The BFF Effect



"Hurry, Sehun!" I shout as I fix my earrings. "We're gonna be late!" 

"Help me with my tie!" 

I sigh and rush into the bathroom, where I find Sehun fixing his hair with a burgundy tie around his collar, untied. He automatically shifts his body to face me as he continues styling his hair. 

"Chanyeol's gonna be mad," I mumble as I make a loop with his tie. 

"He's always mad," Sehun dismisses, rolling his eyes. He finishes with his hair and stares down at me. I raise my eyebrow and he grins, pushing my closer towards him. "You look pretty," he compliments as he fiddles with the dangling diamond earring he got me for my 23rd birthday. 

"Thank you, sweetie," I sigh as I glance up at him. "But we're late and I'm more worried about that than anything."

"Chanyeol will understand," Sehun dismisses easily, pushing my curls off my shoulders.

"It's his wedding reception," I narrow my eyes at him. "You wouldn't have liked it if Chanyeol was late to our wedding, would you?"

"Well, he wasn't," he mutters.

I groan and roll my eyes at his lack of understanding of my example. Sometimes I swear he does this on purpose, just so I would stop arguing with him. I tighten the knot and pin the clip a quarter down his tie before patting it down.

"Here, now let's go," I hurry, pulling at his wrist.

"Wait." He doesn't budge, so I turn back to look at him. "Let's take a picture."

I sigh. "We really don't have time, Sehun," I mutter even as I walk over to him while he grabs his phone.

I stand in front of him with his arm circling my waist, his fingers splayed out on my hip. He holds out his phone and snaps our reflection in the mirror. Sehun likes taking photos, more of me than anything, but sometimes, he takes pictures of us too. And I always give in to his requests, only because I know he likes keeping the memories and also because he is smart enough to never snap a photo of me while I'm mad at him.

"'Kay, let's go," I mumble, searching for his hand.

He gives it to me and I slip my fingers through his, dragging him out of the bathroom. We leave the house as quickly as possible, almost jogging to the car. Sehun drives as quickly as the speed limit allows him to, only because of my prompt and nagging. We reach the venue in twenty minutes and leave the car with the valet before rushing towards where the wedding reception will be held. Sehun is being dragged by me, but it really isn't a problem for him since he has such long legs that help in him catching up with his small but always rushing wife.

Lucky for us, Chanyeol and his wife decided to serve cocktails as a start to the reception, which saves Sehun and I from being almost 15 minutes late. We find the other boys immediately and quickly join them.

"Thought you guys wouldn't even come," Kyungsoo comments blandly as we all hug each other as a greeting.

"Yeah, Sehun was being a girl and taking too long," I rat on him, which earned me a nudge to my rib. "Ow?" I glare at him.

He shrugs playfully and I roll my eyes. Junmyeon and his wife chuckle. Out of five of Sehun's friends, only Kyungsoo and Jongin are not yet married. But it is only a matter of time, since Jongin is already planning his wedding while Kyungsoo is still looking for the right time to propose.

It has only been three years since we graduated from university but it suddenly feels like our lives are playing in fast forward. Sehun and I were the first ones to get married, about a year after our graduation, with our wedding and house mostly paid by our parents as our graduation and wedding gift all in one. We live close to them though, which I appreciate since I am the only child of the family and am quite close to my parents.

Next to tie the knot was Baekhyun, followed by Junmyeon. It is now Chanyeol's turn, and soon, Jongin and Kyungsoo's. The boys always take turns being the best men at each other's weddings, which I think is cute.

"Where's Chanyeol anyway," Sehun mutters as he presses his chest against my back, resting his elbow on the table.

I lean back against his body and he subtly turns his head to take in the smell of my hair. Even though we think we are discreet, I still manage to catch Kyungsoo's tired eye roll and Baekhyun's wife smiling fondly at our skinship. We're not known as the couple who cannot stay away from each other for nothing. I still remember the boys' shocked faces when they witnessed Sehun and I quarreling once, when we were both so stressed with work and our wedding planning.

Everything was taking a toll on the both of us and we were fighting quite a lot, and even in front of our friends too. While I was snapping at Sehun though, he stopped me from going further by pressing his lips on mine, bringing an end to the argument just like how all our other arguments end. It had been so out of the blue that it managed to shut me up, as well as made our friends gasp like they were watching a movie. Ever since then, we were nicknamed MC for Movie Couple, only because our love seemed too loving and perfect like those in the movies, which I kind of agree. Honestly, I feel like I'm living in a movie sometimes, too. 

"Probably practising his speech so he doesn't stumble over his words like an idiot," Baekhyun mutters as an answer to Sehun's question. 

We talk and drink for another half an hour or so until the wedding couple enters the room, each holding a flute of champagne in their hands. All of us stand in attention, my arm linked with Sehun as we focus on the two main characters. Chanyeol's wife thanks us for coming, while the man stares at her in adoration, his eyes only on her. My lips tilt into a smile all on its own and Sehun leans down to kiss the crown of my head. 

The reception moves to the dinner part of the night and we gather around a long table. Chanyeol walks over to us to say hi while his wife goes over to greet her own friends. 

"You look absolutely dashing, Chanyeol," Junmyeon's wife compliments, smiling at him. 

"Thanks," he grins at her. 

But then Jongin has to be the good friend that says, "I thought you could have looked better than you did in freshman year but I guess you'll always be you." 

"What does that even mean..."

We all laugh at Jongin's comment while Junmyeon pats the groom's back. We talk a little bit more before we're seated, waiting for the appetisers to be served while Chanyeol starts off with a greeting. Over the course of the long dinner, most of us give our speech on how Chanyeol or his wife had been a good daughter or friend (Jongin and Baekhyun mostly talked about Chanyeol's most embarrassing moments, made a fool out of him and made everyone laugh while Kyungsoo had the shortest one among everyone).

The night drags on until it is almost close to two in the morning, most of us having drank enough to bring our aging bodies to an intoxication. We then part ways after blessing the couple, promising to be at their wedding just two days later. Because Sehun drank more than I did, I end up driving us home. The journey is quiet, but Sehun is humming along to the songs playing on the radio, which is something he does when he drinks. He normally sings songs in a screwed way just to annoy me. 

When we get home that night, Sehun is tired and goes to bed right after he has changed out, just like how he always does after he drinks. I take some time to shower and get my nightly routine done before I join Sehun in bed. I sit up in bed in the dark while I pray a short prayer. 

"What did you pray for?" Sehun mumbles when I finish the prayer and snuggle under the blanket. He moves closer and rests his head on my chest. 

"Prayed for your safety and health," I murmur, threading my fingers through his hair. "As usual." 

"And?" he moans sleepily, snuffling his nose in the valley between my s. 

"And for God to bless us with a baby." 

"Amen," Sehun mumbles, hoping with all his heart for the same thing.




When Sehun comes home and sees me sleeping on the sofa, he sits on the floor in front of me, my hair soothingly. I honestly don't know how long he has been watching me and the baby sleep, but when I wake up, I feel the weight of his cheek resting on top of my head. I moan and he lifts his head, smiling down at me. 

"Hey, princess," he whispers, kissing my forehead. 

"Hey," I mutter in a coarse voice, holding our baby close to my bosom as Sehun helps me sit up as gently as possible. "What time did you get home?" 

"About half an hour earlier," he murmurs, glancing at our little boy. "How was he?" 

"He was crying non-stop today," I shake my head, sighing. I make a face as Sehun sits next to me, putting his face close to the baby. "I didn't have time to cook dinner though, I'm sorry." 

"It's okay," he looks up at me, smiling softly. "We can call for take out." 

I nod, leaning towards him. He pecks me on the lips before letting me lay my head on his broad shoulder. "I want Japanese, please." 

"What's the magic word?" he teases. 

I lift my head and give him a weak glare. "Don't be annoying, Oh Sehun." He laughs but still raises his eyebrows, waiting for me to say it. I sigh. "Please, oppa." 

"Oh, of course, babe," my husband winks playfully while I roll my eyes.

He sniggers at my exasperation and fishes out his phone to check out the menu of the Japanese restaurant we're ordering from. I go into our room to put the sleeping baby in the crib before coming out again to join Sehun on the couch. 

"I want takoyaki," I tell him as I sit myself on his lap, slinging my arm around his neck. 

He rests his arm around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. "And ramen?" 

"Mmm, yes," I glance at him, grinning. "And raman." 

He rolls his eyes. "Do you want water, darling?" 

I frown at him. "What are you talking about?"

"For your dry humour," he smiles sarcastically. I hit his chest. He cackles and squishes my face with his hands. He kisses my pout and smiles affectionately at me. "Come on, I'm hungry."




Sehun had come home one day with a puppy and after a long time of me alternating between scolding him for doing things on impulse and me squealing at the fluffy white poodle, we decided to name it Vivi. Our little boy and Vivi got together more than just fine, they were like best friends. Sehun was happy to see how attached his son was to our family dog, but he thought that wasn't enough. 

And so here we are, three years later, with a hyperactive toddler, a crawling baby and a full-grown toy poodle.

"Seriously, Sehun. No more," I poke his chest when we crawl into bed after putting our second child to sleep. 

He chuckles and spreads his arm, letting me lay my head on his bicep. "You promised me that you'd let me have as many as I want though, remember that?" he reminds me, pulling me into his body. 

"No," I lie. "I didn't say that." 

"No, you definitely did," he laughs, massaging my ear shell. I harrumph and he brings my arm to circle around his waist before going back to touching my ear. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to, you know that," he whispers. 

I sigh, nodding my head. Sehun can be childish and irritating sometimes, despite the years that we've grown older. But he has always been loving and understanding of my needs and problems. He always puts me first before himself. 

"Okay, we can do just one more," I give in, holding up one finger. 


"Not tonight!" I quickly add when I hear his excited tone. He clucks his tongue and I laugh, smacking his chest.

"You're always such a party pooper," Sehun grumbles, tucking my head under chin.




"How old are you?" I ask our second boy, just to test his awareness. 

"Two," he mumbles even as he holds up one finger. 

I sigh and mutter to myself, "Just like your father." 

"Heard that," Sehun grumbles behind me, pressing a kiss to my temple. 

"When did you even get up?" I wonder, turning my head to watch him walk around the couch to sit next to me. 

"I don't know," he shrugs, bending to carry our son to sit on his lap. Our oldest one, who is watching television while he eats his cereal, greets his father good morning. "Mmm, good boy," Sehun acknowledges. Then he raises an eyebrow at the little one on his lap. "What about you, young man? Don't you have to greet your daddy?" The boy tries to scramble off his lap to get to me, but Sehun stops him. He whines, so his father asks him, "Do you like mommy more, or daddy more?" 

"Mommy," he answers without hesitation, spreading his little arms wide for me to carry him into my embrace. 

Sehun narrows his eyes on his son. "Well, mommy likes daddy more than she likes you," he says, setting his son on the ground before cuddling up to me. 

I laugh when the boy starts to cry in jealousy as he watches Sehun snuggle his nose in the crook of my neck, his arms around my waist. I hit his shoulder even though I am quite amused by the father and son's interaction. 

"Stop teasing him, Sehun," I chastise. "Come here, baby," I coo, holding my hand out for our son to take. 

Sehun grabs that hand, however, and places around his shoulders instead. "Tell me you like me more," he whines, trying to compete with his two-year-old son. 

"Sehun," I laugh. 

"Tell me," he demands, his lips close to my ear so I can hear him over our son's crying. 

I turn my face to him and whisper into his ear, "I love you more than anyone else but don't tell our sons that." I leave him a quick kiss on the cheek before pushing him away. I stretch my arms out towards our crying son, "No, of course, I like my baby more." 

Sehun snorts when he sees how happy the boy looks as he runs into my arms. I give him a glare and he rolls his eyes before landing a kiss on the apple of my cheek. "You're a beautiful liar," he mutters, standing up to get breakfast. Before he leaves though, he whispers to his son, "Mommy actually said she loves me more." 

He cackles in the background when our youngest son whines while our oldest one complains about not being able to hear the TV. Vivi starts barking when she hears all the commotion, making my head pound from all the noise.

"Oh Sehun!"

I yell his name whinily, and the idiot has the audacity to reply with the sweetest tone he has.

"Yes, my love?"

I swear, if I didn't love Sehun so much, he would have been the deadest man I know.




Author's note:

Yay, finally!!!! I hope you guys liked this revised version, I thought it was super cute!! And I had fun writing everything!!! Thank you all for sticking around, for supporting. And now that I am done with this, I'll be focusing on my other fics! I hope to you see you guys there?

See you around

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22 streak #1
Chapter 10: They are just so cute!!!!
Chapter 10: Its was cute story though❤️❤️
Chapter 10: This has got to be the softest Sehun fluff I've ever read. ♥️
905 streak #4
Chapter 10: Haha they were so sweet till the very end ^^
905 streak #5
Chapter 9: They are so sweet... But I felt like her mom was too much.. I think teasing is natural but I didn't like that
905 streak #6
Chapter 8: Yup sure that's embarrassing.. A lot happened in this chapter.. loved all of it
905 streak #7
Chapter 7: Why would u say that in the first place!