Chpt 12

A Reason to Stay

Once the girls were safely in bed, back at the apartment, Nari invited JooHyuk in for a cup of tea, to which he happily accepted.

“I really appreciate your help tonight, Oppa,” Nari told him as she set the hot cups on the dining table.

“I’m glad you called. I’ve missed you.” JooHyuk took a sip of his tea and watched Nari warmly.

Nari checked the time; it was 2:15 am. By now, the music video had been uploaded. She let her mind wander about what kind of response the video would get this time. She prepared herself for the worst, but deep down, she hoped her hard work would pay off.

“Nari-ah,” JooHyuk said, pulling her back to the conversation. “Would it be okay if I slept on your couch tonight? It’s quite late, and I’m very sleepy.”

“Of course!” Nari said, a bit too fast. “You helped me so much tonight. The least I can do is give you a place to sleep.” Nari rose and headed to her room, returning with a blanket and two pillows. She placed them on the couch and returned to the table.

She noticed that JooHyuk’s cup was empty.

“Would you like some more tea, or anything else to drink?”

“No, thank you. I think I’ll just go to sleep now.”

Nari took the cups to the sink and began to rinse them. She was still distracted because of the music video, so she didn’t even notice when JooHyuk came up behind her. When he placed his hand on her waist, she jumped slightly. Before she could turn around, JooHyuk rested his head on her shoulder and moved his hands forward, giving her a back-hug. He felt warm and cozy, and Nari didn’t make a move to stop him.

She dried her hands and rested them on his.

“Nari-ah,” he whispered, tickling her neck.

“Yes, Oppa?”

“Should we just stay like this for a while?”

Nari nodded and allowed herself to lean into his frame.

Suddenly, JooHyuk released her and turned her to face him. He cupped her face with his left hand and let his thumb glide along her cheekbones. Nari stared up at him, speechless.

“Nari-ah, should I stop?”

Nari shook her head slightly, still staring into his eyes.

JooHyuk placed in thumb under her jaw and tilted her head upwards. Then, he leaned down and gently brushed his lips against hers. Instinctively, Nari closed her eyes. Surprising herself, Nari moved forward and placed her hand on his neck, pulling him towards her. She kissed him deeper, causing the two of them to part their lips and fall into the moment passionately. Not long after, JooHyuk raised Nari up, so that she now sat on the island in the kitchen. Her legs hugged his stomach and both her hands were on him, her left one angling his face towards her and her right one on his neck, feeling the short hairs near the back of his neck.

JooHyuk moved his left arm up the length of her leg and began to reach under her shirt. It was only when his hand made its way to the clasp of her bra, that Nari pulled away, breaking the kiss. JooHyuk opened his eyes and stared at her. He remembered their age difference and thought that Nari would be hesitant in making the next move.

He bent his head forward, so that his hair was now in her face. Nari held his head and lifted it, so that they were eye-level. She kissed him once more on the lips and looked into his eyes.

“We both know that this can’t happen,” she said, caressing his face.

“I know, but would it be so bad if it did?”

“Yes, it would be. Maybe not so much for you, but it could hurt me and YongKi. I can’t risk that.”

JooHyuk nodded and pulled away, out of her reach. He turned away from her and made his way to the couch. “It was real though, right?” he asked.

Nari hopped from the counter and walked so that she stood in front of him. “Yes, it was. But it just can’t happen.”

With that, Nari walked to her room and clicked the door shut.

In the darkness, JooHyuk scolded himself for thinking that Nari would want a relationship with him. How stupid was he? Why would a young, attractive girl like Nari want anything more than friendship from a man who was turning 44 next year? Just the mere thought was foolish. But why couldn’t he make himself stop thinking about her? He wanted to protect her, be there for her and be the reason that she smiled. Would he ever get the chance to be that person for her?

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City-of-Cnblue #1
Chapter 37: Enjoyed this soooo much! Debak!
Yongmi5 #2
Chapter 37: Thanks for writing such a great story. I really enjoyed it. Fighting!!
Yongmi5 #3
Chapter 15: Nari is more complex than I thought. She does have many issues to resolve. Food being just one of them. Thanks for the update. Fighting !!
Yongmi5 #4
Chapter 9: I just found this today and I thought I would give it a try. It 's really good and the flow is good too. You are very talented and just want to encourage you to keep writing. I like Nari a lot. I think she and Jonghyun would make the perfect couple since they are both musicians. Anyway fighting!!