Chapter 2: Introductions

Crimson Heart

Chae’s POV:

Where is she? She’s been out for more than 50 minutes

She said she was just going to buy some drinks from the vending machine, where is she now?

I pulled out my phone to check if she had called me, when I saw the there was no calls or texts from her I started to grow nervous and quickly dialled her number. I bit my nails as it rang but soon there was no answer.

I was scared, were is my one and only best friend? I paced back and forth the entrance of the concert, which still hasn’t finished yet.

So many thought are running through my mind then it occurred to me I did notice there where mysterious men walking behind us it didn’t bother me at first but now I’m starting to wonder if they were following us.

Oh god Nari where are you?  

- - - - -      

JungKook POV:

Who the hell is this person? Is it a girl? No, how can a girl be in a situation like this?

Punches were thrown and dogged like it was nothing. You could see who was the attackers and attacked but I notice that the two men had weapons, it was clearly unfair as well as being a 1 vs 2.

What should I do? Should I intervene or should I leave it be?

I ruffled my hair conflicting with myself.  Whoever this is she or he better pay me back

I ran towards the framing of the exit door “Hyungs!”

- - - - -

The fight went on for more than it should have which wouldn’t have been the problem if the fact that there was a concert to get back to. None of us wanted to be seen on stage with scars and bruises on us or worse not being able to perform at all so we dogged most of the fists.

As Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi finished off the men I ran over to the attacked person who was now unconscious. I looked down at the dead-like body slowly crouching down beside it, there were so many cuts and bruises that I couldn’t count

What’s with this bandana even after all of that action it still seemed stay? There’s some sort of symbol on it

I gently removed the bandana and laid it on my hand so that I could clearly see the symbol. It had a strange shape like a burning rose or was it a flame the shape of the rose?

I shook my head in realisation why am I wondering about this when I should be focusing on the person in front of me

As I looked up to the almost corpse and I couldn’t believe that this person was actually a girl and at that a pretty one.

She was like a sleeping beauty soft skin, bark brown hair and rosy lips.  I notice the blood gushing down from where she sat and snapped out of my trance. I went to pick her up but hesitated afraid that if I do she would break into millions of pieces *come on Jungkook get a hold of yourself* I placed her into my arms bridal style trying my best not to make the wound any worse.

I heard the 3 boys run towards me and the half dead figure in my arm, I could see their shocked eyes travel along the girl’s body. I glanced up at them to see if they were hurt anywhere, luckily Namjoon only had a bruise on his right cheek which can be easily be covered up with makeup.

“What the hell?” I heard Yoongi speak up and break the silence that had surrounded us. We ignored his sudden outburst and continued to walk towards the changing room.

“I said what the hell” “And I heard you” I said with a slightly irritated tone

We reached the door to the changing room and stood in front of it until Jin open the door for me. As I strolled through all eyes were on me or rather on her, I’m not surprised if they are as shocked as I am.

Yoongi was the last to enter the room and began to speak again “I mean who is she?” I placed her down on the table in the middle of the room and Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung approached where I was standing.

“That’s not a main focus at the moment” I walk up to Yoongi “What is important is that she doesn’t bleed to death” I pointed at the girl who was now bleeding on the table. I looked around to see the guys still put back by what’s in front of them. 

“Now can you get some medical equipment?!”

- - - - - 

It’s been half an hour since we treated her and she still hasn’t open her opened her eyes. The concert finished a long time ago and Jin and I are sitting in the chairs next to where the mystery girl slept were as the others just slept or played on their phone.

I heard Taehyung wake up and walk towards us “Hyung, is there any food” *oh how I hate it when he wines* “No” I could hear the irritation in Jin’s voice “Then buy me some” “Uh, do it yourself there’s a vending machine around the corner” “But I have no money” *When will he stop* “Well neither do I” Taehyung sat down next to Jin with his arms crossed and was pouting until Suga stood up “Here take this, I was going to save it for later but if it makes you shut up take it” He chucked a packet of chip at him and of course Taehyung instantly became cheerful.

Taehyung glanced at Jin and I then saw at the direction we were staring at “You know…she’s quite pretty” He teased munching down on his chips while Jin and I glared at him “Seriously hyung, there’s an unconscious girl in the middle of the room and all you can do is notice how attractive she is” I shot back.  Taehyung rose his arms as he backed away in a sign of surrender.  Jimin got up from his seat and walked over the lifeless girl “He has a point though, she is pretty can’t deny that even with all the scratches and bruises on her face”.

All the boys slowly walked towards the centre of the room looking down on the girl in front of them “It still doesn’t change the fact that the girl is injured in the first place and in that type of situation. For all we know she could have robbed them or did something bad towards those men or it could be the other way around. We just don’t know. I hate not knowing” Namjoon stated with his usual level of smarts.

“Yah, do you know why it happened?” Suga looked up at me with his usual annoyed expression “No, how would I know?” I said with the same amount of annoyance in my words.

“Hey guys be quite, I think she’s waking up” J-hope said while poking me in the side with his elbow. I averted my eyes from Suga’s glare to the girl who eyes where slowly fluttering her eyes open “Hey, can you hear me, hey?” Jimin waved his hand in front of the girls face until her eyes shot open with a shocked expression. We all took a step back. 

Taehyung was the first to react “Hey, she’s awake” he said in an exhausted yet curious and excited voice “Now can we go home” he whined once more.

“No, not until we get her home” said Namjoon and finally stepped forward.

We all stared at the surprised and confused girl, she started to scan her surroundings and then us “Where am I? Who are you people?” she said with a resilient voice

“Mwo? You don’t know who we are? How hard did you hit your head” Jimin stated “Oh, I’m sorry but didn’t you hear, the world doesn’t revolve around you, Jerk!” the girl snapped back and I felt a smirk grow on my face *so she’s feisty, I like that* “Excuse me?” Jimin questioned but she just ignored him.

Everyone started to laugh at the girl’s sudden remark while she sat on the bench with a blank look. “Can one of you just answer the question?” the girl glared at us with her hazel orbs “Well that idiot there is Park Jimin” Namjoon pointed at the boy who was still standing in shock “I’m Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster, this is Kim Seokjin aka Jin, Min Yoongi aka Suga, Jung Hoseok aka J-Hope, Kim Taehyung aka V and finally Jeon Jungkook. We are Bangtan Boys also known as BTS”

“Wait what? You mean the BTS that’s preforming in the concert” the girl seemed surprised yet anxious *she does know us, is that way she’s nervous* “Was preforming” Namjoon corrected

“Oh God, when did it finish?” she said with hands in her hair “About half an hour ago” Yoongi answered. The girl’s eyes widened at his answer she started to get up from where she was siting and run towards the door but before she could even reach it she stumbled to the floor with a hand on her stomach, luckily for her I was quick enough to grab her before she hit the ground.

She looked at her hand she place on her stomach, her palm now covered in blood from her wound. She than glanced up at me with her wide eyes, why do I find them so attracting “You won’t be going anywhere without getting that treated properly” I said, I tried to help her up but she whined in pain.  “We should probably go to the hospital”

“No!” she said in a loud voice that shocked me “Anywhere but there” she struggled to get out of my grip but she was too weak and I was too strong.

“Why? You are injured you need medical attention” Jin stepped closer to the girl trying to calm her down however it did not work. “I’m fine, I can take care of myself” she struggled even more, slowly getting annoyed, I subconsciously pulled her closer to me so that she would calm down and she did, surprisingly.

After realising what a have done I loosened my grip on the girl’s body slowly looking down on her only to find red, her eyes are red, RED. Rubbed my eyes to see if I was seeing things, but when I open them again I saw those regular hazel brown eyes. *I must be going crazy*

The girl looked up at me with a stunned gaze “C-Can you let go of me now” I softened and her expression *Aww cute she stuttered* “Will you run away again” I replied with a small grin and she averted her eyes “F-Fine, just don’t take me to the hospital”.

“Okay, Deal” I let her go but felt regret soon after, she’s so warm yet so cold at the same time.

*Uhg why does this girl draw me in, I don’t even know her yet I can’t shake this feeling like we have meet before*

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Sorry i haven't updated in a long time i have been a bit busy with school and had been woking on some new stories (which I am contemplating on wheather or not I should post). 

Please comment and tell me if I should post the story i am working and comment on your view of Crimson Heart so far.

I will be uptadting soon (hopfully) and thats all for now, Stay Awsome.

The image on the bandana is similar to the one is RWBY (it is a awsome 3d animated cartoon by rooster teeth cheak it out

And this is what BTS is feeling throughout this chapter.


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TantalicFangirl #1
Chapter 1: FIRST! PSYCH!!!
Chapter 1: First chapter of first fanfic so I hope you like it