
Back in High School
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Finally he got the call he was waiting for. A few weeks ago, Jinhwan called YG high school to ask for a job as an English teacher and like every other school he called, they told him they would have called him back. Since a few days ago he never once heard any of those school, until YG called and told him that the English teacher was pregnant and couldn't work anymore so they needed a substitute teacher. It wasn't the best job in the world, but he was really young and fresh out of college so he couldn't ask for more right now. In all truth, this was way more than he ever wished for at his age. The school told him he would take the teacher’s classes in two weeks until the end of the school year. They filled him by mail on the program of Mrs. Park, the teacher, and he even contacted the woman to ask her if she wanted him to do something specific but she told him to just do what he felt like doing and it was okay.
Despite her many classes, the woman had only one class in its senior year, and the principal told him that he would take that one because they couldn't cover for that since other teachers had conflicting schedule and no one took that class. It wasn't a problem tho, he knew their program by memory. Rather, he felt a bit glad he had the senior year, usually, guys that age are more mature than others so he would most likely be just fine. One con could be the small , indeed, he was just twenty-eight, not even ten years older than them. That could be a problem, but if he played it right, it could turn out as an advantage too.
He felt confident as he scribbled on a piece of paper some line about what he wanted to put on the program. He added one of his favorite writers form English literature that in his opinion most teacher left out because he was underestimate. He wrote something more before nodding his head in approval. He was going to nail it.
When the first day of school came, all his previous confidence was completely gone. He could swear he never felt this anxious, not even on the final test in college. He was already sweating when he entered the building and it was early in the morning, with the sun hidden behind clouds, wind howling and air almost freezing. Yet he was sweating. He always had this awful habit to sweat too easily. He took a deep breath in and headed toward the teacher’s office, where almost all the other teachers were getting ready for class. He was immediately greeted with wide eyes and mouth agape. It's not common to see a teacher his age, or maybe was his aspect? Because yes, he wasn't just young, but he seemed even younger. It happened every time the police stopped him to check his license and whatsoever. They would immediately start accusing him to drive underage until the shock of realization hit their eyes. Yes, he seemed that much younger.

“Are you a new student?” A man in his fifty put down his bag on the table and walked to him.

“I didn't know there was a new student! Why am I always the last one to know?” A woman, probably forty/forty-five, spoke.

“This time I didn't know either.” The seemingly younger lady next to her was clearly surprised by that.

To say that Jinhwan was a bit frustrated and embarrassed was a good understatement. Getting mistaken for a student the first day? Check. Maybe he should have opted for a simple bag like every other teacher instead of his much youthful black backpack hung on his left shoulder. He totally should have checked his appearance in the mirror that morning before heading out. The young teacher sighed in resignation before explaining himself.

“Actually…I'm the new English teacher, I'm substituting for Mrs. Park. It's a pleasure to meet you all.” He bowed deeply for a few seconds while everyone was left with no words.

Yes, he totally nailed it. Note the sarcasm. All the teachers looked at each other blinking before one of the two women of before approached him.

“Oh god, we're so sorry! It's just…you really are young. Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you too. I'm Jun Hyoseong, gym teacher, if you need any kind of help don't worry and ask okay?” Her gummy smile was probably one of the biggest smile Jinhwan had ever seen.

He shook her stretched hand smiling back at her before presenting himself to everyone else. Despite the quite embarrassing beginning, he found them all kind and friendly despite the huge gap in age with most of them. Hyoseong, he found out, was only thirty-five years old, probably the most closer to his own age.
After a few minutes almost everyone left the room to go to class but he had a little more time so he waited a few minutes more. He talked with Hyoseong that apparently had no classes the first period so she offered to take him to his class. She said that she didn't want him to lose around the school the very first day, he needed to make a first good impression and she was willing to help him. She was very kind and talking with her was really refreshing thanks to her bright personality and her young age too.

“This is it. Little advice…don't let them fool you. They're a bit difficult class, not all of them, but some individuals aren't easy. You're young and they're gonna take advantage of that, but you don't lose your cool okay?” Her face, from bright and happy, turned in serious and worried.

“You're kind of scaring me you know?” It was true, he was a little scared by that.

He saw a lot of movies in his (not so long) life and every time there was some rebellious kid in the class, the teacher was always the one that risked his position, especially if he was young. He was sweating again.

“Yah! I don't mean to scare you! You don't have to be scared, just be a teacher and not a friend almost all the time.” She smiled again with her typical smile and Jinhwan relaxed a bit.

“Oh god, d

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Le__Kool #1
Well it seems interesting.... *_* ;))))))
HeartMole #2
Chapter 2: Waaaaah I can't wait for the next chap! I love this! <3
Chapter 2: I'm all in for this guilty pleasure plot lmao hanbin and tiny mushroom jinhwan :'-) btw I love jinhwan's character here. it seems quite similar to how he assuming ly is in real life ^___^
yoshilayla #4
Chapter 2: I really liked that chapter!
I enjoy the interactions between Jinhwan and Hanbin a lot. I hope to get to know Hanbins point of view better because I'm so curious about his thoughts/feelings to Jinhwan.
rayaaa #5
Chapter 2: I really like it ><
I like naughty-hanbin here, and how binhwan interraction. Cute! I think hanbin already had some interest with jinani.
Please update next chapter soon ><
Chapter 2: uhhhh.. so sweett..
indeed, the made it harder for them to make up.
is Yoyo going to be the third person.?? or maybe June will make an appearance.?
I like the way you describes Hyosung personality, she's one of my favorite Secret member. :)
Hanbin really likes Jinan, right.?
I mean in a romantic way.
looking forward to next chapter.. fighting.!!!
Chapter 1: this is nice. I think this one will be like 'Cool Guys, Hot Ramen' drama. which the student fell in love with the 'young look' teacher.
I'm looking forward to this..
even Hanbin's real personality not well described yet, I'll really looking forward to this. :)
fighting, author-nim.!!!