The War Is Over And The Future

Protect The Royal Wolves

It's September 2, 1945 and its been officially announced that war is over. Me and my fellow comrades in arms are celebrating this momentous occasion. 

After nearly seven years, it's over now but its two for me because I was in a concentration camp in Auschwitz. I know it sounds painful hear or read about. 

Accord to the history, there's only know about two people that escaped Auschwitz but I'm actually the third person and I'm girl too.

Four days after I escaped I came across a dead girl but yet, she had died from the cold here in Poland. She had blonde hair with blue eyes. 

Yet, I'm blue eyed not I don't have blonde hair so I didn't fit the criteria of Hitler's perfect race. Plus I'm Greek too that's something he wouldn't stand for either. 

I took her clothes then days later I managed to sneak into American soldier camp where I stole extra uniforms. I even had to lied and say that I lost my tags. 

Of course I knew how to handle a gun, my father was a soldier in WWI but when I was born. I was always a tomboy since the day I could walk. 

Anyways, I ran to find Alex and to celebrate about winning the war finally. It's over but there's one thing, I regret more than anything in the world right now is that I didn't get to save my family. 

When I escaped with two others that had planned the escape, there was a woman that lied to soldiers all the time for me because of the cruelty of the camp.

I'll never forget Auschwitz and what they did to me, nearly shaved my head but I was tattooed. I have the numbers on my forearm to this day. 

Even the marks of tortured on my body and they will never fade away because the pain will remain there for as long as I live on this earth. 

Sometime in 1943, before I had escaped from the camp even though it wasn't easy because I was special camp in this case a brothel for the German pigs. 

I escaped in 1943 then a month later I think it was, when I came across a American soldier camp and proceeded to fake being a soldier. 

Now two years later, I'm here celebrating with Alex because the war is over due Hitler's committed suicide. Then Japan surrendered after the president did a stupid choice. 

Bombing two places somewhere in Japan, I forgot where in Japan. 

" Lynx ." I heard someone call me 

I turned around its Alex waving happily. 

" Alex ." I said 

Alex knows my secret and help me survived in the camp as a guy because at this time no woman was allowed to fight in any wars. 

" It's over now Lynx we can go home now ." He said 

Home ? I don't have a home !.

" ...." 

He face palms himself because he suddenly remember. 

" You can live with me ." He said 

Home with Alex ? Is that even possible ?. 

" That's sound like plan ." I said 

But then a strange light appeared and its me in.

" ALEX !!! HELP !!!!!." I screamed 

But it was too late, I can't see him anymore instead I'm in, in what I think is house but I'm not sure. I looked down to see that I'm still in uniform for the army. 

I have my gun with me too and so, I'll be safe when something jumps out at me. I took my gun in my hands and I ready myself for whatever ahead. 

" Hello ? Anybody home ?." I said 

" How did you get in here ?." Someone said 

I turned around find a guy in strange clothing. 

" Who are you ? Where am I ? What is this place ?." I said 

" My name is Leeteuk and you're in South Korea also this is my home where I live thirteen other brothers living with me. So, who are you is the real question ." He said 

South Korea ? More importantly, what year is this ?

" I'll tell you my name after you answer one more question ." I said 

" Well then hurry you stupid boy ." He said impatiently

" What year is this ?." I asked 

I feel really nervous about his answer as he gave are you serious look. 

" It's 2016 ." He said 

And with that I fall to the ground in disbelief of the answer. That's not true, this is a joke right ? Yeah it's joke. 

" Please tell me you're joking right ." I said uneasy 

" No, I'm not kidding ." He said 


" Your name ." He said 

" Lynx Wyatt Carmichael, a soldier for the US military sent with my comrades to save POWS in Japan ." I said as an soldier 

" What year do you think this ? There's no POWS in Japan anymore ." He said 

" Listen, I need to get back to my comrades ." I said getting off the ground 

" Seriously what year do you think you're in ? Boy ." He said 

" First of, I'm not a boy I'm a girl and the year is 1945 and today's is September 2nd right ." I said 

" No, it's not because it 2016 and we're at the end of January ." He said 

Just like that my whole world came crashing down like that I was magically transported into the future in which I refuse believe. 

For those that want a visual of Alex I gave you


Alex !

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Chapter 14: Wow please update soon..
Nalani #3
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Chapter 11: Update soon