Year Three (Part 1)

The Half-Breed

To start the new school year off, Jessica joined in when her little sister needed to buy her stuff.

For Soojung it took a few tries to get the right wand but it didn't really matter. The tiny girl also got herself a black little kitten which in many ways resembled Soojung herself. 

Once they gathered all their stuff both girls headed to the train. Sending a few text messeges back and fourth with Taeyeon, the Jungs spent their time on the train together with her.

Jessica and Taeyeon took their seats by the Slytherin table after greeting some of their friends on the way. Jessica keep her eyes on her sister when the first years per tradition walked through the door after everybody else. 

Krystal was somewhere in the middle in the name list but since the hat recognized the jung bloodline it didn't hesitate to put the younger with the elder. In Slytherin.




Krystal was introduced to Jessica's friends who all seemed quite fond of her.

Jessica then proceeded in handing out the lightsabers. 


"I know we said that we would get through school together but this isn't quite what I meant by that" Sooyoung said which earned herself a elbow in the ribcage by Tiffany. 

"Even though it isn't pink, it's lovely! You'll teach us right?" she beamed and Jessica was for once greatful for the contrast.

"Of course" came the reply. 




Knowing how careless some of her friends where, she started with using sticks. 

"Never touch anything else but the hilt, don't activate it when pointing it to your face" Jessica started the lesson of by saying. "Try to deflect the rocks with your sticks" She continued and used the force to levitade gravel which then attacked her 8 untrained friends.

Yuri, Sooyoung and Sunny seeemed to have a natural talent. Tiffany and Taeyeon tried really hard but ultimately didn't do the task very well. Seohyun, Hyoyeon and Yoona was quite crap honestly. But atleast they where entertaining to watch.


"Alright, hold the hilt with both hands and swing it down like this. The same thing for the left side." Jessica instructed while demostrating. "Then, spin the weapon infront of you one, then behind you once more" she continued. "This is to kind of make a shield around yourself" her friends noded and gave the moves a go. From Jessica's point of view it looked like a taekwando showcase since it was all almost synced and the same moves. 

"When do e get to do the cool stuff?" Hyoyeon asked swinging her stick around foolishly.

"One step at the time, choding!" Jessica said, then demostrated another basic move. 

After a few hours passed by they where told to start fencing against each other.

"Ya... This is boring as ... " Hyoyeon complained as she continously failed at being any sort of competition against her fellow Hufflepuff : Sunny.




"Mind telling us more about our lightsabers?" Tiffany asked in the great hall during dinner. 

"I'm sorry, i totally forgot! Put your hilts on the table and I'll explain" Jessica said and made some space on the table. 

"Hyoyeon, and I have curve hilted sabers. They're a bit more difficult to weild but when used correctly are very powerful" Jessica pointed towards Taeyeon's and Yuri's hilts before she spoke.

"That's standard hilts. Basic but very convenient!" Jessica then pointed to Tiffany's and Seohyun's. 

"This is extendible, meaning your blades can extend to dubble the length by pressing that button on the side" Sunny haded her blade over to the soon-to-be jedi who smiled upon recognizing it. 

"It's a saber-staff. Honestly a lot of bad guys prefer it but since you're our swiss-army-woman I'm sure you'll do great! One saber extends from each end so you'll basically have to balance it and all that stuff!" 

Yoona and Sooyoung both had double ended sabers. Much like Sunny's but with shorter grip. "These are actually the most dangerous ones, since the grip is so small you can barely hold onto it with both hands without cutting of a finger" Jessica said looking rather surprised to see them. Both Yoona and Sooyoung high-fived each other and grinned cheekily. 

Jessica could tell she had a lot of work cut out for herself.




It felt like time traveling to do all school work plus club activities added to that her saber training of her friends. 

Luckily the group enjoyed dueling at the duel-club and for the first time all 9 girls plus baby-jung sat in the astronomy tower and watched the night view. 

Krystal sitting in her sister's lap while Jessica in her turn sat in between Seohyun's legs.



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Chapter 19: I like the story! ᴖ◡ᴖ Looking forward already for the next chapters. Please update soon.
I'll be waiting. ❛◡ ˂̵ Fighting author!♡♡
moonsun_ship #2
Chapter 19: A taengsic drama that doesn't include romance is rare and I'm all for it! Hmm.... I'm not used to your style of writing so I'm not sure how to talk it out about how I would want this story to progress, however... I think a huge argument between Taengsic sometimes in the future would make a good addition to the current storyline
Chapter 16: please update soon
mikanMD #4
Chapter 15: TaengSic should really talk thinks out like really sit down and have a deep talk and open up to each other.
But on the side... Omg SeoSica! <3
mikanMD #5
Chapter 14: Gray Jedi sounds great, and maybe the magic in Jessica as help controlling so she won't be consumed be the dark side
mikanMD #6
Chapter 12: Oh please don't turn dark..
Chapter 15: OMG! SeoSica is love! XD
mzlyod #8
Chapter 15: I can't wait for Taengsic moments...
KalakiMae #9
Chapter 14: I just found this story and I can't wait to see what happens next please update again soon :)