple of hours more, until there is no drop of alcohol in your body and then go talk to him. Well, grovel really…”

Jongin threw him a pillow, missing by a mile, since he wasn’t even looking, opting for hiding himself, or suffocating, Tao couldn’t tell, on his other pillow. He shook his head, thinking that Jongin was being far more dramatic than the situation demanded and stood up from the chair he was previously sitting on, heading for the doorway, trying to leave before Jongin decided to use him as a listener for his problems; Tao hated that and preferred to be skinned alive, thank you very much.

He opened the door carefully, careful enough not to make a sound louder than Jongin’s moans and groans and grumbles, closing it gently with a small click.

He turned around and started walking down the hallway, in Minseok’s room direction, wanting to know if the man was okay. Unfortunately, his journey was stopped when something hit him on the back of the head, effectively making him crumple into the floor, welcoming the darkness as he was knocked out cold.




Only later, very much later a busy Jinki would find him lying on the carpeted hallway.





Only later they would find out that Baekhyun, Kris, Kyungsoo and Jongin had disappeared.





Only later Sehun would find out that one of his friends, one of his beloved friends, had turned his back on him and taken Baekhyun to Jia.





And that was when the beast was unleashed.






A/N: Sooooo, a lot of things happened in this chapter. Lots of conversations mostly, but important ones nonetheless...What did you think of it? Liked it? Hated it? Loved it? How about letting me know your opinion? Feel free, as always, to leave a comment, or PM me, I'll reply!!! Also, if you want to know what is coming next and find out who is the traitor, make sure you'll read next chapter when I update again! ^^
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful day, filled with good moments and I hope that tomorrow is even better!
Stay healthy, stay safe, love and be loved, be kind and BE HAPPY!
Loads and loads of love for every single one of you. I love you all!


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Chapter 25: Um, I'm crying??
I rarely read Sebaek and whenever I do, the stories tear me apart smh
Thank you so much for this masterpiece, the way you wrote each character was so well done! Sebaek's relationship made me cry and I especially love Baekhyun's personality
Chapter 13: What a in ending , i like sebaek characters
961 streak #3
Chapter 2: I just started reading and I couldn't stop.
The scene where Baekhyun was attacked and Sehun and his men moved to engage the attackers was so well written I can actually see the scene unfolds in my mind's eye.
I love your characters especially Luhan who knows how to easily disarm people with his easy ways.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 25: This was an amazing story and I can't stress that enough. I finished this in two days and I am so proud of myself because I enjoyed every single Chapter. It had great characters, great plot, my favorite kind of drama, right amount of angst and amazing feels. Thank you author for this amazing and wonderful fiction. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I wish I could upvote it more than once. Thank you. I hope you're doing great and I am hoping to read more of your stories. In fact, I might start another one of yours now. :) <3
Palak27 #5
Chapter 21: Damnit!! This guy mystery is dragging too mychhh. I can’t wait to onow who this traitor is!!!!?
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Ohhh lord please dont let it be chanyeol yixing jongdae or jongin to betray baek. Please pleSeeeee
Palak27 #7
Chapter 18: Damn This wass a twistttt!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 17: Please don't be chanyeollie or Jongin. I really really love them a lot..
Palak27 #9
Chapter 17: OMG I love this story a lot!!! :)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 14: I am really really liking this story!! It’s 3:30am and I am still reading it!!!