Chapter 26

My Hoseok, My mate

".......and then Cinderella lived with Prince charming, happily ever after." 

Yoongi looked at Hoseok who was playing with the sleeves thinking. Yoongi put the book aside. Pushing himself and elbowing up to Hoseok level, Yoongi spoke.

"What is it in that mind of yours?" 

" Did Cinderella and Prince have babies?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't know. It is not written there. Maybe yes." 

"It is not happy ending. They should have babies, grow them up and get old together. Just finding the girl that fits the shoe is not happy ending." Hoseok pouted in dissatisfaction.

"You really like babies?" Yoongi smiled.

Hoseok's eyes shone like little kid's. " Umm. They have beautiful eyes. They have these chubby cheeks. They have little hands and feet. They are  beautiful. Alpha, when we make babies let's make them really beautiful. I want our babies be like you. Loving and strong." 

"We will, Hoseok. We will." Yoongi smiled as he tucked Hoseok's hair behind his ear. " We will have many babies. You will feed them. We will play with them and teach them. We will see them grow as we will grow old together. Our babies will be very beautiful. They will have heart like yours." 

"No, no. Not too many babies. Just two babies. Two." Hoseok said as he showed two fingers.

"Ok, ok. Two babies." Yoongi laughed.

Before Yoongi could realize, Hoseok had pulled him in a hug." You are the best Alpha. Best of all. You always care for my decisions. I am lucky to have you as my mate." 

Wrapping his hands around Hoseok's waist and pulling him more closer, Yoongi said," you deserve all the love, Hoseok. It's me who is lucky to get you. And if it's for you then anything.... anything for my little omega." 

"Yoongi's omega." Hoseok chuckled.

"Of course. My omega." 




"He has been like that all day. He doesn't even response." Seokjin said as he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung had his back at them and staring at the wall.

"Taetae said he was angry and he won't speak with anyone." Jungkook said peeking behind Seokjin's leg.

"Is it because of me?" Hoseok said.

"Must be. That day you said you'd play with him but you went. He was asking about you all day." Seokjin said. Hoseok sighed as he walked into the room and sat on the bed.

"Taehyung, I am here." 

No reply.

"I am sorry." 

No reply.

"I had Something important with Alpha so, I had to go that day. Please speak with me. I won't do that again. From next time, I will tell you before I leave, ok?" Hoseok said.

No reply.

"If you don't talk with me then I will play with Jungkook. Today we will go to garden. We will catch a lot of butterflies . We will make many flower crowns. If you don't want to speak with me then I also won't speak with you." 

" love kookie more than me?" Taehyung's voice was broken as he was crying.

"Taehyung..." Hoseok  turned Taehyung towards himself as he hugged him tightly. " No, no. Don't cry. I love both of you equally. I just said that because you were not talking with me." 

"Can you not stay with us like before? We can play all day and I miss you a lot" Taehyung said between tears.

"I miss you too Taetae but I have to stay with Alpha . I promise I will come to play here or you and Jungkook can come to palace. You can even bring Jimin." 

Taehyung smiled at the statement.

"So now where are we going today?" Hoseok said as he wiped the tears from Taehyung's cheeks.

"Doll, I love you." 




"Hyung." Yoongi smiled as he bowed to the person in front of him.

"Yah, yah... why being so formal when I am your hyung? Brothers don't bow. They hug you idiot." The person said as he pulled Yoongi into a hug.

"Ah... let's see." The person said as they pulled apart from the hug ." You have put on a little weight, that's good but what is wrong with your skin. They are always pale. Are you eating good? Are you still not eating the vegetables? Are cooks not good? Whoever the cooks are call them here. I will personally talk with them."

"Hyung, you just arrived and all you do is start complaining. Come sit first. You must be tired of the journey." Yoongi said as he brought them inside the palace.

"Many years passed but the palace is still same. When I came last time it was empty here. Yoongi, don't tell me that you have started living in the palace." The person said as he sat on the cushion.

"I am, now. I can't always live with pack, you know." Yoongi said as he too sat.

"My, my you speak like a mature person now. It's good to see you are finally doing great. You are pretty popular in other pack's too. Wherever I go, they talk about you. It's good to see my brother being the real Alpha ." 

"They over praise me, hyung. Ah... should I call for some drinks or food? You must be hungry." 

"Excuse me, Lord but your highness has awoken. Should I bring him in?" A knight said from the door.

"Yea, bring him here." 

When the door opened, Yoongi's brother ran to the door and brought someone inside holding hands.


"Ah Yoongi , meet him he is my mate and he is my brother, min Yoongi ." The brother said as he smiled at both of them.

"Oh, min Yoongi ! Your brother talks a lot about you. It's my honor to meet you. I am sorry I fell asleep. The journey was too long." The person bowed.

"Oh, it's alright. It's honor to meet you too. Please sit." 

"Hyung, you never told me that you found your mate." Yoongi said as he sat.

"You're surprised huh? Actually I wanted to surprise you. It's not long. We just met few months ago, isn't it?" The brother was all smiles as he pulled his mate closer to himself.

"Hyung, actually I too wanted you to meet someone. He is not here right now . Must be busy playing with some kids but I hope you will like him. He is totally different and..........." Yoongi was shyly explaining about his mate.

"Yoongi ~" Hoseok cheered from the door as he came running and kneeled in front of Yoongi. Hair all messed up, face red with sweat, breath a little uneven and a huge smile.

"Guess, what I brought here?" Hoseok said as he showed his hands which were covering something between them.

"Aigoo, you came running here? Look at all these sweats and what is it?" Yoongi said as he worriedly pulled his sleeve and gently dab on Hoseok's face. "How many times do I have to tell you not to run? You will end up hurting one day." 

"But I wanted to give you this." Hoseok said in little voice as he slowly opened his hands. He was holding a strawberry. Little big than the normal size, red and shiny.

"You brought this for me?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Yes. Today we went to garden and found a lot of strawberries. We collected them and Seokjin hyung said he will make desserts. I saved this one because it was the biggest among all." Hoseok said as he showed how much they collected with his hands.

"Ahem. ..." 

Yoongi who totally forgot that his brother was also present their wanted to slap himself as he not only forget his brother but also his brother's mate who seemed to be smiling at them.Hoseok looked at them confused and upon not recognizing who they are he finally looked at Yoongi.

"Hoseok, meet my brother, the Alpha of South, Song Mino and his mate. And he is Jung Hoseok from North, my mate." Yoongi said.

"Oh! Hello. My name is Jung Hoseok . Nice to meet you." Hoseok stood up and gave a right 90° bow.

"It's alright. You don't have to. I am Song Mino and here is my mate, kang seung Yoon." 

"Nice to meet you too." Seung Yoon too bowed back to Hoseok.

"I am sorry , I was unknown about your arrival. I could have.....uh...." Hoseok tried to fix his hair as he wiped his face again and again.

"It's alright. We finally met isn't it? Also you were busy and we are family after all." Seung Yoon smiled.

It gave some relief to Hoseok but seeing Mino's gaze Hoseok could hardly smile.

"So how did you meet? I am sure Yoongi is a tough person. Hoseok, may I ask how old are you?" Mino asked.

"I am......uh... sixteen ." Hoseok said.

"You are so young." Seung Yoon said.

"Uh..  thank you ?" Hoseok didnot know what to say.

"Sixteen huh ... Hoseok do you have any idea how big is your responsibility? Do you think you can take care of East as well as Yoongi? You are so young now and may not have any idea but I see Yoongi is totally grown up. He has his needs and....." 

"Here, he goes again." Seung Yoon sighed." Come sweetie, walk with me. I think I need some fresh air." Seung Yoon pulled Hoseok, who was analysing what Mino said.

"Yoon, I am not done talking." Mino said.

"You aren't talking with Hoseok. Hoseok and I am going for some sight seeing." With this Yoon pulled Hoseok out of the room.

"Make sure you don't get hurt or lost. Don't eat anything you don't know and no climbing of trees. I want you back without any scratches." Mino said a little louder.

"Geez, I am not a kid." Came reply.

"So, Hoseok huh? He is still a kid. What were you even thinking? " Mino said as he looked at Yoongi.

"It's a long story, hyung. Shortly, I brought him from his home with all rights and even his father gave him permission to live with me." 

"And did know...." Mino said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, few days ago." 

"What? You bastard. " Mino said as he hit back of Yoongi's head. " Can't you even control your hormones for few years? Wanted to kill that kid in young age? I hope he is not scared or traumatized. He is too young for that thing, you know . Being an Alpha you should have known that but what did you do? Awww poor that kid."

"Hyung, it was not me. It was him." 

"Look, look still giving all the faults to that kid. Yah, min Yoongi ..... now don't say me that you are expecting a baby." 

"No!!! Not at all. Firstly he was on his heat and secondly I am a responsible mate. I know what is right and what is wrong. For the one who got blank on his first session and was covered with blood, I cannot think of giving a baby. You see, how thoughtful I am?" Yoongi was trying his best to convince his brother that he was now a mature Alpha.

"Thoughtful my , you come here! You ed him till he blanked out. Min Yoongi , you disgusting brat!!" Mino suddenly stood and was trying to hit Yoongi .

"Yah, hyung. It was his first time! He didn't after that." Yoongi said as he dodged and was running away from Mino.

"What? He just woke up after being blank and you again.......yah! Min Yoongi , you punk, you better come here!" 

"Hyung, you are always complaining. He was on his heat. Why don't you understand? " Yoongi was already running out of his room.



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Chapter 37: Hehe, I saw it! Glad that you blessed us to view it on other flatform and still didn't erase it here, thank you, god bless! :))
Chapter 37: Amazing story. I loved it sooo much
Eevery #3
Chapter 32: Me reading this chapter:
Eevery #4
Chapter 28: Are you kidding me this is the best fanfic I've found d this time ????????? girl you did an awesome job. My eyes are falling but I just cant stop reading ???
this fic is so awesome!!!cant remember how much i repeat reading this story since 2017..
Chapter 37: im still reading this until now ??
Chapter 37: Wattpad yassssss. Definitely gonna follow you
Chapter 37: guess who's going to download wattpas just for youuuu ??
Chapter 36: i still cant believe this is my fave sope fanfic it will never be a disappointment to me i have read this a lot of times alresdy but im still loving it! Thank you so much for writing this! :)