My heart ...

ss501 and their ex

So I decided to live Korea 

But like always 

I am the one that gets hurt 

I got hit by a car 

But it's ok 

I didn't needed operation

Just I can't dance 

I called ss501 ...but my phone died on me 

So I went home 

And they were 

There waiting for me 

And of course I just took my Meds

They all stayed with me to keep me company 


Noona u gotta stay in bed cause it's for your own good 

Yah Jun. I am not ur baby 

Let me go in the studio 

UK guys need me 

Get your but in bed if not 

I'll put you in there myself 

Yah park pabo jm ...u are not my owner 

Please noona...

U too kyu???

You should lecture my brother 

He got his knee. ...

Hey twinning don't get me involved 

So I start to cry as they all look at me 

And kyu took my hand and .

Yah that shoulder hurts 

Sorry noona

So I stay in bed 

But I turn my laptop 

And I listen to kokoro 


And deja vu.

WHAT ???


As I sing ...kokoro 

I start to tap my feet and my hand 

But they get me pain killers in a hour a feel asleep

When I wake up 

They are gone 

So I start cooking 

And 2 hours later 

I get into a argument with hyun 

Jm gives me a lectionary 

Kyu hugs me 

And Jun and saeng 

Wash the dishes 

I get back to work 

And I work 

But I take medication 

Slowly slowly I get better 

I watch persona one night 

When I am alone ....

My dream when I was TS is to have 


But I never afforde it 

They looked so cool 

So cute 

I even got my old TS tshirt 

And I've got my glows stick 

I try to dance a bit 

I exercise my shoulder 

I get my groove on 

I sing 

I love hYs songs ...

Jm y ...

Hyun ...

Kyu ....

Junniece. ..

And when I try to do the tango 

They all come in and turn all the lights 


Omo ...I am caught ...

I try to get on the sofa 

But Kyu gets in front of me 

While the other 

4 try to get me in a circle 

Aigoo da chincha???

Yah .dega papo aniya. 

Yah double sided oh gong I'll. ..


OK ok aras do 

I'll stay in bed 


Move away 

That's my fave part ...

Kyu u are blooking my way 

I wanna be with you ...

Wuss up. ...

I just wanna look my biases 

I just grab a chair and sit closer to the TV. ..

As they saw that it's no use ...

Junnie takes me and puts me on the sofa 

And he sits with me in there .

OK let's join them 

I cover my eyes when I see them in blood 

And jm makes all the house sound ..

My girl ....why ...

As all 5 are sitting next to me ...I have to sit on the other shoulder 

Of course it's my fave song 

Crazy 4 u 

I take my pills and I just 


And I say 

I love you guys 

Please stay here ....

So we all sleep in the sofa ...


Next morning 

I sleep breakfast 

And there we go we have breakfast 

And I have a huge grin in my face 

Cause they saw the fang girl..

What ???


You are still one of our biggest fans???


I don't know you ...

So why that face???

That sad face when u listen to one day 

Cause is a sad song ...

But u were so happy with crazy 4 u 

Cause it's like my history with u girls .....



Today u don't need to come to work 

No .I do need to

Its OK let her come .

So kyu breaks ...wus dup 

So I laugh so much 

They are all dressed in white 

Like in all my love album

And I can't believe that after this year's. ..

Aigoo oppas...u are so cute 

Saranghe .

So I slap Jun's but 

And I realised I'm not dreaming 


But instead of going to work 

They take me to jeju

And they sing shining star

And green peas 

And they make me laugh and cry 

















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seamusmommy #1
Chapter 4: Mwo? I'm so sorry?! You'll be in my prayers that whatever decision is made is made with the Lord's blessing.
seamusmommy #2
Chapter 1: Hi! Thanks for updating!