O7 | Hello New Hoya, Goodbye Hanhui

Meet Pinocchio : : WSWC2011


O7 - Hello New Hoya, Goodbye Hanhui

It was morning and everyone was awake besides Hoya. Everyone was doing their own thing and since it was holidays, they didn’t have much to do at home.

“Sungjong-ah, go do your homework.” Sunggyu nagged him, causing him to pout.

“Deh.” Sungjong replied and made his way to his room where Hoya was still sleeping in.

“Yah, wake Hoya up! It’s almost lunch time.” Sungyeol shouted from the kitchen.

“Deh.” Sungjong sighed.

“Hyung, wake up.” He said as he shook the hyung’s body.

But when he touched Hoya’s body, he felt weird. He has never felt it before and it was new to him. Sungjong was shocked when he realized it and went running to the others who were lazing around.

Everyone looked at him when he kept pointing to his room and jumping around. Sunggyu was annoyed at him and asked him what was wrong. Sungyeol had just finished cooking and was placing the food on the table.

“Have you woken up Hoya yet?” He asked Sungjong who was still shocked.

“H-Hoya hyung….” He gasped. “H-He’s…”

“What Sungjong-ah?!” Sunggyu shouted.

“He’s soft!” Sungjong said as he let out a shrieking noise.

“W-what do you mean he’s soft?” Sungyeol asked.

“I mean, he has flesh!”

Everyone’s eyes widened and rushed to the boy who was in deep slumber. They all looked at him and what Sungjong had said was true. Sungyeol shook his body a lot of times to try and wake him up. When Hoya was up, everyone looked at him in surprise.

“What is it?” Hoya asked sleepily. “I’m so sleepy.” He yawned.

“Wah! It’s a miracle!” Woohyun exclaimed.

“What are you talking about?” Hoya asked as he wiped his eyes.

He looked up at them with sleepy eyes but he noticed that they were staring at him. He touched his face and wondered if there was drool on it.

“What? What are you staring at?” He asked.

Quickly, Myungsoo took a mirror on the shelf and handed it to Hoya. Hoya didn’t understand why he needed a mirror but he took it anyways. He took it, but he didn’t look at his reflection. He was still staring at the others who were staring at him too.

“Why are you guys still staring at me?” Hoya whined.

“Look at yourself in the mirror.” Dongwoo ushered him to do so.

Hoya shrugged and did what he was told to do. When he did, he felt like he was going to have a heart attack. His mouth was wide open because of the shock.

He touched his face over and over again, just to make sure it really is true. He smiled widely and got up from his bed. He started to jump up and down, along with the other boys. They were all very happy and loud. Why?

“I’m a boy! I’m a boy!” Hoya shouted, still jumping up and down.

“Yaayy!” Sunggyu and Woohyun cheered as they danced weirdly around the room.

The room was too small for all 7 boys but they still danced crazily around the room. Hanhui was watching them from the door, smiling. Just then, Hoya spotted her and made his way towards her. She was taken back because she didn’t want anyone to see her there.

“Hanhui-ah, thank you!” Hoya hugged her and picked her up in the air.

“Yah let me go!” She giggled.

“Thank you.” Hoya grinned.

“You deserved it. You showed bravery and honesty.”

Hoya smiled at her and looked around the house. He bit his lower lip and turned his gaze back to Hanhui, who was laughing at the other boy’s silly dance.

Hoya smiled and dragged Hanhui out of the house to who knows where. Hanhui was shouting at him to let her go but he didn’t listen. He continued to drag her to Han River and they sat at a coffee café near the bridge.

They had ordered coffee – well, Hoya did, Hanhui can’t drink coffee – and they were now enjoying the view. Hanhui sighed as she looked at the river and smiled. She has always loved the Han River and it was her favorite spot on Earth.

Hoya was staring at her while smiling, which she noticed and asked him why he was staring at her. He just smiled at her as he took a sip of his coffee.

“Why did you bring me here?” Hanhui asked.

“Let me finish my coffee and then we’ll go take a walk by the river.” Hoya said as he motioned to the road by the river.

“You didn’t answer my question.” Hanhui laughed.

“I will when we walk.” Hoya smiled. “For now, let’s just sit here and enjoy the view.” He winked, causing her to blush.

After 3 minutes, Hoya was done with his coffee and they were heading to the river. They were walking side by side and talked about a few things.

“Okay, now tell me why you brought me here.” Hanhui said as she folded her arms together.

“Will you just calm down? I’m not kidnapping you, okay?” Hoya stuck out his tongue.

“Okay, fine. What should we do now?” She asked as she looked around.

“Walk?” Hoya shrugged. “Hold hands.” He said but in a low voice.

“What?” Hanhui asked, she didn’t hear him properly.

“Oh, nothing.” He smiled.

They were both walking and looking around the river. No one was staring at Hoya anymore because he was a real boy and Hanhui hid her wings. After walking, they sat on the huge rocks and played with the water.

“Yah, don’t you know I’m allergic to water?” Hanhui pouted when Hoya splashed her with water.

“What? You are?” Hoya sounded so shocked that it made her laugh really hard.

“I can’t believe you believed me!” Hanhui laughed.

Hoya narrowed his eyes at her and splashed her with water again. Hanhui shouted at him and splashed him with water too. Then they had a water fight and in the end they got wet.

“Aish, I can’t believe you’re so childish! Did you have to splash me with water?” Hanhui asked as she dried herself.

“You splashed me too!” Hoya exclaimed as he dried himself too.

“I only did that because you started it!”

“Okay, okay fine. I’m sorry.” Hoya stuck out his tongue.

“Yah!” Hanhui held up her fist and was ready to hit but Hoya stopped her by holding her hand.

Hoya came closer to her and they were only a few inches away. Hanhui blushed and cleared as she looked away. Hoya was smiling to himself when he saw her blush. It’s working, he thought.

“Hanhui-ah, I never noticed how pretty you are.” Hoya said slowly.

“W-what?” Hanhui asked in shock as she turned to look at him.

“I said you’re pretty.” Hoya repeated himself and moved further from her face.

“Thank you.” Hanhui gave him a small smile, not knowing if it was a compliment or not.

“I have to confess to you, Hanhui…” Hoya trailed on.

What is he talking about? Hanhui thought. Her heart was beating very quickly when she realized what he meant by that.

“I like you.” Hoya said and then looked down to the ground.

“Oh? Y-you do?” They weren’t looking at each other because they’re both blushing.

“Yeah, I’ve started to like you since you were so kind to me.” Hoya smiled.

When was I kind to him? Hanhui asked herself. She titled her head as she tried to remember when she was kind to him. Hanhui bit her lower lip and tried to hold in her tears.

“I like you too, Hoya…” When she said that, his face lit up. “But I can’t be with you.”

Both Hanhui and Hoya frowned and he asked her why.

“I’m a fairy. I can’t date humans.”

“Oh…I see.” Hoya nodded his head weakly. “It’s okay. We can still be friends right?”

“Yeah, of course.” Hanhui nodded and smiled. Hoya smiled back at her but he was hurting on the inside.

But Hanhui was lying. She can’t be his friend forever because once a fairy’s job is done, she moves to another person. How could Hanhui be his friend if they barely see each other? Hanhui knew she can’t be his friend but she didn’t want to break his heart.

If she could then she would stay with him for as long as she wants. But her father has made up his mind and had told her to transfer to another person when she’s done with Hoya. She secretly cried to herself when they walked back to his dorm.

“Hoya, where have you been?” Sungyeol asked when Hoya appeared at the front door.

“I was with Hanhui.” Hoya smiled.

“Oh, okay. Where is she?” He asked.

Hoya looked at him with a confused look on his face. He was about to say she was right behind him but when he turned around, she wasn’t there anymore. Hoya looked at the empty space behind him and just stared at it. Sungyeol looked at him weirdly as he waved his hand in front of Hoya’s face.

“Where is she?” Hoya asked.

“I was asking you that.” Sungyeol titled his head, confused why Hoya asked him the same thing he asked Hoya.

“She was right there a minute ago.” Hoya said as he pointed at the space behind him.

“Maybe she went back to Fairy World.” Myungsoo said as he shrugged.

“But –”

“Come on. It’s time to eat.” Sungyeol said, motioning him to the table. “She’ll probably come back later.”

Hoya sighed and nodded his head as he made his way to the table. He didn’t have any appetite to eat but he did anyways, so his friends won’t worry about him. After eating, Hoya just sat on the sofa and waited for Hanhui. When it was night and Hanhui still hasn’t arrived, he sighed to himself.

“Hoya, are you okay?” Sunggyu asked when he saw him alone on the sofa.

Everyone was in their own room, sleeping. The next day they all had school and they didn’t want to be late. Hoya looked at the older boy and nodded.

“Yeah, I guess.” He faked a smile.

“What’s wrong?” Sunggyu asked as he took a sit next to Hoya.

“Hanhui said she’ll be my friend.”

“Hoya, she’s a fairy.” Sunggyu said. “I don’t think fairies and humans are meant to be friends. I’m not trying to sound mean here, but think about it. Try to be in her shoes.”

Hoya didn’t say anything to him and just looked at the door. Sunggyu sighed and shook his head. He was worried Hoya might fall in love with a fairy, especially if that fairy is Hanhui.

“Just go to sleep early okay?” Sunggyu asked him as he made his way to his room, ready to sleep.

Hoya waited for another 30 minutes but when the clock showed it was 12 midnight, Hoya gave up. He went to his room and went to sleep.

In his sleep, he saw Hanhui. He ran up to her and hugged her. He was really happy to see her and he didn’t want to let her go.

“I’m sorry, Hoya.” She said as tears came down from her eyes. “I can’t be with you, even as your friend.”

“Hanhui, it’s okay. We can meet in our dreams.” Hoya smiled as he wiped her tears away.

They stayed like that until Hoya was awoken by a loud noise. He opened his eyes and tried to look at what was happening. Everyone was awake and they were getting ready for school.

“Hoya, you’re up! Dongwoo just finished using the bathroom, you can use it now.” Sungjong said as he got himself ready for school.

“Okay.” Hoya smiled.

Even though Hanhui isn’t there to nag them about waking up early, they can still feel her with them. It was quiet without Hanhui but they just have to get used to it. When everyone was ready and they’ve ate their breakfast, they made their way out of the house.

Sungyeol was the last one to get out from the house and when he was about to put on his shoes, he saw a paper on the table. He got up and opened the paper to read it. He smiled widely and quickly put on his shoes.

Then, he ran up to catch up with his friends and luckily for him, they weren’t that far ahead.

“Guys, look!” Sungyeol said as he handed the paper to Sunggyu. Everyone gathered around him to see what it was.

“Guys…” Sunggyu began to read. “…even though I’m not there with you, just know that I’ll always be watching you from a distance. Love, Hanhui.”

“Wow, that’s sweet and scary at the same time.” Woohyun exclaimed which caused everyone to laugh.

Sunggyu folded the paper nicely and gave it to Hoya. Hoya smiled at him and kept the paper safe in his pocket. Sungyeol patted his back and slung his arm around his neck. They all walked to their school and they were talking non-stop.

Hanhui, who was watching them from a distance just like she promised she would do, smiled to herself.

“Goodbye, Hoya.” She said to herself as she vanished from that place.

███ ♕ melon's corner

final chapter! :D sorry if it's too sad T^T loool. 
i'm not good with endings to be frank xD well, i hope it's not too sad.
so, yeah. that's all from me~ :3 

i want to thank all my readers and subscribers 

thanks so much for taking time to read my not-so-good fanfic :)
i'm going to make a new fanfic soon~ :D and it's going to be about ulzzangs this time x3
park hyung seok, here i come! ~ 

thankyou for reading! :D 

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<b>qisteerexxie</b> i told you it was sad xD<br />
asdfghjkl! sorry about that! ><
;_________;<br />
HANHUIII D: Y U NO STAY? lol xD<br />
the ending *SOBS*<br />
and btw mellie u misspelled my username there ;p
<b>--retsnom;</b> it's Jaemi xD LOL. you loved it? haha~<br />
yep, he likes her ;D it wasn't obvious was it? xD <br />
i'll post it up soon! 8D and yaaay! i missed your comments x3<br />
<br />
<b>xinfinity;</b> i know, it's so sad ;~~~~;<br />
i'm not good at endings, ROFL.<br />
<br />
nyehehehe, park hyung seok is the cutest ulzzang ever! x3 LOL<br />
i'll post it up soon~ ;D
ohmygod. i missed so much. OTL<br />
but he can't be with hanhui.. /sobs<br />
waaae. it's so sad. ;________;<br />
but nevertheless, i laaike the ending <3<br />
<br />
+ shdakjafkd. you don't see much uhljjang fanfics around here!<br />
so i must read yours. >:D esp. since park hyun seok's gonna be in it ♥~
<b>icecream--;</b> you do? xD glad you love it! haha~<br />
yep! 8D it's based on my dream LOL. <br />
okay ^^
yay! hoya is a real boy now! <br />
woaah.. hoya is in love with hanhui :o<br />
too bad they can't be together ><<br />
i love the ending! ^^<br />
<br />
asdfghjkl; you're going to make ullzangs fanfic ?<br />
i always wanted to make one but i already have too many stories x33<br />
can't wait for it~!
sungyeol, you said wrong things. how come you made <strike>my</strike> hoya sad about the normal thing D:< LOL<br />
hanhui is so cool~! she kept scold the boys for being too childish~<br />
<br />
and she helped sungjong from the hyungs!<br />
woohyun is asdfghjkl; when talking with toothbrush in his mouth xD<br />
hoya is so innocent. he didn't reject it when myname asked him to skip school .____.<br />
<br />
woohyun, what are you doing ? shouting in corridors like that ? /facepalm<br />
i will have the same reaction as myungsoo if i were there x3<br />
<br />
aigoo.. gunwoo and his sister so bad. napeun saram :/<br />
poor hoya, they so evil D:<<br />
yeol choding is a good 'appa' for hoya x3<br />
i wonder what hanhui and her father talking about ? :o<br />
<br />
thanks for the updates :)
mynaaaame. they are so bad! ;A;<br />
well, mainly gunwoo. waaaae.<br />
<br />
they shouldn't use hobaby like this! ;_________;<br />
askfjlkjglkafg. hoya at least better make it home safe. <br />
<br />
great update btw!<br />
and happy christmas! ^^
hanhui seems cool to me ~<br />
(i prefer her more then jiae, lol)<br />
but jiae's pretty cool too! ^^<br />
+ i agree w/ <b>quisteerexxie</b>!<br />
hoya is innocent in the end ~<br />
aish. what are they gonna doooo?!<br />