Between the Petals

Between The Petals
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Sehun decided to ignore his manager’s pleads for this one photo shoot. His price for the whole photo shoot was also increased so that Sehun would agree but Sehun denied still. His manager is furious, demanding all the reasons and Sehun decided to ignore him. It is better to be silent than getting more hates after revealing his reasons. He is just tired of everything. There hasn’t been a day where Sehun could walk peacefully on the streets without being noticed as the World Class Model or do whatever he feel is right. Fans would circle around him for autographs and pictures. There was once he denied to take a picture with a female fan and the next day news about Sehun being arrogant is all over the media. After that day whether he likes it or not he was instructed to take pictures with fans if they want to. Sehun could never understand why is his company’s policy is such a nuisance. Sehun is waiting for the day when his contract expires with the ty company and he would be on his own, man of his of decisions and choice. Just a week more he tells himself.


A photo shoot at a flower shop is Sehun’s final deal. Only he knows this. Putting his best smile and interest Sehun goes through the details given by his manager. His manager tells him all the additional details such as the location and time as Sehun reads his criteria. Sehun follows his manager to visit the flower shop. Fans crowds him as he walk on the pavement to the old wooden flower shop. He could smell roses and daffodils in the air. Faking smiles for fans as usual, Sehun’s eyes lands on the line of flowers outside the flower shop. Aesthetic. Sehun could feel himself mixing into the feeling and emotions around the flowers. His heart began to float and they felt light and right. Stepping into the shop, more flowers stacks on his left and right. Yellow, pink, white, red, purple, orange, a lady and a boy.


The lady looks elderly but the boy looks quite young. He is a good looking too. No actually he is very good looking. Sehun finds himself being smitten with the boy. His chocolate skin and sweat glistening skin shines beautifully with the sunlight as he carries a box of something to the counter. That boy surely fits with the sun. Sehun could never stay long under the sun but this boy is made for the sun like he is the son of God Apollo. The sunlight surely loves this boy. He did not notice Sehun and Sehun silently wishes that the boy would acknowledge him. Sehun wonders if the boy did bother about the ruckus outside his flower shop. His manager scowls at him as he snaps out of his daze. Sehun wants to stay here in this flower shop, maybe have the shoot prolonged for days and get to know the bronzed skin boy.


The next day Sehun returns to the flower shop as the super model he is. Getting dressed into leather jacket and tight jeans, Sehun hopes the boy would notice him. Previously Sehun left the shop without getting noticed by the boy but Sehun watched him water the flowers, touch them gently, smelling them, and arranging them into beautiful bouquet for customers. That night Sehun had a dream about sweet smelling flower field. Photographers instructs Sehun to lie on a bed of petals. His heart wrecks this time. Before this he would crush the petals without thinking about their softness but now, he couldn’t. The director yells for the shooting to start and with a heavy heart Sehun lands his body above those pink petals. He stares at the camera but his eyes are looking at the boy. Sehun is thinking about the flower boy. A smile escapes his lips as he wonders why he is so smitten by the flower boy. The photographer suddenly screams in excitement. They caught the moment. It seems that the smiling moment was the best among all the other best pictures. Sehun looks at the shots taken from the computer screen and his smiling shot is indeed the best. It has been so long since Sehun smiled sincerely and this time the flower boy had done the deed for Sehun without putting any effort.


The session ends earlier than Sehun ever wanted. The elderly woman which he assumes the owner came to them with cookies and she is thanking them for giving her lowly shop such a beautiful appreciation. Sehun denies her statement leaving everyone around them to be stunned. Sehun is being honest and the lady beams happily thanking him and praising Sehun for his work. For the first time Sehun felt sincerity in praises for his work. The staffs ignores them and Sehun finds himself engaging into conversations with the lady. Sehun watches the boy appear and disappear from the counter to the store but never once his eyes fall on Sehun. His manager interrupts his moments by telling him to go to the company. Sehun forgot about his contract expiring tomorrow.


“I am not renewing the contract.” Sehun informs his manager and boss, pushing away the new contract papers. They freeze in their seats. His manager starts telling Sehun the things he will be missing and the amount of money he is denying. “I missed a lot more of things by being a model for your ty company.” Sehun states, bowing one final time and leaves the office. His ex-manager came running after him asking if he is really serious. “I will ask my lawyer to deal with all the other pending things.” He states, leaving the man on his own. Sehun steps out of the company, breathing in the fresh air. He desperately wanted to go back to the flower shop and meet the flower boy and initiate a conversation but now is not the right time. He will be all over the news and the reporters will haunt him for days.


The bell at the door chimes as Sehun enters the flower shop. Since when there is a bell? Sehun looks around to find the familiar face he has been wanting to see for days. Sehun had locked himself in the house for days, not wanting to meet any reporters. News about his dismiss from the company had been on the news for two days and numerous of calls came from a number of companies. “Kai… someone is here. Will you see?” A lady’s voice beams from a corner and there is no reply from this Kai person. Sehun looks around for the meantime, reading all the flower names on the card. Sehun pulls out a Rose and smells it. That is the only flower he is familiar with in the whole shop. Other than the rose, Sehun had never known their names and existence. A tap on the glass and Sehun is greeted by a warm smile.


The same boy. “Kai?” Sehun asks, and he smiles back in return. Sehun puts the Rose back into the vase and Kai moves forward to where Sehun is to rearrange the Rose’s position. Sehun waits for him to say something but nothing came out of his mouth. Sehun stares at the boy as he rearrange the flowers. His sharp jaw, button nose, thick hair and his arms looks stronger for a florist. “Oh it’s you?” the lady voice speaks and she is the same lady from the photoshoot. Since the lady came, Kai leaves. Sehun could feel his heart screaming in pain. He wanted to spend time with Kai not the lady. Sehun requests for a bouquet to be arranged by Kai and the lady threw Sehun a look. She somehow called Kai again and the boy stares at Sehun saying nothing. “Just tell Kai the flowers you want and he will arrange them for you. She speaks well of Kai saying his magical hands and beautiful eyes kept her shop running for years. Sehun couldn’t agree less. Yet, Kai keeps mum throwing the lady big smiles and a shy smile to Sehun.


“Carnations.” Kai nods stealing a glance to where those pretty carnations are. “Red Roses.” Kai nods again. “Sweet Pea.” Kai smiles this time and Sehun wonder why. “and White Lily” Kai moves to take all those mentioned flowers but he takes along an extra flower, green chrysanthemum. Sehun watches Kai arrange those flowers silently. Sehun is dying to talk to the boy but he hesitates. Kai looks so engrossed in arranging those flowers to acknowledge Sehun who is busy checking him out from head to toe. Everything about Kai is beautiful to Sehun. Sehun could see the beauty of his bouquet forming from Kai’s magic. The mixture of the five colours red, pink, yellow, white and green is reflecting Sehun bright and free life now. The flower Kai added to Sehun’s choice, the green, is bringing up the all the colours and existence.


Kai turns to look at Sehun, jerking towards the arranged bouquet. “Wow….” Kai smiles at Sehun all the time not taking the initiative to talk to him at all. Sehun is annoyed but he is not at the same time. Sehun want to hear the boy talking! Sehun cannot seem to be angry with Kai. “You surely love your work Kai…” Sehun praises and he saw a shade of pink forming on Kai’s cheeks. Kai nods, smiling shyly. “How much for this magical bouquet?” Kai taps the calculator and shows Sehun the amount. Sehun ignores it looking directly at Kai. Kai points to the calculator again and with a heavy heart Sehun pulls out his wallet to pay.


Sehun keep returning to the shop and the lady owner could not hide her suspicion. “Flowers by Kai again?” Sehun nod removing his shades and mask. He would still walk around wearing mask and shades but some fans would recognise him. If Sehun is in a good mood he would smile in their picture but if he is not he would just deny them. The owner calls Kai who was cleaning buckets and Kai came rushing in with mud smudge on his cheeks. Sehun points to the smudge and Kai blinks cutely to him. “Smudge?” Sehun points again, Kai brims with a bright smile and wipes it off with the back of his palm. Kai wipes his hands to the cloth on his waist and waits for Sehun to tell him what flowers as usual. Sehun blinks at Kai waiting for Kai to say something but Sehun gives up, “Something that suits the weather today?”


Sehun kept the bouquet on the table again and searches for a vase all over the house. There are all together 8 bouquet of flowers in the house and his house smells like flower field, mixed with all kinds of sweet smelling scents. At last Sehun hangs the flowers nearby the window, letting it to wilt on its own. The first bouquet he brought into his house days ago is still fine and Sehun changes the water every two days. With the presence of flowers in his dull, boring house, his house looks more lively and bright. Sehun wants Kai to be here with him, spending their days and night together and grow old together. Sehun wishes to tell Kai about his feelings but he is afraid to do so. The boy had yet to say a word to him besides occasionally smiling and gesturing.


The wooden flower shop’s bell chimes once again and Sehun is welcomed by the owner judging eyes once again. “Don’t you have anything to do coming here every day Sehun? Sehun shakes his head. This lady t

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962 streak #1
Chapter 1: I really sure that Sehun was studying sign language to properly communicate with Jongin.
Thank you so much for the happy ending.
Chapter 1: This is soooo beautiful please 😭💜
Oneandonlysekai #3
Chapter 1: This story is really beautiful. Kai is so cute, pure and innocent. Sehun must be super handsome and a little bit arrogant but actually he is a sweetest boyfriend. And the way Sehun treat Kai.. it’s so precious. I really could have image Kai = Sehun’s most beautiful flower.. I like your writing style and story idea. It’s amazing.
Chapter 1: Kjajhshjkaiah SO cute and fluffy ??jongin is one beautiful flower ??
Rb2012 #5
Chapter 8: Why so fluffyyyyy
ellie321 #6
Chapter 1: This is fluffy and sweet their relationship is so beautiful
Kaianara #7
Chapter 1: This was decadently sweet and oh so beautifully perfect...
gxrgvamp #8
Chapter 1: this story is so beautiful i want it to be a movieeee.