3. How long will I want you?

Marrying an Idol

How long will I love you?

As long as stars are above you

And longer, if I can.

How long will I need you?

As long as the seasons need to

Follow their plan.

- How long will I love you - Ellie Goulding - 


Before Lillie and Jinki were together...

The soft R&B song played in the background while Lillie drank her coffee. Everyone was either drinking beer or soju so she felt like an alien drinking her no alcohol beverage.

Since Jules was late, probably somewhere with Minjae, Lillie spent her time staring at the boys talking about music. It was a normal topic inside the group. Some of them were either studying something related to music; one was a musician in a Indy band and of course, Jinki, was a singer.

He was there too, on the other side of the table saying something to Chul, the owner of the bar, which Lillie couldn’t hear. She didn’t have to, she didn’t even need to speak, and she was just content watching him.

Lately ever since that strange dinner where he offered to give her a ride home and she declined his offer she was trying to keep away from him but with no avail. There was a magnetic force pulling her to him, he was truly the sun and she was a small sad planet gravitating around him, eager to receive a little bit of his warmth.

He smiled with something Chul said, his eyes disappearing, little wrinkles showing up on the corners of them, his lips raising up, his uneven white teeth showing up and Lillie couldn’t help but sigh in wonder.

That was love.

Yes she dreamed about it before, she imagined herself falling in love before and for a while she assumed that maybe she loved Alex too. But nothing, nothing of what she felt or imagined before was like that.

As if he heard her deep sigh his eyes moved to her and Lillie immediately erased the silly grin from her face, or she hoped she did.

Chul walked away but Jinki gaze didn’t move from her, his smile slowly disappearing, his eyes watching her.

Everyone around the table was talking, the music was on and no one was paying attention to  her. Only Jinki was and that was enough to make her feel special.

Lillie never saw herself as someone that deserved a second look, she never wanted to be the center of attention, actually she spent most of her life, after she met Alex trying to disappear and seem insignificant for him to not get mad with her. But every time Jinki looked at her she felt as if he saw her, only her. She didn’t know how to explain it, but he made it as if she was the most important person at that table and he didn’t even need to say anything.

Nervous with that attention she quickly stood up from the table and walked to the bathroom.

No one noticed it of course, because she made sure she was invisible through the night but he did. She was sure he did because she glanced at him when she passed by him and his eyes were still on her.

Lillie washed her hands inside the bathroom and stared at her image on it.

She wasn’t even that pretty and yet when he looked at her like that she felt attractive.

She wondered what crossed his mind when he noticed her?! What was the image he had of her? Did he find her weird? Awkward? Pretty? No, not pretty…maybe just interesting because she was quiet most of the time.

She cleaned her hands and left the bathroom almost bumping against Jinki.

“Are you ok?” He asked actually seeming worried.

His body was blocking the hallway and she couldn’t run away.

“I-I’m fine.”

“I saw you leave.” She knew he did. “And I was worried.”

Worried. Worried with her.

“I’m ok!”

He raised his hand and for a brief moment she believed that maybe he was going to touch her cheek. It was a silly thought because he placed his hand on the wall behind her instead.

That certainly made her nervous too, he was too close that she could smell his scent and he certainly could smell hers too.

“I’m glad you are ok.”

She didn’t move, frozen before him, completely defeated, surrounding to that love. If he kissed her then she wouldn’t have moved, she would melt into a puddle of love, kissing him back. Offering all of her to him for how long he wanted until he didn’t want her anymore.

Of course he didn’t kiss her.

“I need to go the bathroom.” He said instead, eyeing the door behind Lillie and she awkwardly walked forward bumping against his chest making him step backwards as if her touch burned him.

He gave her way to pass and she mumbled a sorry before disappearing down the corridor on the direction of their table.

Jinki watched her before he hit his forehead.

Stupid! Baka! Idiot! Pabo!

He could call himself that name in all languages of the world and even then it wouldn’t be enough.

The truth was that he couldn’t take his eyes away from her and he had that brief moment where he could have kissed her but he didn’t, too scared to do it.

 He wasn’t sure why he was afraid. It’s not like it would be his first kiss. He wasn’t inside a drama and his life wouldn’t change after a lip lock with her.

However it was also true that Lillie had a different glow about her that he didn’t see in any of his girlfriends before.  It wasn’t only her sweet voice, or her easy smile, or the way she looked upset when she was serious, just like him. It wasn’t the sound of her laughter, the cute way her eyes would get wet quickly when she heard a sad story, or the fact that she loved silly jokes as much as he did. It wasn’t the way she looked pretty with a dress, a normal sweater, anything at all that she wore; how her hair looked like silk that he wanted to run his finger through it, or the way she smelled wonderfully making him dizzy…It wasn’t anything of that or of what he would enumerated for hours, because it was all of it at the same time. It was everything and anything about her that made him so scared to kiss her.

What would happen after that kiss? After he told her that he wanted to date her?

What if she didn’t feel the same? What if they fell out of love quickly?

What if they end up hurt? What if he never forget what he feels for her?

There were so many what ifs that weren’t there before any other kiss.

He was in love.




“Done!” Chul said helping Jinki placing Lillie inside the passenger’s seat of his car. Jinki carefully moved her head so she wouldn’t fall, pulled the seatbelt and hooked it trying to not think about the first time he gave her a ride on his car and how awkward he was placing the seatbelt on for her and then closed the door softly.

“Thanks for calling!” Jinki said.

“Well I should be the one thanking. A few more minutes with her being cute and I would have adopted her. I already have a dog. I don’t need another pet.”

Jinki chuckled, his eyes glancing at her to check if she was ok. “She is a little like a pet yes.”


Jinki agreed.

“Sweet….and funny….beautiful…”

Jinki frowned and Chul laughed knowing that his teasing was working.

“Anyway, you don’t have a pet Jinki. You should adopt her!”

“No. Let’s not go that way!” Jinki played with his car keys nervously.

“I know you are dating a y woman. I saw her on tv and she is hot but...she isn’t a pet. You need a pet. They keep your feet warm at night, they are faithful, and they love you for who you are with no restrains. And I don’t mean to offend her or you but…”

“I know what you mean! I’m not looking for the marriage type right now. Besides Lillie would be the worst of the wives.”

“Doesn’t mean you don’t want to marry her!”

Jinki didn’t answer because he was right. He really wanted to marry her but that was before.

“As I said you need a pet!”

“I don’t know what I need!” Jinki mumbled glancing at her again from the window, seeing Lillie slide on the seat and fall into the driver’s seat. Chul patted his shoulder.

“Ok then! Good luck!”

They bid goodbyes and Jinki sat on the driver’s sit after placing Lillie carefully back on her seat. Suddenly he was feeling a lot more nervous now that he was alone with her.

He put his seatbelt on and the car and then looked at Lillie. She was still unconscious; her cheeks very pink slightly open.

He decided to ignore her existence the best he could and started to drive on the direction of her apartment. It felt familiar and Jinki couldn’t shake that pain of his chest off.  He needed to peek at her once in a while.

She moved on the seat, rubbing and wrinkling her nose and then stopped, her head in a weird angle and Jinki giggled watching how cute she was. He was so distracted that he saw the red light when he was over it. He stepped on the break and the car stopped abruptly making him go back on time to that first ride. He was also distracted with her cuteness back then.


Her voice on his side made him look at her nervously.

Lillie’s eyes were on him but she seemed very confused, rubbing her eyes.

“Lillie?” He answered back stupidly. Of course it was her!

She frowned and tried to move her head away from the seat but she didn’t seem to have much control on her body probably due to the alcohol.

“Are your real this time?” She asked pouting a little, frowning at him.

“This time?” he asked  “Oh right! I heard you mixed me with another guy!” He pursed his lips realizing what that meant “That kinda hurts!” He mumbled under his breath.

Lillie poked his cheek with one finger and he looked at her expressionless.  Then she leaned forward and Jinki almost had a nervous collapse when she smelled his neck.

He widened his eyes wondering if Chul was right and she was indeed a pet.

“You smell, feel and sound like Jinki…it’s you!” Her smile was huge after that and Jinki completely forgot about the red sign that changed to green a long time ago.

Thankfully the road was deserted.

“I must be dreaming!” She mumbled and his eyes moved to her lips that he missed so much. He was the one dreaming. Jinki never thought he would see her again. Even hearing her voice again was something he saw as almost impossible since Lillie stopped answering to his phone calls and the only thing he had from her was a kakao message he didn’t dare to repeat ever since Min Hee entered his life. And now she was beside him, smiling at him, talking, being herself. He missed her so much it hurt. He didn’t realize how much he missed her until that moment.

“Look!” She said cutely raising her finger to the sign “it’s safe! GO GO GO!” She said moving her finger in the air and Jinki realized she meant the sign.

“Oh!” he quickly accelerated, his eyes moving from the road to her, observing her actions. Lillie leaned back against the seat again and started to mumble something that looked a lot like a song. He tried to understand what she meant but soon, with the movement of the car, she closed her eyes again.

He parked the car in front of her apartment and slowly, with no rush, opened the door to take her outside. He knew why he didn’t have any rush to do so, but admitting it was a punch on his ego so he didn’t, not even to himself.

He carried her carefully to the door of the building and then realized that he had no clue about the code anymore. He tried the old one, hoping that it was the same but it didn’t work. Also it was hard to insert a code with her in his arms. She was like a dead body, her arms and legs lifeless, her head against his chest.

“Aish!” He frustrated wondered about what to do until he realized that the best thing to do was really to ring the bell.

Jules was probably home waiting for her. That made him shiver because an encounter with Jules scared him.

Still he managed to somehow ring the bell with his elbow and waited which was painful with her in arms. Not because she was heavy, since she was a lot lighter now, but because she looked too beautiful and was too close. It was dangerous!

“Who is it?” Jules asked

“Lee Jinki…I have Lillie!”

He had her.

Jules gasped on the other side but opened the door for him and he entered quickly.

Of course Jules waited at the door and helped him enter with Lillie.

Jinki didn’t need much guiding anyways since he knew where her bedroom was. He placed her over the purple covers of her bed and then sighed, his eyes moving from her sleeping form, her head over the pillow with his face to the walls around him.

It was all exactly the same and he took his time until he noticed her bags on the floor half unpacked. He was going to turn around when he noticed her bedside table.

It was like a memorial of their relationship. She had the several gifts he gave her on it and pictures. The snow globe was there too. He frowned wanting to leave the room quickly because the memories where to painful.

“Jinho told me you would pick her up.” Jules said from the door. “I was so worried with her. Thank god you picked her up. This is the second time she disappears.”

“Does she go out to drink now?” Jinki asked worried.

“No. It’s the first time.” Jules gritted her teeth “She drank a lot right?”

Jinki took a deep breath and was going to walk away from the bed when Lillie grabbed his hand.

He froze staring at her, at the way she pulled it to her chest, a smile on her face.

Jinki could pull it away, she wasn’t even holding it with that much strength but somehow he wanted to extend that moment.

Jules quickly moved to pull his arm away from her hold but he motioned for her to stop.

“It’s ok.” He his lips “Can we leave us alone?”

The request made Jules suspicious.

“I’m not going to take advantage of her!” Jinki said quickly.

“I know. But she might take advantage of you!” The comment made Jinki blush and the idea actually pleased him a little “Ok then!” She gave in “Take your time!”

Take your time….

The words made him uncomfortable and Jules closed the door leaving him alone with Lillie. He sat on the bed and didn’t move his hand away from her hold.

Time. He thought he had all the time in the world. That he could wait until he came back from the army to reveal to everyone who he was dating, that he could marry her then.

However his plans didn’t seem to go according to it and the time he had with her ran out.

But now, beside her, alone with her in Lillie’s room he felt as if time was stopped and he could just stay a little longer admiring her, killing the longing inside his chest.

That wasn’t cheating right?


He would tell Min Hee that happened the next day. He needed to tell her everything.

“Lillie?” He called softly to be sure that she was sleeping. There was so much he wanted to tell her and she couldn’t hear it.

“I missed you. I miss you. So damn much!” He caressed her cheek, brushing her hair away to admire her pink cheeks. “I missed your smile, your voice, your smell. I even miss you teary face and your insecurities.” Min Hee wasn’t insecure at all and that was something refreshing to him and yet…he missed the insecure Lillie. “I also miss you calling me pabo…” He chuckled “I miss you lips, your body….god I miss heaven!” He his lips realizing what he was saying.

“I miss you.”

It was ok to miss her. She was important to him so it wasn’t cheating or a sign that he wasn’t over her. It was normal.

Jinki lied down by her side on the bed and stood there motionless for a few seconds before he turned to face her. She had her hands curled into fists near her chest and that’s when he saw it. The ring. She was still wearing it.

He didn’t know what to feel about it. It was true that he could feel his ring next to the skin of his chest but he didn’t wear it anymore.

His eyes moved to her face again. She was close and the light of her bedside table still illuminated her features.

“If I stay like this for a few second will this longing go away?” He asked not receiving an answer in return.



Lillie woke up with a huge headache and worse it was as if all of her body was run over by a car.

She actually didn’t remember much about what happened last night after she entered Chul’s bar so she moved on her bed and stayed motionless trying to figure it out.

Slowly memories came rushing in and she groaned when she realized that she embarrassed herself in front of Chul, a group of costumers she didn’t know, Jinho and even his cousin.

She placed her hands on her head massaging her temple when a familiar voice and scent came back to her too. Jinki.

Jinki was there.

The sudden realization made her sit on the bed and she groaned blinking her eyes before she realized she wasn’t alone in the bedroom.

Someone else was sitting on the end of her bed watching her every move.


Lillie widened her eyes, certain that her cheeks were as red as a tomato. Jinki was looking at her, a small bottle on his hand.

He looked away uncomfortable with her gaze.

“I fell asleep, yesterday. I have medicine for you…Jules bought it.”

So he waited for her to wake up to give it to her?!

Lillie didn’t know what to say. They slept together and she was drunk?! Did anything happen?!

She moved her eyes to her body but she was still wearing all her clothes from the previous night.

Sadly nothing seemed to have happened.

“I didn’t touch you.” He said as if the thought actually offended him “I have a girlfriend!”

Right. Min Hee. She completely forgot about her. Of course Jinki would never cheat on her, he was amazing like that. Besides he probably didn’t want to even do it. He was over her; he wanted her to be his friend.

Lillie her lips that were too dry which was weird when she drank her weight on liquids the night before. “I know.”

“I need to go. I will be late for filming if I don’t.”

He stood up and gave her the small bottle that she quickly took “Thank you. For the bottle and last night and….I’m sorry!”

That made Jinki stop and Lillie wondered why he was looking at her as if she said something out of ordinary.

“You always loved to say thank you.”

It was such an innocent remark but enough to make her heart jump on her chest; the way he fondly remembered that.

“I always had a lot to thank for when it comes to you.”

He nodded and Lillie closed her eyes briefly trying to keep her mind focused and away from the headache to speak to him.

“About being friends….I gave it a lot of thinking and I want it.”

He seemed relieved and that made her happy.

Of course she didn’t want only that. Being friends was only the tip of an iceberg of what she sought to be on his life but still being friends meant that she could still be a part of his life and she wanted that.  She promised him she would show him the way if he got lost and that was what she was going to do. Loving in secret sounded romantic before but now that she was living it Lillie realized how hurtful it would be.

What if he never remembered his feelings from her, if he dated, married and had kids with another woman? She would watch from the sidelines suffering. Did she really want that for her life?

Love was a long list of what ifs after all.

“Your phone number is still the same?” He asked. “I can call you sometimes.”

Hearing his voice, a brief touch of his hand, his smile… It was worth it.

“Yes. It never changed!”



“I really don’t understand why I accepted to come.” Jules crossed her arms over her chest and Dojoon, Jinho’s cousin smirked admiring her profile. She was hot!

Jules sent him an evil look but he didn’t seem to mind.

“We are a winning team!” Jinho said leaning on the table of the coffee shop.

“Can you stop looking at me like that?” Jules exploded making Dojoon laugh. “He is looking at my cleavage ever since I entered that door.”

Jinho hit his cousin head and turned to Jules again “If we join our heads together we can do this. We can actually open a new center. I have the money and you clearly know how to make it work.”

Dojoon that was having a good time annoying Jules moved on his seat bored. “What are you two even talking about? You told me to come with you but I don’t understand what is going on here.”

Jules rolled her eyes, something that she was doing too much lately, probably thanks to Kibum “Jinho want us to open a new language center. He even found a place that could be good to do it and he wants me to be his partner.”

“Hum. So I’m here because…”

“Because you are an architect.” Jinho remarked “You can help us changing the building. We could all be partners.”

“So you want me to do a project is that it?”

“Yes and help finance it.” Jinho smiled proud of his plan.

Dojoon actually seemed interested.

“This is very ambitious…I like it!” Jules said checking her phone “You don’t mind if Lillie comes to meet us here right?”

Jinho face illuminated immediately “Sure. No problem!”

“Is she going to be on the project too?” Dojoon asked remembering the scary drunk woman.

“No. She has no money, nothing. Right now she is drowning in old memories, dying from a broken heart and alcohol, searching or a job.” Jules said absentmindedly “But she wanted coffee before going to search for a job.”

“Hum…” Do Joon mumbled staring at the table as if he was thinking about something. “Does she speak Korean well?”

“She is ok. She knows English too. “

“And she is pretty….” Dojoon supposed making Jinho frown.

“What are you thinking?”

“Nothing!” He drank his coffee smiling and Jinho frowned because clearly Dojoon was planning something.

Lillie arrived a few minutes later. She entered like a storm, sitting on the free chair, panting, wearing a blouse that was too big on her and jeans. She had makeup on and her hair was beautiful and curly. She didn’t seem the same person from before and Dojoon watched her curiously.

“Morning!” Lillie said quickly before she turned to Jules “How do I look? Would you give me a job?”

Jules took her time eyeing Lillie and then nodded her head.

“Not bad!” Dojoon answered instead making Jules and Jinho send him an hateful look as if he was seducing their younger sister. “What? She asked!”

Lillie blushed deeply realizing who he was and then looked at her lap, clearly wanting to disappear on her chair but failing at it.

“Just don’t go drunk to any interview and you will nail it!” Dojoon added making Lillie cover her face embarrassed. Jinho hit him under the table with his leg.

“Ignore my stupid cousin. You will do fine. How many interviews you have today?”

Lillie rose her sad eyes to Jinho “None. I was hoping to give some presentation letters here and there.”

Jinho his lips surprised with Lillie’s innocence. She was a foreigner it would be really hard for anyone to even accept the letters.

“Well good luck with that!” He said trying to seem confident that she would be able to make it. He didn’t want her to be disappointed.

Dojoon watched his cousin knowing exactly what he was doing. Giving her hopes wasn’t a good thing to do. He didn’t say anything because he knew exactly how to help Lillie if she wanted. He had the ideal job for her.

“We need to go!” Jules said standing up.

“Can you give me a ride?” Jinho asked. They worked at the same tutoring place and Jinho had no car.

Jules was going to annoy him saying that they weren’t close enough to share the same car but she was late and had no time for that.


They both left after Jules kissed Lillie’s cheek and once again Dojoon was alone with that crazy woman that almost puked on him.

“I’m sorry!” She said immediately grabbing her cup of coffee following him outside.

“What are you sorry about? Confusing me with another man? Almost puking over my clothes? Hitting me?”

“I did all that…” Lillie said hiding behind her cup “I’m so sorry!” She bowed in a 90 degrees way ad Dojoon brushed the subject away.

“It’s ok. I had fun!” He actually did have fun. That was weird! “I’ll take you to the subway station!”

“What? No…”

“I will walk you, It’s close and I bet you don’t know here it is!” Lillie nodded and he added “There is something I want to discuss with you.”

“If it’s about anything I said that night.”

“It isn’t but…really forget it!”

Forget….as if it was easy. He seemed to read her thoughts because he asked “He is an idol right? The guy you love. I search his name online. Jinki is a funny name. I actually heard about his group.”

“Really?” she didn’t even deny that she loved him. “Wait….You know that we…” She seemed to panic with the realization that Dojoon knew about her dating Onew before and other details he probably heard from his cousin.

“It’s ok. I won’t tell anyone.” He chuckled “I know about another girl dating an idol from the same group and I didn’t tell dispatch yet.”

“Right…Rin…” Lillie nodded because Rin told her about Dojoon before.

“Anyway, I saw SHINee on a festival before.”

“They are amazing…he is amazing.”

“I know you did talk a lot about his qualities.”

That comment made Lillie blush and she drank her coffee, her attention somewhere else.

“You said he saved you. That made me curious. I mean, Jinho did say that you had a troubling past so I wondered…I’m curious.”

Lillie looked at him raising an eyebrow suspicious and stopped in the middle of the street observing the man by her side with her hands on the pockets of her light black coat.

Dojoon seemed like the type to wear clothes straight from a clothes catalogue, a super expensive sweater over suit pants.

“What?” He asked noticing how she studied him.

“Why are you so interested in me?”

“I told you that I am curious. Don’t worry!” He raised his hands “You are not my style. I don’t like romantic girls who drink over other guys.”

Lillie bit her lower lip “If I tell you, what I will get from it?!”

Dojoon smiled and crossed his arms. Lillie was sassier than he thought and he liked it.

“My admiration, my friendship and maybe something that you will like.”

She seemed to study his proposal and then walked further down the street so she could sit over  a white wall that separated the street from a building.

He sat beside her and Lillie turned to him, crossing her leg over her as if she was over the couch of her living room.

He liked the gesture. She was a simple girl.

“I was lost. I needed somewhere to start anew and SHINee music made me realize where I could start over. ”

“Ow…” He rubbed his ear “I wasn’t expecting something like that…”

“Jinki saved me every day. He healed me; he made me a better person. He risked everything for me!”

“He does sound like a good guy.”

“He is.” She played with her cup of coffee and Dojoon sighed.

“I’m sorry I asked. I thought he saved you from a car on fire, a serial killer or maybe a nagging old lady…”

The comment made Lillie frown. He did save her from being but that wasn’t something she was going to discuss with him. “Are you mocking me?”

She didn’t give him time to answer and stood up throwing her empty cup of coffee on the trash bin.

He followed after her “No. I’m sorry. I wasn’t joking. I’m glad he saved you! I don’t know what made you want to run away to somewhere so far away but I’m glad someone did save you!”

She slowed down her pace so he could catch up with her. “He did well. I understand why you place him on a pedestal.”

“I don’t place him in a pedestal. He is the man I love. He didn’t need to save me from my…”She swallowed “He was already saving me every day before that. He gave me hope and….”Lillie eyes filled with tears “Why am I even telling you all of this?!”

“Because I am a nice guy?” She snorted at him and Dojoon wondered what was wrong with Lillie and Rin and all women he was meeting recently. Why were they so hard to please?! “Look, are you really going to get back together with him?”

“No. We are friends now.” Lillie said with a serious tone and Dojoon started laughing so much he covered his mouth, his eyes disappearing into lines like Jinki’s making Lillie even more furious.

“What?” She asked outraged and he rubbed his chest still laughing softly.

“Really? Friends?” it was as if he didn’t believe that she could be his friend. That she could do it.

“Yeah. He is dating someone now. He forgot me already.”

“I highly doubt it!” He said finally recovering from his outburst.


“You are the unforgettable type.” He said gently and Lillie tried to see a hint that he was joking with her but it didn’t seem like it.

“I do?” Was it even a good thing?!

“I need to go!” Dojoon said suddenly searching for his phone inside his pants pocket.

With it he took out a pen that he opened before grabbing Lillie’s arm.

She widened her eyes and Dojoon turned her hand upward and wrote something on the palm of her hand.

“What is that?”

“My phone number! What I promised you! Call me!”

“What?” Lillie took her hand away just when he finished writing it. “Why in the world do I need your phone number?” she made it sound as if he gave her a bottle of his spit.

“I need a secretary. You know English and Korean, you are cute and with the right clothes and makeup and no alcohol I’m sure more clients will come to visit my studio.”

“Are you offering me a job?”

“You need one right?” He blinked one eye at her and turned around.

“HEY!” Lillie called “You said you would walk me to the subway station.” She wasn’t sure if she remembered where it was.

“Just straight ahead!” Call me!” He made a call sign with his hand and then walked away.

Lillie stared at the phone number in her hand. She really needed a job.



Working at a broadcast station was completely different from working at SM. Eun Ha was slowly realizing it. She had more work, doing everyone’s make up before the shows, she got to meet several different stars from different parts of the entertainment world, some not as interesting as they seem, some a less more polite that they do show in front of the camera.

She didn’t travel frequent now and her work was all at the same place, restrained to the same room which sometimes was good and others boring.

However one thing remained the same. Seniors were still giving her a hard time and sometimes Eun Ha could hear them talking behind her back, wondering if it was true that she left SM or was fired instead.

It was one of those busy days again and Eun Ha team was in charge of preparing several guests for a talk show.

While the two hairstylists worked behind her, Eun Ha did the makeup eyeing her two coworkers sitting at a corner discussing something they were seeing on one of their phones.

They were supposedly on break, but their break was extended from ten minutes to thirty by now.

Of course Eun Ha couldn’t say anything since they were her sunbaes and she didn’t want any trouble.

“What are you two doing?” Senior Go, a man on his 50’s, happily married and obviously with money entered the room. He was one of the members of the broadcast station board and usually liked to walk around the station to see how things were being done.

Eun Ha’s two coworkers stood up immediately and got back to work which made Eun Ha smile inside.

He walked to the hairstylist discussing something with them and then approached Eun Ha.

She liked him. He was a nice man and seemed to hate unfair things as much she did.

“Is everything well Eun Ha-Ssi?”

“Yes sir, everything is going well.” Eun Ha lied, her eyes on her coworker that was eyeing her suspiciously, afraid she would complain about them.

“Don’t let them be mean to you!” the older man said gently, offering Eun Ha a small smile of encouragement. “Wherever you will go, there will always be people ready to take advantage of you. Don’t let them!” He turned around sending the other two girls a meaningful look and Eun Ha smiled to herself getting back to work.

After that awful day she was going to see Minho and she couldn’t wait to tell him about what just happened.



Jinki silently walked down the corridor, turning his head back once in a while. He knew Min Hee was at the company too and he was a coward. Yes he was avoiding her, yes he was delaying the moment he had to face her and tell her about what happened with Lillie and the fact that they were now friends.

He was the worse of boyfriends. He used his packed schedule and the drama recordings to stay away from her and most of the times he even avoided picking up her phone calls.

He knew he didn’t have much time and soon he needed to face her but not that day. He was exhausted and still had a few hours of rehearsals for their new Japanese single.

Jinki heard a door open and he quickly run down the corridor, his body going against another man.

“Jinki?” Jonghyun asked making Jinki cover his mouth with his hand.

Jonghyun widened his eyes and Jinki gestured for him to speak low.

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing!” Jinki shrugged his shoulders.

A noise made him startled and he hid behind Jonghyun before entering the bathroom a few steps away locking it.

Jonghyun stared at the door where Onew disappeared with his mouth open. What is he doing?! Practicing for his drama or…

“Sunbaenim…” Min Hee greeted Jonghyun  and he pretend to be interested on the wall behind him “Did you see Jinki?”

Jonghyun wasn’t good with lying and he glanced at the door of the bathroom before nervously looking back at Min Hee.

“I don’t see him in days. I heard you were practicing so…”

“H-he must be downstairs. Kibum went with the dancers to buy some food. Maybe he is waiting on the resting room downstairs. Taemin is there too.”

“Thank you!” Jonghyun watched Min Hee walk back in the direction of the elevator and he sighed of relief.

Jinki opened the door and peeked outside his eyes falling on Jonghyun that frowned at him.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Avoiding her?” Jinki whispered and Jonghyun grabbed him by his collar and pulled him outside into the hallway.

“We need to talk!”

“Not here! She might come back!” Jinki pleaded and Jonghyun pulled him inside the closest room that was where they normally had small meetings to discuss the concept of their comebacks.

Jinki crouched behind the table and Jonghyun did the same, hiding with him, feeling ridiculous.

“Why are you avoiding her?”

“Lower your voice!” Jinki asked “I met Lillie…” Jonghyun offered Jinki an understanding look. “She was drunk and I picked her up and then I feel asleep on her bed beside her.”

Jonghyun widened his yes “You had ?”

“No!” Jinki shock his head “No we didn’t. But still…we could. I mean…”

“You thought about it!” Jonghyun accused Jinki and he covered his face with his hands like a kid.

“I didn’t…I did think about kissing her!”


“But we are friends now…”

“I see!” Jonghyun placed his head over his knees.

“Are you mad?” Jinki asked clenching his teeth.

“Mad? Why? You aren’t dating me!”

“I could be…” Jinki touched Jonghyun neck seductively and the younger man slapped his hand away “I mean….because you and the others told me to move on.”

“I’m not mad. It’s your life Jinki. Besides, I like Lillie. When she was in your life you were the happiest ever. She was good to you.”

Jinki nodded his head. Min Hee did make him happy too but Lillie… “I miss her. I miss talking with her. I’m looking forward to being her friend.”

“You need to tell Min Hee.”

“I am going to tell her!”


Jinki nodded his head out of energy.

“Fighting!” Jonghyun added.

“What are you two doing here?” both raised their heads up to see the one of the main stylists looking down at them “We have a meeting here, what are you two doing?!”´

“I really like this chair!” Jinki said quickly touching the chair in front of him before standing up.

“It would look good at the dorm!” Jonghyun added entering the pretense.

“It would right?!”

They both walked to the door still discussing chairs until they were safe.

“Hey!” Jinki said once they were alone again “thank you for the chat. It helped!”

“No problem!” Jonghyun took a good look at his team mate and friend. He seriously wished for him to get back with Lillie even though he avoided voicing his opinion in that matter. He was after all a romantic!



“Are you tired?” Lillie asked, laying down on her bed, her phone in one hand and the tokki soft toy Jinki gave her on her arms.

“Hum. I filmed all day. It’s very tiring even though I filmed zero action scenes.” Jinki answered on the other side.

He was the one who sent her the first text, early that day, between recordings and Lillie answered him after a while. It all started from there and when he noticed he was calling her once he arrived home. They were talking like old friends; as if nothing changed but everything did change.

The previous day Jinki told Min Hee about Lillie. She reacted pretty well and that surprised him. There was no jealousy; there was no scolding because he lied about going to pick her up when she was drunk, there was no reprehension when he told her that they decided to be friends.

However he knew that Min Hee wasn’t that happy about it. He noticed how she stared at the ring around his neck once he took off his coat and Jinki had to hide it pretty quickly. It was already a part of him now and even though Lillie was back and they were only friends he didn’t think he was ready to let go of the ring yet. She didn’t either.

Min Hee was more cheerful too and didn’t even complain when he slightly moved away from her showing that there wouldn’t be any making out that night. That wasn’t a good sign at all and Jinki felt bad.

That day he spent it talking by text with Min Hee and Lillie. Of course that he was a lot sweeter to Min Hee trying to balance things and he even made some y loving remarks about her and what she was wearing that day. He saw her airport pics after all.

“I can’t wait to see you on tv!” Lillie said. He could almost see her smile in his head.

“I have a lot of crying scenes. I’ll make you cry!”

“Really? Why? Anyone going to die?”

“Yes. But not only because of that. Not going to spoil you!”

She chuckled “Want some lessons? I cry a lot!”

Jinki smiled letting himself fall back on his bed. “Ok then….so imagine that you failed something you were supposed to be good at and you are embarrassed to face everyone.”

“Like for example...drawing. “

“Drawing?” He mumbled remembering how he was the one who pushed her to do it.

“Yes.” She seemed shy “I actually got a lot better at it and I did a lot of fanarts when…I was away.”

“I want to see it someday.” He said honestly.

“I’ll mention you on twitter.”

Jinki laughed until he realized she meant it. It was ok. Several fans did it anyway. He only needed to search her username to check.

“Do you still have the same username in it?”

“Yes. I told you. I didn’t change anything.” She didn’t change what she felt.

“Wait…no changing? Then you are wearing the same clothes after all this months?”

Lillie chuckled “Yes. I probably am.”

“Ew…” Jinki joked “not even …”

….he blushed realizing that he was talking about his ex-girlfriend underwear, the same one he took from her several times, the same one he touched before.

Lillie didn’t answer probably feeling embarrassed and thinking the same that he was.

“I’m sorry…I mean of course you changed your and everything else…” He answered awkwardly.

“I had too or Jules wouldn’t let me enter the apartment again.”

It seems like the awkwardness disappeared and Jinki was relieved. He needed to be more careful from now on and avoid anything ual, romantic, or anything that had to do with old memories. Hard task when almost anything reminded him of her.

“You know you can talk with me about anything.” Lillie said with a weak voice and he knew she was blushing “I mean…you don’t need to avoid certain topics.”

Certain topics like her undying love for him, or the relationship they had…or even his girlfriend.

“I know.” He did now. “Tell me more about the fanart.”

Jinki smiled when she started talking about how much she enjoyed drawing now. It was thanks to him and he couldn’t help but feel proud.

The truth was that they were always good together.

Was it as being friends, partners or lovers.

They always knew how to make it in a way that they fit perfectly either was it their personality and ideals or life goals, their hobbies and even their bodies….

Not that he wanted to think about her body…not now…

He was just glad that he could still talk with her as if time and the distance didn’t separate them, as if it was all the same.



Lillie pushed the door open and entered the cozy small room. A desk was empty, probably the one she would sit on if she accepted Dojoon’s job offer. He was nowhere in sight so Lillie chew her nails nervously wondering if something happened. She was sure that the unlocked door with no one in sight wasn’t a good sign.

“Dojoon ssi?” She called receiving no answer. Instead a woman opened the door of his office and she came out followed by him.

“You should have told me at least!” She complained with a whiny voice, buttoning her tiger patterned coat. It seemed expensive like the rest of her clothes. Dojoon was certainly  someone with rich friends.

“I didn’t promise you anything!” He said with his silly smile that irritated the woman even more.

She turned around and that was when both noticed Lillie for the first time.

“I came for the job offer!” She said quickly “I can come another time!”

“ANOTHER ONE?” The woman screamed sending Lillie a scary look.

“She is my new secretary!” Dojoon explained but the woman slapped him instead making Lillie flinch scared.

“RIGHT! Like the one you ed before her!”

Lillie stepped back when the woman stormed outside and she nervously raised her eyes to Dojoon.

“In my defense I didn’t my last secretary. She left because she decided to get married and be a staying home mom.”

“I didn’t ask!” Lillie said quickly wondering if coming there was a good idea after all.

“As you can see I really need a secretary that can block unwanted visitors.”

“I can see that!”

Dojoon laughed rubbing his cheek. He didn’t seem much affected with that scene which probably meant that he was used to it by now.

“So, you coming here means that you will you accept my offer?”

“Can I work one day to decide?” She asked biting her lip “I never worked as a secretary.”

“Sure.” He gestured towards the desk. “For now just answer my phone calls and I will teach you during the day.”

“Ok…” Lillie moved closer to the desk.

“And please take care of the door.”

Lillie smiled placing her bag over the desk. “I will.”

Dojoon stood there watching her take off her brown coat. She looked pretty that day and she wasn’t even trying much, wearing a black skirt and a light brown fluffy sweater, light makeup and loose hair.

“Something wrong?”

He shook his head and disappeared inside his office.

Lillie sat down on the chair of her new workplace and touched the black desk. It was different from the one she had at the tutoring center. She missed that job but she also could understand why they couldn’t accept her back. Someone filled in for her already.

The tutoring center was the first place she worked in South Korea, the only place that gave her an opportunity and she was forever thankful to them. Also the place she met Jules and Jinho….and eventually Jinki. She spent so many days there dreaming and thinking about Lee Jinki…

Now here she was at her new workplace.

Teaching was always the only thing she imagined herself doing. The old Lillie and the new Lillie missed it terribly but the later knew that sometimes you have to keep going and work with what you have at the moment. Ok, she didn’t know what she was doing but she could learn, maybe she could even like that new side of her. She never imagined herself drawing or living in South Korea before and that was the reality she lived at the moment.

Lillie sighed and the computer. She waited for the operating system to open making plans on her head.

She needed to bring her favorite mug with Jinki face the next day, also the SHINee photocard she had and a picture of her family and of course the girls. They were all the reasons she could move forward and above all why she had the courage to do so.

A new adventure was waiting for her. Yes, that new reality could work out.



After telling her friends about the new job and calling her parents Lillie sat by the window of her bedroom and called Jinki.

Yes they weren’t dating anymore but he was still the person she thought about first when she had something exciting to tell…sometimes something funny or sad. It didn’t matter. He was still the person she wanted to go to for advice, or an opinion, maybe even only for a warm laughter.

He seemed happy with the news.

“This is good. You can always go back to the tutoring center later.”

“I can but I might not be as bad as I thought it would. Dojoon, Jinho’s cousin is my boss.” She omitted the part that he was also the guy she mistook for him “He is nice and he clearly needs help because everything is a mess. He is like one of those architects you see on movies. He looks more like an artist than an architect. Sometimes I wonder if he is planning buildings or planning to paint the Sistine chapel instead.”

“Jinho’s cousin?” Jinki mumbled and Lillie wondered what he was thinking. Maybe he knew he was the one.  “You met him before right?!”

It was a question but sounded more like an observation. He knew and it was probably Chul that told him.

“Yes. He is a playboy!” She didn’t know why she said it. Maybe a part of her wanted to try and make him jealous to see if he reacted like he used to. He probably didn’t even flinch when he knew about her meeting Jinho.

“Oh I see. Does he pay well at least?” He didn’t seem much interested and Lillie was disappointed. Why would he be interested anyway?!

“Yes. It’s not bad. I will be able to pay you what I owe you in no time.” She was half way through the loan he gave her to pay the trip back home.

“You really don’t have to.” He insisted but he knew she would ignore him anyway.

“How was the filming today? “She moved her finger on the cold glass of the window “Did you cry?”

“No. Today I had a scene with my drama wife.”

“You have a wife in the drama?” She spoke maybe a little too high “I mean…I didn’t know yet.”

“I do. She is pregnant.”

Lillie swallowed not saying anything. There was a time she thought she was pregnant with his baby. She was almost sure of it because a part of her wanted to have a part of him inside her. She wasn’t though and once she looked at the result of the pregnancy text she cried.

She didn’t tell him all about it and even now she wasn’t sure about why she cried. Was she relieved? Was she sad because there wasn’t a baby inside her?!

“Sometimes I think about that night.” Jinki said softly and she knew what night he was talking about. The one she told him about the test, the one they had over the phone. “I think about what I should have told you to assure you of my feelings, about what could have been if that test was positive. That I should have understood what you were going through better…Maybe I was selfish.”

“I was selfish too. I should have come back but I was afraid he would die if I did….I would never forgive myself for it.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

She wasn’t crying, surprisingly she wasn’t. There was a big sorrow in their voices but none were crying. Maybe they were healing. “I am too. You were right in judging me and I don’t think a few more I love you’s or everything will be alright would have changed anything.” She turned her back to the window “we are ok now.” It wasn’t entirely true but it wasn’t a lie either.

“We are.”

“So, tell me about what happened during filming today!” She said with a brighter voice, trying to change the mood.

“Oh I’m not sure if I can reveal it. It’s secret…” He said teasingly.

“Oh common…”

Jinki turned off the call twenty minutes later.

Mentioning that night and telling her that he was sorry made him feel relieved. The fact was that both failed. They failed to see what the other was suffering, to try and understand. In the end it wasn’t even their fault that it didn’t work out and yet they blamed each other about it.

This was the time when he could think about giving their love a second chance but the thought that there would be a day he could actually see her again and have that possibility was something that didn’t cross his mind.

He had a plan. He drafted it quickly on his head like Dojoon the architect, the same one he felt jealous about a few minutes ago.

In that quick sketch, that he made inside her bedroom on the morning he decided to let her go from his heart, there was Min Hee as the person who could heal him. He liked her. She was much simpler than Lillie even though she was famous. He didn’t need to be with her all the time since she was as busy as him. She wasn’t insecure and she could properly take care of her. She had zero past traumas and troubling ex boyfriends.  She knew how to cook and even sang like a goddess. She was y and beautiful and was good. She rarely cried either. It was perfect!

But the truth was that Lillie wasn’t really disappearing from his heart.

Also when Jinki thought about that sketch he felt guilty. Min Hee was supposed to be the person he loved and yet he avoided her lately, feeling guilty about the solo fact that he didn’t love her yet.

He played with his phone and checked his last calls. He called Min Hee before Lillie called him. The phone call lasted 5 minutes and they mostly talked about work. Lillie’s phone call lasted more than half an hour and he could write a long list of what they talked about was it past memories, work, silly things, Jules and Key, food…

He groaned. Something must be wrong with his phone.

Or maybe something was wrong with his heart and that plan.



Jinho pushed the door of his Cousin’s studio open and he immediately saw Lillie. She was dressing her coat and smiled at him giving him a warm greeting.

“Are you going to lunch?” Jinho asked hopeful that she would accept having lunch with him and his cousin.

“Yes, with Rin!” That ruined his hopes completely.

“JINHO!” Dojoon screamed from the door of his office and run to hug his cousin in a very theatrical way. Lillie laughed watching the scene and grabbed her bag.

“You two have fun!” She said before leaving.

Both man watched her until she closed the door and Jinho pushed his cousin away. “What are you doing?!”

Dojoon moved away retuning back to normal. “Doing a gag. She likes that, makes her laugh!”

Dojoon words seemed to annoy Jinho “I can’t believe you hired her for that. I thought it was weird but now I’m certain.”

“Certain of what?”

Jinho followed after his cousin to the office.

There was a lot of books on the floor and it seemed as if Dojoon was in the middle of a research of some kind. He had a maquette over the table that he was half way through it.

“You are trying to get into her .”

Dojoon laughed whole heartily before he sat on his chair, taking off his tie.

“No, I’m not.”

“You find her attractive or you wouldn’t have made her laugh or hire her in the first place.”

“I made her laugh for you. It pleased you didn’t it?!” Jinho didn’t answer blushing deeply “Besides, I don’t deny it. I do find her attractive but…”


“I don’t want to sleep with her. I find her curious. Take it as a studying I am making. I mean. She is adorable in the way she loves a guy so much she is willing to stay by his side like that. It’s like she is a character of a romantic novel. She is the opposite of me! ”

“Don’t you dare seduce her!”

“I don’t think I would be able to even if I tried.”

That worried Jinho even more. It was a challenge and Dojoon loved challenges ever since he was little. Nothing pleased him more than the chase.

“I won’t seduce her. “ It was true. He had another plans for her and he needed a secretary, plus she was doing a good job and he liked her. She didn’t get on his way and in exchange he let her check sns and listen to her ex-boyfriend music during work time. “I won’t ok? Damn you paint me as if in some kind of a depraved woman seducer….”

He smiled teasingly and Jinho groaned before he leaned in to check the maquette Dojoon was building.

Dojoon was always the curious type. Ever since he was little he liked to travel not only because he could see different kind of architectures, which he loved ever since he was young but also because he got to know different cultures and people. People weren’t much different from buildings. They could wear the same clothes; have the same type of “architecture” and still when you get to know what they hide inside, the stories that remain there would make you surprised.

Lillie was like one of those buildings. He couldn’t erase the image of her eyes set on him, the love he could almost feel while she talked about that idol that “saved” her. He was curious about that. How he saved her. Maybe he also needed a little of saving or inspiration from their story.



The room was already full and Minseo could see Rin and Jules in the front seats. Rin even waved at her.

“Where is Lillie?” Minseo mouthed worried that her friend wouldn’t arrive on time. She had something from work to do and was late.

“Didn’t arrive yet!” Jules mouthed back shrugging her shoulders.

Minseo took a deep breath. She would be there, she promised before she left South Korea.

It was Minseo’s dancing debut. It wasn’t as if she was going to debut as an official dancer, but still it was her first performance. It was a celebrating ceremony of the dance school she was at and Minseo had one of the solos which was making her even more nervous since all eyes would be on her.

“Are you ready?”

She turned around and faced Taemin.

“You came to watch!”

“I did. I’m friend of the owner.”

Right, she mumbled to herself. She didn’t have time to deal with disappointment now, she was too nervous to think or do anything.

“Are you ready” Taemin repeated and Minseo frowned because hell she didn’t know if she was ready.

“I was really nervous the first time I danced in front of everyone. You probably watched it. It was my casting video…”

She nodded her head near tears.

“Are you going to cry?” Taemin asked surprised, his eyes rooming around the backstage. No one was paying much attention to them, busy getting ready or calming down.

“I think I’ll puke instead!”

Taemin laughter surprised her. “That would be a nice show!” He covered his mouth giggling until he realized that maybe laughing wasn’t going to make it better. “I’m sorry. I don’t think anything I’ll say will make you feel better.”

“You are right!” Minseo said checking her ponytail for the hundred time that night.

Taemin seemed uncomfortable now and she wondered if he felt bad for not helping her.

“Ah RIGHT!” Minseo exclaimed suddenly “I need the necktie…”

Taemin opened his mouth catching on and grabbed a pink necktie from over the makeup table. He gently placed it around her neck and did the tie knot for her since she was trembling a lot.

Minseo didn’t say anything and only stared at his face admiring him. That was making her even more nervous. His eyes were on the piece of clothing and she was thankful for that. He was still her bias after all.

“Thank you!” she said moving her trembling hand to the tie when he released it. He grabbed her hand before thinking.

“Don’t…I’m not finished yet.”

However he didn’t release her hand immediately, his eyes settling on hers, on her expression of surprise and embarrassment.  He did seem a little embarrassed to and he released her hand finishing the knot quickly before stepping back.

“I’m so nervous!” She said trying to act normal.

He was nervous too and it wasn’t because of her performance.



Lillie almost tripped before she entered the room panting since she ran all the way there.

She was still wearing her black dress and blue coat and even though her hair was a lot messier now, strands falling from the bun, she still looked ok. At least that’s what Dojoon told her before he left her at the door of the building where Minseo performance was. It was nice of him to give her a ride when it was his fault that they took a long time at the architecture convention they went to.

She tried to pass in the middle of the people watching and after some complains and squeezes she saw Jules and Rin at the front seat row. Someone was performing already and Lillie hoped that Minseo didn’t yet. She would be so disappointed and mad with her if she missed it.

Lillie tried to walk closer to the front so that her presence would be acknowledged by the girls but she couldn’t walk much.  She tried the right side which had worse visibility and less people  but still didn’t manage to go far until someone grabbed her arm.

It was Jinki. She knew it. She saw him wearing a mask and a snapback so many times to count before when they were dating.

“Come with me.” Lillie didn’t even question it and he gently moved his hand down her arm holding her hand.

They weren’t technically holding hands since he grabbed the back of her hand and yet she couldn’t hear the music anymore, only the echo of her heartbeat. She wondered if he felt the same, how his touch on her skin was waking up every cell of her body, as if they were sleeping ever since the last time he touched her and now that he was “back” they were celebrating. Her heart was for sure!

Come with me he said…anywhere, anytime she wanted to answer.

He pulled her into the front where some of the staff was and greeted someone Lillie recognized as that dancer friend of his, the same one that made fun of her before. He sent her a curious look and his eyes fell on Jinki hand holding her. Jinki probably noticed it too and released her immediately.

However the aftereffects of his touch where still being felt inside Lillie and she barely could look at the stage now. Not when he was beside her, shoulders touching hers since there wasn’t much space left.

“What are you doing here?” Lillie managed to ask him leaning forward.

“I came with Taemin, he is backstage now. Our friend is the owner of the dance club.”

Lillie nodded her head, eyes on the dancer. That made sense and she couldn’t be happier that it did.

Jinki was beside her again and she didn’t see him since her drinking acts last time.

“My friends are here too. Rin and Jules…and Minseo is dancing.” Lillie said brushing a strand of her hair away from her neck.

She didn’t do it on purpose but Jinki eyes moved immediately to her skin. He kissed that neck so many times. He knew exactly the place he could kiss her in a way that made her weak on her knees, he left his mark on her over that spot before….he erased Alex’s marks from there. He was going to look away when he noticed the necklace around her neck.

The snowflake with a pearlescent blue rock he bought her. It was expensive and he spent a long time choosing it but that wasn’t the most memorable thing about it.

It was her.

Beautiful, simple, twinkling, unique…his.

Lillie didn’t seem to notice his eyes on her because she was clapping since the performance ended.

But he did.

She was wearing the necklace he gave her. Even the ring.

I love you.

She told him that on the day Jinki asked her to be his friend. The words made his heart accelerate and the fact that she was wearing a memento of what they had and that night, was making him dizzy.

“Stay!” He said suddenly making Lillie look at him.

He didn’t know why he said it but he wanted her to be beside him. It was ridiculous since she wasn’t going anywhere until Minseo performance ended.


“I mean…this is a good place to watch!” He said nervously hoping that she wouldn’t notice it.

The fact that he was wearing a mask helped him on that.

“I will.” She said smiling softly raising  her hand to wave at Rin that just noticed where she was “I will stay here!”

He felt like burning and she was so oblivious to it. It was exactly like that time when he was so enamored with her and couldn’t confess, back at the restaurant, back at the bar…

Not that he had anything to confess now. He was only confused. So confused that he didn’t even know what he was confused about. It was a mess.

Lillie gasped covering her lips and he admired her. She looked beautiful and it wasn’t only what she was wearing. It was her. Her glow. It was beautiful!

“It’s her turn!” She pointed at the stage excitedly, once Minseo entered with two more male dancers, a soft music starting.

Minseo gave her hand to one of the dancers and they moved around the stage in a synchronized contemporary dance, their bodies mimic the story being sung.

Lillie hands where on her chest and she couldn’t stop smiling, her eyes sparkling with the performance.

Jinki, who didn’t know who was singing but the words of that song made total sense to him, so he couldn’t focus on the performance anymore.

“How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you and longer, if I can.”

As soon it started the rhythm changed and another music started, a different rhythm and style and the mood changed drastically with it.

However the words of the previous one, How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to follow their plan, were still playing inside his head.

Jinki could hear the music but his eyes were on Lillie instead, all the what ifs coming back to him.


How long will I want you?

As long as you want me to

And longer by far.


We're all traveling through time together

Every day of our lives.

All we can do is do our best

To relish this remarkable ride.




Hi! This is the first chapter I write on the series where i dont use a shinee song or a song related to them...weird

Although i just found out that this song played on dots episode 15 so in a way its still related to Jinki. LMAO

I just think it fits the mood perfectly ahahah.

Actualy this chapter was cut in two. So it wasnt suposed to end her and the song wasnt suposed to be this one and well the other cliffhanger is much more interesting than this one but....the chapter was huge. 

We have a little of humour on this one and some romance and well..i hope you like it.

There must be a lot of mistakes on it too. so sorry...

comment, subscribe, upvote....bye...


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Thank you!
I forgot to say after chapter 18 but this chapter was dedicated to our Kibum! Please support his solo album! <3


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2114 streak #1
Chapter 17: Doojoon seems to be nice the more the story develops. He's being a nice friend to Lillie, listens to her worries, teases her (though it's over the line sometimes) and also, knock some sense into her like give relationship advice even though he's against any serious relationship. And there's Taemin and Minseo. They are being cute and I'm glad they've finally decided to date. Not sure how to feel about Jinki and Minhee's interaction though. Also, Jonghyun being overprotective over his sister. I hope Doojoon doesn't play with her feelings. Also, Jules is back. Yay! XD Finally, the manager though! Not sure if he's pure creepy or something else. Wonder how he'd react when she rejects his offer. And how Onew is gonna react when she tells him everything. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 36: Yay girls night!
Why does it seem minseo is scared because taemin is acting more loving toward her? Like it’s a bad thing. Oh. Is it a bad thing? No right?? Bc he loves her. Maybe feels guilty for meeting w Melody?

Hello jongie, I missed you ^^
Did he tell them already??
The suspense!! Haha. Ok it’s not Lillie.
Omg minseo??? Maybeeee
I’d love for it to be Rin tbh. The baby will still be healthy if she didn’t know and drank early in the pregnancy. But they would probably be super worried if it was Rin.
Hm I didn’t picture Jules with kids either but if it was with Kibum I think she would warm up to it. And they don’t have to rush in figuring it all out. Babies and marriage can just come if they are ready. I like that Jules is sure she needs marriage to be forever. She seems like such a free spirit but doesn’t take marriage lightly. I love their relationship.

Holy crap is it really minseo??
OMG RIA???? Haha jonghyun thinking Mr eye smile is Jinki.

Ok let’s get some stuff straightened out with Taemin please lol.
Am I weird bc I like that they are arguing lol. Sort of arguing. Well they’re talking honestly finally. Wait no they’re breaking up =[
What. I thought they would talk and work it out! I guess I was wrong. But I’m hoping for the best for minseo. She can’t catch a break =\

Do joon. Ah my do joon. I still really like him haha. He’ll be a cute dad who is learning day by day.

Ah what a fun chapter! Every couple in different stages of relationships.
Chapter 35: I have no idea what has been happening in this story lately but I suddenly missed your characters so here I am.
Ahh we are starting w Minho! Hehe. Omg I love sodam. She’s provoking him to tell the truth >_<
YAAAAAA a real kiss!! Minho is in trouble now. He can’t run away.. right??
Omg Minho just confessing his love like that.
I cry they’re finally together!!

Jinki and Lillie are so cute I can’t stand it haha. Car stuff.. brings back memories of my early relationship LOL.

I almost forgot who jimin is. I do remember I don’t trust her either lol. I’m always on Jules side hehe.

Hm.. Minhee.. why is she still there lol.

Ah thats the end. But yay I’m not caught up and I have more to read.

I’ve missed you Lili!! It so hard to keep up with anything on my phone while doing life stuff lol.
2114 streak #4
Chapter 15: Minho and Taemin's interaction was nice and it was for the best that Taemin stopped Minho from talking to Minseok. That was a smart move. Also, Kibum was the best at reading the people and handling things that way. I'm not sure if it's good thing for that friend to have her attention in this way. Nonetheless, they are just extras in the story. So I know I shouldn't care much. And for Lillie and Jinki, they were cute. Their date at the baseball and everything. Talking about Lillie, one can't be that clueless. Even I, who haven't been to Korea even once know the meaning of "Ramyeon meokgo gallae?" slang. So it's kinda too unnatural that she didn't know of it even after living there for years. Only that part I kinda couldn't agree with. And talking of the slang, at least Will had the decency of retreating like a gentleman, even though his initial approach was anything but being a gentleman. Also, her manager . That guy is creepy as hell. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #5
Chapter 14: Kibum and Taemin trying to cheer up Minho like that was the sweetest! Also, Jonghyun's a cute brother, being worried about his sister like that. And Jules is coming back soon? Yay!! Also, what's up with that Half-Korean guy from Sweden. He was kinda hitting on her, wasn't he? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #6
Chapter 13: Aw poor Minho! I mean I really can't accept what Eunha did and I'm not even Minho biased. Her doing whatever it takes to climb up the ladder is, although I don't support it, still all her personal belief. But cheating on your boyfriend for it is a totally different thing. No excuses at all for it. Her breaking up with him directly would probably have hurt him less than this. Anyway, you living out your kinks through Jinki and Lillie though! I'm starting to have no words to comment on the bunnies anymore. And I miss Jules for some reason. I will be back later to read more!
2114 streak #7
Chapter 12: you might probably come and finish me for saying this, somehow I'm starting to ship and root for Taemin and Minseo more than the main pair. lol... These two are simply so cute. Taemin's and Kibum's interaction was kinda funny. and Do Joon annoying Jinki is totally another story. here's just me hoping he wouldn't end up buried under somewhere with the extreme of his jokes. lol. Also, i'm glad Minho is finally doubting about Eunha and that Jonghyun was with him when it happened. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2114 streak #8
Chapter 11: I'm glad Taemin and Minseo are finally getting somewhere. Hopefully they get to resolve them soon. They are cute together. I don't know what happened between Jonghyun and Rin but I think it's good that they made up? I know I'm here because of Jinki and Lillie but these days it's the other couples I'm here more for I think. LoL... Guess I enjoy drama more than lovey-dovey/spicy romance. And Bummie curled up on Jules sweater because he missed her is so cute. Last but not least, Eunha is really something. I mean whatever kinks she has, it's totally up to her but cheating is a whole different thing. Can't justify it for any reason/cause. Anyway, I will be back later to read more.
2114 streak #9
Chapter 10: There were to many cute moments in this chapter indeed... Lillie and Jinki were cute and hornby too. LoL... And Jules and Key finally resolved their misunderstanding. And Kibummie is sooo cute. Hopefully he(?) soon develops a bond with Jules soon. I mean she's already jealous that he got along well with Lillie and Jinki but not her. Also, Do Joon is funny. I mean him teasing her like that even in front of Jinki is kinda ask for a death wish. LoL... Also, wonder how things are gonna go better Taemin and Minseo. And I don't know how I feel about Eunha. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2114 streak #10
Chapter 9: First of all, I'm glad they are back together finally. But I'm worried about your a/n. What do you mean by little bumps? NVM, no spoilers please... and although I'm unsure of the method Kibum decided to take to console Jules. Can't wait to see how that goes. Hopefully not bad. Also, Minseo should start being to herself about her feelings even though I understand where she's coming from. And whoa! Definitely wasn't expecting that turn of events for Eun Ha and that ert senior. Not sure if I should feel relieved that he was being honest and also sincere about what he's expecting. Anyway, so much happened. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^