Hate & Love.

''Pretty inside''

After she leaved the classroom, Taehyung had a weird feeling. But he did not know what. 

''Whatever, its none of my business who she is, said he.''

It started to snow. Ah, finally its december. 30 days left til his birthday, he loves birthday gifts and loves to eat a birthday cake. The only people he celebrate his birthday with is his 2 closest friends. Hoseok in his class and Jin in 3rd year of highschool.

''Im Home!! said Tae.'' 
''Welcome home Tae, i made some good dinner. Hoseok said he will do something. Lets eat only we two together, said Jin while smiling and looking at the food.'' 
  Jins food is so sick delicious according to Tae. He eats all the time and are the most biggest food lover. 
''So, how did school went today?'' Jin was trying to open a conversation. 
''Good like always, why are Hobi not here? He is weird these days, do you know why?
''No i dont, he is maybe just school tired. Dont worry and worry more about your studies.'' Jin looked very mad after Tae asked what Hobi was doing. He never saw Jins face like this before, but he did not wanted to ask more so he started to eat. 

Taehyung ate the food and went up to his room. He had so many thoughts in mind, first the girl and then Hobi. Where was Hobi? And seriously... who is that weird looking girl? He worried much about Hobi and took his jacket and went out to look for him. He will just afterall sit on the park and think, what else will hoseok do? He isn't the type to be with girls or make fun of people. Hoseok is a kind guy and always were on Taehyungs side. Even Taes parents leaved him, Hoseok was there for him. He has much respect to Hobi and love him so much like a brother. 

''Taehyung! Where are you going? said Jin''.
''I want chocolate, im going to the store.''
''Haha, what a kid.''

It was really cold, he could not find Hobi anywhere. It was really dark, he barely could see anything. 
''Hoseok is a smart guy afterall, why am i always worried about my friends?'' Oh wait. I just have two. 
Taehyung was a really popular guy on highschool. Just because of his looks, thats all. Everyone was just using him and was actually acting nice. They were not close friends with him, he wants someone to trust to. 

After 30 min searching after Hobi, he got tired and started to go home. On the sidewalk he saw some weird person with long black hair. She had a white winter jacket and some black boots. Her hair was very long and Tae could not see his face. She had bangs that was covering her face. 
Wait.. it was the girl that said something weird to Tae yesterday. It's that girl who is the new student. Its the girl with the beautiful voice. 

She walked towards him. Tae could just only hear her footstep. It was a weird silence. 
She walked past him. He felt her good smell. The girl was just like a walking doll. 

When Taehyung walked was it only some minutes left he was home. ''Ugh, i hope Hoesok is home.'' 
He heard some footsteps behind him, who was it? The footsteps was like the girls footsteps before, slowly and slowly.

''Excuse me, was this yours?'' He heard a cute girl voice telling him if the wallet was his. 

 It was her. 

''Yes thank you very very much, i totally did not see when it fell.'' Once again thank you. He bowed. 
The girl was just going to say something, but her lips was refusing.
''Its okay, bye.'' She turned back. 
Taehyung was really curious about this girl and said:
The girl turned around and looked confused. 
''Whats your name? You are afterall my desk partner. I have the right too know.''

Taehyung!! Wake up! , Ah seriously, how  much do you really sleep? Hoseok was trying to wake Taehyung up. 
Tae was confused, was everything only a dream? Hoseok isnt gone? And that girl... Niki.
He opened his eyes and was very confused. He looked weird at Hobi.

''HOSEOK YOU ARE HERE'' Taehyung was smiling and hugged Hobi very hard.
''Ah, you were asleep at the park after u went out from the class. Wow Taehyung, Wow.'' Hoseok was the light for Tae as always.
''Ok now wear ur school uniform. We are going to school''.

On the way to school, Taehyung was seriously confused. He did know that he was looking after Hobi and when he went home he saw that girl Niki. He was so sure about it, but he kept it quite.

The classroom was very noisy as always, when Taehyung and Hoseok went in, the girls started to scream:

''TAEEEE TAEEE'' They hugged him and tried to pay attention. But Taehyung was just disgusted. 

He saw Niki sitting on the desk. She was quiet and her face was still covered by her bangs. Seriously, why does she have them? Taehyung was starting to be interesed in this girl because she was very mysterious.

He went to his desk and put out the books from his bags.
''Goodmorning, said Tae.'' 
The girl looked at him and said nothing, not even a goodmorning back to him.
''If you are going to try act cool, atleast show it with ur face'' said Tae. He got a bit irritared.
''Why should i say goodmorning to a person and act nice? You all on the end gonna use me anyways. Not gonna waste my time to say goodmorning to a non important popular guy.'' said Niki. She was not angry or anything, her voice was like a stone. 
There she goes again. Talking weird. What is this girl thinking about? Tae doesnt get it. Her words was making Tae more interesting about her so he kindly answers back:

''I want to be your friend, Niki.''

Niki looked confused. was refusing to say something again. Taehyung saw that her face got a bit red, but he really saw that this girl was the most interesting girl ever.




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juiserights #1
Wow i love this so much, and who is that girl? omg im so curios, please update <33 :D
Kpoplover251 #2
Hello ^^ I think the story is really good :) I'm really curious for the next updates ^^
Fighting ! Author-nim <3