BCD - Chapter one

Behind closed doors
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Chapter one:

''Dismissed.'' Krystal let out a heavy sigh as the door closed. It had been another long unproductive day, all she wanted was to go home and get some rest. But that's something she knew were not so likely considering she still had a bundle of papers she had to go through later on.

Rubbing her temple to somewhat reduce her incoming headache she didn't notice the door to her office open. ''Another long day?'' Krystal didn't look up but did give the person a hum in acknowledgment.

''You got to take some time off soon Krystal, really just a few days. It's not like you have used up all your vacation days, I know you have quite the number of those.''

Krystal didn't answer, sorting her papers and files on the computer as she thought about the idea. ''Maybe, but I still have to finish these Victoria.'' She glanced up to see her friend looking around on the shelves, reading through some plans for the season.

Krystal wondered why she was looking through them. Those fools came up with nothing but garbage which only gave her irritating headaches, really... she needed to fire them soon. What did Victoria even see in them?

''Come on, it's past noon and you still haven't had your lunch yet and I'm hungry.'' Victoria walked over to her friend and closed down the computer screen.

Krystal sent her friend a small glare. ''I could fire you for doing that Vic.''

The black haired woman only laughed. ''Yeah and you wouldn't make it a day without me.'' Krystal shrugged but gave her friend a small smile. ''I know. So this lunch you talked about...''


''I've heard about this place,'' Krystal states as she noticed the sign with the place's name on. Victoria turned to look at her friend sideways and gave her a grin ''Of course... I've heard they had everything here and their chicken fillet was a die for and decided to check it out with you.''

Krystal gave her friend an impressed look and surveyed the place. It was slightly old and had vintage feeling into it, but there were a few modern pieces of furniture and the smell was heavenly. 

Hmm... this place might be her new favorite place to eat.

''There's a free table over there, come on.'' Victoria led them to the empty table in the far left corner of the room and sat down, not seconds later a young employee showed up. 

''Hi and welcome to Gerdi's Dinner! Here's your menu, would you like to order a refreshment while you wait?'' The young girl asks the two woman in front of her.

They were a sight to behold. They stood out like a sore thumb in the dinner with their dress-suits and sophisticated auras.

''Well... I would like one pesto pasta salad with fresh mozzarella to the side and to go with that a glass of water, please.'' The girl nodded, writing it down in her notebook and turned to the black haired woman. ''One grilled chicken salad and a root beer for me.'' The young girl nodded and thanked them before walking away to take their orders.

''No chicken fillet?'' Krystal asked playfully.

Victoria waved her hand dismissively. ''Another time and it's more suited for late night dinners.'' Krystal nods in agreement. ''So what have you been up to lately, I haven't seen you in the office the last few days?'' 

Victoria shrugs and made it somehow look smooth and elegant. ''Just been scouting for fresh models, haven't been lucky though..'' She said frustratedly. ''Ah, that's unfortunate.. maybe you should try checking out those matured ones that are already in the industry. I'm sure they'll be acceptable.'' Krystal suggested to her friend.

Victoria looked to be in thoughts for a moment before nodding. ''Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I will bring it up with the board later and check on our budget too.''

Krystal hums. ''If there's not enough, I could sneak in a sum if there's needed.'' Victoria gave a smile to her boss and murmured her gratitude. They continued to talk and only stopped briefly to thank the young girl who brought them their food. 

On the other side of the dinner sat a chestnut-haired woman with her manager. They were once again having one of their 'disagreements'.

''Be more careful then!'' The older woman hissed at her client and close friend.

''I was being careful Emma! I didn't get caught and I actually had the place supervised by my guards to inform me if they saw or noticed any of those dogs that call themselves journalists.'' Amber huffs and runs a hand through her hair. The single action almost made the girls around her drop to the floor.

''Don't do that,'' Emma notices the girls around them was swooning and sending heart eyes to the tomboy. ''Do what?'' Amber asks confused.

''Nothing, just- urhg just call me next time you're about to do something like that again, okay?'' Emma let out a weary sigh as Amber nodded in acceptance. ''Sorry, I'll do my best to not give you any more troubles.''

They continued to sip their drinks and eat from the small plate of sweets. ''Soo.. have you heard back from them?'' Amber asked slowly. Emma shook her head in negative. ''No, I think it'll take some time. Many people are applying to that magazine and they're presumably listing the applications by last names that's why the response is taking so long.''

''Yeah, probably... I really hope they will consider me. I'd love to be in their catalog. The new CEO has taken their empire to the next level after Mr. Genwo stepped down and it'd be great to experience it.'' Amber gushed out, luckily she wasn't loud enough to capture the two women in the corner.

''You really love them, don't you?'' Emma chuckled as Amber continued to list the amazing facts about the Jung Magazine.

She wondered why Amber wanted to apply to that company, the tomboy already had an amazing position in her current place and it wasn't an easy position to get either. This was one of the companies you had to work hard to get where you wanted to be.

Emma listened to her friend's raving for a moment before the rings of her phone interrupted them. ''I'll be right back.'' She excused herself and Amber watched her go and decided to just play something on her phone while waiting.

''Uhm.. hi? gosh, a-are you Amber Liu?'' A girl from her right suddenly popped out of nowhere, interrupting her game-play. Amber turned to look at the girl and noticed there were a few girls behind too, probably her friends.

''Uh, yeah hi?'' She greeted awkwardly but sent them a charming smile. That got her a few squeals and ooh's from the group. ''Can I please have your autograph?''

Amber surveyed the dinner if they had captured any attention, luckily they didn't. ''Sure.'' After that the rest of the girls wanted one too, it suddenly became little noisy as they squealed and chatted with their friends that they got an autograph and picture with THE Amber J. Liu!

Ohgod I hope this doesn't go too out of hand! Amber tried to shush the girls but to no avail. The commotion started to get the attention from the others in the dinner, including the two women in the corner.

''I wonder what's happening?'' Krystal said as she looked over to the crowd near the exit. She couldn't see what they were doing; too many were people blocking the view.

''Looks like a group of fans surrounding their artist?'' Victoria murmured as she looked closer, there

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rmanalo #1
Chapter 6: omg pls dont leave me hanging with amber and krystal
dhanrskie0227 #2
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Julian0928 #3
Chapter 6: author you're back! I want to strangle you for that 14-month hiatus but thankful for the update nonetheless. Please be back for good!
Chapter 6: Please update again and don't leave us hanging author~
taeny20 #5
Chapter 6: thanks for the update author.
please make it a lomg chapter next.
12 streak #6
Chapter 6: An update!!.. Heheheh these two are cute.. No. 1 baby Jung!!
Bearnivore #7
Chapter 6: Reread it again!! Thank you author-nim! :3
amhar03 #8
Chapter 6: Im glad youre back author, and they are too head over heel for each other makes me want to banging their heads together and let them kiss all day long
Chapter 6: One of the readers who sometimes re-reads this story. Thanks for coming back. ^-^
Chapter 6: Man, I've missed this story of yours and your awesome facts. I'm on the edge to know how our Kryber is going to develop here. I absolutely love their characters and personalities. They make me laugh so much. Thanks for the update and I'll be waiting for the next one.