Coming-of-Age Day


Mina and Jihyo become adults.


More Twice Trash Yay!


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aglaonema #1
Chapter 1: cute omg
The_red_lover99 #2
Chapter 1: this is cute, like REALLY cute.
Chapter 1: CUUUUUTE
dkdldb #4
Chapter 1: All the fluff giving me cavities
Chapter 1: Wahhhhhh!!!! Omg I'm so red after reading this one hihihihi my minayeon hart
Chapter 1: Still can't get over this fluffy- fic.. too cute i cannot!
Winter_rose #7
Chapter 1: Oh my goooddddddd this ia amazing please author-nim continue thia story please
SilverCandyQueen #8
Chapter 1: This is the first Minayeon fic I read and it is awesome :) My friend made me read it and I tots love it.
Chapter 1: All of this fluffiness i'm cryin'. Fudge, I swear to every thing that moves and inhales oxygen, I won't need a boyfriend. Damn. I can die now
Hi_sseongie #10
Chapter 1: Yup. This is exactly what I needed. Thank God the dark plane Co cells my eating grin! Or my probably red cheeks from the sheer joy this story brought me. Ya! Get your mind out of the gutter that's not what I meant... I just. It was cute and fluffy and made me fangirling internally cause airplanes... Lol.