First Date with Dongjun

Bunch (← soon) of scenarios about ZE:A. ~~


« He promised he would come. Then, it's just a question of time. He will come ~ For sure. It's not like if he was accustomed to cancel at the last time. Ok, it was. He's gonna come, gonna come. » You thought, scared he might not come.
« Ok, he did. But that was before. Before we get.. together. Well, we're together now, we're not just common friends which can be erased of the schedule whenever it's better. 
I mean.. That's our first date. Well. We're already calling ourself a 'couple',... before even having our proper first date. That's laughable. » You sighed.
« But that's cause he's really busy. Schedule and so. That's not that easy to be Kim Dongjun. I know it well. Well.. What time is it ? Fourteen past eight... He might be late due to traffic. Perhaps the training lasted longer than normal... No.. He should have end one hour ago.» You stand up of the couch, walking through all your livingroom.
« What's taking him so long ? Ah seriously ! »
Your phone suddenly echoed in all the room. The time you get it in your bag it was too late. One call from one impatient fellow. Who ? Kim Dongjun. 
The small device rang again. You picked up immediatly.
« If you're going to cancel i'm seriously gonna kill you. » You said with a cold tone.
« Why would I ? Do you expect me to cancel ? What a mean girlfriend I got ! »
You sighed in relief and smiled.
« Why aren't you there yet ?
- Are you waiting ?» he asked mischievously.
« No.. I'm not all.» You muttered twiddling your fingers.
« What a bad liar you are ! I'm almost there. I wanted to be sure you weren't thinking I would cancel cause i'm late. And visibly I was right to prefer to call. The coordi-noona didn't wanted to let me go ~ She had to talk about any event i'm going to appear on.. I don't know why it took her so long. Anyway i'm almost there, on the road. So come out !» 
He was talking to the coordi-noona for an hour ? Wasn't his training supposed to end one hour ago ? 
« Don't make me wait ! I'm soooo hungry. » He exclamed before hanging off.
« Sure...» You said too late. It always had to be in a rush, with him. « But, will would your coordi-noona make you stay for such a long time..? What..ever.»
You put on your shoes and your coat. You locked your appartment and walked down the road to meet him.
He immediatly smiled when he saw you, and he hurrily came to you to put a gently kiss on your sweet lips.
« I missed you so muuuuuch ~~ » He said, imitating a crying child.
He was dressed in a black suit. He looked handsome, totally grown up, class, but still quite uncomfortable with his tie tied around his neck.
« Where are you going ?» You asked while he was grabbing your hand.
« That's a surprise.
- I don't like surprises.
- You're gonna like this one. » He smirked.
« Still, you should have tell me. I didn't dressed myself as well as you did. That doesn't fit. Where are we going ?
- Shhh, you're gonna see sooner or later. So put more energy in walking and you'll know sooner !
- Hmmm.»
He brightly smiled at you, proud of him.
« Wait a minute. » He said. He went near the road and tried to get a cab. But he pathetically failed which made you smile. You went to try to and you immediatly get one.
« Ohh come on ~ How can such a super star being so unable to get a taxi ?» You mocked.
« Let's go, meanie girlfriend.» 
You both climbed into the car and he gave the driver an adress you didn't know at all. You didn't said a word during the trip, just looking at each other. 
You were staring at his warm hand firmly holding yours. And he was glazing at your face, smiling like if your two hands were one of the seven wonders of the world. 
He put a strand of hair back behind your ear.
« Here we are ! » The driver said. 
« Close your eyes. » Dongjun whispered to your ears. You did so. « Close your eyes, you so beautiful girl ~ » He sang while pushing you and making you entering a building.
« Where are we going ?
- Wait a little more.»
You could hear people eating and speaking. You were obviously in a restaurant, but why did he need to make such a fuss around it ? You felt someone was escorting both of 
you to another room.
« Here we are.» He muttered removing his hand of your eyes and putting them on your shoulders.
« Oh my ! » You said in a total awe. 
The scenary was just amazing. You were at a restaurant, just behind a bay window offering you a beautiful landscape. The Han river, with all the little lights from the city. 
There was nobody else in the room, no one except the waiter, Dongjun and you. He had obviously booked the room. You didn't know where he found the money, but that was actually 
not the first thing going in your mind at the moment. 
« Oh my...» You repeated, still amazed.
He smiled, happy. The surprise had the expected effect. You were like a little girl discovering the princess castle. He gently made you sit down and then went to his chair.
« You shoudln't have ! Seriously.
- Seeing such a smile on your face is enough to make me sure i did the good thing. » He answered calmly. 
He was such an angel.
The waiter asked if you needed anything, Dongjun ordered some apetizer and you were at the point to choose your menue. That's only there you started to think how expensive it 
may have been to book this room. The price for a simple salad were totally  outrageous, and you suddenly felt uneasy. You couldn't order anything, perhaps a baguette ? No, 
even that, that was so expensive. Did their flour came from France or what ? 
« Did you choose ?» the guy asked.
Your sudden uneasiness was more and more tangible.
« I'm not sure yet.»
The boy let you both alone for a little more. You were surely making a strange face as Dongjun asked you if you were alright. You couldn't tell him the reality. 
Wouldn't he feel discomfortable ? You were almost doubting of his abilities to pay such dishes. You didn't need such fantastic meal. You didn't need wine from California or snail from France. Pork ribs were enough as long as you were with him. He reiterated his question.
« You're alright ?»
How could you say that ?
« It's just that.. » you started, reluctantly.
« Just that ?
- That seem a little too much..»
He sighed.
« So that's it ?»
You looked down, not wanting to face him.
« I don't mean I don't want to eat those, and that's really making me happy. But..
- But... But it's too much for a first date. That's surely the thing we do for the first year anniversary of the couple or I don't know what. I was scared it would be too much
, but I thought you would like it. I'm so...
- I like it ! » You firmly stated.
« You like it, but that's still a little rushing thing. I'm sorry. 
- Don't. ...Don't be sorry. I am.»
You both keep silent for a long, very long minute. You didn't know what to say, what to do. You were thinking to anything you could say but 
nothing seemed well to be tell right now. It was surely the same for him, and that heavy silence was becoming quite unpleasant.
He suddenly stand up.
« Let's go !
- What ?»
He grabbed your hand and your bag.
« There's no need to stay here if it's to act this way ? Isn't it ? Let's go catch some fresh air.»
He left some money on the table and you both left.
« Aish, what are you doing ? You paid to book the room !
- I don't mind. I got another idea.
- Which is ?»
He stared a little a you and ruffled your hair.
« Let's go eating bad, fat and unhealthy meal in any fast food.» You laughed.
« You're not mad ? uh ?
- Why would I be mad ?» He asked you back.
You smiled. You were pretty sure you had spoiled the mood, but once again, he was the best boyfriend ever.
« Ok, I agree to go. But one condition !
- Which ? 
-Not like that !»
He frowned, not understanding. You unclenched his tie and unbutonned a little his shirt.
« That way. It fits better for a fast food.»
You both walked playing with each other hand until you fall on any fast food where you ate bad, oily and unhealthy food laughing like two little kids.
That was indeed the best first date ever... Though he had been kinda late.
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sunfoolfinger #1
Chapter 2: Kevin is a perfect boyfriend that everyone could wish;-;
se_park #2
Oh God Kevin! Why are u so perfect?! I can tell that Kevin will be as sweet as this in real life kyaaa~~ Now I'm missing him more huhuhu
_Junnie #3
Thank you ♥ *____*
_Heerin #4
I like it ! The end is so sweet ~
_Junnie #5
three times ? Ahhh, you so lovely. T-T ♥ Thank you ! <br />
Not that much actually. Just that and the letter which is on its way. <br />
WHAT DID YOU PLANNED ? Tell your Sunbae/Eomma. èé Now, tell me. Tell me ! I want to know. ;~;<br />
I think i can't write on Woongie. I will be spazzing too much imagining his reaction and so. I'm already slow as a snail, what if i spend more more more time on spazzing ? XDDD
jiyeop #6
Yes I think I already read it like 3 times XD. I don't like it... I love it really! ♥<br />
Aigo! Too many gifts for me *v*<br />
I planned some stuffs for you too but you'll have it later ^_^<br />
LMAO. Start something with Woongjae!!! *-*
_Junnie #7
@jiyeop : Ah you finally read it !!!!!!! Merry Christmas eonnie/yeoja. ♥ <br />
You really like it ? Ahhh, i'm happy then. Thinking about it, it looks more to a scenario than a oneshoot, whatever i did it for you. ♥<br />
Glad you liked it, really.<br />
You're welcome. That was my christmas present (since you still didn't get the other little gifts i send you) ᄏᄏᄏᄏ<br />
I start or did something about all ZE:A born in 1988 except my bias. That's strange. o_o
jiyeop #8
선배/엄마!! <br />
Thank you so much for this awesome fic. I loved it, thats so perfect! I love the way you wrote it! It's totally cute! *___*<br />
Keep writing this kind of stuffs you 대박!! -goes rereadin it-<br />
너무 고마워용~♥
_Junnie #9
@Chihiro : Thank you honey. For always comenting and so. And reading too. ♥ I love you. By the way, you imagine Taemin instead of Kevin or did you keep Kevin as the lead male character ? XD<br />
<br />
Thank you. ♥