Cat Ears


"His voice was beautiful. Cold. Pained. Broken. But beautiful. He sounded perfect and beautiful."



"You're such a beautiful little angel. I promise to make you happy, to make you whole again." he whispered, still staring adoringly at the boy. "When will I ever see your beautiful eyes again, little angel?" he quielty asked, sighing. "Sleep tight, beautiful." he muttered and before he could stop himself, before his brain could stop him from doing what he was about to do, he leaned down and planted a chaste kiss on the boy's forehead. He felt thousands of butterflies fluttered in his stomach when his lips touched the boy's forehead but it multiplied into millions when he pulled away because he was suddenly staring staight into those familiar dark orbs. Those beautiful darks orbs he longed to see again.


His eyes are definitely beautiful.

But did he caught me kissing him?

Oh my god!






- Sequel to Cat Eyes.

- If you haven't read Cat Eyes yet, this will not make any sense.

- This fanfiction is much more stupid than the first one. You have been warned.



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Chapter 1: omg this is so cute uwu
hyunnnieee #2
Chapter 1: Ah this is so cute! Please write part three!
shaxobyarm #3
Chapter 1: aaaa this is so cutee ><
where is the next chapterrr??
even if it stops there im already satisfied
but im still begging for more
Chapter 1: This story is very gooooddd!
Sooo, i hope you continue this :)
Hwaiting, author!
sarayamelie #5
Chapter 1: Did you just leave us hanging like that?

Oh my God!

(I really hope you can continue this story ^.^)
Chapter 1: YOU CAN'T JUST END IT LIKE THIS PLEASE CONTINUE I'M BEGGING ;__________; skldjskldjsafdaf
Chapter 1: Omgs Wonwoo is so cute. I am satisfied already with this because I know they'll be happy. Thank you! <3
Chapter 1: you have this ability to keep us wanting more ohmygassshh this is so cute and having this in Wonwoo's perspective makes us understand more where they stand. Thank you for this :)
Chapter 1: Continue please ;_;
Chapter 1: Man, you have to make a sequel for this sequel! XD The ending tho

This is so cute! >< Thumbs up!!