Chapter 1

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            “This ain’t working,” Myungsoo sighed and mumbled to himself. His index and middle fingers tapped on the coffee table rhythmically just to express his boredom. This isn’t working. This stupid blind-date thing.

            “So, Oppa, what do you do for living?” The girl sitting in front of him asked again. Her smile was warm and pretty with her red lips curving up perfectly.

            But Myungsoo didn’t see it anyway. He was still feeling bored and wanted to escape from that place soon.

            And it took few seconds for him to register what the girl just said.

            “Oh? I write novels,” he said, proud of his career. Yet, the girl didn’t seem pay much attention of his answer. “And what about you, Su…,” Myungsoo hesitated, what is her name again? He was trying to recall it back.

            “Suzy,” the girl, Suzy, smiled. “I am a model in one of biggest magazine in this city. Maybe you have ever seen me somewhere? Do I look familiar for you? Well, I’ve been working there for almost two years—“

            The next sentences sounded blur for Myungsoo. Suzy… Woohyun was right. This girl was really pretty, almost perfect. She was tall, slim, with long straight hair and beautiful warm smile. But he was not sitting here only to hear her talking about her own stuffs. He was so bored listening to this girl to the point that he was afraid if he spend ten more minutes here, he’d die.

            He had enough. And by that, Myungsoo stood up. Suzy looked up at him with her brows furrowed, confused of that sudden action.

            “I-“ Myungsoo tried to think hard, what reason he should use? “Oh I just remember I had an appointment with Howon and I just can’t leave it,” he said, finally. Secretly he inhaled his breathe as he found a nice enough reason.

            Suzy nodded as she shaped an ‘O’ on her lips. “I see. Hmm… will we be meeting again?”

            Of course not! I hope not, Myungsoo prayed. He then forced a smile. “Well, let’s see? I’d be waiting to see you again, though.”

            Soon, he packed his things (smartphone and wallet) behind his pocket before nodded and left the girl, skipping his way to the parking lot of the café. There was an old maroon minivan just across the café, parked at the edge of the street, Myungsoo jumped and buckled up on the passenger seat. Woohyun was already waiting for him behind the wheel.

            “How was it?” the funny-look guy raised his eyebrow teasingly. Clear that he was expecting good news only. “Suzy is a goddess, right?”

            “Yeah,” Myungsoo nodded shortly. He leaned his head to the joke, trying to comfort himself.

            Feeling not content with that kind of very stingy answer, Woohyun turned to face Myungsoo and asked more questions. “And then what happened? Did you guys already decide place for next date? Did you even ask her out already?” he gasped of his own thoughts. “You didn’t forget to ask her number, right? Because—“

            Myungsoo shot him a glare and that was more than enough to shut Woohyun up.

            “We are not getting anywhere,” Myungsoo stated. Woohyun widened his eyes in disbelief.

            “… what?”

            Myungsoo just shrugged. “Let’s go home. I’m tired of your whole stupid blind-date thingy.”





            “No! No! No! I gave up!”

            Myungsoo glared at Woohyun and raised both his hands up. Woohyun’s ideas never been good, why did he even believe it? His hand reached the door knob and pushed it open, wondering if he forgot to lock his apartment. But the thought was shoved away as he walked in and Woohyun followed. Myungsoo threw himself to the sofa while Woohyun took a seat on the carpet.

            “I promise this is the last one!” Woohyun claimed. “You know what? Jiyeon is really really pretty! It is really hard, you know, to get her number,” said Woohyun again, his thumbs up expressing how good was that Jiyeon he

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Thank you!
I will try to continue. Sorry for being MIA ;;
Also, i might switch account


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 3: Apink son naeun ❤️
Myungeun ❤️ kaieun
Ydvvfjkch #2
Chapter 3: please change your mind.... please continue this can't leave ...viewer cliff...
Anyway we always pray for you...hope happy n health.
bubibuyu #3
Where are youuu
Chapter 2: This ff is damn amazing, hwaiting !
Blackurple97 #5
Chapter 2: palli upate new chapter ~ i'm really excited to read !!!
i'm missing myungeun soo much u.u
Maxnonna #6
Chapter 2: Thank you~~
Chapter 2: New reader is here and I'm myungeun shipper! This fanfic is really DAMN amazing! >__< update soon.
Chapter 2: Awwww, the myungeun moments are so so cute and funny <3
Can't wait to see more myungeun moments !!
Update soon and hwaiting!!
hanjunghye #9
Chapter 2: Can't wait to see myungeun's date^^ it'll be cute and funny...
Hope you'll update as soon as possible author-nim;-)