BCD - Chapter three

Behind closed doors
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Chapter three:


And in seconds the crew inside begins talking over each other to get Ms. Jung's attention, making the whole room buzz with noises. 

''Ms. Jung, the budget to-!''

''Ms. Jung, have you heard abou-''

''Ma'am, my son would be super happy if-''

''Silence!'' Krystal hissed in second time, irritated that she has to raise her voice so they could hear her.

Everyone in the room but one shivered in fear and slight awe. They have also noticed everyone in the room fall under the command. Victoria laughed inwardly as she saw the face of those in their forties and sixties.

And she had to hold back a giggle at the face Amber was sporting, one word; hilarious!

Krystal wrinkled her brows together already feeling the migraine developing. She has only been in the room for one minute, imbeciles, she thought as she walked to her seat and everyone followed suit.

Krystal glanced once more at the short-haired woman who sat a few seats away from her before clearing her thoughts and started the meeting.

Throughout the whole meeting, Amber couldn't stop her eyes from straying back to the woman who sat at the head of the table, looking like a Queen on her throne. She knew the staring was little creepy but damn, that aura.

Suddenly their eyes met and Amber's skin tingled, goosebumps formed making her shiver. Quickly looking away even if it was quite obvious that she got caught looking, she felt the warmth on her cheeks heat up and knew she was blushing.

Cute, Krystal thought as she almost cracked a small smile at the reaction. She turned back to the conversation between her AD and two other men who she couldn't find herself to remember their names arguing.

She let them continue a few moments more and in the corner of her eye, she saw her employees shifting nervously as if knowing something was coming. ''Alright stop it! I've come to a conclusion under this, brawl. You, Mr. Bertsson are fired and congratulations Mr. Bennet you just got promoted to the new Art Director, do not disappoint me. I'm glad to see you sticking up for the right matters Mr. Kim, do continue and your future will look bright.''

''Oh- oh thank you Ms. Jung!''

The two others looked at her in bewilderment, and not seconds later her new AD thanked her profusely while Mr. Bertsson face turned red in embarrassment and anger. ''What do you mean I'm fired?! You can't do this!'' He shouted angrily, pointing his finger at her only to realize his mistake 0.2 seconds later.

Krystal's hardly reacted, with a raised eyebrow and hands clasped together under her chin, she stared up at him with stabbing eyes.

Victoria watched the whole thing with amusement and slight shock. Never had she thought he had balls to say all that and point fingers. The room waited in dead silence, the only noise in the room was the AC.

''Sorry, I couldn't understand what you just said.. could you simply repeat it again for me?'' Krystal's low voice filled with fake politeness and the iciness it made the forty-eight-year-old man break into a sweating pig.

Even with the AC full, everyone felt themselves getting warm at the tension in the room between the CEO and the ex-Art Director.

Frank, aka Mr. Bertsson, tried to get help from the others at the table but everyone avoided his eyes. He shrank even lower when he felt the chainsaw-like glares coming from Mr. Jung. ''Well Mr. Bertsson? I'm waiting,'' He heard her say and turned to face her and almost pissed himself.

''Uh- Ms. Jung, I- didn’t mean.. ah!” He shoots out of his chair and crawled to Krystal's chair and begged for her forgiveness. His pride thrown to the windows as he begged not to get blackmailed from the city.

Everyone in the room watched in shock, including Krystal herself. But she composed herself the last second. She her lips before pursed them and the crew had to hold back their breath. 

Amber, on the other hand, had to hold back her breath for another reason. The sight had her drooling- the attraction she felt at that moment was unbelievable.

''What are you doing Mr. Bertsson? Get up and save some of the last dignity you have!'' She hissed with disbelief and he let out a small squeak and crawled up, hovering over her but he felt like a rat next to a tigress.

Krystal rubbed her temples with her fingers and sighed. ''I'm going to let- what the hell just happened, go and I don't want anyone in this room to ever repeat what Mr. Bertsson just did or I won't be as forgiving as I am now, understood?''

The whole table gaped at her in shock, not believing he got out unscratched even Victoria was looking at her friend with wide eyes. Krystal cleared in annoyance with the silence and everyone hurried to nod. ''Yes, ma'am!''

''Good, now that is cleared.. security please Mr. Bertsson out.'' Frank dropped his head in embarrassment but didn't fight back and followed the men.

Amber watched with wide eyes as the he disappeared behind the doors, and when she turned back she saw Ms. Jung watching her. They had an intense staring contest before the other woman turned away.

Oh, did I have something on my face.. do I ugly? Amber's thoughts went bonkers as she tried not to let out a small whimper at her miserable situation.

'' Let us wrap this meeting up. I'm very pleased with what we've come up with under this short time and I'll contact you in a few days for any progress.'' Krystal's voice rang out, the crews and board members stood up and bowed, thanking her for her time and started to slowly slip out one after another.

Victoria turned her head to her friend when she heard Krystal call for her. She walked over to the head of the table and sat on the expensive glass table, making Krystal narrow her eyes at her choice of chair but did not say anything.

''Yes, boss?'' Victoria said sweetly and got an eye roll in return. ''Please don't, that does not suit you.'' Krystal chuckled at her friend's fake-hurt expression. ''But to another subject- who's that woman over there?'' Victoria shot her a confused look and Krystal tried not to make it obvious as she pointed with her chin to the tomboy in the corner with her manager and a young man talking.

Victoria followed after her gaze and let out an ''Oh,'' and laughed. ''That's the secret surprise from Giorgio!'' She let out a small but excited squeal.

Krystal sent the black haired woman a look ''Then why didn

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rmanalo #1
Chapter 6: omg pls dont leave me hanging with amber and krystal
dhanrskie0227 #2
Chapter 6: Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Julian0928 #3
Chapter 6: author you're back! I want to strangle you for that 14-month hiatus but thankful for the update nonetheless. Please be back for good!
Chapter 6: Please update again and don't leave us hanging author~
taeny20 #5
Chapter 6: thanks for the update author.
please make it a lomg chapter next.
20 streak #6
Chapter 6: An update!!.. Heheheh these two are cute.. No. 1 baby Jung!!
Bearnivore #7
Chapter 6: Reread it again!! Thank you author-nim! :3
amhar03 #8
Chapter 6: Im glad youre back author, and they are too head over heel for each other makes me want to banging their heads together and let them kiss all day long
Chapter 6: One of the readers who sometimes re-reads this story. Thanks for coming back. ^-^
Chapter 6: Man, I've missed this story of yours and your awesome facts. I'm on the edge to know how our Kryber is going to develop here. I absolutely love their characters and personalities. They make me laugh so much. Thanks for the update and I'll be waiting for the next one.