The (Expensive) Cure to a Broken Heart



Lee Jinki is a rich paraplegic man with a fear of love.

Kim Kibum is an boy who can't afford to love.


What happens when, despite of everything, they fall for each other ?



Jinki is a rich paraplegic man who has been alone for a while. He claims to be happy living alone, but his friends firmly believe it isn't true. He has been deceived in the past and is now terrified to commit, he's convinced nobody would want him except for his money. One day, his oldest friend, Minho, suggests that he hires someone to at least have some fun. He is firmly against the idea, but what happens when his friends hire someone for him anyway ?


Pairings: onkey (main)/ 2min (side-pairing)




Hi everyone ! :D


So this is the first SHINee-related chaptered fic I ever wrote and I thought I'd be nice to post it and see what other people thought about it !

The fic is already finished (to reassure some of you who may - like me - have this terrifying fear of reading fanfics that will never be completed) and rest assured that I WILL post ALL OF IT. I promise. I know what it's like to read a fanfic that will never be finished and I don't want to do that to any of you. Just to let you know, it will have 23 chapters and 2 bonus chapters. I won't post all of the chapters right away though, for two good reasons :

- Where would be the fun in that ?

- I originally wrote it in French, so I still need to translate it. (A good translation takes time, people ! Don't worry though, I'll try not to take too long.)

Like I said, I wrote it in French first and English isn't my first language so I apologize for any mistake you may find.

Also, this is a purely fictional story so I apologize for any inaccuracies or errors in medical explanations. 


Please, don't hesitate to comment and say if you liked it or not. (Who I am kidding ? Most of you will probably be too lazy to comment anyway... I know it, I'm a lazy person myself.) I really like to have feedback on my writings to know what I should improve and it motivates me a lot, so please, don't be afraid to comment !


Thanks to Minewnnie for the amazing picture (and the proof-reading) ! ♥ 


That's all I had to say, I guess... Enjoy !



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964 streak #1
Chapter 23: I thought that the Aunt Bora issue will also be resolved before the end. I guess they just have to live with it.
Thank you for sharing their journey into true love.
964 streak #2
Chapter 21: I have been reading this since yesterday. I had not commented since now since I was afraid that Woohyun would hurt Kibum before he could leave.
Chapter 25: For a second I thought this bonus would have been 2min in a bathtub like Taemin cried on the phone when Kibum said they were in the bathtub together hahahahahaha
Chapter 23: We love a happy ending!
After all the self-doubt! 🥲

It was nice to read this piece! 🥺
Chapter 22: Things are finally on the good track!
Glad that Kibum is fighting for his own independence with the new life changing events!

Omg don’t tell me they ended up falling asleep at the living room! XD
Chapter 21: The way things escalated wow!!!!
Chapter 18: Fireworks finally! eheheheh
Chapter 14: Someone is finally getting ready to jump again.
Chapter 5: Bless you, Jonghyun!
Chapter 4: His wall is breaking little by little :’)