Mission #II

R.O.V.I.X. Cooperation

"Good job, my robots," a man speaks, smiling at them.

"Thank you, Inguk sir," Taekwoon says, walking over to a table. He places the heart in a slot.

"Everyone, to your charging station, sans Hongbin. You go to Hyoshin. He'll fix your beautiful little face," Inguk commands, looking to the heart.

The group snaps to attention before leaving the room. Wonshik looks back, to the heart. He covers his chest where his own heart would be if he were human. His face twists, as he feels the familiar pulse under his chest. He makes his face neutral, as they reach their charging station. Everyone plugs in, dimming the lights. Their eyes close. Numbers flash up before Wonshik, radiating a teal glow.


A body, glowing the same teal, appears before Wonshik. Specks of yellow appear, and he hums slightly. He shifts them away before opening his memory bank. His lips twitch into a smile, before pushing back into a line. Memories of leading with Taekwoon appear before him. Wonshik hums, and watches them play. He switches to sleep mode, allowing himself to rest to those memories.



Wonshik opens his eyes. He unplugs his cord, before stepping off his station. His eyes glow for a moment, as the rest step down. They march to the control room, before lining up. Inguk stands before them, smirking at the group.

"I suppose you're all wondering about why I sent you to get this little heart," Inguk speaks. He laughs after, walking to them. He cups Hakyeon's cheek, smiling up at him. "Of course not. You all are emotionless little robots." He slaps Hakyeon's cheek lightly, before moving back to the heart.

"Consider this an information gathering. This little item gives emotions to robots. That is a problem all on its own."

"Why is that a problem, sir?" Sanghyuk asks, looking at him. Inguk chuckles and walks over to him. He plays with Sanghyuk's hair, and tilts his head.

"Robots who feel emotions are dangerous. They have the weapons and mindset of a robot, and the human justification and feelings to back it up. One angry robot and this world could fall apart," Inguk explains. Wonshik clenches his hands. He glares at Inguk. Inguk looks up at him, and Wonshik relaxes. "What's wrong with you, Agent Wonshik?"

"It's just my trigger finger joints, sir," Wonshik replies, calming his face.

"To Hyoshin with you. The rest of you. Don't forget this, and go to the training room," Inguk demands. They all snap to attention, before walking away.

Wonshik walks to the repairs center, and moves inside. Mangled pieces of metal lay inside the room. His eyes widen, and the man he came for emerges.

"It's B.A.P. An explosion took them out. Nothing but a few parts can be saved," he explains, looking over him. "Come on, Wonshik."

Wonshik steps around the metal. He frowns, and looks at the broken faces. "I suppose they'll be decommissioned. Am I correct Hyoshin?"

Hyoshin sighs. "Unfortunately," he confirms. They reach a separate room, and Wonshik sits on a metal table. "Now, what's wrong with you?"

"I claimed my trigger finger was acting up in front of Inguk," Wonshik confesses, looking down.

"Why?" Hyoshin asks, grabbing Wonshik's hand. He rubs the joints, and hums. "It seems a little worn but fine."

"I got angry, but now I'm scared," Wonshik speaks. Hyoshin hops up beside him.


"The heart you gave me. We were sent to receive another. Inguk said that robots with emotions are dangerous. Is he right?" Wonshik whispers, pushing on his chest.

"Humans with emotions are dangerous as well. Don't let it get to your head," Hyoshin speaks, smiling at him. "Don't you need to go train or something?"

"I suppose. I feel better," Wonshik says, before moving off the counter. "Thank you."

"Come back anytime, Wonshik. You know I'll listen," Hyoshin speaks, as Wonshik walks away. Wonshik leaves the room. Hyoshin sighs, and walks back out to the masses of metal. He sighs, before starting his work back up again.


Wonshik enters the training room. He walks over to Taekwoon. Hakyeon and Jaehwan fight on the mat before them.

"How are they doing?" Wonshik asks, watching them.

"Jaehwan's skill is slowly improving, and Hakyeon should speak with Hyoshin about a more flexible pelvic region," Taekwoon reports, staring at them. Hakyeon's leg swings up, aiming at Jaehwan's head. Jaehwan ducks, and grabs at it. He flips Hakyeon over. Hakyeon stares at him, and kicks him with his other leg. Jaehwan stumbles, and submits to Hakyeon.

"It is our turn," Taekwoon speaks. Wonshik looks at him. The pair leaves, as Wonshik moves inside. Taekwoon follows after. Wonshik watches him, as Taekwoon charges. Wonshik jumps up, and pushes down on Taekwoon's shoulders. He whips around, and ducks to when Taekwoon's foot swings at him. Wonshik swings his own out. Taekwoon jumps, before forcing his body over Wonshik's. He holds him down, allowing Wonshik to overlook him. He attempts not to smile, as Taekwoon moves off him. Wonshik allows himself to smile for one second, watching his co-leader happily.

A/N: I'm feeling daily updates. So that should make up for shortness. And hey, daily updates. (-<) <3 ^_^
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Chapter 9: Sad sad sad sad!! Poor Ravi and Leo!!! Waaaaahhhhh!!!!
Benafsha23 #2
Chapter 7: I didn't understand if Hyoshin is dead (?)
By the way you are working very hard !
Fighting ❤️
Benafsha23 #3
Wow~~looking forward for this
Can't wait for the updates. Absolutely love the error era and AUs like this~ ^^