The First Meeting (October 1st)

October Writing Challenge

*This is the first time I've written something like this in like a month or two so it's a little rough and it got SUPER cheesy near the end omg. But I'm basically writing fluff for myself so who cares?*


I’ve always had a love for fall. I may have been born in the summer, but I was made for crisp autumn days, fluffy sweaters, pumpkin flavored everything, apple cider, horror movies, and piles of leaves. There was nothing better than sitting in a worn leather chair in a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater drinking warm apple cider and watching the leaves fall in storms of vibrant colors while I read or typed, thinking about the hay rides I would be going on later or planning my Halloween costume. I say “was” because up until last year this was my ideal autumn pastime, but then last October something, or rather someone, fell (and I do quite literally mean fell) into my life and altered my idea of the perfect October afternoon.


    I was running late, as I so often am, and I was in a rush to meet my friends at a nearby cafe so of course I wasn’t paying attention as I rounded the corner of a building. I only felt myself collide with something tall and leather clad and then I was on the ground being crushed by the same tall and leather clad something.


    “Oh !" Were the first words I ever heard him say, but at the time I wasn't fascinated by his deep voice and the way he bit his lip nervously as he waited for my reaction with a slightly mortified look on his face. No, at the time I was more concerned with the fact that there was a stranger practically lying on top of me and the fact that the stranger's drink had spilled all down the front of my sweater.


I suppose I should've been grateful that the coffee hadn't been hot enough to burn me, but in that moment all I could think was 'aw man this is my favorite shirt.'


After these few realizations I apparently came back to my senses because I looked up into the cautious and apologetic brown eyes hovering above me and asked quietly and calmly "Could you please get off of me?"


The brown eyes widened and there was a string of muttered curses as he lifted himself off of me and held a hand out to pull me to my feet. Once I was standing again I looked down sadly at my ruined, coffee stained sweater and sighed.


"Shi- I mean I'm...uh sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.


I looked at his apologetic face and suddenly realized that my "attacker" was actually very attractive and suddenly I was fighting to keep a blush off of my cheeks as I replied, "Uh, It's alright I guess. I wasn't really paying attention either."


We stood there in the middle of the street staring at the puddle of coffee pooling around our feet letting awkward silence fill the space where words should have been.


Suddenly he cleared his throat and said, "I'm not sure if you want to deal with me anymore after that...but do you want to...uh clean up or something? There's a bathroom in the coffee shop I just left. I-I could buy you a coffee or something too, you must be freezing now."


I hadn't even noticed that I had begun to shiver, but he was right. A wet shirt plus wind is not exactly warm. As much as I wanted to accept the stranger's offer for coffee I remembered my waiting friends and reminded myself that I was not someone who just went to get coffee with strangers that had just spilled their own coffee on me. "That's a very nice offer, but I'm actually mee-" I stop when he rolls his eyes slightly and interrupts me.


"Ah geeze, I'm not trying to be creepy, I just want to make sure you don't freeze to death. It's a public cafe and it's literally right there." He said, pointing to a cute cafe a few doors down. The same cafe where I was supposed to be meeting my friends.


I sigh and nod, "Okay, I'll walk there with you, but I'm actually supposed to meet my friends there so you don't need to buy me coffee." At this his face almost seems to fall, but it wouldn't make sense for him to be disappointed. It would only save him money. But I do feel a little bad for some reason so I add, "The offer was very nice though. Thank you."


He nodded and cleared his throat harshly, "Uh yeah... I just feel bad about ruining your sweater thing. Come on." He didn't leave me time to answer, he just started walking and motioned for me to follow him. I rushed forward to catch up with him, still shivering in the wind. 


I was grateful when we reached the warmth of the cafe. The smell of coffee was welcoming and I immediately spotted my friends in the corner booth. I made eye contact with Ash, one of my friends, and was about to wave, but at that moment the stranger tapped my shoulder and asked me where my friends were. Just before I turned to answer him I saw Ash's eyes go wide and she reached across the table to tell Quinn, my other friend, to look at me. 


"My friends are over there so you can leave now if yo-"


"Where?" He interrupted.


"What do you mean where? At the corner table." I turned as I spoke only to freeze when I saw an empty table.


"Y/N there you are!! We were about to call the cops or something. You were supposed to be here like half an hour ago." Quinn's voice comes from behind me and I spin to face the sound. I don't know how they moved so fast, but they managed to cross the cafe and were now staring at the stranger with wide eyes. I saw their eyes shift between us, already jumping to conclusions. 


"Oh yeah, sorry about that. I was already running late, but then I bumped into...uh I'm sorry I never even asked your name." I looked at the stranger expectantly.


He was watching my friends with an amused look, but he turned and looked into my eyes when he answered, "Yoongi. My name is Min Yoongi." 


I got distracted by the sudden eye contact and it took me a moment to continue, "Uh right, I bumped into Yoongi and his coffee made a mess as you can see."


"Ahhh..." Quinn said in a very suspicious way. I narrowed my eyes at her as she continued, "Well we're already finished with our coffee. We wanted to wait for you but you know Ash has that thing..." She trailed off, looking at Yoongi in a strange way.


I racked my brain, but I couldn't think of any "thing" that Ash would need to be doing which means she lied... but why?


I felt Yoongi staring at me, "Do you need to go with them? My coffee offer still stands if you don't mind staying here with me."


"Oh that's a great idea! You should stay here and warm up for a bit, we can go to the thing and then come back and pick you up!" Ash spoke up for the first time smiling at Yoongi like he had the best idea she had ever heard in her life. 


I raised a brow at them and began to protest saying it would probably be better to just go home, but before I could even speak they just waved and called "See you later Y/N!" over their shoulders.


When the door slipped shut behind them I turned to Yoongi with furrowed brows, "I'm not sure what just happened."


He was staring at the door as well. "I think you're friends are trying to tell you that you should get coffee with me." He turned to look down at me and he smirked a little. 


I felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks so I rushed to say, "Fine. I'm going to go try and fix this a little." I gestured at my ruined sweater and started to walk away but I stopped and looked over my shoulder to see Yoongi watching me, "Um...I actually don't like coffee, but I really like hot chocolate."


He raised a brow and laughed, "Got it. One hot chocolate coming up. I'll try not to spill this one on you. That would kinda ruin the date."


"D-Date?!" I squeaked staring at him with wide eyes.


Yoongi shrugged, "If you don't mind? I think your friends might've had the right idea." And with that he walked to the counter to order, leaving behind a flustered and very confused me. 


I stood there in the middle of the cafe for a moment before I allowed a small smile to cross my face. On the way to the bathroom my head was full of thoughts about hot chocolate, fall days, and spilt coffee.






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Coffee, fall, and yoongi; what could be better? <3 Good job!!