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“We can’t be friends anymore.”

    “It’s too hard.”

    “I never really liked you anyway.”

    “I don’t want to see you again.”

    Seulgi woke with a start, panting heavily, cold sweat sticking onto her skin as she looked around the room with wild, fiery red eyes. She recovered quickly, however, as her body easily adjusted, and she slumped back into her pillow, one arm coming up to drape over her eyes in exhaustion. Void. Her past still haunted her to this day, the look of absolute disgust in Void’s hellfire eyes as he stared down at her, spitting words that cut like knives into her heart before walking away and leaving her alone. All alone. Her one and only friend who had stuck by her thick and thin, shoving her away like some discarded pile of trash. It still haunted her. Over five hundred years ago, and seeing Void again after so long cut open old wounds that she’d thought had healed. She hated it. She hated remembering how weak she had been.

    It was early, and it showed through the pale dawn light filtering its way through the window, and Seulgi got out of the bed, letting her bare feet touch the icy cold ground before unlocking the door and walking out. With effortlessly silent and graceful steps, she made it over to Irene’s room and carefully opened the door, the light of dawn also illuminating the room in weak form. She could see Irene’s small figure underneath the blankets, and she slowly walked up to the bed before looking down at her. She was curled up on her side, and Seulgi felt pity take a stab at her when she saw the pained look on Irene’s face. With hesitant fingers, she reached out to gently caress her cheek. But when she felt that flood of heat pool into her eyes, she quickly retracted her hand. Clenching her jaw and closing her eyes, she slowly turned around to face the mirror Irene had in her room before opening her eyes and seeing a warm firelight glow of orange staring back at her.

    No, no, this can’t be happening. This can’t be real. But she knew it was. She had known since she felt that strange tug of her heartstrings when looking at Irene, when Irene smiled at her, or laughed. The only other time her eyes had turned this color was centuries ago, another place, another time. She shook her head, refusing to remember.

    “Oh my god! What the hell?! Kang ing Seulgi! I swear to god I will kill you!” Irene screeched.

    Seulgi whirled around to easily to catch a pillow that Irene threw at her, then dodged the others until she ran out of ammunition. Irene was breathing heavily, glaring at Seulgi with mussed hair and disheveled appearance. “I-Irene. You are awake.

    Irene’s eyes narrowed dangerously before her expression suddenly took on something inscrutable, then accusing. “Oh, so now you decide to show your face.”

    Seulgi took a few seconds to register what she was saying before she quickly avoided eye contact, memories of the night before plaguing her mind. “I-I am sorry about that. I was not feeling - .”

    “Not feeling well. Right,” Irene scoffed before laying back down and pulling her blankets over her head.

    “Irene, are you upset?” Seulgi asked tentatively, taking a cautious step forward.

    “No, but I will be if you don’t get out right now.” Seulgi was torn between heeding to Irene’s warning or staying and explaining herself. Choosing the safer path, she walked towards the door, when she heard a rustle, and then Irene’s stern voice. “Kang Seulgi. You stop right there.”

    Seulgi immediately froze, body tense at the dangerous tone that Irene used.

    “When you first got here, didn’t I tell you that you couldn’t leave your room until I told you you could?”

    Seulgi gulped. “I d-do not recall.” Sensing death nearing, she tried to escape, but to no avail.

    “You’re dead, Kang Seulgi.”


    “Oh my god, Seulgi, what happened to you?”

    Seulgi bit her lip as she avoided eye contact with Wendy who was ogling at her, eyes wide and brows lifted to the point that they looked like they were about to fly away. She didn’t miss the snort Irene made, but she refused to look at the girl, also.

    “Seulgi, don’t you have something to say to Wendy?” Irene cooed, voice teasing.

    Seulgi took a deep breath before looking up at Wendy who was still staring at her. She then chanced a glance at Irene who was smirking at her before turning back to Wendy. “I am a stupid bear.” Seulgi felt her cheeks grow hot as Irene burst into oddly seal-like laughter whereas Wendy turned to Irene with a disapproving look on her face.

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427 streak #1
Chapter 13: Good light read i guess. Im living for sarcastic irene lol
Chapter 13: So good 👍🏻
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 12: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Jensoo4everlove #4
Chapter 12: Wow!! Consent it is!!! Seulgi ❤🥺
ReneSeul_9194 #5
Chapter 12: the amount of fluff here...my weak heart couldn't take this😭
Chapter 12: It will be fun when your girlfriend has eyes that can change color according to her mood.
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 13: reread ❤❤
brdfillet #8
Chapter 13: haha 'deep blue eyes' by girls next door, let's go!
thehotmonkey #9