Chapter 12

《 Cosmos 》: Yunrae Entertainment's First Girl Group
12. Odd Encounters
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                “And we’re back here again,” Solbi mutters to herself as her and the rest of her members file into the broadcasting station. It wasn’t like she didn’t like performing, no, in fact, performing was her dream and now she got to dance and sing every day. It was almost a dream – almost. Now that the novelty of debuting was wearing off, the stress and constant performances was really beginning to drain Solbi’s energy. Especially now that it had almost been a month since their debut – and they still weren’t getting many activities – it put a damper on the usually cheerful girl’s mood. Now, Solbi knew that a new group – one without any sunbaes – coming from a fairly unknown company wouldn’t magically get famous overnight, but Solbi at least assumed that they’d have some kind of coverage now. Honestly, Solbi wasn’t sure if it was because of the whole deal with Minyoung, but they hadn’t gotten any more interviews after that and very little schedules besides performing in music shows.

                “Bored already?” Solbi looks up to see a teasing grin on Eunhwa’s face, to which she rolls her eyes and hits the older girl on the shoulder.

                “Not at all,” Solbi responds, settling down in the waiting room they had now learned to call a second home away from home. Wait, scratch that, the practice room was their second home. This would be their third home, or maybe a cabin or cottage of some sort. “It’s just; I wish we could do other activities, rather than just performing on shows all the time.”

                “Well we do have to gain some popularity first,” Eunhwa nods, agreeing with her sentiment. “But I understand where you’re coming from. Maybe our next comeback will gain us some more fame?”

                “I hope so, if only there was a way we could get more famous without causing a million scandals,” Solbi jokes half heartedly, eyeing Ina tense slightly at the mention of a scandal. Sighing at her failure to lighten the mood, the room drifts off into an uncomfortable silence while Eunhwa checks her phone. Liqin, silent as ever, was dozing off in the corner of the room, while Ina sat by the window, staring out at the streets below with gritted teeth. Solbi shifted on the couch, attempting to find a more comfortable position, and resisted the urge to sigh again.

                While she was known apparently as a happy virus or the optimist of the group, it was difficult being happy all the time. Even though it was in her personality to be more upbeat than most, Solbi still had her off days and the fact that she was always faced with the challenge of cheering up her members put a certain amount of stress on her. Solbi could only imagine how much more pressure she’d have if – when – they gained popularity and were monitored 24/7 by fans and the media alike.

                “Hey, you guys want to meet my dongsaengs?” Eunhwa announces suddenly, looking up from her phone. The atmosphere shifts, changing into a more curious tone, as Liqin jolts awake and Ina turns her attention away from the window. “They came before, but Liqin was being a quiet little cutie and Ina was absent at the time. I think the only person they really saw was Solbi.”

                “You mean Monsta X sunbaenims?” Liqin ventured, subtly remembering the encounter. “I saw them outside our waiting room but I wasn’t sure if I should have approached or not...”

                “You should, they don’t bite,” Eunhwa laughs. “They’re all puppies really. I’ll let them know that they can come over – it’s always good to make connections right?” Solbi nods, and Ina moves closer to hear more about their visitors. Although Sanghee was absent, Eunhwa announces that nothing bad will happen – Solbi really hopes she’s right – and immediately makes the call. Sitting up, Solbi subtly runs her hand through her hair and catches Liqin turning around to check her appearance in the mirror. Laughing lowly, Solbi grins at her when Liqin realizes she’s being watched and gives her a thumbs up.

                “Looking perfect as usual Liqin,” Solbi praises, causing the Chinese girl to blush darkly. She leans over and lightly taps Solbi’s knee in defiance before settling back and grabbing a pillow to play with. Ina watches the exchange quietly, smirking slightly, before making eye contact with Solbi. The two look at each other for a bit, Solbi trying to apologize for her earlier jab at the whole scandal thing, while Ina merely looks back, uninterested. Pouting slightly, Solbi puffs her cheeks and widens her eyes in an attempt to look more forgivable – causing Ina to laugh out loud. Grinning, Ina rolls her eyes and settles down on the armrest beside Solbi. Taking that as an act of forgiveness, Solbi leans over to lay her head in Ina’s side and hums happily right when the door opens and all hell is released.

                “Noona!” Minhyuk happily skips into the room, turning in a circle before enwrapping Eunhwa in a hug. Kihyun follows soon after to join in on the skin ship – with Hoseok right behind him. The other members file into the room, grinning at Eunhwa before turning to look at the rest of the girls.

                “So, now you can meet the rest of my members,” Eunhwa starts, breaking the low key awkward silence. Untangling herself from Minhyuk, Eunhwa walks around the room, pointing at each girl as she introduces them. “This is Solbi – or Soleil – you met her last time right? She’s a ’93 liner. Over here is Liqin – the quiet, shy one. She and this one, Ina, are both ’94 liners. Now figure out your age orders yourselves.”

                “Hello,” Monsta X choruses, bowing each time Eunhwa finishes introducing the members. Looking back and forth between each other, they get into a somewhat orderly line before speaking up. “Hoo! Monsta X!” After their individual introductions, the boys scatter throughout the room, arranging themselves on various chairs and spots to sit – Hyungwon and Changkyun end up on the floor – and start up a conversation.

                “So, you guys debuted around a month ago right?” Jooheon starts, playing with his fingers.

                “I think we’ve been in service for three weeks?” Ina answers, counting the different performances they’ve put on in her head. “Yeah, three weeks and a bit I’m pretty sure.”

                “And how are you liking it?” Hyungwon speaks up from his spot on the ground.

                “It’s not bad,” Solbi shrugs. “Not as exciting as I thought it’d be though. There’s a big difference between recording and seeing yourself on TV.”

                “Yeah, people look way cooler on TV don’t they?” Hoseok agrees, causing a chorus of laughter. “I mean, with all those special effects and stuff. You don’t even notice them when you’re dancing but then at the end it’s just, ‘Where did all this smoke come from?’”

                “Hoseok looks better on camera because he’s kind of ugly in real life,” Kihyun teases from beside Eunhwa, ducking behind the older girl when Hoseok shoots him a jokingly annoyed look. “I mean, have you seen him in the morning?”

                “That was one time,” Hoseok groans, covering his face with his hands as Liqin giggles softly beside him. “The one time I slept awkwardly and my face got bloated they invaded our dorm with cameras!” Hoseok turns on her, complaining cutely and ending his sentence with a pout. Liqin merely laughs from behind her hand, awkwardly patting his shoulder in an attempt of comfort.

                “Oh, dorm raids already? Aren’t you guys special,” Eunhwa laughs. “I don’t think I saw that show, guess I know what I’m watching when I get back to the dorm. How were your variety skills?”

                “Hyunwoo hyung was absolutely terrible,” Hyungwon pipes up, causing the rest of the members to nods in agreement. “You know how he is noona, all straight forward and stuff. Then on the show he was just, didn’t play along very well to the writer’s wishes.”

                “How was I supposed to know when they wanted me to play along and when I should realize it’s a joke?” Hyunwoo grumbles lowly, causing Eunhwa to laugh again and poke his cheek.

                “There, there, at least you’ve learned some variety skills hm?” Eunhwa chides him.

                “How about you guys, do you have any variety skills? Personal talents and what not?” Changkyun asks, looking around the room. Silence fills the area, as Solbi looks from member to member in an attempt to answer the question. “I’m assuming that means no then,” Changkyun laughs. “You should prepare something though; you never know what they’ll ask you to do on a variety show.”

                “If we ever get invited on one I’ll be sure to prepare a skill,” Ina scoffs, flipping her hair.

                “Oh that’ll be fun, can you imagine Ina imitating someone like Jessi sunbaenim or something?” Solbi snickers, causing Liqin to snort – which set off the rest of the group. “We should think of some personal talents though. Those are like, the staple of rookie groups.”

                “Think about it, it’s important for sure,” Hyunwoo nods, before looking at the time. “Anyways, we should go, it’s almost time for rehearsals and then we need to get ready for the actual broadcast. We’ll see you around alright?” Nodding, Solbi and the others stand up and bid goodbye to the boys before they’re left alone in the room again. Before Solbi can think about the encounter however, she’s whisked away by a stylist and prepped for the rehearsal. Soon enough, the girls are standing on the stage, waiting for their turn to go on, when the director announces a camera problem and are told to wait a couple more minutes.

                “This blows,” Ina sighs, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “They always seem to have technical difficulties – you’d think they’d have learned to fix it now.” Nodding, Solbi crosses her arms as she watches the staff members run around, seemingly on errands that never seemed to be completed.

                “You get used to it after a while,” a voice speaks up, “soon enough you’ll learn that when they say, ‘Be here by 9’ you can get here by 9:30 and they won’t even be ready yet.” Turning, Solbi’s jaw drops when she sees Sunyoung, better known as f(x)’s Luna, standing beside Cosmos, patiently waiting. “You guys are the new group right? Cosmos?” Solbi nods, bowing quickly in greeting. “Ah, don’t be so formal, I’m Luna, debuting as a soloist so I guess we’re in the same boat huh?”

                “Not at all!” Solbi replies. “I’m sure you’re a lot more experienced and knowledgeable than us.” And more famous, Solbi adds silently.

                “Not really, I’m not used to being by myself,” Sunyoung admits, laughing clearly. “I always think I’ll turn and see one of my members coming up to help me during interviews and then I realize I’m alone. It’s kind of lonely to be honest, but fun in a new way all the same.”

                “So you prefer being in a group?” Ina asks, regarding Sunyoung with a new perspective. Solbi tilts her head at the question, before remembering that she had heard rumours of Ina considering turning down the offer of joining Cosmos in lieu of debuting as a soloist.

                “Definitely,” Sunyoung smiles easily, “it’s a lot more fun I feel. Anyways, your debut song is really good – I think it’s amazing.”

                “Thank you,” Eunhwa says, bowing again.

                “You deserve it. I heard you guys also took part in your album preparations? That’s amazing as a rookie group. So you produced this debut song as well? What was it again? 4 Walls?”

                “Yes, that’s right,” Liqin nods. “Solbi and I helped make the choreography for both 4 Walls and the hype track.”

                “Diamond right? Sounds like something I’d sing,” Sunyoung grins.

                “Cosmos! On set!” a voice calls, and a staff member begins to usher the rookie group onto stage.

                “Well, it was nice meeting you, I hope you guys do well in the future and maybe I’ll see you around!” Sunyoung bids Solbi and the others goodbye, to which they return the sentiment, before going onto stage.


                After finishing their performances later that day, Solbi skips off stage happily after the director compliments them. Smiling while thanking a staff for a bottle of water, she follows Liqin as the younger girl leads them – Eunhwa was at the back – to their practice room. Right as they turn the corner to get to the elevator however, they’re met with a sea of white clothes and a couple of cameras. Eyes widening at the sudden appearance of people, Liqin stops immediately – causing Solbi to bump into her.

                “Oh, it’s Cosmos!” someone exclaims, and Solbi peeks over Liqin’s shoulder to see a girl dressed in white pointing a camera at them. “We were just talking about you!”

                “Really?” Solbi pipes up, seeing as Liqin is frozenly staring at the camera. “What about?”

                “How we like your song,” another girl with a ponytail explains. She holds up a piece of paper – a mission it seems – and reads it out loud, “’Found you, Oh My Girl! A round of questions for your recent comeback,’ we answered a couple of them already but this is the one we were just doing, ‘Oh My Girl faeries, what is a song you’ve all been listening to recently?’ And so Hyojung unnie answered Pretty U by Seventeen and Mimi unnie said 4 Walls by Cosmos!”

                “Oh wow, really?” Eunhwa smiles, finally making her way up to the front. Liqin welcomes the distraction, slipping back beside Ina and sheepishly makes a peace sign at the camera. The two girl groups meld together after that, peering into the main camera held by a staff member as they talk about their songs. “I’ve heard your song too, Windy Day is really cool! The performance is awesome right?”

                “I love the chorus part the best,” Ina speaks up, nodding. “It’s a really unique sound.”

                “Wah, thank you!” Hyojung cheers. “You guys produce your own music right? So that means a lot to us!” Bowing, the girls all clap before settling down once again. “Well then, since you’re here, how about you answer some of these questions? We’re both fairly new so we can see if our opinions match up.”

                “Sounds good,” Solbi nods, leaning over Yewon’s shoulder to read the card. “Ah, thank you Arin ssi,” Solbi says when Yewon moves the paper over so Solbi can read it easier. “’Moving on, what’s something you’d like to try in the future?’ How about you guys? Is there anything you have your eye on?”

                “I want to try acting!” Mihyun states from the back. “Our music video, we acted a bit you know? It was really fun – although a bit tiring – and I realized then how amazing actors and actresses were.”

                “How about you try it?” Liqin speaks up, and the others make a small circle for Mihyun. “Pretend your boyfriend just broke up with you.” Nodding and whooping at Liqin’s suggestion, Mihyun laughs a bit and gets ready. Taking a deep breath, she regards the camera with what seemed to be a sad expression.

                “How could you do this?” she sniffs. “I thought we had something, and you go around and turn your back on me? How do you sleep at night?” Mihyun wipes an imaginary tear from her eye, lower lip trembling slightly.

                “With a blanket and a stuffed animal,” Ina cuts in, causing Mihyun to break down laughing. Solbi looks over and grins, high fiving Ina, before pushing the Vietnamese girl into the middle of the circle.

                “Well then Ina ssi, if you’re so good at acting how about you give it a try?” Solbi teases and the rest of the girls are quick to agree. Ina groans, shooting a glare at Solbi, before fixing her hair. “How about a different scenario this time though?”

                “You’re in a restaurant and the waiter gets your food wrong!” Jiho announces, causing everyone to look at her for her weird suggestion. “What?”

                “That’s good, I like it,” Eunhwa laughs. “Try it out Ina.”

                “Alright,” Ina trails off, looking into the camera with a slight hint of nervousness before steeling herself. “Can I have a pretend waiter?”

                “Binnie can do it, she’s had experience right?” Seunghee pushes the short haired girl forward, ignoring her protests, and steps back out of the circle. “Go, go!”

                “Uhm, okay,” Yoobin deadpans for a second, before getting into position and walking over to Ina. “Hello miss, here’s your food – sorry for the wait,” Yoobin mimes placing a plate down and is about to walk away when Ina coughs abruptly.

                “Excuse me, this is not what I ordered,” Ina calls, waving Yoobin to come back. She points down at the imaginary food. “I asked for chicken, not beef.”

                “I’m sure that you said beef,” Yoobin says, scratching her head in thought. “I even remember asking you how rare you wanted it.”

                “No, that was the table over there,” Ina points off camera. “Then you came to me and asked if I wanted tomato or cream sauce. I’d like a different plate please.”

                “Get mad, get mad,” Solbi chants from her side of the circle, causing Yoobin to laugh.

                “I’m sorry miss, but that won’t be possible,” Yoobin turns back around with a straight face, narrowing her eyebrows in an angry expression. “We’re extremely understaffed at the moment.”

                “Then I’m not paying,” Ina pretends to lean back and crosses her arms over her chest. “This is not what I ordered.”

                “Look, I’m sorry that the order was wrong – even though it wasn’t – but can’t you just eat it and be on your way? I’ll even give you a discount,” Yoobin sighs, placing her hands on her hips and looking at Ina with an annoyed expression. Ina returns the gesture, jutting out her chin in a prideful manner.

                “Alright, that’s good enough!” Hyojung announces, stepping in between the two girls. “You guys did really well, how about a round of applause?” the leader asks, causing everyone to clap politely.

                “That was fun,” Ina nods at the camera, before giving Yoobin a high five. “And you were spectacular Binnie ssi.”

                “Same to you Ina ssi,” Yoobin bows.

                “I think it’s okay if you call me unnie,” Ina says, patting Yoobin on the head. “The rest of you too.”

                “Yay, we’re friends then!” Seunghee cheers, pumping her fist into the air to make everyone laugh. “How exciting.”

                “Let’s say our goodbyes as friends then alright?” Eunhwa speaks up, “We wouldn’t want to keep intruding on your video.”

                “Ah, it’s alright,” Hyojung responds, “we’ll invite you guys back on next time okay?” Nodding, Solbi gives the nearest member – Mihyun – a hug and the groups bid their farewells, with promises of exchanging phone numbers, before Cosmos finally makes it back into their waiting room.

                “Well that was fun,” Eunhwa announces the minute they get back. “We sneaked our way into another backstage video,” she laughs, and Solbi nods, remembering the encounter they had with BTOB. “Although Liqin didn’t seem to speak much?”

                “I spoke to JinE ssi a lot,” Liqin replies. “While you were in front of the camera. She’s pretty quiet and shy like me so we had a lot to talk about,” Liqin laughs softly. “It feels nice to make friends.”

                “Very true,” Solbi agrees, “even Ina looked like she was having fun huh?”

                “Binnie is a really good actress,” Ina nods. “I think I remember seeing her on High School Love On, so I was really happy when she said I was good at acting – maybe I’ll give it a try?”

                “Wow look at you,” Eunhwa smiles, “making friends. And you were so sulky after the BTOB sunbaenim encounter.”

                “Binnie was nicer,” Ina shrugs, and Solbi gets the feeling that they should drop the subject.

                “Were you guys wandering again?” Sanghee steps into the room, having taken a call outside, as she looks at the four girls.

                “Yeah, we met Luna sunbaenim before our stage and then ran into Oh My Girl sunbaenims just now. We filmed a bit of their backstage video with them,” Solbi summarizes as Sanghee runs her hand through her hair.

                “Another one? You guys are weaseling your ways into everything huh? I guess that’s why you’re our first group,” Sanghee laughs. “Which reminds me, tomorrow we’re having a company meeting to discuss future plans for Cosmos as well as Yunrae Entertainment as a whole.”

                “Sounds fun,” Ina rolls her eyes.

                “I’m sure it’ll be exciting,” Solbi agrees before laughing at Sanghee’s indignant expression. “It that you have to sit through those all the time. I wonder what they mean by Yunrae’s future though?”

                “Your guess is as good as mine,” Sanghee shrugs. “But whatever it is, it’ll be interesting for sure.”

Author's Note

Aha. Why yes. That is Luna complimenting... an f(x) song. Sorry I had to do it-

Also sorry for like, switching between stage and real names. I just thought it made more sense to call the idols by their real names when they're not speaking and then when someone is speaking then they'd use their stage name you know? Sorry if it's confusing.

Lol I'm foreshadowing so much here see if you can spot it xDD

Hope you're smiling!

~ Yun

PS: Low key this might be the last chapter I post before my exams so yeah wish me luck TT^TT

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-oneirataxia #1
Chapter 36: wow wow wow,
amazing! i dont even
have a character in this applyfic
but it doesnt even feel like an applyfic.
its like one of those fanfics
with the oc and the author does a really good
job in writing it. i dont know
how to explain how excited and thrilled
i was. it made me look at liqin at a different
light because from what ive seen in the story,
she is a chameleon and doesnt really like sticking out.
i definetly seeing character development
and cant wait to see the others too!
im personally an ina biased fan because
she and i are so similar in personality
and thought process so i lowkey hope
that ina is next for the single chapter
just letting you know
i miss you and your updates <3
-oneirataxia #3
just want you to know
that i love this story
and cant wait for the next update!
stay healthy and live life boo :)
-oneirataxia #4
Chapter 35: im so mad that
i didnt know about this fic ;;
this is honestly such a great
applyfic <3 too bad
i was on hiatus when this apply was opened ;;
nonetheless, keep it up!
you are really good at this and
i enjoy reading it tbh
I love reading this
Chapter 35: so sorry for the late comment ;;
school got me like :(
none the less,
i missed reading your writing
and i could help but re-read the
story until you updated.

honestly, i like their comeback,
even if it was a huge change of
image since they went
from mysterious to upbeat.

my poor liqin is going to be on dream team.
i cant wait to see her dominate as she really is good
in sports but im worried as she isnt much of
a talker. which reminds me,
are you going to write a dream team special?
if you are, bless you <3

but can i just say something,
if some of the boys in yrb2016
are single and dont have a love interest,
liqin is up as she needs some drama in her love life XD
Chapter 34: Well I'm smiling now~~ okay cheese aside I rrally missed your writing you're so good it should be illegal. You have this really easy seemingly effortless way if writing that makes it so easy to read and imagine everything that's going on. Honestly your writing is so smooth I love it so much.

And Ina! I always love her pov chapters, she's so brutally honest about anything. You can really tell how much these guys have grown over the past months of being a group. Gone are the awkward four who couldn't get along and we're always stepping on each other's toes somehow and here now is this cameraderie of being a team. Nice little cameo from the Suite kids too (Seungcheol and his hair xD). I especially liked the car ride bit where they're all interacting with each other and trying to crash the car xD the chapter was on the short side but it was really nice and I loved reading it so I don't mind at all man.

You can really tell the personal growth that these four have gone through already like hold me Yun I'm gonna cry I'm so proud of these s. And the song is awesome too of course I love Melody Day. Good man. Also shout out to the new layout it's super pretty and I love it.
Chapter 32: I am so sad that 4 walls promotion is coming to an end.
also, when I saw how nervous liqin
was when they said a group was coming
/lowkey on the look out for yixuan/
none the less the chapter was nice.
I honestly love sistar's comeback
although I felt as if hyorin
got a lot of lines but maybe
that's just me.
lol liqin, man up gull.
your members are not body guards XD
also, your chara mirae makes me which
that mirae was actually in the group ;;
she would fit so well
but not at the same time (if that makes any sense at all)