Chapter 6

The Pretty and The Hottie


The Strong Bond Between Two Cousins

Calvin was sitting at a bench near the school fountain. This was his and Gui Gui's favorite spot. He sighed. It's been three months since Gui Gui transferred school and life in Sheng Ying University has never been the same, well at least for him.

Calvin dearly missed hanging out with his pretty cousin every day. They grew up together and spent most of their time pratically doing things with each other by their side. Being away from Gui Gui was a new experience for him, and he doesn't like it one bit.

He sat there for a few more minutes watching students passing by. His attention lingered on two familiar figures walking side by side with each other.

There, in front of his eyes was the love of his life smiling happily to his best friend.

And it broke his heart.

She was never that happy everytime we're together. He thought bitterly. Calvin was willing to do anything just to have that smile directed to him.

His eyes then darted to his best friend.

Calvin noticed that Aaron has been avoiding him for these past few weeks. At first, Calvin thought that he's just thinking too much but with all the glares and the cold shoulder he received from him confirmed his suspicion. Their friendship was slowly drifting apart for a reason he was not sure of. Aaron was now becoming closer and closer to Hebe and had been spending a lot of his time hanging out with her.

Then he remembered his cousin.

And his heart broke for Gui Gui.

Gui Gui has always been his girl best friend and he treats her like his own sister. He can still remember that day when he saw his cousin on the school garden looking dejected and so lost. He had never seen her so sad before. She never told him the reason of her misery but he knew perfectly well that it was Aaron. He had always wanted to ask Aaron why he let Gui Gui wait under the heavy downpour of the rain. Calvin had always thought that his best friend loves his cousin very much but seeing him with Hebe right now... well, proved him wrong.

The ring of his phone interrupted Calvin's deep thoughts. A smile graced his face as soon as he saw the name of the caller.

Aaron watched as Calvin picked up his phone with his big sunny smile plastered on his face. He doesnt need to be a genius to guess who the caller was. Bitterness wash all over his body and couldnt help but glare at his best friend

'Aaron what are you thinking? He's your best friend for goodness sakes!' He mentally told himself.

"Aaron?" The voice of Hebe brought him back to reality.


"Tell me you're not thinking about her again." Hebe demanded. Her smile has now turned into a scowl.

"It's none of your business!" Aaron snapped.

"Well, I'm your..."

But before she could finish her words, Aaron walked away leaving a very irritated Hebe behind.

She was about to follow him when she noticed something, or rather someone, from the corner of her eyes.

Calvin just finished his conversation with Gui Gui over the phone when somebody covered his eyes.

"Can this handsome young man tell me the reason why he's sitting here all by his self?"

Calvin's huge smile grew even wider.

"Well, I'm thinking about how I miss a certain pretty cousin of mine who have become so busy that she didn't even bother to call me lately anymore." He shrugged.

Gui Gui removed her hands that were covering Calvin's eyes and sat down beside him. "Aiyo Cal! Im so so so sorry!" She pleaded, giving her infamous pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Oh please! Not that again!" He laughed. He really can't resist her. "Why are you here, anyway?"

Gui Gui put her hands over her heart acting hurt. Calvin smacked her head lightly and they both laughed. It's been a while since they share this kind of happiness with each other.

"Well, I kinda miss you so I skipped classes and went here... Don't tell daddy, ok?"

But Calvin wasn't able to answer since somebody intruded into their own little world.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here."

"Classmate Tian." Gui Gui greeted with a nod.

Hebe raised her eyebrow. "Shouldn't it be former classmate? The last time I check the records, you're no longer studying at this school."

"Do you need something Hebe?" Calvin asked, trying to lighten up the tensed atmosphere around him.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about my boyfriend." She simply answered.

"Boyfriend?" Gui Gui and Calvin asked in unison.

"Aaron, of course."

"Aaron... Yan?"

"Duh! Who else? We've been dating for four months already." Hebe smirked seeing the shocked expression of Gui Gui.

'Four months?' Gui Gui thought. 'So does that means they've been dating even before I transferred?'

"Well I'm sorry Hebe but I'm busy right now. Maybe we can talk next time." She heard Calvin. A little irritation evident in his voice.

"Oh. That's fine. Well, nice seeing you Wu Ying Jie. Later Calvin."

The two sat there in complete silence after Hebe left.

"Look Gui... Don't..." Calvin started but was immediately cut off by Gui Gui.

"I think I have to go now, Cal." She kissed Calvin on the cheek and run.

Gui Gui kept running, ignoring all the stares that she's getting from the other students. Her heart ached knowing the truth. Though she had suspected that all along, hearing the news directly from Hebe hurts a lot. Then she remembered her cousin. Her heart ached again, this time for Calvin. She knew all along that he really, really like Hebe. She suddenly stopped running.

'Stupid, stupid Gui Gui. How can I be so selfish?Of course Cal's hurting too! And now I made him worried as well!'

She turned around, intending to go back to Calvin, but bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." She bow her head repeatedly.

"Classmate Wu?"

Gui Gui immediately stopped bowing and looked directly at the person in front of her.

Aaro was so shocked. Right in front of him was Gui Gui. His Gui Gui! He pinched his self secretly just to make sure that he's not dreaming and it hurts! Gui Gui was really standing in front of him right now! Oh how he wanted to hug her and kiss her right at this moment. He studied her features, suddenly noticing the sad look in her eyes.

"Is there something wrong, Classmate Wu?"

Gui Gui looked away, making Aaron confused and worried at the same time. He was about to ask her again when he heard Calvin yelling from behind. He turned around, and indeed, Calvin was heading towards their direction.

"Gosh Gui, for a small girl like you , you sure run so fast." Calvin said, panting. He bent down slightly, trying to catch his breath.

Gui Gui stared at her tired cousin. Though she should feel guilty, she suddenly chuckled. Hearing this, Calvin smiled before turning serious.

"Are you going to be alright?"

"I'm fine Cal... I'll be fine."

He sighed. "If you say so. Be good, ok? I'll visit you soon."

Calvin hugged Gui Gui and she hugged him back. "You should be strong too." Gui Gui said before breaking the hug.

Aaron just stood there, jealously watching their interaction. The two seemed to know each other very well and they have a very strong bond.

'Maybe I don't really have a chance with her to begin with.' Aaron thought.

"Bye Cal. Goodbye Classmate Yan."

Aaron forced a smile and watched her leave. He was about to walk away when Calvin stopped him from leaving.

"We need to talk."

A Calvin-centered chapter. I think he deserved this chapter since he care so much for GuiLun and is one of their supporters yet he's also one of the reasons between GuiLun's misunderstanding (Aaron's side). LOL. And it's nice to see some CalGui cousinly affections.

Some people asked me to make Hebe nicer, which, obviously, I haven't done yet. Yikes. I'm still working on it, so no worries.

School's starting again so it might take a little while to update. I'll try to post some chapters if I have the time.

Lastly, I want to thank all of those who subscribed, those readers who's still reading this story, and of course the new and silent readers (if there is any.). Hahaha. It's my first time writing a story so I apologize for the quality of this FF.

OK. Enough of these ramblings. Again, Thanks for the support and hope you have a blessed year ahead!


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