Did it work?

Just a noob


Finally it was about time to take her plan to the second part. When Solji told Elly about her reason ti start playing, the girl laughed hard saying it was the dumbest motive ever. Solji pouted and whined, what made Elly laugh more. After the moment, Elly said she was willing to be a party with Solji and her brother if he ever acceptes to play with her. It made Solji happy immediately as she cheered humming a song. That was one of Elly's traits, she reacted honestly to a situation and would often behave playful towards it. Solji kinda appreciated the mocking sincerity, which also made Elly one of the hardest players to deal with.

It was a saturday when Solji knocked on Jooseung's door. He allowed her in, and she stated he was already playing. She approached him looking at the screen, just to see his character in front of another, but the nick on its head was a known one. He typed frantically while grunting. Instead of asking him to play with her, Solji decided to go with another question.

"Anything wrong, oppa?" Jooseung grunted louder and almost hit the desk with his knuckles.

"Sorry about that, Sol." He sighed after a while. "I just got very irritated with this user."

"What happened?" Solji was really curious becsuse the user was none other than Elly. And she actually liked her online friend. So, let this pass was out of question if she wanted to play with both Elly and Jooseung.

"This user is so full of herself!" Jooseung satrted angrily. "I get that she is a famous user, a beta tester, and one of the top 5 in the worldwide rank, but she have no right to tell me I in playing!" He vented out. This was actually something Elly would do, so what surprised Solji was one bit of information. She had already picked that Elly was sorta famous after almost a month playing together almost every day.

"But why she said that?" Elly was actually easy going, so her brother must have said something that pissed her off.

"I asked her to form a temporary party with me. I read in the forums that she took in a noob a couple of weeks ago and helped the person out. Today I found her in this city and asked her to make a party with me. Then, she started to ask me a lot of questions, and after I answered, she said I as a player. Then, I started to argue and she said I'm an idiot and blocked me." Jooseung explained very resented. Solji sighed. That sounded very Elly like. And it felt like a good moment to tell him about her.

"Don't be like that, oppa." She patted him. "Leave this player be and party with me instead." He lloked at her with incredulity. Jooseung couldn't believe his little sister played the game, since she never demonstrated to be interested in online gaming.

"Y... You play?" His shocked faced worthed all those sleepless nights.

"As a matter of fact, I do." She smiled triumphantly. "So, add me and I will happily play with you." Since he was still out of words, Solji leaned towards his keyboards, used the shortcut to friendlist, and added her account herself. He was looking between her and the screen still really unsure of everything. "I'll go back to my room so we can play." Solji cheerfully added before return to her room.

Once she sat back in front of her own pc, she returned to her call with Elly. The girl was a bit grumpy now, she noticed.

"Hey, Elly, you don't have to play with us today, or even anymore if you want." Solji said in a casual tone.

"Hey, why's that? Don't want me ruining your sibling bonding time?" Elly teased a little and Solji giggled.

"No. It's just that the idiot you just argued with is my brother." Solji answered with no resentment. She heard Elly gasp.

"Oh my! I'm sorry! I didn't know..." Elly replied as fast as she could. She was really surprised by that coincidence.

"It's okay, really. He can be an idiot sometimes." Solji tranqulized her. "I don't know what he said to you, and vice versa, but he probably deserved." She explained shortly.

"Still, I was also rude..."

"Don't worry. I will play with him today. And if you're still willing to play with us, even with him at playing, you are welcome anytime. Ok?" Solji's tone was motherly even.

"Okay..." Elly sighed.

"Talk with you later, okay?"


Solji then hung up and accepted her brother's friend request. The sinlings started a co-op for a couple of missions. The girl stated that Jooseung indeed didnt played very well. Since the two were in the same house, they started to scream commands to one another. They were both tankers, and Solji was playing better than him; and he noticed that. When they decided to stop playing, it was actually their mother's order because she couldn't stand her children screaming for each other anymore, he appeared on her room.

"Solji-ah! When you learned to play like that?! Heck! I didnt even knew you played?" Jooseung was all demanding. The girl just giggled and shrugged.

"Well, you've been neglecting me a lot lately, so I had to do something about it. Now we can play together!" Solji happily answered him. He still looked dumbfounded. "About how I learned to play like this..." She couldnt finish her sentence because a chat window popped up. It was Elly starting a conversation. Jooseung looked at it and his eyes widened.

"You are that noob player! You know her all this time!" He nearly shouted at her. "Why you didn't told me, Solji? Why you didn't come to me for help?! I would gladly help you!" He sounded really resented. 

"I'm sorry, oppa. I just wanted to surprise you." She whined. She wasn't expecting this reaction.

"Well, I am surprised!" He retorted.

"Oppa, go cool down a bit, yes? We can't chat properly now because you are jealous." Solji said in an amused tone.

"I'm not jealous!" He protested.

"Yes, you are. Because I didn't ask you for help. And because I am friends with that famous player." Solji reasoned. And he was dumbfounded again, yet he couldn't deny she was right. He opened and closed his mouth a couple lf times,cand then left the room without saying a word. The girl laughed at her brother's reaction.


Solji was once again stretching in the singing club's room on their break when she hear the door opening. She didn't mind she was in a weird position again and just kept exercising. 

"Unnie!" Heeyeon's voice echoed happily. Solji looked up and saw Hyojin at the door. "What's up?!" She was laying on the floor, with the head leaned on Junghwa's legs.

"Don't you have rehearsal, kid?" Hyojin asked seriously, looking at Junghwa.

"It finished early." The maknae shrugged. "What about you?"

"I have nothing better to do, so I came here to annoy my dongsaeng." She answered teasingly looking at Hani. "Do you mind if I watch, Heo Solji-ssi?" Hyojin asked casually, turning her gaze to the mentioned girl. Solji almost lost her balance. Well, she was the club's president, it made sense that Hyojin was asking her permission.

Solji straightened herself before answer. "I don't see why not." She maintained h er composure. Heeyeon giggled and whispered something to Junghwa, who smirked. Solji was too surprised that Hyojin knew her name to notice; but the other girl noticed, and glared at the couple on the floor.

"Solji-unnie, you remember you're going to my house to practice, right?" Heeyeon asked amused. She noticed how her sister fidgeted at this new piece of information.

"Dae! I already informed my mom." Solji answered happily. With that the rehearsal restarted and Hyojin set herself at the far back of the room. 

At the end of the club activities, the four girls went to the Ahn residence. Solji and the two younger ones chatted happily along the way while Hyojin remained silent. Once they arrived, Hyojin went straight to her room. Solji, Heeyeon, and Junghwa stayed at the living room as they had never ending subjects to talk about. Hani once again apologized for her sister's behavior; Solji just brushed it off, she was used to it anyways. The two decided to begin their practice and started doing the vocal warm up exercises. While the dua was distracted, Junghwa sneakily took Hani's bag to the girl's room. When she was returning to the living room, she noticed  that Hyojin's door wasn't fully closed, making her smirk.

Junghwa watched the practice and even suggested some simple dance steps to add more emotion to the song. Mrs. Ahn prepared some snacks to the girls and for the 'nth' time stated how much she liked to hear the two girls singing. The two thanked with a smile, and when they repositioned themselves to restart singing, the woman asked Hani and Junghwa to go to the nearby bakery and buy bread. When the two girls left, mrs. Ahn turned to Solji and asked her to go call Hyojin, because she herself needed to finish a couple of things at the kitchen. Nodding, the girl walked towards the corridor.

Solji knew where Hyojin's room was; it was the door in front of Hani's. She sometimes spotted the other girl coming in and out of the door. The two were on the same grade, but in different classes. She wondered what happened today that made Hyojin want to watch their practice. When Solji noticed, she was already in front of the girl's door. I was closed, so she sighed, and knocked.

The older girl heard a faint 'come in', and without thinking twice, she opened the door. But she wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted her. Hyojin was standing in front of the bed, with the back facing the door, wearing a tiny black short, and dressing a shirt, which was still on her shoulders, when Solji walked in. Her hair was wet, indicating that Hyojin was freshly out of the bath. Solji didn't know where to look at, but she couldn't take her eyes off of them girl in front of her. These long creamy legs, the slim curved back and thin waist...

"Whassup, Hee...?!!" Hyojin turned while pulling down the blouse, thinking it was her sister. But she was wrong. "Solji-ssi." She was really surprised, but the moment she saw the other girl's expression, she managed to hide her true feelings.

"Ah... Erm..." Solji's mind turned blank. For her, the moment Hyojin turned lasted a century. She spotted every muscle contraction, it was so enticing. Her belly was as charming as her back; she had soft abs, and, wow, a bellybutton piercing! Who knew?! It was so unexpected! "Ahem! Your mother is calling for a snack..." Solji didn't wait for a reply, she turned her heels fled to the living room. Her heart was bumping like crazy. She placed a hand over her chest trying to calm herself. What the heck was that?! Since when she reacts like this to a girl exchanging clothes?

Back to the living room, Solji sat at the couch, staring at the void. She didn't notice when Heeyeon and Junghwa returned, leaving a track of freshly baked bread around the house. Solji was taken back from her thoughts of creamy legs, muscled back, soft toned abs with that tiny sparkle when mrs. Ahn called once again to eat. She was strangely silent that evening; and the two younger ones noticed that.



A/N: Hello! It's been a month already! :o Well, I decided to add a couple of more stuff to the fic, so it takes time >< Next part is the last one. I hope you had enjoyed this one o/ Sorry about typos and other mistakes, it is not proofread and I'm very sleepy at the moment. ^_^

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I just changed a couple of things on first part because now i know Solji's brother's name o/


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Myhime20 #1
Chapter 4: Aww, I really liked the story!
Chapter 4: After our talk about Lesol I HAD to read this again and skebkekee OMG I SWEAR IT ALWAYS GETS TO ME! When Lesol have more physical actions I’m like dying. Like the part where they called Solji the Mom, Le the dad and Hyerin as their child... I SHIP THE FAMILY <3 oh gosh I’m so thankful you wrote this :’) *upvotes a billion times*
Chapter 4: I seriously love Lesol so I was so happy when I found! The plot was amazing and the way you write really flows well! I usually don't read the gaming themes stories but this one was worth it (since it kinda included it). I too am a sister who has a brother that constantly plays games more than hanging out is Amen Solji! It was sad when LE cried (I imagined her crying and just couldn't take it ><) AGGHH THIS STORY MADE ME SMILE SO BIG AND BE HAPPY!! And those drawings are wonderful! I seriously love the first one :D
Chapter 4: Cute story ^^ Thank you for writing <3
Chiqinna #5
Chapter 4: Mama~ *huggies* I love the art of them~ and nice endings~ :3 Hyojin was so sweet~~ hehe and romantic >< thanks again for the fic~~ hope you can write more soon~ \/
Chapter 4: Your drawings are great! I really like them :D

What a great chapter really. I like how the game was still the focus of everything and that it was the platform Hyojin used to get her girl. Also the supportive siblings is great. We knew Hani would be fine with it but to see Solji's brother all excited about his sister dating a girl was funny and cute.

Thank you for the lovely story!
FillDir 306 streak #7
Chapter 4: This is a really nice story. Really! Good job, Author-nim! :D
Autor-nim...: *put some aegyo*
Update the new chapter pleeeeeaaaase
*^* ♥♥
propertiesofpd #9
Chapter 3: Lesol starting yayyuuuu