*BONUS* Eye Candy

Hawaii You?
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It had been three weeks since you and Baekhyun started going out. You two had already gone on a few dates and he would often surprise you by stopping by at the pizza parlor during your shift.

Each date had been fun and he never failed at making you laugh at his witty jokes, and you thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him.

The more time you spent with him, the more you learned about the charming guy himself.

Baekhyun was apparently a tech student at a nearby university, which you should have guessed after he had boasted about his winning streak in basically all games. He was working as an intern at a video game developer company which was the reason why he had to test games and also the reason why he could work from home.


After getting over the first awkward stage, you both started to open up to one another. Baekhyun was the absolute sweetest to you and he made sure to make you feel comfortable at all times.


You stared at his profile while he was gazing at the movie showing in front of you. The light from the cinema screen illuminated his soft features, rendering you in awe at how good he looked. The corner of his eyes crinkled when a funny scene in the movie played out. He kept snacking on the popcorn in between you, and as if feeling your stare on him, he eyed you back with a questioning look.

“Are you not enjoying the movie?” He leaned over to whisper.

His soft breath brushed your earlobe and tingled. You unconsciously smiled while shaking your head.

“No, it’s funny,” you reassured.

He gave you a not so convinced half-smile in response and nodded, “Let’s go for pizza after the movie ends.”

You chuckled silently at his suggestion but didn’t protest.

You would think that after working for so long at a pizza parlor you would eventually grow tired of the food, but strangely enough, you didn’t mind it at all if your company was Baekhyun.


Finally reverting your gaze back to the screen, you felt a warm palm sneakily finding its way on your hand. You looked down at Baekhyun’s intertwined fingers with yours and felt heat spread up your neck.

The male side-eyed your expression and smirked inwardly at your reaction. Wanting to appear aloof, he kept his sight on the screen in front of him while snacking using his other free hand.

Baekhyun was getting bolder with skinship - that was for sure.


“I’m so stuffed!” The male groaned as he stopped at a red light. You leaned back in the passenger seat in his car. You didn’t even know Baekhyun owned one, but it was apparently a shared car with Sehun.

“You almost ate a whole pizza by yourself, even after eating all of the popcorn too,” you teasingly pointed out.

A growing grin of amusement tugged at the corner of his lips.

“A man gotta eat, right?”

Chuckling at his comment, you felt the chilly temperature crawl up your skin.

Baekhyun seemed to have taken notice of your slight shivering and immediately leaned forward to take off his coat and place it over you. You were a bit surprised at how attentive and kind he was being, resulting in you gaping at him like an idiot.

Luckily, he didn’t look up at your expression and had his eyes back on the road as the light turned green.

“The heater is broken,” he sheepishly explained, glancing at you.

You quickly closed your mouth and gave him a tiny smile in appreciation.

The rest of the drive didn’t go by in silence as Baekhyun expertly kept the conversation flowing.

You were laughing at a story he told about Sehun once passing out in their bathtub after a night out.

Too amused by the story, you hadn’t even noticed that the car had rolled into a stop right by the curb in front of your house.

“I’ll walk you to your door.” You heard Baekhyun say as you both unbuckled yourselves and got out of the car.

You draped his coat around your shoulders to shield you away from the cold as you walked up to your front door.

Baekhyun’s cheery mood had drastically dampened somehow. You snuck a peek at him and saw how his eyebrows dipped in deep thoughts.

You had no idea why he was suddenly so quiet.

You stopped walking once you were a meter away from the front door, “We’re here.”

The male looked up at your voice as if pulled away from his own world, his eyes widening to register that you were, in fact, in front of your door.

“Oh,” he breathed out.

You gave him a questioning smile, wondering why he was suddenly acting so weird.

He fidgeted a bit with his thumbs, before clearing his throat and looked you in the eyes with an unreadable emotion. His brown orbs glinted between the strands of dark hair covering his eyes.

“It was fun today,” he delayed, a hint of uncertainness in voice as if he was going to say something else.

Nevertheless, you nodded in agreement, “It was.”

You had noticed how he kept glancing down to your lips when you spoke. Your heart quickened a bit by the mere thought of him leaning in closer.

Was he going in for a kiss?

You couldn’t help but feel butterflies doing crazy flips in your guts.

The butterflies died abruptly once he reached his hand out instead and gave your hair a ruffle.

“I’ll call you later, okay?” He retracted his hand and swiftly turned around before you could respond. Too dazed at what happened, you just stood there - his coat still with you – as you watched his car zoom down the street.


❖ ❖ ❖


The distraught black haired male paced back and forth in the living room, his thumb red from nibbling on it in distress. A frown etched deep into his forehead, but resolved once he heard the door click open. Baekhyun flung himself on his unsuspecting roommate, shaking the latter’s shoulders in frustration.

“Where were you? God, I did the most terrible thing, you wouldn’t believe-“

Sehun held his hand up to pause Baekhyun’s rambling. He freed himself from the male’s strong grip and walked to the kitchen with the grocery bags he got from the convenience store.

Once he had put the bags on the counter, he turned to Baekhyun and gave him an expectant look. Seeing how frantic the man was, he already had an inkling at what or who this was about.


“I was at the convenience store. What’s gotten into you?” Sehun cocked his brow at him while leaning against the kitchen counter.

Baekhyun sighed out loud in exasperation, “When is the right time to kiss someone?”

Sehun didn’t know if he should laugh or feel sorry for Baekhyun’s pitiful expression.

“You mean, you haven’t kissed Yeonghee yet?”

Baekhyun bashfully scratched his neck, “Well…” he trailed off.

Sehun scoffed at him, “I can’t believe you haven’t kissed her yet. You’ve been going out for, what, three weeks?”

Baekhyun palmed his face in frustration, “I was thinking of making a move today! I even did the heater trick and lend her my coat.”

“Nice.” Sehun acknowledged, knowing fully well how good that car trick worked.

“But then I may have gotten nervous so I started to talk about food, then about that one time you fell asleep in the bathtub-“

“Wait - that was actually you,” Sehun interrupted.

Baekhyun froze for a millisecond in reminisce, ”Oh.” He quickly disregarded the thought and continued, “Anyways, I kept talking because you know how I ramble when I’m under pressure, and when we got there she just looked at me, and I…chickened out.”

Sehun dug into the grocery bag to look for the strawberry flavored lollipop he had bought. Unwrapping the sweet candy, he looked up at Baekhyun again,

“Did you at least hug her?”

“I… may have ruffled her hair.”

Sehun grimaced, his lollipop hanging from his mouth. Baekhyun knew how much he had screwed up by the mere look on Sehun’s face.

“Okay, so I’m gonna go up to my room and die. Tell Yeonghee to keep my coat as a memento of me,” Baekhyun stated as Sehun just rolled his eyes at his friend’s dramatic act.

“Just kiss her the next time you meet. Here,” Sehun threw him another lollipop he got from the plastic bag, “go practice in the meantime.” He gave Baekhyun a playful smirk as he elaborately his candy before heading towards his room.


❖ ❖ ❖


“He ruffled your hair?” Jongin slapped the table in front of him while laughing.

You knew it was a bad idea to tell him. You had ten minutes left until your shift ended, and seeing how deserted the parlor was, you chatted with Jongin in hopes of making time pass more quickly.

You soon regretted telling the male anything as you watched him double over in amusement. His newly dyed brown hair bounced lightly with each of his movements. You wanted to scold at him for laughing, but you were kind of insecure about this yourself.

“Maybe he didn’t want to.” You rested your chin on your hand and pouted. It had been two days since your date and you would be lying if you said that you hadn’t been thinking about it ever since. The rain pouring outside only worsened your mood.

Jongin calmed down once he saw the grey cloud hanging over your head.

“Hey, I’ll be happy to volunteer.” He puckered his plump lips at you and made kissy sounds, successfully making you laugh at his attempt to cheer you up.

The door chimed, drawing both of your attention towards the customer stepping into the parlor.

You recognized the black haired male, his hair a bit wet from the weather outside. The tip of his nose was red from the coldness too you presumed.

He caught eye on the closeness between you and Jongin, until the latter drew back and cleared his throat. Jongin greeted Baekhyun with a nod before signaling to you that he was going back to the kitchen.

“What are you doing here?” You asked him as he shuffled closer to your table, your voice full of delightful surprise.

He gave you a heart-stopping grin, “I’m here to fetch you home.”


The sound of heavy rain hitting the car roof deafened the silence inside the car. You were too busy staring at the droplets rolling down the window to notice the nervous glances Baekhyun kept sending you.

“So…” Baekhyun began, after several minutes of silence.

You turned your attention to him, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

“You and Jongin are good friends, right?” He kept his voice indifferent and his eyes on the road.

You furrowed your brows at his question. Why was he suddenly asking you this? Unless it was about what he walked on earlier.

“He’s only my colleague - like yes, we’re good friends, but on a professional level, you know?”

He didn’t seem to respond, so you hastily added, “There’s nothing going on between Jongin and I, just to clear things up.”

You wanted to chuckle at the mere idea of something going on between you and Jongin.


Baekhyun cocked his brow at your last sentence.

You were quick to ramble on, “Not that there should be a reason to clear things up, it’s not like you’re jealous-“

“I am.”

The silence wrapped around the two of you, your mouth gaping a bit at his blunt reply.

You felt your cheeks heating up. He was jealous?

“There’s nothing to be jealous of.”

He drummed his fingers lightly on the steering wheel and gave you a relieved smile.  


The car rolled into a stop right in front of your house. Baekhyun stopped you from leaving as he got out from the car and ran towards your side with an umbrella in his hand.

You gave him yet another thankful smile, grateful and impressed at how considerate he was. “You should stick closer so you won’t get wet,” he noted without a hint of cheekiness. You nodded, your arm brushing his as you walked to you

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mysticworld #1
Chapter 3: Omg how come I hadn't seen this ff before?? Its unfair. Baekhyun and younghee are such cuties. Sehun too. Baekhyun is kinda like real life Baekhyun, whining and throwing tantrums behind the scenes like a baby but putting a confident facade before younghee.
I loveeee this fic so much it’s one of my comfort fic that I always find my way home to
Chapter 3: I loved every word and every detail of your story ! It is wonderful ♡
neenah_03 #4
Chapter 4: This was such a grell story! So wholesome and fun to read. Especially seeing poor baek being an awkward flustered loser around his crush HAHAAHSHS
K1ngexo1 #5
Oh my god i love this story a lot ??
Thank you for sharing author :))
JiLin1998 #7
Chapter 1: Wooooow. Did he just reject her?? I‘m done