One Call Away

You Wouldn't Answer My Call






Seungcheol was quite nervous today. Probably since finals is coming up soon but mostly it’s because of the girl seated in front of him.



He didn’t expect to be in this situation, then again when your friends with a certain Yoon Jeong Han, things are always unexpected.




You ask what’s Jeonghan got to do with the girl seated in fronted of him? Let’s go back to a little earlier that day…





*flashback to that afternoon at school*






It was free period and Seungcheol was laying his head on the desk, waiting for the day to end so he could finally get Jeonghan to treat him, today.


Yep! It must be today, not tomorrow or the day after that but today.

Jeonghan is abusing his kindness and their friendship, and no matter what reason he oddly ends up treating her. Food or not.

Seungcheol has had enough of it! Its not like he hates her, she’s his best friend for goodness sake but that stupid aegyo of hers always makes you do what she wants. And it’s about time Seungcheol gets paid back for all those time or at least he needs to have his wallet filled again. It’s not like he was poor but he does need to save money for college and to help his parents out. Jeonghan knows that, but that sly girl still manages to get him to pay for her.




But not today! Oh no! Not today. He was going to make her treat him today whether she likes it or not. And he’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.




The last bell rang, indicating the end of school. They were given early dismissal since finals was coming up next week. Seungcheol raises from his position slings his bag over his shoulder and walks towards Jeonghan’s seat which was a few seats at the front. Jeonghan was packing her things and saw Seungcheol approaching her.


He was about to say something when Jeonghan beat him to it.



“Cheol~ I can’t hang out today. I’m meeting someone today. Sorry~ Let’s hang out next time.” Jeonghan apologizes and gives him a smile.




What? No! This can’t be happening. Why did she have to meet someone today of all days. Nuh-uh! He wouldn’t let Yoon Jeonghan escape that easily. He must get her to treat him today. It has to be today.





“Can’t you meet up with that person some other time? I really need you to go with me today.” He tries to convince her.


“Aww~ You don’t wanna part with me? /chuckles/ That’s so sweet but sorry Cheol. I can’t.” Jeonghan replies.


But Seungcheol wouldn’t give up so easily. And a light bulb suddenly pops in his head. “I’ll go with you.” He says firmly.


Jeonghan was surprised at first but then kept composure. “Are you sure? You know you don’t really need to—” but she was cut off by Seungcheol. “I want to! I’m going with you. That’s final.”


Jeonghan stares at Seungcheol for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. “Fine. But you better be on your best behavior and try not embarrass me.” She tells him.


Seungcheol has no idea why Jeonghan said that but he shrugged it off and nods at the younger girl.



The two of them started walking home, well not exactly home but to the city itself. Seungcheol was walking side by side with Jeonghan as they look around the city.



“Where exactly are we going Han?” He asks her.



Jeonghan was about to answer when her phone ringed. She answered it and was talking casually to the person on the other line. Seungcheol won’t lie. He was curious to who the person they were meeting as much as he was curious to who Jeonghan was speaking to.

He was too deep into thought that he hadn’t realized Jeonghan snapping him out of daze.



“Let’s go!” She says and Seungcheol follows.



They end up in a coffee shop and he was left thinking the person who called them over must be fond of the clichés, but whose he to complain, he practically begged to be dragged here along.

Jeonghan entered the shop first, Seungcheol followed. They were only a few steps in when Jeonghan spots her friend.



“Jisoo!” Jeonghan calls and waves at the girl seated near the window.


Seungcheol stares and was loss for words at the girl. She was so… beautiful.



The two of them approach her. Jeonghan was all smiles and hugs the girl whereas Seungcheol was still in awe by the girl in front of him. Now that they were near each other, he found her more beautiful up close. And he felt his stomach churn when she made eye contact with him.



“Oh hello~ And who might this be?” She asks smile not wavering off her face.



Her voice was so soft and mellow. It was like music to his ears. Music he wants to hear over and over again.



“Ch-Choi Seungcheol.” He introduces, stutter quite obvious.


She continues to smile at him. “Hello Seungcheol-sshi~ I’m Hong Jisoo. You can call me Jisoo.” She introduce back.



He just gave a small nod. He couldn’t help but feel nervous around her. And he would have said or done something stupid if Jeonghan hadn’t nudged him.



“Sorry about him Jisoo~ He’s a little well… unique. Also sorry I forgot to mention that he was coming along. It was last minute and he decided to come along.” Jeonghan says.


Jisoo just smiles at her. “It’s fine. The more the merrier, right?”



The three of them sat down. Before Jeonghan decides to order some things, including their orders and that brings us back to where we were in the beginning.









“Uh… So Jisoo-sshi~ H-How long have you known Jeonghan?” He asks trying to make conversation but he stutters a little.


“Oh! Well Jeonghan’s my cousin as well as my best friend.” She replies. That smile of hers plastered on her pretty face.


“Ah… Well… That’s one thing we have in common. We’re both her best friend.” He replies and chuckles dryly.


“Seungcheol-sshi~ Are you okay? You look a little red.” She tells him. A bit worried.


He shoots his head up quickly. “N-No. I’m fine! I am! I-I’m just…” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence since he ends up staring at her who was looking at him.


“You look so beautiful. It was quite distracting.” He thought he was only thinking it but he didn’t realize he managed to slip that out of his mouth, until he saw Jisoo eyes turn wide and a small blush form on her cheeks.


“Ah! Did I say that out loud? Sorry~ It’s not that you’re not beautiful. What am I even saying? You’re beautiful its just—” He was clearly mumbling nonsense now when he heard one of the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.


Jisoo was laughing. Laughing at him most likely. “Thank you. You’re quite distracting yourself. You’re quite cute especially when you stutter.” She chuckles one more time before composing herself.


“Y-You think I’m cute?” He asks looking at her fondly.


“Yeah. Actually now that I look closely, you’re not just cute. You’re actually handsome.” She says still smiling at him. Seungcheol felt his cheeks heating up.


“Thanks.” He blushes.



They both stared at each other then let out a laugh.



“Why didn’t we do this earlier?” He mentions. “It would have been less awkward.” He continues his laughs dying.


“I don’t know. I guess we were… hmm… distracted?” She muses at him. He smiles at that.



Seungcheol’s nervousness washes away and he was suddenly filled with confidence.



“Uhm… If it isn’t too much for you. Would you… Would you like to be… uhm…friends?” He asks sheepishly.


“I’d love to.” She says with a smile. Extending a hand, she speaks “Friends?” He took hold of her hand and felt sudden electricity, she must have felt it too since her eyes widen. He squeezes her hand and smiles. “Friends.” He replies.


They stared at each other hand still on the other and silently they knew… they weren’t simply going to be just friends. It was a mutual understanding.



Perhaps Seungcheol should treat Jeonghan as thanks for sort of introducing him to Jisoo. He was glad he came with Jeonghan today. He was glad she was his friend, coz if it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t have met Jisoo. He was especially glad to have met Jisoo. The Beautiful Jisoo.








Later that night, he receives a text from a certain lady and he smiles at the message.




/Good night Seungcheol~ It was nice meeting you, friend. Hope to hear from you soon, friend. :) / - Jisoo


/Good night Jisoo~  Same here. I’m happy to have met you, friend. And don’t worry you will, friend. After all… I’m only one call away. :) / - Seungcheol



He clicks send and he knew, this was the start of something that he’ll cherish forever. He was glad he became friends with Jisoo.



Well, I decided to update this one shot coz, CheolSoo deserves a happy ending or at least a happy memory. I never actually planned on writing an extra chapter for this but well my CheolSoo feels are on high at the moment. Hope you enjoy this.

A bit late but Happy New Year Everyone!!!

-Kaye :3

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Chapter 4: Hello there shua...
Chapter 1: its short and sad but really good nowadays when i wanna cry i open cheolsoo tag this ship has so much angst lol