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It's been a rough two days for all of us Blackjacks. Let's all be strong and support all four of them no matter what.

That said, I hope my update will make your day better.

So Hyun was threatening to throw a tantrum during breakfast. She didn't want to have her lessons with her private tutor that day. Bom stood behind So Hyun after serving the child her meal of fruits and yogurt as the other kids were having an American breakfast. 

"Why can't I attend regular school again, Hayi unnie?" So Hyun whined. The siblings were having breakfast before heading off to school. Seung Hoon and Hayi attends the same International School while Chan Hyuk is a college student in Seoul University. The two older children were wearing uniforms while Chan Hyuk was wearing a rather preppy looking outfit and his large round glasses.

So Hyun looked at her own attire. She was still in her pajamas.

"School's boring, So Hyun-ie. Trust me," Seung Hoon said trying to pacify his youngest sister.

"No. Home school is boring. I don't have classmates. I don't have friends," So Hyun whined again.

"You're better off here. It's better to not have classmates," Hayi mused. Bom looked at the older Lee daughter and noted the sadness in her tone. 

"But I'm always stuck here inside the house. I can't even go outside anymore. All I ever see is the library upstairs and the only time I'm allowed to go out is when I have to go to the hospital," So Hyun complained loudly.

"That's why you can't go out. You're still sick. You can go back to school when you're all better. Arrachi?" Chan Hyuk said patiently. Of the three older Lee kids, Chan Hyuk seemed to be closest to So Hyun. 

"Being sick !" The youngest Lee child complained as she pushed her plate away. The older Lee kids told stories about how much school in an attempt to cheer up their baby sister.

Bom smiled at the comfortable atmosphere in the room. She hasn't had much interaction with the other children but judging by the way they tried to make their sister laugh, Bom knew they cared for each other. She smiled as So Hyun laughed at Chan Hyuk who was impersonating his Physics professor who had a very bad lisp.

Just then their father entered the dining room. Immediately, the children fell silent and they all stood up to greet their father.

"Good morning appa," the children said in unison.

Today was Bom's second week at the Lee household and every morning had been like this. There was always an awkward tension whenever the kids were in the same room as their father. Bom felt sad that the kids were obviously not at ease with their father and it did not help that Dong Wook was also keeping his distance.

Dong Wook did not say anything and simply nodded in greeting. Upon seeing this, the children sat back down and continued with their meal but gone were their hearty laughter and friendly chatter.

Bom bowed politely at her employer who spared her a glance in greeting. Bom was about to head to the kitchen to get away from the awkward Lees when Ajjuma Kim came out bringing a tray of food for Dong Wook.

"Ajjuma, I'm not eating breakfast. I need to leave now," Dong Wook said as he downed a glass of water and immediately left the dining room.

"Aigoo! You have to eat! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, Dong Wook-ah," Ajjuma Kim called out but Dong Wook did not listen. 

"Halmoni, I don't know why you even bother. He never eats at home," Seung Hoon said with a sardonic laugh. Bom realized he had never seen the man eat at home ever since she started taking care of So Hyun. 

"Aigoo, he's going to get sick the way he's living now," the old lady said as he looked sadly at the doorway.

Just then, Chan Yeol came through the kitchen and announced that it was time for the other Lee children to leave for school.

The older kids started taking their leave. Seung Hoon tried to stuff as much bacon in his mouth before picking up his backpack. Bom laughed at this since the young man ate like his uncle Dong Hae. Hayi finished her orange juice while Chan Hyuk wiped his mouth with the table linen as he stood up from his seat. So Hyun was asking if she could go with her older siblings to school, even just for the ride going there but Seung Hoon said no.

"You have tutorials in an hour. You have to get ready," Seung Hoon said sternly.

Hayi promised to bring So Hyun her favorite macaroons while Chan Hyuk said he'd take a video recording of his physics professor so she'd see how accurate his impersonation was. The kids bowed at Ajjuma Kim before leaving.

"I want to go to school! I hate staying home! I hate the library! I hate home school!" So Hyun screamed loudly, banging her hands on the glass tabletop several times. By this time, So Hyun was already crying but thankfully she didn't throw things like she did last week. 

Bom pitied the girl. She understood So Hyun's frustration and empathized with her since it was common for children who are sick to feel that way. Bom’s past patients were no different, and Hanna was depressed for a long time because she had to stay in hospitals for months before Bom came to take care of her. Bom promised Hanna that they would go see the cherry blossoms come spring if she followed her medication schedules. Hanna’s condition significantly improved in the weeks that followed and she was strong enough to see the blooming of the cherry blossom trees and come summer, she was given the green light to travel to get treatment in the States.

Bom understood how So Hyun felt and she knew it was not healthy for the child’s social, emotional, and psychological development to be locked up at home. Bom decided to take action and help the girl.

"So Hyun-ah! What if I promise to take you to the park later after your home-school?" Bom asked cheerfully. So Hyun stopped crying and stared at her nurse.

"Chinja?" the girl asked as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her pajama top.

"Neh! Let's go to the bakeshop before going to the park. But you have to promise me that you will sit through your lessons for the day and do your school work well. Do we have a deal?" Bom asked. So Hyun's face brightened and she nodded in agreement. 

"Ok! Now let's get you ready before your teacher arrives," Bom said as she helped So Hyun up from her chair.


Just as promised, So Hyun patiently sat through all of her lessons for the day and diligently did her seat assignments much to the surprise of her tutors. So Hyun did so well that day that she finished two hours earlier than usual since she didn't throw tantrums during her lessons. 

By three in the afternoon, So Hyun was already bouncing in excitement as Bom helped her dress for their outing. Since it was already mid-autumn, Bom dressed up So Hyun warmly, even bringing an extra scarf and a knit blanket for good measure.

When they came down, the house was empty and there was not a maid in sight. The cab that Bom called for was already waiting outside the East gate. They left without telling anyone. Bom figured they'd only be gone for a while. What could go wrong, right?


Dong Wook was headed for another meeting when Kang Jun handed him his personal phone.

"It's your housekeeper, sir," Kang Jun said.

"Tell her I am busy," Dong Wook said as he continued to walk to the conference room down the hall. He didn't look forward to this meeting since he knew it was going to be long and tedious. He was in the middle of considering the proposal of the Macau people when Kang Jun spoke up again.

"But sir, she insists. She says it's an emergency," Kang Jun added sounding worried.

Dong Wook sighed. What bloody emergency could happen at home? he thought in annoyance. He took the phone from Kang Jun nonetheless.

"What is it Ajjuma Kim?" Dong Wook asked. His tone was harsher than he intended and regretted it the second he said the first word.

"Dong Wook-ah! Aigoo! Ottoke, Dong Wook-ah!" The distraught lady said over the line.

Immediately Dong Wook sensed that something was wrong. Very wrong. He stopped walking and his secretaries did so, too.

"Calm down, Ajjuma Kim. Tell me what's wrong. What happened?" Dong Wook asked.

"Aigoo! So Hyun-ie, she's not home! We've been looking for her in the entire house but we couldn't find her!" Ajjuma Kim exclaimed. She was crying and borderline hysterical. 

"Are you sure you've checked everywhere? Have you asked Nurse Park?" Dong Wook asked. He was keeping his panic levels in check.

"That's the problem, Dong Wook-ah. Nurse Bom is not here, too. Aigoo! Ottoke!!!" Ajjuma Kim practically wailed over the phone. Dong Wook felt like a bucket of ice cold water was poured over his head upon hearing this.

"Ajjuma Kim, check the CCTVs and look through the entire property. I'll be there in a while," Dong Wook said before ending the call.

"Secretary Song, cancel my appointments for the rest of the day. Reschedule my next meeting for tomorrow. Get my car, I'm going home," Dong Wook ordered his two assistants who both immediately did as they were told.

Dong Wook turned around and went to the elevators as he dialed his brother's number.


Bom could not help but notice the change in So Hyun the moment they stepped out of the house. While they were in the cab, the young girl kept telling Bom stories about what she learned during lessons that day and was asking about stuff she saw on the road. So Hyun even chatted amicably with the taxi driver.

When they arrived at the cafe, So Hyun got out first as Bom paid the cab.

"You have a wonderful daughter," the cab driver    said kindly through his window after Bom got off. But she wasn't able to correct him since the driver drove off right after.

Bom thought it was funny since if she had indeed ended up with her first boyfriend, she probably had a child about the age of So Hyun.

They bought several pastries and some fruit juices. After making their purchase, they walked around the neighborhood to look for the park. So Hyun was happily bouncing as they walked while Bom held the girl's hand to make sure she didn't suddenly run off. 

It was not until they arrived at the park that she let go of So Hyun's hand but not before reminding the girl to stay within the public playground

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fvtimx11 #1
Chapter 7: Update Please ?
venomel #2
Chapter 7: What's happen next? Don't let us hanging please...
avna23 #3
Author-nim please update i really want to know what happend next :'(
Chapter 7: Please update soon! :)
SummerJoanne #5
Hi, i really miss the your story. Pls update asap. Love you!!
I_LoveBOM #6
Chapter 7: Oh! Aigooo! Things had been very busy to me these past few weeks and I don't have the time to open my aff. I also missed the update :( Anyway you're welcome and thank you for the shout out! Keep it up! Sorry if i'm lateeeeee
animetanaka #7
Chapter 7: This chapter was absolutely adorable to read. It really made me want to reach my arms in and snuggle with Seunghoon. I can't wait for the next development! Cheers!
Chapter 7: Omg! What a coincidence that I'm studying to be a lawyer too! I'm an upcoming freshman though so I have a long way to go lol. Anyways, loved the chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
marscy #9
Chapter 7: Hi. I am always looking forward for your updates on this story. To ease my burden or at least get away from my law books. (Yes, I too am was once a law student. ;-)) anticipating for the BAR exam is just plain torture.hehe goodluck on your studies. Hwaiting!!!
maryetta01 #10
Chapter 7: Ok so this has to be one of the best chapters. The way Bommie handled the situation was by far the best way to soften a harden heart.
Her job as a nurse is not the limit of her help for the Lee children. This chap got me thinking she would make an awesome mum.
Omg those JYP students betting on stupid things reminds me of high school all over again.
The oldest son is such a good kid and hope that he realises soon that their dad is in much morning as them...but his dealings with his emotion is just different.
Lmao @ the last part... bring on BoDong couple hahahah thanks for update. Cant wait for more. Xo