Blissful Seconds.


"Are you sure with this, Subin?" Yeri asks as she kneels down in front of Subin. Subin who is wearing her dress gown can only smile. It's her big day and she is waiting in the small room at the wedding hall before the ceremony started. 

"I mean really, you should be in hospital right now. The doctors will gone mad if they know you stop your treatment permanently," the visible frown in Yeri's forehead shows the mix feeling she's holding. Disappointment? Worries? Everything that she can't put into words.

"We talked about this before, Yeri. Even if you can prolong my life for years to come I still wont back off."Subin reply. She knows how her friend worried about her. "I mean really, rather than seeing Dr Kim's wrinkled face everyday than seeing Sehun's handsome face ?" she joked and Yeri chuckled hearing it. 

Yeri stand up and take a seat next to Subin. She then sighed, "But tell me, why I felt this cold aura from your law's family. I thought dementors my soul back there." Yeri reminisced an hour earlier when she just arrived at the wedding hall.

Mr and Mrs Oh were standing and beaming at the entrance greeting guests and when Yeri presented herself as Subin's best friends, the smile they were holding turn a little bit sour. Forced smile to be exact.

"God Yeri, it's a contract marriage how do you expect? Let's be married to our son for 5 months and we gonna treat you like you're the daughter of the SK's president?" Subin throw her hands up. "Be rational. If they are happy to have daughter-in-law like me, and if Sehun is happy to get a wife like me, a nobody, this marriage won't be just 5 month. No one is happy. But at least I can. I have nobody Yeri, not even a mother to call my own." Subin pressed her temple and closed her eyes. Her headache starts to build up.

Yeri kept mum. She know how Subin has been holding up, living on her own since she was in middle school. When her father started to disappear one day and never come back. "He said I remind him to my mother" Subin told her the next 3 days of her father's disappearance.  Subin mom had died from the same disease Subin was suffering, Genetic disease she said. Yeri who's sitting next to her in school had decided that she will continue to stick to her best friend for years to come that day.

"I'm sorry. I'm just afraid they gonna treat you bad," Yeri stared at her palm lying on her knees,” but if you says you're gonna be happy then, I'm happy for you" she turned her head and look at Subin. Subin smiled.

"You don't have to worry. I'm used to bad treatment since school," Yeri chuckled at this. “Too bad you’re not there to stood up for me”

Subin sighed as Yeri gave her worrying look. “Come on, help me. Fix my make up. I’m gonna make Sehun drop dead for me when I walk to the altar” she joked and closed her eyes, facing Yeri.

“How can she make fun of this at this time” Yeri said in her head. She sighed and take a make up brush from the table behind Subin.

“How about we change this wedding gown to the sleeping gown I bought for you. I bet your husband will bring you straight to bed after OUCH!” Yeri cried as a slap handed on her chin. Subin’s eye still closed while she snickered. “Shut up and hurry up.”



“Thank you for coming, Jongin-shi. Ah, this must be your lovely wife.” Mr Oh smiled as he take the gift box from Jongin and put it together with the stack of gifts on the table next to him. Mrs Oh bowed to the 2 guest standing in front of her.

Jongin held his wife waist and smiled, “Of course I’m here. It’s my best friend big day!”

“I thought you said your rival” his wife whispered to his ears. A little loud that the Oh’s can hear it. Mr Oh laughed hearing it.

“Yes both of them are rival slash best friend since they were kid. Too bad for Sehun when Jongin beat him to get that project in the State. But at least I got my only son to myself and the company here in Korea.” Mr Oh winked as he patted Jongin’s shoulder. “You haven’t introduce your wife yet”

“Oh yes. This is my beautiful wife, Kim Sujeong.” His wife bowed again. “We met at the State and get married there,”

“Yes I’ve been following him like a puppy from the State to Korea, now that he settled back here” Sujeong says as she pecked Jongin’s cheek.

Mr and Mrs Oh laughed seeing the 2 couple behavior.

“Okay before I get blind by seeing you pecking each other, get inside. Sehun’s at the waiting room. He must be glad to meet you.” Mr Oh said and give a final pat on Jongin shoulder.

The 2 couple then bowed again and walked into the wedding hall.



“Ohmygod I’m sorry, I thought Sehun’s in here” Jongin apologize as he bowed repeatedly to Subin and Yeri. They both have their shock expression after Jongin burst into the room and start singing ‘Congratulation’ loudly out of nowhere.

Sujeong can only laugh at this. “I’m sorry for my husband off behavior. The groom parents told us he’s in here. Oh, you must the bride” she said as she scanned Subin wedding dress.

Sujeong offered a handshake to Subin.

“Oh I think he’s in the other waiting room at the end of the hall. He’s having his photo taken right now with his friends” Subin explained as she return the handshake.

“Wait, have me met each other before? You seems a bit familiar” Sujeong asks as she stared at Subin intently, head trying to process her memories. She swears she had seen Subin from somewhere before, only when and where.

Subin started to think too. Unlike Sujeong, Subin has never met her anywhere. The reason why she get shock when 2 unknown person barged into her room and sang congratulation to her.

“I guess maybe from the wedding card? There’s a picture of me at the cover.” Subin suggested as she exchange look with Yeri.

Sujeong straightened up.”Oh I guess that explained it.”

Jongin tug his wife hand. Face still red with embarrassment.

“I guess we’re going to find Sehun, then. Congratulation, by the way. Seriously. And by the way, I’m his best friend. From school” Jongin explained.

“O-kaayyy let’s find your best friend before you embarrass yourself further with the what will come from your mouth” Sujeong said as she pushed Jongin to the door. She gave a final smile and nod as she closed the door.

In the room, Subin and Yeri stared at the door before they burst out laughing with the awkwardness.

While at the outside, Jongin and Sujeong started to make their way to the room at the end of the hall.

“I swear I’d seen her before”


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exofxkaistal #1
Chapter 3: please update soon
gonqzhu #2
Chapter 3: Omooo! Cant wait for next chapter! :-))
Chapter 3: these are my theories of where sujeong saw subin
maybe sujeong saw subin at the hospital or maybe they went to the same school but different classes ,unless sujeong studied in the states.hmmm *thinking mode* guess we're going to have to wait to that out .
nothing sad really in this chapter happened but i want to cry xD
update when you have time !hwaiting!
reanique20 #4
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next update. :) though this story almost makes me cry.
sakura92 #5
The preview was so sad...it makes me wanted to cried......
Chapter 2: i bet i will cry in the future because of this story xD
i really like the storyline !i hope the next chapters will be a bit longer tho^-^
Hwaiting !
Monggu-88 #7
Chapter 2: I kinda want her to die when sehun falls in love with her xD
Chapter 1: I cant wait.. update pleaseeeeee