Dream 07: The Beast's Return (Jimin)

The Book Of Dreams
  The Beast's Return 
 But how do you kill a monster, When it lives inside of you? 

The young girl finally slept as the clock hit 4.30am, she hugged the monster towards her chest seeking comfort. It was her somewhat daily schedule to sleep at that time.

She was dead to the world when she finally closed her eyes.

A male appeared at her bedside, he was unseen as he was one with the darkness around him.

The only light illuminating his face was the flickering blue light of the AC and the girl's dim laptop screen lighting his black trousers.

He observed his prey. Prey? No, thats not the word for her. She was his mate, his anchor, his everything.

He observed her innocent features as she looked defenseless when she was asleep. Oh how he wanted to take her in more ways than one.

He trailed his eyes down to her delicious looking collarbones, he his lips; oh his mate was this time. He couldn't help the lust growing inside of him as his eyes continued to examine her.

He looked at the toy in her arms and growled, it wasn't a toy; it was a monster. The only monster she had; in which was his friend, Jungkook.

His eyes glowed possessively as he muttered lowly, "Jungkook you better not enjoy the position you're in."

He can almost picture it, Jungkook with a torso being backhugged his mate? Hell no, was he going to let this go once he goes back.

His fangs sharpens as he crawled to her covered form, he played with her hair as he straddled her. his eyes noticed a shiny piece of metal around his mate's neck as he came closer to hold the small, thick
cuboid shape in his palm.

It was a Jin necklace with his birthdate.
Oh how his jealousy grew more, he dropped the metal to her chest as he leaned closer till he could feel her breath against his cheek. He shall wait.
The girl blinked in tiredness, she was in another unconfortable position once again, she felt weight against her hips as she saw a figure looming over her, more over her face.
She gave out a scream as the male covered his his hand and made a 'shh' sound.

She was stun as her eyes widens, "Jimin?"

The male known as Jimin cocked his head to the side and tsk, "Aina, Aina, Aina."

He sounded so disappointed in her, Aina could only think 'Why was he here?'

Jimin growled lowly, "You got a lot of nerve darling, to be cuddling with a bare chest to Jungkook."

Aina gasp as she pushed the monster lightly away from her frame. Jimin continued, "Jungkook was probably in heaven for a while, oh darling; how could you sell your body like that to him?"

Aina stuttered, "J-Jimin I-" What in the hell was going on with Jimin?

Jimin shook his head as he traced Aina's cheek with his finger, "Its been awhile since I've gotten alone time with you. No interruptions."

Aina blinked as her heartbeat calmed down for a bit, Jimin let out a sigh "I did visit you in that horrible dream though, quite upsetting I had to kill you in it."

Aina's eyes widens in fear and panic. Jimin could sense this as he reassured her, "No-no-no baby, you're safe; it was your dream that your dreamt of, I can't kill you."

Aina let out a shakey breath, Jimin's eyes soften as he hugged her ". I miss you so damn much."

Aina couldn't help but hug Jimin back as he rolled over to her right side nuzzling into her neck.

Aina could almost smell his scent, "Flowers?"

It was like a scent that she could get drugged by, too bad; its too sweet.

Jimin started caressing Aina as she began drifting off. She muttered, "Love you Jimin."

Jimin froze as she finally slept, he leaned forward and kissed her deeply as he whispered into her ear lovingly, "I love you too."
He leaned back as his eyes glowed, his true form was showing with his beastly features.

'Oh darling, I'l be with you for eternity.'
Aina woke up at 10.48AM only to see an empty space on the right side of her bed with a Juungkook Hip-Hop Monster faced her on her right pillow. She sighed and fiddled with her necklace before turning away and falling back asleep again.
Its only a dream


Oh how wrong his beauty was, in denial of possible answers to this madness she calls 'Dreams'


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Alecxakpop #1
Chapter 13: when will you update this pleaseee i wanna know *_*
Ringings #2
Lpbtsshinee #3
Lpbtsshinee #4
Lpbtsshinee #5
Chapter 10: *squeals*
Ringings #6
Chapter 9: AYe I'm listening to We don't talk anymore while reading this
....ok I...kinda was responsible for you dreaming cause I said 'Well, your find your answer in your dream >:)'

But wow this was sad, some parts were like 'waaittt how?' but then again it's a dream and dreams don't make sense anyway XD
Also Jaein = Janny , i see what your dream did there
Ringings #7
Chapter 9: Before I start reading, all I have to say is DAYUMMM DAT THEME
Lpbtsshinee #8
Chapter 9: I freaking knew you were gonna have a dream about this! You've been listening to that song non stop, it's still stuck in my head because of you!
Ringings #9
Chapter 8: Dayumm, your dreams makes more sense than my whole entire life. Cause your dreams be connecting to one another (I remember how you said you finally dreamt of jimin but he kills you in it, and that dream was mentioned here. Coolio)

Jealous jimin is the best jimin, keep doing that to him HOHOHO . He might appear more looool.

Kinda glad I don't dream of yoongi now cause multi-fandom= too many guys= bad things
Lpbtsshinee #10
Chapter 8: That Boy Meets Evil reference tho. Also, the moment you showed me that Jin necklace, I knew it was gonna be in your dreams and that Jimin would get jealous of it.