
Now what?



"Why didn't you tell me?" I question my boyfriend as I sit on the breakfast bar where he's served a simple breakfast consisting of milk and cereal; I wasn't in the mood for kimchi anyway. Had that been said out loud, you would have been able to pick up on the sarcasm, I actually did want something more elaborate for breakfast but I can't blame him for being lazy, I kinda kept him very busy last night, which brings me back to the question he has yet to answer "Why didn't you tell me Donghae could hear us from the other side?"


"I thought you knew, we can hear on our side when he plays music in his room, of course it works both ways" he says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.


"I thought it was because the speakers were too loud" I explained as I directed my attention at my sorry excuse for a breakfast. Really though, those were 3 rounds, my body needs calories!


"Sorry I didn't tell you. Are you upset? " he asks making that cute pout that he knows I can't resist.


"No baby, I could never get mad at you, it's just a little off putting, you know? That he's always been able to hear us when we have , it's embarrassing" recalling the not so subtle words he had chosen to inform me of it, only now remembering that he had also told me to take a shower. I'll admit I do smell strongly of sweat and other bodily fluids, so as soon as I finish my cereal I get up and head towards the bathroom, announcing casually where I'm going when I see the question in Sungmin's eyes.


I take a quick cold shower and dress myself in Donghae's clothes. I always wear his clothes since he's more my size than Minnie, even though his shoulders are really wide and his arms are stronger so his shirts are a little big on my slim frame. I love the way his clothes smell, I'm not sure if it's cologne or body wash, I've thought of asking him about it but that would require me to confess that I've been wearing his clothes without his permission and I'm not at all willing to give up on this guilty pleasure of mine. The first time I spent the night here, I did it out of necessity, by now I could keep my own clothes here to change into in the morning, Minnie has already told me to bring some, but I seem to have grown too fond of his oversized shirts and intoxicating scent.


Shortly after, I'm back in the living room where my boyfriend is casually lounging on the sofa, zapping through the channels without much interest on the images flashing in the T.V, but it seems it was never his intention to watch anything since he turns it back off when I approach him and smiles cutely at me as he widens his legs for me to take a comfortable seat there, my back against his soft chest. I feel his warmth immediately engulf me as he wraps his arms around me. I bask in the comfort it brings me, ready to fall asleep before an annoying tone alerts me back into awareness. I feel Minnie moving behind me to reach for his ringing cellphone.


"Hello" he says to the receiver then falls silent, listening to the person on the other side whom I can only assume skipped formal greetings and proceeded to explain the situation. I must admit I was slightly upset that my precious snuggle time was so rudely interrupted and as he hangs up and gives me an apologetic look, I know we won't be resuming any time soon.


"What happened?" I asked without bothering to fake any kind of interest in whatever it is.


"KyuHyun can't go to work today and he wants me to cover his shift" he explains with his head down, biting his lips nervously. That KyuHyun guy is a taboo topic between us; the two of them work part time waiting a classy restaurant downtown, they're really good friends but I hate his guts mainly because he has a very obvious crush on Sungmin and I'm afraid that feelings could be mutual. I confronted him about it one time, I was really angry and accused him of cheating. I still can't believe all the degrading insults I threw at him in my jealous rant, but he still forgave me even though I know I hurt him badly so I vowed to myself to never make a scene like that again, I should have known better than to doubt him. Still, their close friendship rubs me the wrong way.


I smile superficially to reassure my nervous boyfriend that I'm not at all bothered by the fact that he's about to ditch me to go make KyuHyun a favor. No, not at all. So what if he met a cute guy at work who's oh-so-charming and taller that me even though I'm older and who obviously likes him a lot? That is most definitely not an issue. They're just flirty by nature, is not like they have some kind of undeniable chemistry between them, or a growing just waiting to explode. No. Not the case at all, I say, but then he leaves in a rush, not even kissing me goodbye as he exits hurriedly to aid his friend, and insecurity fills my heart once more.


I'm losing him.

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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 32: Thanks for sharing this story…
961 streak #2
Chapter 32: Thank you so much!
Now what? Just joking.
It was a great read!
961 streak #3
Chapter 27: This is such a sweet chapter. I love how Hyuk said it all. It is the love that is shared that gives meaning and beauty to the kiss. I love it.
961 streak #4
Chapter 24: Awwwww! This is s sweet. It is so good for Hyuk.
961 streak #5
Chapter 12: I am very happy that Hae was able to end it with Jessica. When all reasons fail, just mandate it. Jessica does not need to agree. That was a great chapter!
961 streak #6
Chapter 3: I must say that I liked the way you wrote each chapter. You have style! I really like it.
You give insights and movements in the body of the chapter and leave us with one lingering thought.
I find it very beautiful.
961 streak #7
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I feel for Hae so much. How could he even think about the boyfriend of his roommate?
I just started reading this. I couldn't even remember how I found your story. But it seems interesting!
Thank you for sharing.
Naina_122 #8
Chapter 32: Cute story! I enjoyed it more than I thought I would! I'm not really a fan of eunhae having other partners because they belong together! But you made it work in this story and that made me read this lovely story til the end! Thank you!
Naina_122 #9
Chapter 26: Lol!!! The most funniest chapter I've ever read!!!
EunHaeLove42 #10
Good story but I thing...what ever happened to Junsu???
Kyu and Min were wrong to jump on Hyuk like that.
Donghae is so sweet and understanding, as I would've lost my patience many times.
Hyuk was a gem, I just didn't like how much of a he was...

Thanks for sharing! ^^