Cut the Ties

The Greatest Heist
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     Some people say the only way in life is to study hard and find a good job, then start a family. Lives that are built upon society's own idea of a perfect existence are written with creases of boredom and repeated actions. Some would even say what you should do based on how they see you--ignoring your own feelings. If you follow directly into that lifestyle, would you ever truly find the one you were meant to live? No. That kind of life isn't for me.

     You see, my life is much more complex; for there is no apex of happiness and excitement. The limits cannot be reached, for its absolutely endless. It's one I had carved with another, and I thought it would continue that way....but things don't always exactly turn out the way you want them to.        It's an interesting story in my point of view, filled with all kinds of emotions you could ever have. You learn to be more aware of who you are and those close to you. Don't let go of those who had always been by your side, and do not wrong them; for this is the simple law of friendship. Choose them wisely and you'll never regret any decisions that you would make in the future--but of course; mistakes can be made.          "Welcome Miss," the door man said as I was about to enter the building. He held open the glass door and gave me a welcoming gesture as I walked by. I've been working here in this building for many years now, and everyone is aware of my position for this company--but they don't actually know what we do. UNIX; a successful business that focuses on the safe arrival and protection of  Imported Jewels is seen on the outside and by the media, however, there is a main circle that is above all.         This circle consisted of five highly skilled individuals that are professional Con Artists. These four reign high in the Black Market distributing--you guessed it--Imported Jewels. I for one am part of this circle; Jidoja, they call me--meaning Master Mind. My role is pretty self explanatory, for I'm behind every successful heist. My good friend I met in my early years in high school, Yoosu, is like my advisor who searches for my possible mistakes and is in charge of safe cracking. Our lazy, yet best security was EunGyeong; a girl in her late teens but looks like a doll--under all that hair. #GUN was a street thug who saved by Jaehwa: our leader, and my childhood friend and lover. Jaehwa is somebody who is highly intelligent and exceeds in every field you can think of. He thinks ahead and is never wrong. He's amazing...perhaps the most amazing person you'd ever meet.         Park Jaehwa, the big boss and the most successful Con Artist, even on his own. I felt something strange all morning, for he had not returned any of my calls. Never in our decade of knowing each other has this ever happened. This forced me to personally go to the company building to see what the issue was.        I walked across the gold and black artistically patterned marble floor, making loud echoing noises as I stepped. When I turned to the elevators, I noticed the door was actually closing.        "Excuse me!" I said, rushing to the elevator. A and emerged to hold the door open, then a familiar face rose to my attention. It was Yoosu with a surprised look on his face.        "Chunsa?" He said, as if he were surprised, "Rare to see you here--or did you also receive a message from Jaehwa?"        His response had me taken aback, mainly because the fact Jaehwa messaged him and didn't even make the effort to even send me a voicemail or a damn emoji to say the least. "No, actually he hasn't been returning any of my calls. I was hoping to find him here, but I guess due to what you said; he's ignoring me." I replied, "But what exactly did he call you here for?"        Yoosu shrugged then pulled out his phone. The message there only contained a simple, yet mysterious; 'Come by my office at 6:30 pm' "If he didn't include anything, I assume he's got a job for us....but I can't help but have an uneasy feel since you said he's been avoiding you. You two are like two peas in a pod that share everything with each other. Was always like that since we were kids."        He was right. No matter what way you looked at it, as his lover, best friend, or even as a business partner; it was extremely odd. I mean it's the evening and I've been calling since morning with absolutely no response. An uneasy feeling rose from my something I'd regret would occur. They say if your gut says it's wrong, you'd probably be best
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