Not Alone

Once Nothing, Now Everything

Kicking off your flats, you set your suitcases down on either side of you and looked around. It was way nicer than what you were used to. It was spacious and open, with oak floors and white walls. The kitchen and the living room merged together into on large room, and the stairs went right off the entryway. They were oak, like the floors. It was a fairly big space. "Woah.." you whispered in awe as you stepped further into the house. It was already furnished, compete with a 50' tv and white leather seating. The kitchen had all stainless-steel appliances and granite countertops, along with dark cupboards in a birch stain. It really was beautiful. Eager to see your room, you picked up your bags and began hauling them up the stairs. You had managed about 5 steps when the doorbell rang. You set your bags on the step and skipped to the door.

"Oh, annyeong oppas!" You waved at the sight of Onew, Jonghyun, Minho, and Key.

"Annyeong!" Onew smiled. "We saw Taemin downtown and put two and two together that he had abandoned you, so we came to help~" You were about to ask them about helping you with your suitcases but Minho was already on it. The four of you followed him up the stairs. 

"Since Taemin isn't here, I guess you get first pick on a room." Jonghyun chuckled.

"Get the nicest one, it'll piss him off."

Jonghyun and Key high-fived and started opening all the doors that led off the upper hallway.

"Hey Haesun, I think you'll like this!" Onew waved his hand in an indication for all of you to come look at what he had found. "Already furnished and everything. Like it?"


"Wahh~ I love it! This one's mine. Definitely." You nodded in determination and rolled your suitcases in. "I'll just unpack my clothes and everything later. Thanks guys~" you smiled, your eyes turning up into little crescents. 

"You say that like we're leaving." Key grinned. "Since Taemin is being an , we're gonna stay and keep you company! I'll even cook for you, so you better thank me." The others nodded in agreement, they all seemed to want to stay with you.

"Arasso. Whattya wanna do?"





A/N short. i know. im sorry. i just dont have much time ><; hope you like it though!~

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Chapter 16: I've actually never even heard of those movies :O I know The Ring and The Exorcist but I've only seen The Grudge XD I don't really get scared easily XD

Woo!!! An update!! I've been waiting for it! Always so happy to see this has been updated! Haha but she reminds me of my sister. She gets SO stinkin' scared during those kinds of movies and we have to turn them off too XD Minho... Such a y best <3 Anyways~ Looking forward to the next one! :D
Chapter 15: Hahahha ok so u need to update soon I really like this story ;)
Thank you~~ <3 <3
Haha of course Key would freak about that XD
guys im SO SORRY ive been really busy so i havent gotten to write >_<" I'll send them to unni do she can post them asap, ok? gansahamnida for waiting~~
chelle_taemin #5
Really want to know next chapter.. Please update it soon..
ukissmekevin16 #6
This is really similar to another story I read but oh well that one was tvxq and I liked it soooo :P
Cannot wait for next chapter ! :D Is a nice story ! :)
sorry everyone, i posted chapter 6 on my ipod, so its in the plain font, and not indented. >_< so its kinda weird...