
Sparks Fly


Mingyu heard someone call his name. It was followed by a soft nudging on his shoulder. The boy paid this no in mind as he resumed to indulge himself in his sleep.


The person called again while repeating the feat that they did earlier.

"I don't think he's going to wake up..." Another voice spoke. Their thick accent noticeable with each word that they utter. There was a rustling in the background which was then followed by some footsteps leaving his room. 

Good. He thought. 

Now he can continue his much needed slumber without any distraction of sort. 

Five minutes into his sleep, footsteps entered his room again. It stopped just beside his head. For a moment there he wanted to open his eyes and see what was happening. 

But sleep overcomed the idea so Mingyu continued to close his eyes.


He felt it. 

A single drop of water hit his cheek.

Mingyu mindlessly wiped it with his shoulder before turning around and pulling the comforter closer to his chin. 





More droplets of water hit his face. But Mingyu just groaned and hid his face under his comforter.

Well that's until a whole lots of water nearly drowned him down.

Mingyu sprung up from his bed with a gasp. His head snapped to the side of his bed and saw the culprit himself holding an empty glass. 

"Jihoonie hyung!" Mingyu gasped as he wiped his face with his hand. "Why did you do that?"  

"You weren't waking up." Jihoon deadpanned. 

You got to be kidding me. 

Mingyu groaned and rubbed his face tiredly. "Hyung... It's Wednesday. You know I only get rest on Wednesday..." 

Jihoon blinked. "You're supposed to bring me to the maintenance today. My sensors are not properly working."


The tall boy sighed tiredly before running his hand to his wet hair. He gave Jihoon a side glance and shook his head. He pushed his comforters aside and worldessly went to the bathroom. Mingyu the lights, the sight greeted him on the mirror was something that decided his whole mood for the entire day. 

There were bags under his eyes and his wet clothes hugged his features in a rather ugly manner. 

Great. Just great.

Mingyu removed his clothes, throwing it on the clothes basket after. 

The walk to the train station was awkward. 

Mingyu had a frown on his face. He didn't even bothered slowing down so that Jihoon who obviously had shorter legs could catch up to him. Even the cold winter air was not helping him calm his mood down. If ever it seemed to worsen it. 

Jihoon frowned as he saw the distance between him and Mingyu. 

The short boy decided to ran towards the tall boy until they were now walking side by side. But it didn't lasted long as Mingyu fastened his pace, leaving Jihoon again. Even when they boarded the train Mingyu continued to ignore Jihoon much to the short boy's displeasure. The train wasn't crowded so basically it gave Mingyu the chance to sit farther away from him. 

"Look. He's so handsome." 

A whisper to his right caught Jihoon's attention. A group of high school girls on the opposite bench were whispering to each other while staring at Mingyu who continued to indulge himself in his sour mood. 

"I wonder if he's still single." 

"I think he's too old for us. He looks like a Uni student."

"But older boys makes good boyfriend."

Jihoon frowned. Although he might not show it much, the short boy was capable of feeling different sort of emotions much like a real human. He was one of the best models and the emotions had been programmed into his system even before he got delivered in front of Mingyu's door. 

So, feeling more possessive than ever, Jihoon scooted closer to Mingyu. The tall boy gave him a side glance but Jihoon was too busy glaring at the girls to even notice it. Mingyu sighed for the umpteen times. He let his eyes drop. He was still sleepy and they will not arrive to their destination until an hour later.

Mingyu had been really stressed lately. Although Jihoon doesn't eat, he was the major reason to why his budget for foods has lessened. Minghao have a work of his own and Mingyu never really had problem with the boy aside from communication during the first months of his stay.

The movements beside him hindered the tall boy from getting any sleep. Mingyu opened his eyes and saw Jihoon leaning his head on his shoulder. It should've been a sweet feat if only the small boy wasn't glaring at something in front of them. 

Mingyu followed his line of sight and saw a group of high school girls whispering to each other. They in turn giggled and threw some flirty waves to his direction after realizing he was staring. 


Was Jihoon jealous? 

Mingyu's eyes widened at the thought. Was it even possible? All these times, Jihoon had been really mean to him, what happened earlier was a good proof. To the small boy he was more like a slave than a boyfriend.

Mingyu had to turn his head to the side for Jihoon to not see the smile that made its way to his lips. 

The high schoolers in turn squealed loudly with the feat. They moved on their seats like a worm high on steroid and Jihoon nearly lost it. 

If Mingyu's mood was sour earlier it was now Jihoon's turn to frown at everything.  

Even after the girls got off on the next stop, Jihoon's frown turned deeper than Mingyu's. But the tall boy wasn't in the mood of consoling him whatsoever so he just let him be. Still he wasn't going to lie that having the short boy rest his head on his shoulder felt actually great. 

Maybe he should have Jihoon get jealous more.

Jihoon didn't even waited for the technician to call him and barged inside the room. 

Seungcheol looked up from his computer and smiled widely as he saw who it was. Jihoon was still frowning when he sat on top of the hospital bed. The short boy crossed his arms, Seungcheol carried his computer beside him. After he placed the device on the bed he wasted no time in engulfing the short boy into a bone crushing hug. "Why if it isn't my most favorite son! It's about time you visit me, I've been so lonely."

Jihoon pushed him back, eventually kicking him when he didn't made a move of letting go of the small boy. 

"Still mean as ever I see..." Seungcheol chuckled and rubbed the part where he have kicked him. "That is not how you treat Daddy you know." 

"Shut up, old man." Jihoon crossed his arms. "Stop adressing yourself as Daddy. It's really creepy."

"So mean. I'm not even that old." The older boy pouted. When Jihoon didn't made any response Seungcheol immediately knew something was wrong. He made his way to his computer. He started typing something to it before pulling a plug. He scratched a skin on Jihoon's nape which then revealed a USB slot. "Where's the kid?" 


Seungcheol hummed a reply as he inserted the USB cord and did his job. "Did you told him?" 

"Told him what?" 

Seongcheol chuckled as he checked Jihoon's sensors. "Today's November 22. It's your birthday. I remember first forming your parts this very day last year." 

Jihoon kept quiet. In truth, he never have put it in mind, to him he doesn't have any birthday as he wasn't even human in the first place.

"... it doesn't matter." 

"It does. You should tell him." The older boy stated. When Jihoon didn't spoke, he sighed and ruffled his hair affectionately. "I'm going to upgrade your features. Don't worry it's on the house." 

"If you're going to do so, just turn me into his ideal lover. Better yet, change my gender." Jihoon murmured as he toyed with his fingers. He didn't bother hiding his thoughts to the boy, it was only him whom he felt comfortable enough to say his hidden thoughts and frustration.

Seungcheol looked up from his computer and shook his head. "You know I can't do that. I have to restart you and that's equivalent to killing you." The boy resumed back to his work. "No parent would want to do that to their child." 

"Don't stress yourself too much. He'd come to love you, trust me." Seongcheol added. 

Jihoon's mood drastically dropped at that. He felt sad yet angry at the same time. 

Seungcheol was still the liar that he knew.

"Stop lying to me." Jihoon frowned as he removed the cord on his neck despite the older boy's protest. "Stop lying to us. Because by the end of the day, you humans will grow tired and leave us. It's the same." He hopped from the bed, closing the skin on his nape in the process.

"Woozi..." Seungcheol called. 

"It's Jihoon now." The short boy corrected. Hearing the name made him feel pain, and he hated the name more than anything. "You know what, forget what I said about turning me into his ideal type. I should continue being a brat and see how long will he last." He grasped the handle of the knob, ready to leave but not before saying his final message. "If my real owner comes in, tell her that you didn't see me." 

Mingyu's eyes shoot up as he heard the door open. He was about to say something but Jihoon didn't even acknowledge his presence as he continued to march to the exit. "Jihoonie hyung!" He called out. Mingyu struggled of paying for the bill before he chased the short boy.

The cold winter hit him, his breath foging his eyes sight. He tilted his head from left to right, trying to get a glimpse of a blonde hair within the crowd, but to no avail, he saw nothing. Mingyu ruffled his hair and was about to panic until he remembered that Jihoon's cross danggly earing serves as his tracking device. Mingyu pulled his phone out and checked the small boy's location.

A sigh of relief passed his lips as he saw that Jihoon was just on the playground nearby. 

Five minutes into the walk, he saw the short boy sitting on one of the swings. He had a distant look on his face and it made Mingyu wonder what had happened when he entered the room. 

"Jihoonie hyung?" He called, expecting for Jihoon to ignore him.  Which the short boy did. Mingyu pouted, although he was still sulking over what he did earlier, Mingyu wasn't really the type to hold in grudges for so long. Especially if it's toward his lover. Besides, whatever happened inside the technician's room made his mood down. Mingyu crouched down and hesitately took Jihoon's smaller hands to his. "Why did you ran off?"  

Jihoon diverted his eyes from the gray clouds to the boy before him. He stared at him for the longest time. He wasn't supposed to be with this guy. Everything was only because of the delivery guy's idiocy.

Well it's not like this Mingyu was smarter. 

He often times forgets a lot of things and Jihoon sometimes wonders how he managed to live alone when his grandmother died, and before Minghao came into the picture. Idiot even forgot to bring a scarf. 

Jihoon shook his head. He took his hand back and removed the red scarf he was wearing. Mingyu silently watched the small boy wrapped his scarf around him, it was so uncharistic that it caught him off guard. 

It's not like he wasn't aware that he got him mad for what he did. He had done more to this guy yet why hasn't he returned him yet? One month. One month was enough for a person to get fed up with someone as bratty as he. 

This guys kindness was unbelievable. 

Mingyu's skin turned darker as his mind slowly processed what Jihoon had just done. He looked down and smiled softly, no one had done something like that to him aside from his grandmother. It was always him who used to give his scarfs to his girlfriends. 

He was feeling extra giddy that moment. 

And he had this strong urge to kiss Jihoon on the lips. Which he hasn't done yet because of Jihoon's bratty self and his still confused state, but right now, kissing the small boy sounded so good.

Mingyu slowly leaned up. He took Jihoon's hand and he slowly closed his eyes. He puckered his lips. His was feeling excited. Like he was getting his very first kiss.

Only for him to be pushed back to his . 

Jihoon stood up from his spot on the swing, putting his hands back into his jeans pocket. 

"Let's go home." The short boy stated, which sounded more like no order than a request. "My cats are probably starving." With that, he turned around and Mingyu —who was pouting— failed to see how his face had gotten red. 

I officially hate swimming class. 

Sorry if I took so long to update! And sorry if it's kinda crappy. ; w ; ) 

Thank you for the upvotes and subscription! And I do love reading your comments. I swear, they keep me motivated! ♥

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[sparks fly] 03/08/2016. Edited the description and foreword. ;;; 90+ subs. omg. thank you guyseu! i promise i'll upload the 3rd chapter as soon as i can!


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Chapter 4: Poor Mingyu. He wasn't able to get one kiss from Jihoon, yet he got a hickey/ bite mark from him. P.S I love your other stories cause their so good! I hope you update soon!
fg #2
Chapter 4: Hahahaha.. It's so cute.. I like jihoon being possessive.. I want them to kissed already.. pls.. update.. I want jigyu in my life.
Wait u r the one who wrote track seventeen dazed and confused ....ryt?
Chapter 4: Holy sheeet....
Chapter 4: I'm craving for more jigyuuuuuuu!!! Please update soooooon
moonseara #6
Update please..........
Chapter 4: O<-< that me after reading this update, bless this
minseokkie99 #9
Chapter 4: jihoon went like a bratty little in 2 chapters then he suddenly turned into shy possessive naughty in the next chapter i screeched