Run Jong ! Run !



Jong sat on floor his eyes fixed on the laptop screen , a huge headphone on his head while his both hand on the keybored , his whole body was intensive while his eyes were painfully wide staring at the mostly black screen .

Jong didnt notice when the members talk to him or asked him , He only notice when one of them would stand beside him watching him playing , then He would pause the game to Yell : DONT STAND BESIDE ME ! it made him get stress out more than the Game already made  his nerves on the edge .

The Game Slenderman was a scary one but in cool adventurous way , it begin while the sun about to set down and fast it get too dark to see anything but luckly The Game provides a flashlight that you had to use wisely or the battery will die fast , a heavy wood surrounded you with a narrow path to walk in but it disappear in some places so you have to walk & wish not to get lost in the wood , there is also a long tunnel where it easy to get caught , old broken Tanker , larg stone , old scary tree , 10 oil tanks that lays like a maze , some cutted trees , walls and The Scary Dreaded building .

The Scary Dreaded Building was scary AF !

its the place were Jong always got cought ! in deadly terrifying way !

So basiclly The game was finging 9 pages written on it some creepy warning words to stop or you will die which made the player try harder to beat The Game but so far Jong never did . The Slanderman which a faceless man in Black suit and very long and thin arms & legs , Who can teleport too ! and if He catch you AND Man HE Always DOES  his long slander fingers grap you and the the whole scene became More scary shakey & bloody . The thing that The Slenderman came out of nowhere all the sudden to find it infront of you is enough to make dont sleep for days .

But Jong was not going to sleep any way if He did nt beat The Game ! He Has to Win ! not after been freaked out So Many Times That his dignity wont let him sleep in peace . He played so many time that now he memorized that play ground place but that creepy Slanderman keep surprise him every time !

Finally Gyu came & made him switch off the game to go to sleep . -_-

Jong beged his leader alot to let him play one more hour , they didnt have schedule the next day so He Jong thought He earned those more fun hours ! GYu was so annoyed by the maknae sitting all day playing scary video game & yelling at the other members when they interrupted his playing . So Gyu had to put The Foot Down !

Taking away his laptop till He learn some manners Gyu said to Jong , the other boys remain silent , Jong yelled & screamed words of object & complaint , Then burst in tears saying he hate Gyu .

Hong knew He was wrong , but he was too exhausted, stressed & irritated , his back , hands, legs & head hurt him alot , He close his eyes tight trying to stop the tears but eventually slept with wet eyes .

You know when your mind wont stop working ?

like in the night before final exam , you keep thinking & of course had The dream of exam which you did not study for ?!!


Jong found himself in the familier woods . The Sun about to set , ih his hand a flashlight and a feeling that now He is too familier with of been watched .

So He start to run .

Jong run with heavy numb legs to the larg rock , taking his way to the cross walls then The cutted woods 

Grabing The first Three pages is easy as He knows , it was the Tunnel that He fear , in the close wood that surrounded him in every diraction He could hear some thing moving .

Dont look back Now ! Jong told himself trying his best not to look at every sound He heard 

Foot Steps . it was clear now as he walked through TheTunnel , He could see glimpse of tall man behind those trees and walking fast to fellow him in the long narrow Tunnel .

Jong Fast breath echo in the wall of The Tunnel , The barely light left from the dying Sun show the end of The Tunnel like a never ending run !

Finally Jong made it out of it and with the 4th page too ! taking a deep breath like he was diving under water , but kept his steps as fast as he could , the old broken Tanker was a head .

suddenly a loud woooooosh sound came ! like some thing big ans super fast fly over him ! Jong quickly lay down as he saw a black figuer landed behind The old Tanker !

Jong cursed a loud ! Its not fair that The Selenderman can teleport !!

Fast Jong made a quick turn to the 10 oil tankers that lay like a maze , luckly it was no maze to him at all ^^

Jong walked his way with quick steps heading to the 5th page that hangs on one of the oil tanker , The Tanker made a terrifying echo to his steps mixed with The wind and his loud breathing !

But in the little mix one more sound was added , another pair of steps and a woooosh sound of that teleported man !

Jong knew where he was , but when the woooosh sound came right behind him and he felt the wind blow his back he gave his legs the permission to run aimlessly !

Luckly he ran toward The big scary Tree , not stoping his runnig He grab the 6th page and kept running toward the next location to take his 7th page . Now it was totally dark , the flashlight made a small effort to light few steps a head , the wind become stronger and louder , The teleporting Slenderman was flying around making scary sounds , Jong was out of breath but didnot slow down , He had one thing in his mind , Im going to WIN !


The hair of Jong neck stand as He heard his name called in a way He knew one person only call him like that !

looking a round in the absolute dark trying to find whos calling him .




With that order Jong run , taking all his strengh to make his legs run faster & faster to the final place .

THe Dreaded building !

at the door of the building He find the 8th page , Now Only One More Page !

entering the Building and slam the door behind him , now runing wont do much , the hall ways fit only one to walk so if he bumped in to The Slender Gyu it means The End !

Jong walked slow , holding his breath as quite as he could , his heart bumped loud in his ears , and He kept his flashlight facing the ground .

He almost jumped when He heard The door of the building opend hard then slamed , soon a wooooosh sound came as the slenderman teleport to some place inside the building .

Jong heart start to beat painfully , sweat pooring down his body .

All The sudden the flashlight dead !

Jong try to hit it few times but no use , He was standing again in absolute darkness but in small range that runnig wont do him good this time , Jong cursed again in the dark trying to stop himself from shaking but his legs gave up falling down in the ground .

another woooosh sound came , smoth wind blow lightly his face , he stare at the darkness as his tears fall .



stop crying ! JONGY .

long slander fingers hold his shoulder tightly & Jong with all that left of his strength start kicking & fighting !


It took alot of time for Gyu to calm Jong , The poor kid kept fighting his hugs with strong kicks that surprise the leader who couldent sleep while his maknae angery with him & came to make peace with him . He even bring back the laptop !

When Jong finaly realized that He was dreaming and this Gyu is Not The Slanderman coming to take his life ! he hold Gyu like dear life shading more tears while Gyu pat his head . Gyu stayed with him till he calmed down , then left feeling sleepy himself .

Jong crawl to Dino’s bed where the rapper was sleeping barly a wake by Jong crying/fightinh scene , felt the maknae pull himself next to him so he put his arm over the slim scared boy .

Hyung ?

Hmmm .. ?

Do you think Gyu Hyung is scary person ?

mmmm No ! just dont let him catch you again .


DID I say it was scary ?!! cause I think its not !!

well hope you enjoy this FF , comments will make me dance (( YES THEY DOES ))

today is my sister ♥Unni♥ birthday ^^ wish you a happy happy birthday ♥ love you & miss u ALOT  

till next time ... have #SweetGyuDreams ^^


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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 1: Its pretty funny xD this world really need more gyujong fics T*T