
Back in High School
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It's been almost a week since he started teaching and he was at his forth lessons with the class, the last one for the week, when trouble started to show themselves. He wasn't the type of teacher who liked to scold the students for stupid things, but when you're trying to teach something at the whole class while someone is constantly playing on his cellphone, giggling and stealing Jinhwan's attention with that behavior, he couldn't just let him be.
He closed the book, placed it on the desk before walking past the students until the very last row. Obviously the boy was too concentrated on the game he was playing to even notice that the lesson had stopped. Everyone was watching the scene as Jinhwan was watching the boy who was watching the display of the phone. A nerve snapped inside Jinhwan's head and with a quick move he took the boy's cellphone, lifting it up, away from his reach.

“Mr. Kim Hanbin right? I believe you know the rules. No cellphone allowed.” The teacher put the phone on his pocket. “I'm confiscating it.”

“You can't do that!” Hanbin swiftly stood up from his chair, slamming both his hands on the desk as to prove his rage.

It must have happened something amusing without Jinhwan knowing it because as soon as the student rose, he looked at him and smirked. A sly smirk formed on his lips and the older was a little taken aback. Not only by the mischievous smile, but by the boy's height too. He was a lot taller than him. The difference between them was even bigger than the difference they shared in age. Hanbin was probably fifteen centimeters taller. If Jinhwan had been back in high school as a student he would have probably felt scared by the boy. The look on his eyes was frightening too, they were deep and he was sure that the him of years ago would have been lost in them. But not now. He didn't feel scared nor lost, he was just annoyed by the boy.

“Oh trust me, I can. And you know what? I'm gonna keep it not just until the end of my lesson, but until the end of your last period. Now sit back please so I can continue without being interrupted.” Jinhwan didn't wait for an answer and turned, going back to the front of the classroom.

He could feel the glare the boy was sending him, but he didn't care and surely he wasn't afraid of him, not a bit. He was probably just a spoiled brat. He wouldn't say that the rest of the lesson went smoothly as Hanbin kept disturbing him by talking with the boy next to him, Kim Jiwon. It wasn't really a loud talk, so he let them be this time, but now he was beginning to understand why they all warned him about them. That Hanbin pretty much thought he could do whatever he wanted. Jinhwan guessed that Jiwon and Mino were probably the same as him.
At the end of the period, he was collecting his things, his head low looking at the books on the desk when in his vision came a hand that was slammed slightly on top of the books. The teacher followed the line of the student’s arm with his eyes until he met Hanbin's dark one. He was already sick of seeing that glare in the younger's eyes.

“What can I do for you Hanbin?” He dropped the “mr&mrs” because he was thinking about a more friendly approach, even tho he knew it was useless with him.

“For starters, you can give me back my phone.” He stated as if it was the most obvious thing.

“I'd love to. When the school day is over. Come to the teachers room and I'll give it to you. Now I need to go, you be good with Mrs. Jun.” Jinhwan smiled gently at him and patted his head softly, he wasn't angry because he knew that sometimes boys his age acted arrogantly.

He finished putting all his stuff on the backpack, he shove it on his own shoulder before walking out of the room. He couldn't do a single step toward the door that Hanbin had grabbed his wrist and yanked him backwards, making the teacher turn to him. The fierceness in his eyes was scaring and sad at the same time.

“I swear if you don't give me back the phone I'm gonna-”

“Are you threatening a teacher Hanbin?” The kindness in Jinhwan's voice was gone because he was starting to get really pissed. “I believe not, right? Because that would be stupid of you, and you're not. You know, I may seem too young, but I am your teacher and I have the same power as any of your others teachers, so I suggest you to let me go and start listening to me. See you later Hanbin.” He jerked his arm free from the lock of the younger and walked off, leaving not just Hanbin, but all the students agape.

As soon as he reached the teachers room he almost had a mental breakdown. He started sweating and his heart was pounding like crazy. He felt so nervous and pissed and scared and annoyed and everything. He wasn't scared of Hanbin, absolutely not. What he was scared about was his own patient. He wasn't an easily irritable person, and until the very last minute he was okay. Until the guy tried to threaten him. If he wasn't supposed to be diplomatic, him being the teacher and Hanbin the student, he would have most certainly punched him, screw height. But sadly, he was the teacher so he had to control himself, even tho he wasn't really sure in having succeeded. The younger did try to threaten him, but he wasn't being better with his words.
The teacher sighed in frustration, banging his head on the table. He needed to control himself more, especially with Hanbin and the other two because he knew already that they would cause him troubles very often from now on. Hanbin pissed him off, but Jinhwan had pissed Hanbin off too.

“If you bang it harder I'm gonna take you back to the nursery with me.”

Jinhwan's head rose immediately at the hearing of that new sound. Apparently another teacher entered the room while he was absorbed in his thoughts and saw the whole scene. A small blush crept on Jinhwan's cheeks. He felt slightly embarrassed at the moment, he thought everyone was in class now and that he was alone, but he was wrong. The other boy in the room seemed young too, he was wearing a long white coat that made him look like the school nurse.

“I'm sorry.” He muttered out in a whisper.

“Don't be sorry to me. Be sorry to your head.” A simple laugh escapes the man lips and Jinhwan couldn't help but flush a little more.

When the guy then took the seat next to him he didn't have the guts to face him and just buried his face on his arms, crossed on the table. He groaned slightly and unconsciously when he, for the umpteenth time, thought back at what happened.

“So~ what happened that made you punish your poor head?” The man’s voice was soft yet a bit piercing.

“Just a student that troubles me. Nothing serious. I'm Kim Jinhwan by the way.” The young teacher lifted up his head and reached out his hand.

He didn't want to talk about Hanbin now, the more he got distracted the better. Like he said, it was nothing serious for now, just a kid that liked to be annoying. He made a mental note to check for everyone's grades to see if the boy refused to study too.

“I know.” The man took his hand, squeezing it. “You're quite the talk these days. That's why I'm here, I wanted to see the young English teacher with my own eyes. I'm Yunhyeong, the school nurse as you probably supposed already by the clothing.”

“So? What's the verdict?” Jinhwan said with an amused note in his voice.

He already guessed that he was going to be the latest gossip for a few days or even weeks so he wasn't really surprised by the confession. Rather, he felt almost proud. Apparently no one was judging or insulting him so it was perfectly fine. He preferred the low profile honestly, but he figured something like this so he was well prepared to be the center of everyone’s eyes.

“I say that Hyoseong told me about you but words don't quite do justice. She told me you were small, but I never thought you were this small and that you looked this young. So yeah, the verdict is completely positive. It's refreshing to have someone cute around here.” He said smiling brightly.

Judging by his smile he obviously meant well, but Jinhwan couldn't help but feel a little demoralized by those words. He knew he was cute and never really cared, but when a colleague tell you something like with a straight face, it's not that pleasant for a man. He nonetheless smiled back at him, he wasn't going to be rude just because of that. The older seemed funny so it was bad to not give him another chance.

“Guess that should be a compliment right?” Jinhwan laughed a little and the other was about to respond when they got interrupted by a loud scream.

“I HEARD WHAT YOU DID!” Hyoseong stormed inside the room pointing his index finger at the younger among them.

“W-what did I do?” He stuttered out of surprise because no, he didn't do anything wrong as far as he knew.

Wait. Was she referring to the Hanbin thing? Maybe he really went to the principal and told him that Jinhwan had pretty much threatened him and confiscated his cellphone without being one hundred percent sure he could. He wasn't surely going to be a kid and tell the man that Hanbin had threatened him first or some thing like that, but his job was probably at stake.

“. I'm sorry…he was being rude and disturbing-”

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Le__Kool #1
Well it seems interesting.... *_* ;))))))
HeartMole #2
Chapter 2: Waaaaah I can't wait for the next chap! I love this! <3
Chapter 2: I'm all in for this guilty pleasure plot lmao hanbin and tiny mushroom jinhwan :'-) btw I love jinhwan's character here. it seems quite similar to how he assuming ly is in real life ^___^
yoshilayla #4
Chapter 2: I really liked that chapter!
I enjoy the interactions between Jinhwan and Hanbin a lot. I hope to get to know Hanbins point of view better because I'm so curious about his thoughts/feelings to Jinhwan.
rayaaa #5
Chapter 2: I really like it ><
I like naughty-hanbin here, and how binhwan interraction. Cute! I think hanbin already had some interest with jinani.
Please update next chapter soon ><
Chapter 2: uhhhh.. so sweett..
indeed, the made it harder for them to make up.
is Yoyo going to be the third person.?? or maybe June will make an appearance.?
I like the way you describes Hyosung personality, she's one of my favorite Secret member. :)
Hanbin really likes Jinan, right.?
I mean in a romantic way.
looking forward to next chapter.. fighting.!!!
Chapter 1: this is nice. I think this one will be like 'Cool Guys, Hot Ramen' drama. which the student fell in love with the 'young look' teacher.
I'm looking forward to this..
even Hanbin's real personality not well described yet, I'll really looking forward to this. :)
fighting, author-nim.!!!