Chapter 2

Where Fairy Tales Come From

The tall, handsome American man, sitting in the window booth, stood out from everyone around him.  He even stood out from the two men he was sitting with.  Everything about him exuded confidence and dominance, with his suave and well-catered appearance causing every young female within a mile radius to look, and swoon, his way.

“No, seriously,” he continued his story, “that's what she said.”

“Ryan,” the cynical, quieter, bespectacled British guy sighed.  “Come on now.”

“Nate, I'm serious!”

“Your ex-girlfriend told you she has your name tattooed on her shoulder?”


“Three years after you broke up?”

“Look, I'm telling you what she said, ok?”

“Wow, Ryan,” the more animated, younger Korean guy declared, his Korean accent strong, “you are the Man!  You still have the es on your !”

“Hey,” Ryan held his hand up, “don't say that in front of Nathan here, alright?  He doesn't like that kind of language.”

“Why not?”

“Because,” Nathan answered, looking directly at Ryan, “I'm not some kind of douchebag pick-up artist that thinks he's God's gift to everything with ovaries.”

Ryan laughed, harder than he probably had ever laughed at Nathan's comments.  Seong, their Korean companion, followed suit, but more out of embarrassment than agreement.  His English was very good, but not quick enough to follow the native speakers with ease.  “Seriously, dude,” Ryan calmed down, “lighten up!  Seong here is young!  He's sowing his oats!  And I can't exactly help leaving such an impression on her, can I?”

Nathan rolled his eyes as Seohyun approached the table.

“What can I get you guys?” she asked in her rehearsed English.

“What did I tell you, Seong?” Ryan declared in his near-fluent Korean.  “I told you we would have the most beautiful waitress serving us today.”

Seohyun rolled her eyes and looked more towards Nathan.  “Three usuals?” she asked.  He returned her gaze and politely nodded.  “And drinks?”

“Three Cokes,” Ryan ordered, “and make one a Diet.  Nate's watching his waistline.”

“Diet Coke … ‘Nate’?” Seohyun asked.

He nodded.  “I don't know why, but I prefer Diet Coke over regular Coke,” he admitted.

“Ok,” Seohyun scribbled on her notepad with her usual sweet smile.  “I'll be back with your drinks in a minute.”

“Seong, dude,” Ryan whispered after the waitress had departed, “what happened to you?  You said nothing!”

“I ...” he stammered.  “I didn't know what to say to her.”

“Ryan, please tell me you're not giving Seong a crash course on chatting up women,” Nathan pleaded.

“How else is the guy to learn?”

"You're serious," Nathan looked at him in disbelief.

"Hey, I don't mean that's all there is,” Ryan defended himself.  “I can't help him with what comes next.  But what's important is making that first impression, and he doesn't seem to be doing too well on that front."  Nathan raised an eyebrow at him.  "There's a reason I have women around me all the time," Ryan continued.  "They see me as someone dependable.  Someone they can be with, in the long term."

"And that's what you are?"

"One day, sure!  I don't want to settle down right now, but I'm honest with them about that from day one.  They respect me for that."

Nathan sighed, unconvinced with Ryan's bravado.

"Hey, you don't want to be alone every night, do you?" Ryan asked, his American English as bold and brash as ever.


"Do you?"

"No, of course not …"

"Then listen to my advice once in a while.  It might get you somewhere."

Nathan shook his head.  How could one person be so sure of themselves?  He quickly dismissed the thought as Seohyun returned with three tall glasses, filled with their chosen beverages.  "Here you go, guys," she announced, placing the drinks in front of her customers.

"Hey," Seong spoke in his accented English, looking at the gentle waitress, "you don't want to be alone every night, do you?"

Seohyun's eyes widened, stunned at the question.  Ryan hid his face in his hands, embarrassed that their companion had picked up on that comment, or even confused its meaning.

"I am so sorry," Nathan apologised, the embarrassed laughter that was growing on his American companion’s face entirely absent on his own.  “He isn’t entirely comfortable speaking to women, especially in English.”  The stern look on his face kept Seong quiet, and evidently also kept Seohyun pacified.

“That’s quite alright,” she replied.  “I used to be the same with almost anyone I spoke to when I was learning.”  She gave a slight smile and walked away, leaving the trio to their drinks.

“Did I say it wrong?” Seong asked once Seohyun was far enough away.




“Excuse me, Miss?” Ryan cautiously approached Seohyun during one of her quieter moments.  The lunchtime rush was coming to an end, and he was due to leave.

She turned around and smiled at him.  “Yes?  How can I help you?” she replied, maintaining her professional demeanour.

“I wanted to apologise for my friend’s attitude earlier,” he bowed respectfully.  “It was not appropriate for someone like you to hear.”

“Thanks, I … think,” Seohyun furrowed her brow.

“I didn’t mean that offensively,” he clarified.  “I just mean that someone as ladylike and mature as yourself should not be spoken to in such a manner.”

“Ah,” she nodded, now seeing his “true” purpose of being here.  Seohyun knew she was pretty and was often approached by guys attempting to woo her.  None was successful so far, and she knew Ryan would follow their lead.

“I would like to make it up to you if I may,” he offered.  “Could I invite you out for coffee?  Tonight, after work?”

“I’m sorry,” she shook her head.  “I have plans tonight.”

“Of course,” Ryan looked coyly to the floor.  “It’s too short notice.  Tomorrow, perhaps?”

Sunny looked over from the opposite side of the diner at her crush speaking to one of her most supportive friends.  She wanted to walk up to them both and slap her for taking the one guy she thought about quite often, seemingly flirting with him so brazenly.  The cocking of her head, the brushing of her hair away from her face.  She watched, her heart aching as he took a pen out of his jacket pocket and a paper napkin from a nearby holder, wrote something on it and handed it to her.  She was certain it was his phone number, and Seohyun had won it from him.  If only she had spoken to him personally, just once.  If only she had served him more often and flirted with him a little harder.  If only she was as pretty as Seohyun, or as tall as her, or as well-spoken as her.  She sighed as she continued cleaning the tables in her section and clearing the empty dishes, watching out of the corner of her eye as he left the diner and walked away from her.

She remembered a time before Ryan had entered her heart, a time when it belonged to another.  He was just a regular customer, like any other.  He came in, he ordered food, he paid, and he left.  But Sunny found herself often drawn to his table whenever he was there.  His presence would be known to send her heart fluttering slightly, expectantly.  She remembered conversations she would have with Sooyoung and Seohyun, both supporting her in pursuing Ryan.  And now, this.  Maybe she was too slow in chasing him.  Maybe she should have confessed earlier.  He was cute, after all.  Very handsome.  Yet, something held her back.  Something made her feel that she should keep quiet.

“Sunny!” Seohyun whispered, bouncing up to her colleague, a look of pride on her face.

“Hmmm?” Sunny replied, her reverie now broken.

“Here,” she handed her friend the napkin she had seen Ryan write on.

“What?” Sunny gingerly accepted the folded piece of tissue paper and opened it.  Sure enough, it was his phone number.

“He came to apologise for his friend and insisted that he make up for the comments by buying me coffee, but when I told him I was busy with work and school and parents, I thought … maybe he could take you for coffee instead.”

“M … me?”

Seohyun nodded.  “I told him my friend liked him and she was too shy to say anything about it to him, and he said if you wanted, he would love to take you for dinner.  I didn’t say it was you, just ‘my friend’, so I don’t think he knows it’s you.”

“For dinner?  Like … you mean … like, a … a date?”  Seohyun nodded, her eyes lighting up slightly at her deed as she watched her friend realise how faithful and loyal Seohyun had been.  “I … I …”

“What’s going on?” Sooyoung asked, walking up to the pair.  She looked to her shorter colleague.  “Sunny, you ok?”

She looked petrified, gripping the napkin both tightly and loosely at the same time, while Seohyun still looked on, expectantly and pleased with herself.  “I might have gotten Sunny a date,” Seohyun explained.  “That is, when she recovers from the shock.”

“A date?”  Seohyun nodded.  “With who?”

“Who else would get Sunny like this?”

Sooyoung looked at her, before noticing the scribble on the napkin in her hand.  “Wait, you’ve finally got a date with ‘Hot Stuff ypants’?” she beamed.

“I can’t go,” Sunny blurted out.

“What?” Sooyoung grabbed Sunny’s hands and held them tightly.  “This is your biggest dream!  You can’t let him go now.”

“But … what if he doesn’t like me?”

“Then he’s a fool,” Seohyun put her arm around her colleague.

“I can’t go.”

“What if I go with you?” Sooyoung asked.  “Surely he has a cute friend?”

“Piece of advice: don’t ask for that young Korean guy he was sat with earlier,” Seohyun warned, chuckling nervously.  “He’s cute, but he needs to learn how to speak to people.”

“He might not like it if I ask that so soon,” Sunny sat at the empty table she had just cleared.

“Sunny,” Seohyun knelt down to her friend.  “Just call him.  Ask if he wants to meet, just as friends.  No pressure.  I know you’ve already named your babies, but just don’t pressure yourself to make it get that far.  Ok?”

“Our … babies?”

Seohyun nodded.  “I know you,” she smiled.  “You already know how they look, how they sound …”

Sunny smiled and blushed.  “Our babies will be smart and beautiful,” she muttered to herself.

“Not to mention imaginary,” Sooyoung giggled, nudging her shorter colleague.

“The only thing you three witches need now is a cauldron,” Tiffany commented as she walked over to the group.  “Is everything ok here?”

Sunny quickly stood up and habitually flattened her skirt again.  “Yes, Tiffany.  Everything’s fine.”

She glared suspiciously at her usually incredibly bright and shining waitress.  “Are you sure?”

“Seo got The Incredible Hunk’s phone number for her,” Sooyoung .

Tiffany smirked and nodded approvingly.  “Good job!  So what’s with the huddle?”

“She’s too stubborn to give him a call and actually get a date with the guy.”

“I am not stubborn!” Sunny defended herself.

Seohyun reached over and gave her friend a hug.  “No, you’re not.  You’re just a little scared.  And that's fine!"

"Yeah," Tiffany smiled.  "Besides, we know you're crazy over him.  You put a lot of pressure on yourself like that."  Sunny sighed, clasped her hands in front of her and looked self-consciously towards the floor.  "Tell you what," Tiffany offered.  "Arrange a date with him.  Make it somewhere relaxed, nothing too fancy.  I'll wait outside there for you and, if you need rescuing, I'll be there."

"Rescuing?" Sunny asked, perplexed by her choice of words.

Tiffany shrugged her shoulders in reply.  "You never know.  It might be perfect, or he might be a prized asshat.  If I'm there, you either have someone to about it all with or you have someone to celebrate with."  Sunny looked away meekly.  “Right, you two,” Tiffany looked pointedly at Sooyoung and Seohyun, “think you can cover Sunny’s tables for five minutes?”  The pair nodded.  “Good.  Now, you,” she addressed Sunny, “my office.  You have five minutes to call him and make a date with him.”

“Wait, what?”

“Five minutes,” she repeated.  “You two cover her work here.”

“Sure thing, boss,” Sooyoung and Seohyun chorused, quickly rushing away, leaving Sunny’s objections in vain.

“Now, go,” Tiffany ordered.

“But …”

“No buts,” she interrupted.  “If he agrees, great.  If he doesn’t, then I’ll take you for ice cream.”

Sunny looked at her manager, silently pleading for her to change her mind.

“Tick tick tick tick,” Tiffany mocked.

Sunny pouted and walked into the back office, where she found greater privacy and quiet.  Out came her phone, her finger punching in the number on the napkin.

“Hello?” she greeted the caller.  “Is this Ryan?  It’s Sunny.  From the diner?”




“So you’re the one that was interested in me,” Ryan stated.

Sunny nodded and sank into her seat at the sushi bar she had invited him to.  “Are you disappointed?” she asked.

“No, not at all,” he smiled.  “I was curious who your friend meant.  To be honest, I’m quite pleased.”

“You are?”

“Yeah.  I figured someone as cute as you would have other choices when it came to guys.”

“Oh, please,” she scoffed.

“I’m serious,” he assured her.  “I mean, I know I’m good looking, but I thought you would want more than that.”

“Maybe I see more than your looks then,” she rebutted him cheekily.

He smirked at her attitude and nodded in defeat.  “Maybe you do,” he conceded.  “I guess I shouldn’t be so quick to judge.  I’m sorry.”

“You’re not a bad guy,” she blushed.  “You’re very good looking, of course, but that’s not all there is to you.”

He leaned onto the bar.  “You really think so?”

“I do.”

“Like what?”

“Well … you are very energetic when you speak.  You have a lot of different experiences from back home, I’m sure.  You must be pretty smart if you’re a teacher, so our conversations wouldn’t be a problem.  You have a nice figure, so you probably eat well, go to the gym, exercise.  I’m guessing you’re into sports too, perhaps American football?”

He nodded, impressed with her deductions.  “I guess you’re right.  And how did you know I liked football?”

“Isn’t that, like, a major part of American life?” she laughed.

“It is, that’s true,” he joined in her laughter before attracting the attention of the waiter.  He ordered drinks for them both – two green teas – and watched the plates of sushi on the conveyor belt for ones that caught his eye.  As if reading his mind, Sunny picked up the plate of vegetable tempura as it passed by.

“Take whatever you like,” Sunny offered.  “It’s my treat.”

“Excuse me?” Ryan questioned, picking up the small plate of sashimi.

“It’s my treat,” she repeated herself.  “I mean, you made yourself available for me tonight.  It’s the least I could do.”

“Well … thank you,” he smiled, selecting a second plate of salmon nigiri.  “I’m … I don’t know what to say.”

“What is there to say?” she laughed nervously.  “It’s dinner.  It’s not a marriage proposal.”

The pair talked through the evening, sharing stories about each other’s lives and childhoods.  Sunny asked more questions than Ryan did, showing a deep interest in his childhood in the US.  He told her of his life as an only child in Nebraska, his time on the school American Football team, how he had been single for almost three years and his time studying to become a teacher.  Ryan seemed more than happy to talk about himself, which made it easier on Sunny.  She spent much of her time watching him and smiling contentedly, adding in her own background where she could.  She talked about her life, how she met the girls, her experiences in college and her family, especially her sisters, but compared to Ryan, she remained quiet.  She soaked up everything he had to say, and he was only too eager to offer it to her.  She imagined how life must have been growing up in America.  Perhaps he would take her and show her one day.

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hushmei #2
This is the best storY i have read in a long time on AFF. Thanks!