
Fire Burns in August Skies

Leeteuk sighs, as his takes a seat at the dining room table. Sungmin gives him pat on the back, and a weary smile.

“Nothing?” Sungmin asks, sitting down next to the leader. Leeteuk shakes his head, sighing once more.

“I’ve gone through all his year books, grade school to grad school, through all the friends he has on social media, contacted everyone named JiHyun, but still nothing insightful.”

“Things aren’t getting much better here either,” Eunhyuk, who was eating cereal at the other end of the table, informs the leader. “Kyuhyun will take fifteen minute naps here and there, but he won’t fall asleep.”

“And when he does,” Ryeowook adds, “It’s terrible.” Sungmin nods.

“I worry every time I go to bed if I will wake up to Kyuhyun’s screaming or hyperventilating.” Sungmin sighs. “All of the members are worried, Hyung.”

“We need to find out what is causing these dreams,” Leeteuk groans.

“Why did they start up now? Who is JiHyun, and why is Kyuhyun sorry towards him?” Eunhyuk asks, thinking out loud. The room goes silent as these questions hang in the air.


Everyone looks up to see Donghae, Yesung, and Kangin running in out of breath,

“Why are you guys out of breath?” Eunhyuk looks at the three men. “Did you run up here? Why didn’t you take the elevator? Pabos!” He laughs, hitting Donghae.

“We found something!” Yesung says, showing them a white piece of paper.

“You found paper?” Sungmin asked, as Yesung waves around the blank sheet of paper. The three look up and see Yesung was holding it the wrong way.

“Aish!” Kangin grabs the paper from Yesung, and pushes Donghae (who was now poking Eunhyuk) out the way. “Pabos,” He growled at the other two as he slammed the paper down, properly showing the others the top secret information that they had just obtained. Leeteuk quickly picks up the paper to properly read it, eyes widening.

“What does it say?” Ryeowook asks, too tired to be patient.

“I didn’t find this anywhere,” Leeteuk says, scrunching up his eyebrows. “No database, or social media site.”

“What is it?”

“It says:

 ‘We’d like to welcome these gifted children to Camp August Skies, the most prestigious summer camp that prioritizes your child’s mind. Unlike other camps, that focus on physical activities and crafts, this camp focuses on challenging your child’s mind, enabling them to grow into a wiser and more independent person. Besides the intellectual growth, you will see a growth in your child’s love for nature, as we are in a remote location surround by miles of woods and a gorgeous creek. Your child will learn to appreciate the beauty nature possesses, all while getting a wonderful education. Many great scientist have been part of this camp, and they all give back by helping these children in many areas of their acedemics. Guest speakers include, but are not limited to, Cho Yeojin, Kim TaeHyun, Lee Joo Mun, Song Shin Myun, and many more accomplished scientists.

If you have received a copy of this letter, that means your child has been hand-selected to join us this summer at this fun tuition free, intellectually challenging, child-friendly camp. There are fifty campers we’d like to welcome.’

“Hyung, just skip to the important part!” Sungmin huffs. “We’re too impatient to care about all this,”

“Number 28, Cho Kyuhyun,” Leeteuk reads.

“Okay, we get it, the maknae is a genius.” Eunhyuk rolls his eyes. “That’s not new information, he's the evil genius maknae. ”

“Number 34, Lee JiHyun,” Leeteuk says slowly. Silence engulfs the room, as a chill sets in.

“When did Kyuhyun attend this camp?” Eunhyuk breaks the silence. Donghae shakes his head softly. “Where was this camp?” Again, there is no answer. “What happened at this camp?” Silence. Frustrated, Eunhyuk narrows his eyes at Donghae, Yesung, and Kangin. “What the hell?” He asks. “You come barging in here as if you found the answers to all the problems, but really you just found a possible lead to one answer.”

“At least we found something!” Yesung says, defensive. "What did you find?"

“Alright, alright, everyone calm down,” Leeteuk sighs.

“Where did you find this? Eunhyuk asks after taking a moment to calm down.

“I went to a friend who I worked with while serving the military…” Donghae says

“…who found a file that had been restricted. But the file was untraceable, so we went to one of my friends in the military,” Kangin nods.

“He was able to locate the file, but unfortunately, the file was off limits to the even military personnel.” Yesung says. “So I called in some favors from some people I know in the FBI,” The members stared at Yesung, who scratches his head. “I grew up with them, okay?” He says, the members, though still surprised, nods. “Anyway, this was all I could get. Besides this, the entire report was out.”

“What do you mean out?” Ryeowook asks, eyes wide. “Why would a summer camp report be out?” Yesung shakes his head.

“Something is wrong here,” Sungmin mumbles. “What could have possibly happened at that summer camp that was so bad, it calls for FBI clearance?”

“That calls for the report to be out,” Ryeowook adds. "So only few FBI agents know the truth."

“And why is it just now affecting Kyuhyun?” Eunhyuk asks, looking at the others. “Something must had to happen recently,” He says, “I mean, he just started acting like this out of the blue.”

“What happened to Lee JiHyun, and why is Kyuhyun agonizing over it?” Leeteuk asks. 

“We need answers,” Donghae says. “But what if we don’t like what we find?” The others look at him in surprise. “I mean, come on. This file about Kyuhyun’s trip to summer camp is out,” Donghae says. “This is something serious, something dangerous.”

“But this is Kyuhyun we’re talking about,” Kangin says.

“Exactly,” Yesung nods, looking at Kangin. “The same Kyuhyun who refuses to go camping, even if it’s for his church retreat.”

“So he doesn’t like the woods,” Sungmin shrugs. “Many people from this generation don’t like outdoor activities.”

“Yeah, but he went to summer camp,” Yesung points out. “In the woods,”

“But he could have been forced to go,” Leeteuk points out. “His father could have forced him to go, which means Kyuhyun could have hated the woods before going to summer camp.”

“The FBI it out!” Donghae says loudly, throwing his hands in the air. “That means they don’t even want other FBI agents to know about what happened at this camp,”

“So what do you want us to do Donghae?” Eunhyuk stands up, hands on his hips. “Do you want us to not find out what is killing Kyuhyun? Want us to pretend that everything is all rainbows and unicorns as we watch Kyuhyun go mad? Because that’s what’s happening!”

“No!” Donghae raises his voice, frustrated. “I want us to understand the consequences of our actions here! I want us to realize, if we dig too deep into this file, we may all be arrested for treason! I want us to be prepared!”

“Prepared for what?” Sungmin asks, quietly.

“Prepared for whatever truth was out in that file,” Ryeowook whispers. “The truth will be so outrageous, so crazy, that no one will believe it.” He says. “But we have to believe it, so we can help Kyuhyun. The truth, no matter what it is, will be ugly.”

“We may end up questioning everything we ever thought we knew about Kyuhyun,” Leeteuk nods. “But we are fighting for this Kyuhyun, and I am willing to risk the consequences.” Looking around, the other members nod in agreement.

“I’m in,” Eunhyuk smiles, putting his hand in the middle of the table. One by one the others follow. They look around at each other. “For the maknae,” Eunhyuk shouts.

“FOR THE MAKNAE,” They shout.

 “Okay, so what do we do next?” Leeteuk asks, after they pull away from the group..

“We need to find out more about this camp, maybe we could track down other people who attended, some of the guest speakers, and maybe Lee JiHyun.” Kangin says.

“Okay, I’ll try to dig something up online about the camp, and maybe recruit Shindong to help,” Sungmin says. “Afterall, he does have a PC room, and he is one of the smartest members.”

“Maybe we should recruit some outside help,” Ryeowook suggests, “Changmin is his best friend, maybe he knows something we don’t.” Leeteuk nods.

“But do we want to endanger our friends?” Eunhyuk asks. “I mean, can we ask them to risk their lives for our maknae?”

“We need to try everything we can to help him,” Kangin sighs. “But we cannot, and should not, force them to help us,”

“Okay, well if they do decide to help,” Leeteuk says. “What can they do?”

“Well, Yoochun does have connections to people who hack for a living,” Sungmin nods. “Maybe we can get someone to hack into to the system and unlock the parts that have been out.”

“Yunho also made friends on the inside,” Donghae says. “They can probably help us track down the other campers and teachers,”

“Okay,” Leeteuk nods. “First thing’s first, we need to inform the other members about the plan, that way whoever does not want to risk their careers and lives don’t have to,” The others agree, no one should be forced to do this. “Then we’ll invite DBSK over while Kyuhyun is not here, let them know what we know, and hopefully one of them will be willing to help us.” The members nod in agreement. “Okay,” Leeteuk sighs. “Let’s do this,”

“Hyung,” Kibum laughs, “You’re joking right?

“Of course they are,” Siwon says, wide eyed. “Otherwise we’d have to report them to the authorities.” Siwon says, causing Donghae and Eunhyuk to act as if it were just an idea and not something they’ve already begun. “All Kyuhyun needs is some prayer,” Siwon tells Sungmin, “Maybe these nightmares are just a test from God,”

“I am not a part of whatever you guys are doing,” Kibum says, annoyed. “I feel for the kid, but this is insane.”

“Ya, Siwon-ah, Kibum-ah, we were only joking,” Eunhyuk says.

“This is a hidden camera,” Donghae adds quickly, “We’re doing it to all the members,” Siwon looks at the two for a second before laughing,

“It was a joke Kibum-ah!” He laughs before walking away.

"This was a dumb prank," Kibum says before turning to leave. "It wasn't even funny."

Kibum out. Siwon out.

“Are you people crazy?” Hangeng asks, “Are you trying to deport me? I cannot be a part of this dangerous plan, I’m sorry. I will do everything in my ability to help Kyuhyun, but legally.”

Leeteuk laughs loudly.

“Hidden camera!” He says, and nudges Kangin to join in.

“Y-Yeah, we played this joke on Kibum and Siwon earlier,” He laughs awkwardly. Hangeng narrows his as at the two, before saying something in Chinese that was probably along the lines of,

"These dumb idiots,"

Hangeng out.

“What are you talking about?” Heechul asks, “Do you know what they’d do to a guy like me in prison? Grape, it rhymes with grape.” Heechul shakes his head. “You guys sound insane, asking friends to check the FBI database for information on a summer camp that no longer exists. No one will ever do that.”

“But Hyung,” Ryeowook says, “They already have,”

“What?” Shindong asks, eyes wide. “A out file?”

“Yeah,” Sungmin nods.

“Are you sure it’s our Kyuhyun?” Shindong looks at Sungmin,

“We used his social security number,” Sungmin says slowly, “This file came up,”

“Think about it, Hyung,” Ryeowook says. “Why would there be a FBI file on a summer camp? Why would it be out? Why is Kyuhyun’s name on it?” Heechul looks down, pondering this new information. “Who is this Lee JiHyun? Why is Kyuhyun being affected now?”

“It doesn’t make sense,” Heechul says quietly.


“Fine,” Heechul sighs. “I can, maybe, help with the research aspect of this.”

Heechul, in.

“I’m in,” Shindong says, “Our maknae needs our help, and I’m willing to do what is necessary to help him.” Shindong high-fives Sungmin.

"You always were one of his favorite hyungs," Sungmin says, smiling.

"I know," Shindong smirks.

Shindong, in.

“Okay,” Leeteuk says, after gather all those who agreed to help. “Kibum, Siwon, Hangeng all think we’re joking, but this is no joke.” He says. “We’re about to do the last step in this mission.”

“And what’s that?” Heechul asks.

“We’re going to ask the DBSK members to join us and help us,” Sungmin says softly.

“There is a huge possibility that they will say no,” Shindong sighs.

“True,” Donghae says slowly, “But there will be at least one member willing to help us,”

“And who might that be?” Heechul asks, rolling his eyes. “Who would be dumb enough to help us?”

“Maybe he’s wouldn’t help us,” Kangin says, “But he’d help his best friend.” Eyes widen in realization.

“Isn’t that unfair?” Shindong asks, frowning. “Changmin should not have to help us just because Kyuhyun is his friend.”

“No,” Eunhyuk says. “But he’ll want to help us,”

Thank you all for reading and subscribing, here is the second update of the night. Hopefully I will be able to continue to update more frequently. I don't usually revise my chapters until weeks later, so sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes. 

-Love you guys, ALL4ALL

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whatever198 #1
Chapter 13: Okay I can't believe I just found this amazing gem now but I am ridiculously glad I did. You are a incredible writer because this story scared the crap out of me and I loved it! It's so hard to find mystery/thriller/horror stories like these so thank you so much for writing this, it's honestly perfect. Plus I love changkyu so those Changkyu make it even ten times better! *Gives cupcake* -heck take a whole cake! Please please update soon, I am really looking forward to more. Fighting authornim! <3
Tety_Vences #2
Chapter 13: Ok this is good but creepy as well. I need some sleep to get my mind off this but im going to subscribed so I can know when there's an update
fur_saya #3
Chapter 12: Oho...Luv it very much!! Aren't u going to continue this???
adiisechelon #4
Chapter 12: I love this fic so much!! But god I shouldn't be reading this at 2:00am,

now i won't be able to sleep!!
Chapter 12: So yeah, it wasn't a dream. It still scared the crap out of me. Even more so now that I know wasn't a hallucination. How creeped out are everyone else? The swearing is fine. If I was in that situation, I would be swearing too. Thanks for updating!
pensonic #6
Chapter 11: Like ur story line..... hope hyungs able to help kyuhyun
and also hyungs and changmin will stay save
hope to see an update for next chapter
Chapter 11: The dolls just got creepier. They have a name now, so how much longer will it be before they find out the full truth? Congrats on your grades for your finals. Thanks for updating!
wow....I really Like This fic....pleeeaaaasssssssseeeeeee update it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooon TT
UNNIE?!?!? OMG YOU WROTE A NEW FICCIE?? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I need to calm down! I haven't been here for like 2 months and now you've released a new story! Omggg *cries* I'm soo happy!
someday1965 #10
Chapter 9: Good luck on your finals. Will wait for next chapter.