



As the sun slowly hides under the horizon, lighting the water lake and making it sparkle in beauty. She sat at the end of the lake getting herself busy on something that really takes all her attention and effort. The wind blew rather stronger and so, the pieces of paper went to follow the wind. She gasped but immediately she stood and tried to catch the papers flying away from her.

"Please, don't go. I've gave all my might to make you as beautiful as I can." she mumbled under her breath. "Please. For him.."

Gladly, the air went still giving her a bitter taste of it. But the letter she spend long time scribbling and designing had set foot into the now perfectly dark blue water.

All the words she carefully pieced together in attempt to find the right words to say to him. How she would scratch her head and pull her hair in frustration when the faint voices behind her head and the words that her pen blabbers won't match together. Curse and profanities would escaped on how she'd drew the hearts imperfectly. It should be as beautiful as him!! She'd sternly scold herself.

That was the 4th one she made today. Unfortunately, she has to start making the fifth and probably the last letter for today. If anything would go wrong again, maybe her not liking the outcome she'd have to pass. But she had spend so much time building up her courage to confess to him. 

"Min Yoongi.." she told herself almost inaudible; like those words are the only thing she needed to keep her going. She let the words fall out of her lips with so much endearment and the last thing she knew was that her lips were curved into a smile.

The moon greeted her as it illuminated everything that surrounds her. The water lake was darker and the cicadas sang for her. The wind was colder and so, her body shivers but not because of the gushing wind but because of the anticipation that's building inside her. It's almost done just one more dried flower she patiently laid under the sun two weeks prior to this day. Gluing it on the right side of his name which was written in a cursive font neatly. Careful she reminded herself.

And alas! she was able to finish her letter. She stretched her arms in front of her taking the time to adore the letter she carefully made. Almost perfect she thought and frowned to herself but that's the best thing she can do and she's running out of time. Will he like it though? What what would he think about the sudden scene, about me.. about my confession? Oh I'm so nervous! The thoughts are slowly killing her until the fact came rushing to her. 45 more minutes and the café where he was working would close. The thought made her jump from her place.

"Oh no!" she gasped.

Running down the streets under the light of the moon and the twinkling stars that sleeps into the night sky. As she tried to catch-up with the clock her breath was also near leaving out her lungs. Faster! Faster! Faster! she'd call down to her feet but more likely to herself.

Running out of breath she reached the café. Still outside, she placed her hands to her knees gasping for air. She made it. Not wasting anymore time, she took a deep breath. I can do this. there's no more backing down. She wander to the front door with shaky legs and and another deep breath escaped and another and another until she saw him standing before the counter, head down as he worked on something until he raised his head at the sound of the door chime ringing. She averted her gaze as fast as possible, tinted crimson was visible on her cheeks. Another gaze from him or maybe just by hearing his voice would make her face burning. She noticed that the chairs are now lifted up to the tables, no more guests savoring the coffee he gingerly made to be found. He cleared his throat bringing her attention back to him.

"Excuse me, miss?" he asked. This wasn't the first time he talked to her or the first time he saw her.He would asked her order though he perfectly knew what her answer would be but that's just it. He knew her not by name but by her face. She'd come here almost everyday to buy her favorite caramel vanilla lattè. He knew exactly how she liked her coffe- creamy for she has a sweet tooth.

She walked towards the counter glancing at the boy wearing a cream-coloured apron. She tightens her grip on the letter she hides behind her back but careful not to crumpled it, taking a deep breath to ease her anxiety away but before she could speak he said,

"I'm sorry, it's closing time. You should probably go back tomorrow."

She was dumbfounded. Unable to take anymore step forward, all her might were leaving her. She wasn't brave enough or this wasn't the right time or probably he was able to read her intentions and so, he choose to outface her.

"Umm, I.." she stuttered. The sides of her eyes smarts in pain, soon the tears will form into her eyes. Not now, don't fall she squeezed her eyes shut.

Finally gaining her composure she said, "I'm sorry. I'd be leaving now." She gave her the sweetest smile she could ever offer. He nodded as he watched her perfect figure. Right before she turned to her heels she whipped around to faced him again.

"Yoongi?" he was quite shocked. How does she knew his name? How he jumped slightly on how she said his name. He often hear her voice and to admit that it has a vague impact on him but this time it's different. It felt like a melody coming from a classic vinyl record. It confuses him.

"Yeah?" he managed to say.

There's nothing she really wanted to say. She just wanted to call his name. She has always been in love with his name like every letter that composed it were meant to be, perfecting his name.

"Nothing." She smiled to him again but now it was genuine for sure leaving yoongi skeptical. She doesn't care anymore about her confession, she just enjoyed the beautiful moment she was in.


The birds chiped as Yoongi unlocked the café door. Usually, he would come for his night shift but he was forced to come earlier today because his co-worker forgot to take the keys with him last night. As he walked inside the cafe a mint envelop laying on the floor caught his attention. It was cute, girly even. He picked it up and scanned it.

At the back it says:

"To Min Yoongi.

I made this letter to tell you how beautiful you are, how this feelings of mine screams for you. It hurts me so much."





± thank you for reading. what do you think about it? :)

± words:1192. also posted on AO3❤


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