Chapter 1: Late Encounter

Crimson Heart

Nari (you) POV:

Why do girls always seem to have one of those expressionsarrow-10x10.png as if they are trying to hide something, but in truth there was never anything hidden? Not like I have the right to judge since I am one of those girls. 

“Nari, Yah Nari Are you even listening?”

“Hmm, what is itarrow-10x10.png?”

“I was saying, are you freearrow-10x10.png tomorrow or.......?”

My eyebrows narrowed as the question seemed unusually “Yeah, why do ask?”

“Well, there’s this concert tomorrow night and I was wondering if you would come with me.”

My eyes lit since this was the first time Chae had asked me to hang out with her, I had only become friends with her a few months ago but knowing Chae, I understood why she was asking, I playfullyarrow-10x10.png rolled my eyes. “Does this happen to be about that boy band you love so much” Chae has always loved music but she had never been so obsessed over her new found boy band – I think it was called BTS.

Chae hesitated and startedarrow-10x10.png fidgeting with her fingers as if she was going to confess or something

“I can’t say I wasn’t just going there for the music,” she said with a sly grin as if she was trying to send me hints.

I sighed but as I did Chae pouted out her lower lip and started to make a puppy face

“Please Nari, it will only be this once, I don’t want to go on my own and this neighbourhood scares me, please come with me.”

 How could I turn her down when she makes such a face, and I knew how much she loved this group and she would do anything to see them at least once? I guess I had no choice.

I let out another sigh but this time it was longer

“Fine I’ll come, but there better be food.”  

My eyes widened as Chae reached over and hugged me, at first I was surprised but then I slowly cuddled her back. 

She tightened her grip around my waist “Thank you Nari, you’re the best!”

I gave out a slight giggle and squeezed back “Yeah I know”

- - - - -

JungKook POV:

Days could never get as bad as this. First of all I woke up late and almost missed the singing lessons which left a bad impression on my teacher. Second of all there was a water leakage in the dorm from the storm last night which meant we had to move into an accommodation inarrow-10x10.png Busan close to where our next concert would be held. The rest of the day was fine; I hoped that it was just a rough beginning. That was until we had to leave for the new place. 

The guys started packing their clothes and gear and began loading it into the van, and while the other 5 boys where conflicting about which clothes to take, I decided to spend the last few hours with Jin in the dance room to refinearrow-10x10.png our movements.

“Hey Hyung, what time is it?” as I wipedarrow-10x10.png of my sweat with a dry towel, Jin looked down at his watch.

His eyes widened as he ruffled his hair and he grabbed his backpack “Oh Crap! We’re supposed to leave in two minutes, and you know we have a schedule.”

As he rushed out the door I grabbed my bag and dance gear then hurried out after him. We had exit the building when suddenly I slipped on a rock sending me to the ground which forced me to my knees, I abruptly felt a stabbing pain in the lower half of my right leg but I couldn’t see any signs of an injury. Maybe the pain was all in my head. I heard the guys call my name and I headed to the car.      

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Nari (you) POV:

As I watched the sun start to set it emitted a beautiful peach colour as I then realised that this was the first time I had ever been to a concert. For the first time in a long time I was conflicting on what I was going to wear, I clasped my head with my hands in frustration since I have no fashion sense, the colour combinations where always off and could make the people around me feel uncomfortable. 

After spending at least half the day thinking about it I finally decided on wearing a basic red tank top, with a leather jacket, jeans and a pair of combat boots. After I slipped on my clothes I appliedarrow-10x10.png a light amount of make-up. I noticed that I was constantly glancing at the bandana sitting on the end of my bed, the bandana was a dark red, which reminded me of a crimson colour and in the centre there was a rose like symbol. I knew there was no point in taking it with me or how it would come in handy; but it reminded me of my past and somehow made me feel empowered.

I finished applying my make-up and headed towards my dark brown satchel bag that hung on the hook behind my bedroom door. I began placing my phonearrow-10x10.png, wallet and other essentials in it, but as I did I heard the doorbell ring. Screw it! I grabbed the bandana, stuffed it in my bag and went to answer the door.

Wow! I was surprised to see Chae all decked out in make-up usually she would just have foundation, mascara and the occasional lip gloss but this time she went all out she had smoky eye shadow, a bold lip colour and very defined eyeliner and mascara. Her clothes surprised me even more since she was wearing high waist denim shorts, loose white crop tank top with a patterned cardigan as well as a pair of converse shoes. She was like an angel during the day and then an enchantress at night with all of that make-up on. Did I under dress?

She looked at you whose face was stunned, and then she glanced at her reflection in the windowarrow-10x10.png

She gave a worried expressionarrow-10x10.png “I’ve overdressed haven’t I?”

“No you look fine, just a bit surprised that’s all.” I giggled at her reaction as she started worrying

As Chae calmed down she looked at me and then glanced around in wonderment “So, you ready to go? Did you tell your parents?”

I grabbed the door knob, shut the door and started to lock it with my house key “Yeah they don’t mind, they’re out at work at the moment so I have to lock up before I leave.” That was a lie but it was better than telling her the truth.

I locked the door and started walking down the street with Chae. Luckily the concert wasn’t very far so it was easier to get there on foot. I didn’t mind a bit of exercise.

As we made the second turn I felt as if we were being watched. I quickly took a glimpse behind me and judging from their shadows there seemed to be a group of men close by, as we proceeded to walk down the street I could swear we were being followed. I refused to inform Chae because I knew she would start to worry and freak out, so we kept walking. I hesitated to make a move but the situation was creeping the hell out of me.

The concert entry was just a block away and the line was long. Chae said earlier that she had pre ordered the tickets so she passed me a one and I placed it in the pocket of my jeans.

I motioned my hand at the line while I took out my wallet as well as my phone and gave my satchel to Chae “You wait in the line while I buy some drinks from the vending machine” I hate lying to her but I felt the urge to make sure of something.

She nodded “Okay, but don’t take too long,” and headed to the line

As I walked over to the vending machine around the corner, the men from before had continued to follow me as I expected. I place my wallet and phone in the zipper pocket of my jacket, I took out my bandana and wrapped it around the lower half of my face so I wouldn’t be recognised. Once I was out of view of Chae, knowing they would follow I RAN!

- - - - -                                                   

JungKook POV:

The crowd was huge when we arrived and it only got bigger. The van came to a halt and most of us were asleep apart from me, Namjoon and Jin who was occasionally staring at my leg which seemed to frustrate me. As the manager opened the door, slowly the boys awoke and moved towards the rooms backstage, the boys weren’t quite aware of their surroundings until they heard the loud screams of the fans and automatically changed their expression which was stupid. Do the hyungs even realise they looked like derped zombies.

The waiting room was big enough for some of us to sleep in while the sound crew were getting set up. The hyungs, who were still awake decided to get into their stage clothes and put their make-up on ,while the manager was trying to wake the others. I laughed as I saw Jimin and Hoseok messing with Taehyung as he slept by making loud noises near his ear and poking him.

I went to get changed but as I did I secretly checked my leg to see why Jin had been staring at it. I had hardly pulled up my jeans and I could already see the blood running down my leg. As I pulled it up further I winced as I realised I had injured myself quite badly. I called over one of the hair and make-up stylists.

I gave a painful expression as she came closer.

“What’s wrong?” she looked confused

“Umm, do you have any bandages and tissues?” I looked down at my leg as the blood started to drip onto the carpet, she saw this and she covered in shock.

“I think we have some in the cupboard at the back, I’ll go get them.” She walked over to the cupboard and then returned “Here, do you think this will do?”

“Yeah that will do.” She started walking away but I grabbed her wrist “Oh and don’t tell anyone else about what you saw just now”

She started to blush as I still had my hand griped on her wrist “O-Okay.”

Once I had let go she clasped her red cheeks and walked away before you turned back around to your injury which was still bleeding. Girls were strange why did they always seem to cringe at the sight of blood?

I wiped the dripping mess with the tissues, and then wrapped the bandage around my leg which stopped the bleeding temporarily, but it didn’t stop the pain. I limped around in my effort to change making sure I didn’t get blood stains on my clothes. Why did I have to get an injury today of all days?  

“Okay, Everyone Ready?” Namjoon yelled with a slight smile of excitement on his face

Everyone got up including me and yelled back “Yes!”

 “Okay then let’s go.”

*20 minutes later*

“The show isn’t over yet so don’t get too comfortable,” Namjoon said as we all entered the waiting room.

I walked past the door but Jin stopped me “Where are you going?” he had a concerned look on his face.

 “I’m just going to step out for a bit I’ll be back.” I gently brushed his hand away and I started towards the back exit and opened the door.

The air was cool and I had started wiping the sweat off my forehead. At that time it was too painful for me to even walk but I somehow managed. I stood in the middle of the ally viewing the stars above me which caused a smile to slowly appear on my face. I was enjoying the moment and taking in my surroundings, trying to distract myself from my wound.

I suddenly heard running footsteps coming from around the corner in my direction.

“LOOK OUT!!” somebody came racing towards me.

Before I had time to think we had collided.

I was knocked onto the ground, and I could hear shouting in the distance. As I opened my eyes I was shocked to see someone had stumbled on top of me. I felt panicked, what was going on? She turned to face me and I was amazed at what I saw. Her eyes shone bright in hazel and her brown hair swayed in the breeze, I felt as if time had stopped in that moment.

  - - - - -

Nari (you) POV:

 I had basically been running for several minutes now and the men were still chasing after me but when I checked behind me I noticed that one of the men had disappeared and I didn’t know where he went. I was getting closer to the entrance to the concert, but just as I passed it I noticed the man that I had lost minutes ago was standing a few meters in front of me.

I was surrounded and the only escape route was through an ally way behind the concert. I sprinted for it while the men had stopped for a second smirk at each other before they continued after you.

At first I didn’t realise how fast I was going until I noticed someone standing in the middle of the ally.

“LOOK OUT!!” I shouted at whoever it was but it was too late. My eyes widened as I looked up to meet with this boy’s face that was inches from mine, close enough for me to see the brown in his eyes which seemed so familiar. The impact sent us to the ground and I had landed on top of him. At that moment I had forgot I was being chased and was solely focused on what laid before me.

I heard footsteps approaching from around the corner “HEY! STOP THERE!!” I stood up as I heard the men and I was kind enough to help the boy up from the ground before I ran for my life.  The men ran past the boy and followed you to the end of the ally way.     

I was trapped again and this time there was no escape, so I turned fist ready to fight which I realised was a bad move when I noticed what the men had in hand.

One man had a knuckle duster while the other had a knife, you were clearly out numbered. The Fight started when one man tried to cut my leg while another swung his fist at me. I had dogged the punch but the knife made a deep cut.  The men took a moment to exchanged expressions which gave me the opportunity to defend myself. I kicked the man holding the knife in the ribs and upper cut the other which made him stumble to the ground but he recovered quickly before one grabbed my arm while the other stabbed me several times before throwing me up against the wall.

Before they were going to finish the job, loud voices interrupted them. As I slid down the wall in agony I could see fists flying, but they weren’t just my attackers, there were others there too.  I couldn’t recognise their faces but it seemed there were 3 boys. I started to fade in and out of consciousness until I lost it.

 As I started to wake up I heard different voices.

“Yah, do you know why it happened?” the tone of the voice surprised me but I was too weak to react.

“No, how would I know?”

“Hey guys be quite, I think she’s waking up”

“Hey, can you hear me, hey?”

  I slowly started opening my eyes. It amazed me to see many boys looking down on me.

“Hey, she’s awake” said a boy with unusual yellow coloured hair.

I rubbed my eyes. Was I dreaming or was this a nightmare? I couldn’t be sure but it seemed there were actually 7 boys all looking down at me at once with curious eyes.

Oh Nari what type of trouble have you got yourself into this time?    

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TantalicFangirl #1
Chapter 1: FIRST! PSYCH!!!
Chapter 1: First chapter of first fanfic so I hope you like it