Christmas Eve all alone ?

Bunch (← soon) of scenarios about ZE:A. ~~


You were totally bored at that moment, it was christmas but you hadn't planned anything.. You were just alone. Your boyfriend, Kevin, had left for a free concert, gift-show for the fans as it was christmas. You understood, of course, how can't you ? You had known Kevin as your ultimate bias before being his friend and then his girlfriend. But, now, you were a little upset he didn't took a day off.
You had no family in Seoul, just him and some friends you couldn't bother on this special day. You couldn't go back home either and you didn't feel like having a big and endless dinner with no one. You didn't want to lie, saying you were happy and so when you just felt blues.
What a sad Christmas, you sighed. You took off the microwave your instant noodles. What a beautiful meal for this day. Instant noodles. You ate in silence and put the cup in the trash can after you were done eating. You sat on your couch and the TV. It was, off course, Christmas program tv show..
Christmas was everywhere and it was really pissing you off. You tried some other channels but everything looked boring.  It was only 8pm. You wouldn't be able to sleepat this hour, not even in dream. So what to do ?
You went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and looked at what was inside. You stood like that for more than a minute, then you closed the doorand opened it once again, hoping food will appear.
« I don't even have enough to make a yoghourt cake. »
You truly needed to do something, otherwise you would just have negative thoughts and lower your mood even more.
« Let's do some night-shopping »
You smiled a little, thinking how convenient it was to live in a capital city. Before coming to Seoul you used to live in a very small city, not far away from a big one but far enough to take one hour to go. But even in this big city where you loved to spend time, shops weren't often open at night. Even less on december 24th.
You headed to the shop. Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is You" was playing in background... the whole world was against you. You would have loved to be with Kevin so much. It was even hurting. Why couldn't have they left only tomorrow since the concert was planned for the 25th ?
That song was just too appropriate.
« oh,I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas is 
You ... yeah yeah. »
You wanted to run away. You took the stuff you needed, paid, and went out as fast as possible. It made you want to cry so badly.  Why did you have to be like this ? It was just one evening.. You could celebrate it together later. You weren't a child anymore. Why did you have to be so weak ?
Your phone rang. You took it off your pocket. It was him. You dried the tears at the corner of your eyes, took a deep breathe and picked up.. 
« Hello ! Honey ? » You asked.
« Hi there ! How is doing my lovely girlfriend ?
- Fine. » You lied. « And you ? »
Your voice cracked. It was so hard for you to lie, but you didn't want him to worry.
« I'm fine, but are you sure you are ?
- Yeah, i do. I miss you a bit, but it's ok. Aren't you training hard for tomorrow ?
- I am. I just took a break and called you. I miss you too. »
You looked down. Your heart was hurting you like a fool. You wanted to be by his side, right now, and hug him tightly.
« Where are you ? » He asked.
« Nowhere. I mean, just staying at home. » You said while starting to walk again.
« I see. Ahh... Sorry sweetie. I gotta go.
- Ok, talk to you soon.
- Yeah, and see you soon. »
He hanged up. You sighed one more time. He was so lovely, calling you whenever he had time to. You loved him from the buttom of your heart. He was just honey. Nobody had treated you as well as he was doing. He made you smile every day, every time at every moment, he was just your little sunshine.
Some minutes after, you received a message.
« Are you still at home ? »  
You answered you were, it was just a question of time. Why was he doubting, you told him you were. You slowly walked the way home. 
After trying to unlock the door, you realized it was already opened. Fear gained you. Was there a thief or something ?
You quietly pushed the door holding your breathe.
You started to loudly ask «Is there anyone ?» then you added «I'll call the police.» But no one answered. Then you enterred the living room where some candles were lighting the table.
You the light. Kevin was there against a wall.
« What are you doing here ? You scared me to death ! »
He laughed.
« I'm sorry sweetie. I just wanted to surprise to you. 
- You scared me to death ! »
The tears you had contained all night long started to flow.
« Yah ! Don't cry, I didn't did it to make you cry.  I just wanted to make you happy. »
You cried even harder. It wasn't because of the fright you had went through that you were crying but because this was too beautiful and lovely. You thought this evening was going to be the worst anyone could have, but it was the opposite. Again, he showed you how perfect and careful he was. You were so moved by this. You went to him and hugged him.
« Thank you. » You said. « I love you so much ! »
He your cheek and messed your hair. 
« I love you too. » He said, smiling.
« But how come you are here?? What about your schedule ? You know, i was so upset, I thought I would spend this Christmas eve all alone. Of course I would have understood, you know. But I was feeling so sad. Cause, you know, I never spent Christmas alone. And as I moved to Seoul I can't spend it with my parents anymore. I truly wanted to spend it with you but... Sadly we were unable. Anyway i thought and..»
He put a finger on your lips.
« It's ok, I'm here. » He said and kissed you.
He asked if you had eaten but you didn't wanted to let him know you only had instant noodles for Christmas eve. Then you answered you didn't. You answered you hadn't. He made something really tasty for the both of you. Later you cooked a cake together. Throwing flour at each other and playing with the food.
This evening which had began so badly ended as one of the best you ever had.
edit : Thanks for Puchi who checked my mistakes. ;A; ♥
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sunfoolfinger #1
Chapter 2: Kevin is a perfect boyfriend that everyone could wish;-;
se_park #2
Oh God Kevin! Why are u so perfect?! I can tell that Kevin will be as sweet as this in real life kyaaa~~ Now I'm missing him more huhuhu
_Junnie #3
Thank you ♥ *____*
_Heerin #4
I like it ! The end is so sweet ~
_Junnie #5
three times ? Ahhh, you so lovely. T-T ♥ Thank you ! <br />
Not that much actually. Just that and the letter which is on its way. <br />
WHAT DID YOU PLANNED ? Tell your Sunbae/Eomma. èé Now, tell me. Tell me ! I want to know. ;~;<br />
I think i can't write on Woongie. I will be spazzing too much imagining his reaction and so. I'm already slow as a snail, what if i spend more more more time on spazzing ? XDDD
jiyeop #6
Yes I think I already read it like 3 times XD. I don't like it... I love it really! ♥<br />
Aigo! Too many gifts for me *v*<br />
I planned some stuffs for you too but you'll have it later ^_^<br />
LMAO. Start something with Woongjae!!! *-*
_Junnie #7
@jiyeop : Ah you finally read it !!!!!!! Merry Christmas eonnie/yeoja. ♥ <br />
You really like it ? Ahhh, i'm happy then. Thinking about it, it looks more to a scenario than a oneshoot, whatever i did it for you. ♥<br />
Glad you liked it, really.<br />
You're welcome. That was my christmas present (since you still didn't get the other little gifts i send you) ᄏᄏᄏᄏ<br />
I start or did something about all ZE:A born in 1988 except my bias. That's strange. o_o
jiyeop #8
선배/엄마!! <br />
Thank you so much for this awesome fic. I loved it, thats so perfect! I love the way you wrote it! It's totally cute! *___*<br />
Keep writing this kind of stuffs you 대박!! -goes rereadin it-<br />
너무 고마워용~♥
_Junnie #9
@Chihiro : Thank you honey. For always comenting and so. And reading too. ♥ I love you. By the way, you imagine Taemin instead of Kevin or did you keep Kevin as the lead male character ? XD<br />
<br />
Thank you. ♥