Round 1 Instructions


Hello all, and welcome to RedVelvetFics, a fic fest for the lovely kpop group Red Velvet!

This fic fest is a little special, however. There will be a maximum word count of 2000 words per prompt. In the words of William Shakespeare, "Brevity is the soul of wit."

Basic Rules

♥ You are allowed to submit as many prompts as your heart desires. However, any non/dubcon prompts will be taken out.

♥ All parings OT2 and OT3+ are welcome. We are also accepting prompts that are member-centric and non-RV ships (i.e. Joy/Sungjae).

♥ Please keep in mind that since there is a max word count, do not leave prompts that are too detailed.

♥ Prompting will be done through gdocs, and are anonymous. 

♥ Do NOT talk about your prompt openly on twitter or other social media sites. Private discussions are fine, but we want to avoid any spoilers!

♥ There will be a follow up post about claiming and check in soon!

 This fest will run on UTC-11
01 November Prompting starts
10 January Prompting closes
13 January Prompting doc release
20 January Claiming starts
17 Aril Final Submissions
24 April Posting Begins
07 May Reveals






Twitter: @redvelvetfics | Email: [email protected]


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