Punch of Love 3.0

Punch of Love

Taeyeon just went home. And waited for dinnertime where his parents are there with him. His father almost gave him a slap but his mother stopped it.

“You have never done anything that make me proud. You have continuously gave us trouble and yet you did not learn from your mistakes! Breaking in the school?! That’s the first punishment I heard from my life!”


“Just entertain my principal tomorrow and don’t bother about anything else.”

Taeyeon said and went back to his room.



The Next Day,



Yuri gave a bro fist of luck before Taeyeon walks to the office.


Taeyeon knock the door and went in, the first thing he said was,

“My parents will be here only at noon.”

“Inform them that the case is closed. They do not need to come anymore.” Principal Lee replied.

“What?! How?” Taeyeon looked up and was totally confused.

“Apparently.. WHICH, I do not understand why..” Principal Lee breathed in before he continues, “You went in to take Ms Hwang from Law major, her lost phone, is that right?”

“I..yeah.. that’s right.. but how did you..?”

“She came to confess in the morning. And she pleaded for the case to close. Since she has been contributing to the school well, I respect her and gave her a choice.”


“Now, listen up Kim Taeyeon. I do not want to see you behaving like this again, even if it is to help your friend.”

“Yes sir..” Taeyeon mumbled.


“And also, mix with decent students like Ms Hwang and not with your bunch of friends who only knows how to fool around most of the time. Ok, you will still have your punishment. The punishment is that.. i want you to stay clear of records this week. If you behave, will be the best gift to the school.”

"Yes Principal Lee.."


As he made his way out, he saw Tiffany at the lockers, he went down and bought a drink before he went back to the girl.

He shove the drink towards her face when she was talking to her friends.

“Thanks.” He said coolly.

“Kim Taeyeon?” Tiffany was stunned for a moment but smile after. “You should have told me about it. Or you’re deadmeat.”

“It doesn’t matter. Lee despises me anyway.”

“Don’t say that! He is a good principal.”

“Whatever.” Taeyeon scoffed and walked off.


“Yah! Kim Taeyeon!”

“What?!” He shouted back without even turning his head.

“Think before you act next time! Don’t be stupid!” Tiffany teased the guy and purposely mentioned that he shouldn’t be rash at all times.

“Whatever.”  Is the only reply she got.

"YOU OWE ME A MEAL!!!" She shouted before he turn towards the other hallway. She giggled and look at the drink before hugging it to her chest. 


“Tiff, I think I saw Kim Taeyeon earlier? He is helping Ms Sora with her books. HAHA! Can you imagine that? Kim Taeyeon actually did something good.”

“He helped me retrieve my lost phone too remember? He is not that bad.. Jess.”

“Oh come on. That must be an act. He could just wanna make you fall for him because you’re the cold president in school.”

“I don’t think Taeyeon is…”

“Why are you defending him so much??” Jessica cut Tiffany’s words.


“I.. I just think that we should give everyone a chance.”

“Right.. Coming from you.” Jessica laughed. “You could be the only in school and now you’re talking about giving chances. HA HA!” She mocked her best friend.


“SHUT UP!” Tiffany hit her bestfriend back.


“Wow wow wow ladies, getting all hype up here eh?” Yuri came in the council room without knocking.

“Dude, you’re so rude? You probably need to off.” Jessica glare at the boy who just barged in the council room.

“WOW. Ms President, your friend is using vulgarities. Can you report her about this?”


“What are you doing here Yuri ssi?” Tiffany asked instead of answering his question.

“I came to collect the team number tags for the competition and the goodie bag?”

“Right.. I forgot that you and Taeyeon are joining.”


“So.. you’re the ice princess Jessica?”

“None of your business.”

“I must be right.” Yuri laughed.

Tiffany chuckled as well when she went to the back of the room to grab the bags.



“Hey..” Taeyeon said as he walked in.

“Surprisingly your friend has better manners.” Jessica said sacarstically.


Tiffany flashed her eyesmile immediately when she sees Taeyeon.  Jessica glanced and saw the smile. 

“So, Taeyeon.. you’re close to Tiffany?” she asked directly.

“What? No.. we are just acquaintance. And you’re kinda rude to call me just by my name, Jessica ssi.”


Tiffany’s smile broke when she heard the word ‘acquaintance’.

‘I thought we are already friends..’ Tiffany sighed.


“Here." Tiffany passed the items to the boys and started packing up.

“You guys are leaving too?” Taeyeon asked.


“Yeah.. Jess came to wait for me while I was settling some admin stuff earlier.”


“So.. wanna dinner together?” Yuri invited the girls.

“Not with you.” Jessica said as she slowly walk towards the door.


“Tiffany?” Yuri totally ignore Jessica.

“I’m..” She glanced at Taeyeon who is looking back at her. “I’m okay with it.” She replied after she looked away.


‘Why is he looking at me like that?!’ Tiffany thought and unknowingly blushed again.

“Fine. Let’s go.” Jessica gave up.



“So.. Jessica, is Acapella fun?” Yuri tried to start the conversation as they started eating. “It’s alright. But we’re really lack of males that could actually sing well.”

“GET TAEYEON! Oh man, he is the BOMB.”

“Shut the up!” Taeyeon shove a meat in Yuri’s mouth and the latter gladly eat it.

“You..sing?” Tiffany asked. “No..”

“Yes he does! He sang for a bar as part time last time! But after his father found out, he stopped! But dam! Those voice are meant to be from heaven!”

“You’re exaggerating too much.” Jessica rolled her eyes.

“I’m not!”


“Maybe.. someday you could sing.. for the school?” Tiffany suggests.

“I’ll see.”

She smiled at the reply. Deep down she is really curious about his voice.

When he speaks, it’s so smooth. She wonder how great he is especially when his bestfriend got so exaggerated about it.


“Okay! I’m going this way.”

“Dam it.” Jessica said.


“We’ll be going this way.” Taeyeon pointed to another direction.

“How did you know where Tiffany is heading?” Jessica gave the look.

“It’s a secret.” Taeyeon teased.

Tiffany just laughed. “Alright, bye Jess. Text me when you’re home.”


Once they were separated. Tiffany glanced at Taeyeon.

“Hmm.. hows the preparation for the beach competition so far?”

“What preparation?”

“Don’t you guys train or something?”


“I guess you guys are not interested to be the champion then.”

“We are. It’s just that we don’t have time for training. We have boxing training. Except for Yuri.”

“Oh right.. you’re in the boxing club. What makes you like boxing so much?”

“I just like it since young.”

Tiffany nodded. Suddenly she has nothing to ask anymore. ‘Why he always end our conversation?’

But after awhile, “Why did you join the council?”

She stunned and looked at Taeyeon who is now looking at her with those warm eyes.


She immediately look down and pretend to check on her nails.

“Er.. because I like to have fun and organize events for the school.”

“You’re pretty cool.”


“I mean.. you’re the president. You definitely have your skills.”

“Thanks but I don’t really..”

“Don’t be humble.” Taeyeon smirked and continue to walk.

Tiffany felt her face heated up with the compliment.


“Hi there.” A boy came over and stopped their path.

Taeyeon’s face immediately turned to a frown. “ off.”

“Woah woah.. Kim Taeyeon.. why so defensive? I just want to say hi to you and your new girlfriend.” Siwon wriggles his eyebrows as he teased Tiffany.

Taeyeon grabbed onto Tiffany’s hand and try to walk away but Siwon’s friends blocked their way.

“Why the rush? Afraid I steal your girl again?” Siwon laughed like mad after. Taeyeon pulled his arm back and was about to dash towards Siwon but Tiffany stopped him from pulling his arm. “Tae, don’t.”

Taeyeon breathed even harder. “She’s not my girl. Leave her alone.”

“Oh really? That’s great! Then I will make her mine.”

“If you think our school council president has such a bad taste in guys, you can try.” Taeyeon shot back with sarcasm.


Taeyeon grabbed Tiffany’s hand and bump his way out of the gang.

“ YOU KIM TAEYEON. WE’RE NOT OVER YET!” Siwon just shouted.


After walking a few streets infront,

“I’m sorry. He’s a jerk.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because.. I am sorry to get you involved.”

“It doesn’t matter. But I am glad you didn’t hit him.” Tiffany flashed her eyesmile again.

The rare smile that not many other guys in school could see it.


“I.. Well.. I held back.”

'Because you didn't want me to do it..'

Taeyeon look away. “You probably shouldn’t stay anywhere close to the school notorious students. You will get implicated.”

“What? You mean like you?”

“Yeah.” Taeyeon replied almost immediately.


Tiffany felt her heart sank all of the sudden. She do not know why this stings a little.

She wants to befriend with Taeyeon, especially after they starting talking more than before.

Although there will bickering and teasing, they’re cool.

But now Taeyeon is pushing her away?


“Yeah, I won’t.” She tried to laugh but deep down she felt a sense of lost. When he was held her hand earlier, she felt so safe. But now, all the securities she has, it’s gone. Is like she lost someone that she has not even have.


The bus finally came. The two shared silence in the bus again. 

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Chapter 22: I need some mini TaeNy moments if you may. Hahahahah
25 streak #2
Chapter 22: Hope there will be an epilogue
Chapter 22: Omg finally. Have been waiting for this.. thank you soo much for updating
Gaejihyo815 #4
Chapter 22: That’s so sweet! A lil drama makes it exciting!
Taeyeon2209 #5
Chapter 1: TaeNy genderbender 🔥😍
79 streak #6
Wer r you huhuh
1125 streak #7
Chapter 19: AUTHOURSSI where are you? Are you still busy? Hope you won't abandon this ff cause its a good one actually and I also hope that with this confrontation Siwon's grudge will disappear and they'll be friends
UnderDoc #8
Chapter 19: When are you gonna update it again author, i like ur story cus the plot is interesting
Chapter 19: please update author-nim!!!
HayeonAh #10
Chapter 19: This is so sad. Hope Siwon and Tae going to have peace soon.