Claiming Prompts

Round 1 Instructions

Thank you for all the wonderful prompts~ Mod is very excited and hopes this first round will be very successful, but in order to do that, some ground rules have to be set.

To begin, here is a refresher on the timeline for this fic fest.

Time Line

 This fest will run on UTC-5 (EST/New York time)


01 November Prompting starts
10 January Prompting closes
13 January Prompting doc release
20 January Claiming starts
17 Aril Final Submissions
24 April Posting Begins
07 May Reveals



♥ Reminder that this is a short-fic fest! All submitted works will need to be 2000 words or less. Future rounds may have a different challenge associated with it, however!

♥ Claiming for prompts is open until final submissions are due.

♥ Since works will be less than 2000 words, the check in will not require a submission, but just a simple confirmation that you are still participating. If you do not respond within 3 days of the check in deadline, you will be considered dropped, and your prompt will be open for claiming.

 You are allowed to make more than one claim, but only after you have submitted your work for your first claim. You are also allowed to make each submission part of a larger story or au but each submission should be able to stand alone.

♥ All fics will be posted on LiveJournal, and if allowed by the author, will also be crossposted on Ao3 and AFF. There will be an option for selecting which sites to crosspost to on the claiming form and a confirmation of this on the submission form. (If you would like to cross post to Ao3, we simply ask that the fic be a part of the redvelvetfics round 1 community. There will more information about this in our submission post.)

♥ The password for the claiming form is: Happiness

♥ Do NOT talk about your claim openly on twitter or other social media sites. Private discussions are fine, but we want to avoid any spoilers!

♥ Plagiarizing is not accepted under any terms, and those who are caught will be blacklisted and publicly identified.

♥ There will be a follow up post about submissions soon!

Claiming Form
(click me I open in a new window!)

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