No Secret Left Untold

Big Bad Wolf

Jongdae was pacing on the living room; his feet were not enough to make a dent on the carpet but, if they could they would. Ever since they found Tao laying on the floor on the hallway, or rather Jinki did. The butler had actually freaked out and yelled for somebody to help him which, in this case, had been Minseok.

He had immediately called everyone in that household, shouting at the top of his lungs. Tao, thankfully, had been okay, merely taken down by a really strong blow to the back of his head, left with a bump and a feeling of nausea. But he was okay.

Ever since the news of the disappearing of Baekhyun, Kris, Kyungsoo and Jongin, the house had been a pandemonium. Jongdae had been the first to freak out, along with Chanyeol. Yixing had been far more agitated than normal, especially since he was sitting on the couch’s arm, hand in front of his mouth rubbing nonstop at his lips until Minseok’s gentle hand stopped him.

“How could this happen?” asked Jongdae for the hundredth time. “I don’t get it, the alarm didn’t sound, it happened just inside and no one saw people getting inside!”

“Use your brains, Jongdae!” mumbled Yixing, squeezing Minseok’s hand “It’s obvious that it was someone from inside. We didn’t see anyone because they were already inside. It was someone from the inside.”

“Plus, the surveillance cameras were shut down for a whole hour, and Chanyeol and I checked it out to make sure. It was definitely someone who knew very well how they worked to be able to infiltrate the program and just shut it out, I mean Chanyeol programmed those!”

“It was a flawless program. I made sure that the surveillance cameras were always directly connected to the main computer, recording all day long simultaneously making second hard copies into said computer. It would’ve taken you three passwords to being able to access the system.”

“Why are you so quiet?” asked Jongdae aggressively, turning to Sehun, who was behind a chair, gripping the back of it so tightly that it was a wonder that it didn’t snap beneath his fingers. “Are you listening to them? It was someone we know. Someone who lived in the same roof as you do! They betrayed you!”

“Like you did?” asked Tao snidely, an ice bag resting against the bump in his head.

“Can you focus please?” asked Chanyeol, lowering his hands from his face for the first time ever since they had come to the living room, after finding about the missing people.

“Do we have any idea of who it might been?”

“It could’ve have been anyone of them. There was more than one person taken away which makes things that much harder.”

“Do you think it was Kris that took him? Because of Luhan?” asked Minseok, hand still grasping Yixing’s.

“If it was him, I’ll kill him.” threatened Jongdae.

“No one is going to kill anyone.” interrupted Sehun.

“And why the heck not?”

“Because if anyone touches Baekhyun or my brother, I will assure you that I’ll kill them myself.”

“Is that why you are there, not doing anything?” asked Jongdae again with a snarl crawling its way into his lips.

“I am waiting.”

“Waiting for what?” shouted Jongdae, bursting forward, stopped only by Chanyeol who stood up and pulled Jongdae to himself. “For someone to maim Baekhyun? For him to be killed at someone’s hands, most likely Jia’s?”

“Waiting for a phone call.”

“I’m gonna ing murder you! You aren’t doing squat! You’re going to let them hurt Baekhyun! Does he really means so little to you? Did he really make you hate him that much?”

“You don’t know a thing about Baekhyun and I!” snarled Sehun, throwing the chair he had been leaning against, across the room, effectively shutting up Jongdae who took a step back, into Chanyeol’s chest, shocked at the reaction. “You don’t know a single thing about us, so you don’t get to be judgmental.”

Yixing stood up from his place and approached Sehun, a hand making its way to the other’s shoulder, grasping it tightly in a supportive motion.

“Calm down and explain what you are doing to us, Sehun. Please?” he requested in a soothing voice, hoping that it would calm down the agitated man. “What phone call are you expecting?”

“Kibum’s phone call.”

“Why Kibum’s?”

Kim Kibum was Sehun’s cousin; as much as the man didn’t want to have part in the family business, not that he had much chance since his mother had disinherited him when he chosen to elope with his long termed boyfriend, Choi Minho, instead of following on the arranged marriage she had impose of them. While they hadn’t much contact, Sehun didn’t want to envolve someone unwillingly in this type of life, he had a pretty good relationship with his cousin, who, such as Chanyeol was a computer whiz. Also, the younger man owned Sehun big time since he had been the one to provide him an escape from his house and payed for his living expenses for a while until the man and his boyfriend got back on their feet.

“Kibum’s.” replied the taller man, earning several nods as they identified the male I question. “For a while, I have been suspecting that someone might’ve been acting behind my back, alongside with Jia. More so after Baekhyun’s appearance in this house, the first time it happened, because the minute people knew he was around, the attacks made on him, and Luhan too, were very methodical, very well planned and, above all that, their location was always known, no matter how hard we tried to protect them, no matter how good was the surveillance on them. It was always outsmarted. It clearly had to be someone who was close to them and knew what I knew; someone who listened to all the orders I have given and know the same things I was did. So, when yesterday, Yixing informed me about the fact that Baekhyun had been caught by Jia’s men and, giving the predicament we are currently in, I trapped a tracking device to Baekhyun. I am expecting him to contact me soon and relay to me the coordinates of Baekhyun’s whereabouts, which, as I suspect will be matching, Luhan’s and Kris’, Jongin’s and Kyungsoo’s.”

“Have you alerted him about the issue?” asked Tao, eyes gaining a more clinical glow to them.

“Yes, I did. He has been on watch ever since I informed him that the tracking device had been planted to him.”

“How did you manage to do that?” asked Chanyeol, Jongdae pressed closely to his side.

“Yesterday, when I went to talk with him. I planted the tracking device on the inside part of his silver bracelet.”

Baekhyun had a small silver bracelet that had been his mother once, which he never took off, no matter the reason. It had been very smart on Sehun’s part to do something like this, to think ahead.

“So we have to wait?” asked Chanyeol, trying to make do of the words that had just been spoken.

“We have to wait; we cannot go blindly after them, not knowing where they went.” replied Minseok, understanding Sehun’s method.

“And when we get the coordinates?”

“We go after them and we bring those who we have to home, where they were supposed to be. Safe!”

“What are you planning to do?” asked Yixing.

“Kill whomever I have to kill; whoever stays in my way.” stated Sehun with a finality that didn’t allow disagreement, looking with emotionless eyes to all of them men standing in front of him, listen to his ferocious worlds. “I will destroy them!”











Sehun’s phone didn’t take too much to ring; the sound breaking the silence that had been created due to the tenseness that lingered in the room. No one had dared to speak, mainly because their thoughts were focused on their missing friends, trying to piece the clues together and find who had been betraying them, but partially because they didn’t want to anger Sehun.

Sehun had said little to nothing so far, eyes trained blankly on the wall of the hallway, as if he half expected somebody to burst inside the room, most likely Baekhyun. Minseok had tried to talk to him but, so far, the man had been pretty much unresponsive and, after the first glare, the younger simply quit, opting for sitting next to Yixing who, uncharacteristically, laid his forehead on the other’s sturdy thigh, breathing in slowly, to calm his nerves.

Chanyeol wasn’t much better, after realizing the severity of the situation; he almost started to hyperventilating, his mind theorizing many horrid hypothesis of what happened to Baekhyun so far. Jongdae had pulled the younger man into his arms, cradling him gently and whispering comforting words into his pointed, almost elf like, ear.

“Do you think that they are okay? I mean, they could be dead already!”

“They are not!” grumbled Jongdae.

“How can you be so sure about that?”

“She wants to kill him herself. If not she would have ordered her men to kill Baekhyun on the spot. Until now they haven’t done anything but beat him up and scare him.”

“What about the man who shot Jinki and almost killed me and Baekhyun?” asked Chanyeol, voice muffled by Jongdae’s shoulder.

“He was trying to scare you all into submission, not really kill you. The man had only three bullets on his gun.” replied Minseok “I have worked on this field for far too many year to know that you never go for a mission without being prepared and have extra equipment as missions often go wrong.”

“Make sense.” nodded Tao “Thankfully, by the time we get wherever they are, Jia is not there.”

“She is a sadist, she will torture him first before she kills him.” mumbled Yixing, who had some knowledge in psychology and could point out someone’s traits, profiling, rather decently.

There was a certain amount of heaviness in those words that kept them mulling about the words just spoken, about the meaning behind them; what was more intolerable than letting someone, who had just been hurt, actually get hurt again?

Sehun’s hands tightened over the fabric of his pants, actually ripping them at the seam just a tiny bit, imperceptibly so. At least, if someone had noticed it, they didn’t show it.

When the phone finally rang, Sehun’s back made a graceful arch stopping, from where he was elegantly slumped on his chair, to a straight line, the already stiffness in them raising tenfold.

“Kibum?” he barked into the phone after putting it on speaker, so that everybody would listen.

He hadn’t intended to put the phone on speaker on the first place but watching the many hopeful reactions of the others he had the decency to do that as such; after all this was a matter that concerned them all; especially considering that were friends and, in his case at least, lovers involved.

“Sehun?” called a low voice from the other side of the line, which had a youthful and playful undertone to it, despite the situation “I have been tracking the GPS device that you’ve told me too. The signal stopped 26 miles east from your house.”

“And where exactly is that?” asked Sehun, a hang giving up the signal that Minseok and Tao needed, beginning to move around the office picking all kinds of weapons and bullet proof vests, effectively scaring Chanyeol, who had never shot anything in his life.

“Near the docks.” they heard an even lower voice reply to Sehun. “Kibum is trying to locate the precise spot at the moment.”

“Tell him to move fast Minho. I don’t have the time.” growled Sehun, knowing fully well that the docks occupied a vast amount of space.

“He says that it somewhere between the containers; he says that, knowing the place, between the two hundredth and three hundredth. He cannot precise it anymore. The signal is not that good.”

“Fair enough. Thank him for the help. You too” he spoke to the receiver, watching the men before them move, in previse, synchronized movements, preparing to leave, as soon as he ordered them. “Minho, tell Kibum that 27B is in motion. You both know what to do.”

“Sehun…are you sure?” came Kibum’s voice through the phone.

“I am. Just do it please.”

Ok. Ok.” whispered Kibum slowly “Just…be safe, okay? Good luck Sehun. I wish you the best luck ad may you help them”

“Thank you for all the help.”

He disconnected the phone call and stood up meeting Jongdae’s stormy dark eyes. The shorter, younger man said nothing but he put a glock into his hand, the weight of the gun familiar and heavy on his big palm. Although Jongdae’s said nothing, there was an implicit message in his whole demeanor, a message that Sehun supposed that he, himself, also carried on.

He nodded slowly, letting the smaller know he understood; in this moment there were no conflict between the two of them, no mentions of betrayal, no snarky comment to rile the other up; just two men and a mission: bring all the their loved ones home, safe and sound.











When Baekhyun woke up, all he felt was a blindfold digging itself painfully on the bridge of his nose, the tightness of it was uncomfortable against his skin and he wished that he could see, at least to identify who were those the little gasps of pain that he could hear next to him. It would help if he wasn’t feeling so woozy after being hit on the temple, if he dared to imagine, there would be a giant bruise on his temple already; he could feel it.

He had tried to free himself from all the ropes that were placed on his body: a sure way to guarantee he wouldn’t escape, with no avail, since they were rather tight.

“Goddammit it hurts!”

He heard a voice near, yet far away from him, sounding slightly distorted, made Baekhyun jump slightly, turning his face to the hypothetical place where he thought the voice was coming from.

“Who…?” he asked, a wave of nausea crawling to his stomach; the pain around his head growing by the second.

“Baekhyun? Baekhyun is that you? Are you okay? I can’t see a thing, also I am bound. Those bastards used ropes and I can’t really untie them.”

“It’s me. I’m okay…? At least I think I am; I’m in one piece, more or less.”

“Good. Good! From the second I got out of my room and saw Tao on the floor, I immediately imagined that someone was after you. We both got caught. I’m sorry!”

“You are nothing to be sorry for. It was something out of your control Jongin.”

“I’m sorry for hurting you while I was drunk too!”

“They say that the drunk usually speak the truth.” replied Baekhyun placidly, ignoring the little sound that Jongin made “Also, it’s not really the moment where we should be discussing this.”

“But I’m…”

“Jongin, get a grip!” snapped Baekhyun, voice raising a little, vision clearing a bit when the adrenaline started to kick into his clearer brain. “Try and tell me you’re sorry another goddamn time because I have a feeling that, for whatever reason we were kidnapped, it’s not, for certain, to give us the Nobel Prize nor candy!”

Jongin shut up after that, understanding that Baekhyun was getting increasingly stressed. It was very true though, Baekhyun could feel the anxiety burn into every cell of his body.

“Did you see who brought us here?” asked Baekhyun, once again moving his wrists around, trying to set them free, but the only thing he felt was them harsh material rubbing against his wrist, no doubt leaving burn marks there. Baekhyun’s face twisted at the thought; there were already enough burn marks on his body, he didn’t need more.

“No. I remember getting into your room, and there were men grabbing your unconscious body from the floor, when I tried to intervene, I got punched in the face and kicked to the ground, and then I think a guy just used chloroform on me. I think my nose is broken alongside with my wrist.”

Baekhyun grunted slightly in response to the other male, now trying to take the blindfold out of his eyes, scrunching his shoulders and trying to push the blindfold up or down, which happened first, his eyes, so that he could at least see where he was.

“I saw Kris and Kyungsoo. They’re in here with us; the men that got us took them through a door. I heard something about negotiations and brining Jia in.”

Baekhyun felt his heart stop. His brother was here? Where was he? What were they doing to him? Why wasn’t Kris with him? Kyungsoo too! They should both be here.

“Were they taken long ago?” he asked, halting his movements and turning his body in the direction where he supposed Jongin was.

“I can’t tell but maybe ten to fifteen minutes top.”

“Where they okay?”

“I don’t know. They seem okay…”

“How can you not tell? You have no blindfold over your eyes!” growled Baekhyun, stopping himself when he realized he was being unfair and a tad bit rude.

“The blindfold fell when they dragged me here. I think they thought I was going to be unconscious for a little longer.” commented Jongin dryly, clearly not appreciating Baekhyun’s tone.

“Sorry...I am panicking here!” mumbled Baekhyun. “I don’t want to be here; I don’t want to be anywhere associated to Jia!”

The younger male was silent for a second and the smaller wasn’t really sure if Jongin was angry with him or if he was just contemplating something. It turned out to be the second when Jongin asked him to be really quiet for a second. He felt the younger’s breath on his cheek, scaring him slightly; then he felt teeth biting into his blindfold, dragging it slowly down.

It was a long process, especially because Jongin kept hitting his nose on Baekhyun’s face but also because he had to constantly swivel his face from side to side in order to allow Jongin to pull it down.

The first streak of light that hit his eyes after his blindfold almost blinded him, making him blink over and over again, tears gathering at the corners of his eye, which were burning immensely; the downside of having his eyes covered for a good amount of time. He turned into Jongin, accessing the younger’s face and wincing slightly at the sight of the really bruised and battered complexion he was met with; Jongin’s nose was swollen, especially around the bridge of his nose. Even the dark purple color had already spread and painted Jongin’s cheekbones and the area around his eyes.

“Not pretty I gather.”

“Well, not really…”

“You have a bruise that covers your temple and cheek…you’re not looking that great.”

“I can feel it!” replied Baekhyun, looking around, at the big and halfway empty warehouse, the exception being the numerous wooden boxes scattered around the space.

He and Jongin were almost in the middle, turned to a door that was being guarded by two big men. If Baekhyun had to guess they hadn’t seen them awake yet; even if they did it was not like they could escape, after all they still were bound by those ropes, which, in turn, were tied to a steel chain wrapped around a concrete pillar.

He could see some windows on the building but they were too high for any of them to reach without reaching the second floor, not that there was much of a second floor to begin it, only a very narrow metal path that ran across the perimeter of the higher part of the building, split to the middle with an even narrower bridge.

“How can we get out of here? Is there any place we can use?” he asked, still looking around, taking in all the crooks and crannies in the place, trying to find a way that would allow them to escape from this place.

“I don’t know,” replied Jongin also looking around in hopes of finding something. “but is going to be hard to run away from here! We need access to the second floor to jump through the windows and I see no stairs here. It must be inside the office where Kyungsoo, Kris and the other men are. Plus, we are bounded with ropes and chains, so to speak.”

Baekhyun let out a series of expletives that could make a grown man blush, he was growing increasingly frustrated. He tried not to let his panic dominate his body; if he did then all would be lost since Jongin looked worse for the wear, beaten down to the core and Baekhyun doubted very much that the younger male would be able to move much; he was a bruised and broken mess at the moment; the small nurse had doubts that only Jongin’s nose and wrist; especially when he noticed that Jongin was having a big struggle with staying conscious, eyes dropping close for a second or two before shaking his head to keep himself awake.

“Think Baekhyun, think!” he mumbled to himself.

However, no matter what theory popped into his mind, it was quickly erased by his brain, since every plan he came across had a multitude of flaws and life risking mistakes; mistakes that could cost either his or Jongin’s life and, quite frankly, he was not the type of man that would leave someone behind because it was convenient, his mother hadn’t raised him up to be anything but a compassionate person, despite the little time he was allowed to have with her.

“We’re pretty ed up right now Baekhyun, you know that, I know that, so don’t twist your brain into a knot. We’re ed.” whispered Jongin slowly, eyes a little more alert than they were before.

“Don’t say that. Do not say that!”

“He can certainly say that. It’s true after all!” said a voice from their right; making both his head turn to look at it.

With his back against the door, crossed arms and slightly bent legs, stood Kyungsoo, a dark smirk in his lips, emotionless eyes boring into their soul, like two bottomless pits.

Kris stood right behind him, an ashamed expression on his face that had Baekhyun’s mind ringing in alarm at the look on his brother’s face. What was the meaning of all this? What was happing?

“Knowing the way your mind works, because you really are that predictable, I can assume that you are wondering what is happening right now; why are you here, perhaps? The answer is really quite simple: I brought you here.”

The betrayed look on Jongin’s face was bothering Baekhyun, it was bothering so much that the smaller male had to turn his face to the side, concentrating on Kyungsoo’s face instead.

“Not me, per say, since I couldn’t possibly drag all of you but, you know what I mean. It was rather easy to let them all inside, after all Sehun would never expect that from me would he? However, working alongside with the most powerful Chinese mob woman, although our purposes are very distinct from each other, made me think differently and act differently in order to achieve my goals.”

“So you’re going to kill us?” asked Jongin, his voice wavering just the slightest bit; eyes determinately fixed onto Kyungsoo’s form.

“No dear Jongin, I will not; I am waiting for Sehun. I know he will come after you and my business is strictly with him.”

“That is still not answering my question Kyungsoo.”

“I won’t kill any of you, as I’ve stated before, in case you missed it Jongin. As I’ve stated before, I have business to take care with Sehun, not any of you; you are just a meaning to an end, however, that might change when the Wu’s family reunion happens, your luck might end.”

“Wait!” interjected Kris looking suddenly nervous.” You said that you let them go, alongside with Luhan if I helped you brought them here.”

“I did, Luhan is in the room, as I’ve shown you, in good condition as I promised, only a little bit…angry at being encased in here for so long. But, as much as I would like to let Baekhyun and Jongin out, I cannot; you see, while my focus is, mainly, neither Sehun but, truth being told, I don’t like neither your little brother nor Jongin: your brother is a meddlesome boy who is too smart for his own good and Jongin is good as what he does, I want him out.”

“That was not the deal we made!”

“You made a deal with the devil Kris, why the regret now? Maybe you should’ve been smarter and remember that you do not bargain with someone dishonest, because the only thing you can trust them is to be dishonest!”

With a small movement of Kyungsoo’s hand, four burly men advanced on Kris who tried to fight the man, managing to knock down of them with a solid punch to the throat; however, he was greatly outnumbered: one of the man shot him just below the knee, making Kris yell in pain and crumble to the floor. Once on the floor, the rain of kicks and punches that fell upon the blond giant were enough to leaving him motionless and bloodied on the pavement.

As he saw his brother on the floor, so still, Baekhyun repressed a scream, fearing for a moment that they had killed his brother, only Jongin’s foot nudging him and pointing at Kris’ body made the smaller man realize that the giant was, in fact, breathing, just knocked out.

“Your brother is such an idiot, if you allow me to say this Baekhyun…” began Kyungsoo, squatting to take a closer look at Kris, to the point of taking the much taller male’s face in his hand, scrunching his face in disgust as some blood smeared itself on his hand, cleaning it quickly with a tissue that one of his guards handed him.

“I don’t!” interrupted Baekhyun, feeling angry at the blatantly offensive gesture.

“…did he really think that was going to allow him to call the shots in here? Of course not.”

“Why are you doing this?” asked Jongin, looking more and more alert by the minute, making Baekhyun confused about his previous drowsiness, not knowing if it was due to the chloroform or to a hit on the head.

“Why should I discuss my motives with you?” questioned Kyungsoo with a pensive look on his face “On the other hand, maybe I should; I mean, I can guarantee you that you don’t have that many hours to live.”

“Just spit it out instead of making fool out of us…”

“Oh Baekhyun, you never know when to shut up, do you? You fight and you fight and you simply can’t realize that you can’t win.” laughed Kyungsoo, in such a sinister way that shivers crept up on the two bound men spine. “But, very well, I shall grant a final wish, per say, to two condemned men. This is all a family affair.”

“A family affair?” asked Jongin, sounding completely confused.

Kyungsoo laughed again as he started at the two inquisitive faces in front of him; those nice, beautiful and bruised faces.

“Yes, a family affair. I am just here to take what is rightfully mine! If I play my cards right I might even get the best of both worlds: I inherit both mommy’s and daddy’s things.”

“What?” asked Jongin again, not making heads and tails out of this ridiculous conversations, that was based in riddles; he was smart but Kyungsoo’s words were proving to be a difficult puzzle to decipher.

However, Baekhyun turned pale, connecting the dots and exhaling forcefully once everything made sense to him. He looked over at Kyungsoo, eyes wide and horrified.  

“It seems that our Baekhyunnie figured it out, didn’t he?”

“Wu Jia and Mr. Oh had an affair. You’re their son!” unveiled the Baekhyun, letting the weight of the secret sink into Jongin’s brain, who, after understanding the significance of the words, swiveled his head to look at Kyungsoo, appearing equality terrified and shocked at the news.

“Ding, dong! Correct answer, Baekhyun!” chuckled the dark haired male, squatting near them, an evil smile playing on his lips, jutting his head forward, stopping a few centimeters in front of Jongin’s and Baekhyun’s, before whispering wickledly “And I will be the one to send you all to hell.” 





A/N: Officially broke the record, this story is now over 100K words! How in the world this I managed that?! I am kind of shocked! Also, this story is about to reach five thousands views... I mean holy ...! WHAT HAPPENED?! I kid you not, I was not expecting this!!!
Well, back to was Kyungsoo BUT next chapter there is going to be more information on how this all happened, aaaaand Kyungsoo did not work alone on this, so there is someone else aiding him and starting crap everywhere!
Also, Sehun needs to go save all that people, super badass style :D
What did you think of this chapter? Did I do it right? Let me know all about it, comment on it, upvote, subscribe!! ;)
More importantly, I wish that all of your are safe, healthy and feeling very loved.
Have the most amazing day!
Huge amounts of love and hugs to you all!

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Chapter 25: Um, I'm crying??
I rarely read Sebaek and whenever I do, the stories tear me apart smh
Thank you so much for this masterpiece, the way you wrote each character was so well done! Sebaek's relationship made me cry and I especially love Baekhyun's personality
Chapter 13: What a in ending , i like sebaek characters
961 streak #3
Chapter 2: I just started reading and I couldn't stop.
The scene where Baekhyun was attacked and Sehun and his men moved to engage the attackers was so well written I can actually see the scene unfolds in my mind's eye.
I love your characters especially Luhan who knows how to easily disarm people with his easy ways.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Palak27 #4
Chapter 25: This was an amazing story and I can't stress that enough. I finished this in two days and I am so proud of myself because I enjoyed every single Chapter. It had great characters, great plot, my favorite kind of drama, right amount of angst and amazing feels. Thank you author for this amazing and wonderful fiction. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I wish I could upvote it more than once. Thank you. I hope you're doing great and I am hoping to read more of your stories. In fact, I might start another one of yours now. :) <3
Palak27 #5
Chapter 21: Damnit!! This guy mystery is dragging too mychhh. I can’t wait to onow who this traitor is!!!!?
Palak27 #6
Chapter 20: Ohhh lord please dont let it be chanyeol yixing jongdae or jongin to betray baek. Please pleSeeeee
Palak27 #7
Chapter 18: Damn This wass a twistttt!!!!!
Palak27 #8
Chapter 17: Please don't be chanyeollie or Jongin. I really really love them a lot..
Palak27 #9
Chapter 17: OMG I love this story a lot!!! :)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 14: I am really really liking this story!! It’s 3:30am and I am still reading it!!!